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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1430197350813.jpg (37.24 KB, 615x409, 615:409, Aiden-Gillen-in-his-role-a….jpg)


>tfw found out a few days ago that dowsing is real

I seriously did not believe dowsing was legit. I've read the sceptic blogs, seen a vid by the James Randi institution about it, etc. and I wanted to believe but all the material in support of it was pure shit and all of the material against it was pretty convincing for me. So I thought dowsing was bullshit and if anyone asked me about it I said it was bullshit.

Then I read one of Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki's books and in a part of it a whole chapter talked about dowsing. Well after reading all that, the critics seemed like fools to me, and I am now absolutely convinced it's a legitimate and powerful phenomena with many potential uses. James Randi and the other critics are just picking out the fools to mock and ignoring the legitimate people with actual skills. The evidence in favour of dowsing being legit is very strong and it's even been used to solve murder cases now as well as used in many other practical real-world applications.

So yeah, Dowsing is actually real, and not a joke.



I've never tried dowsing but here in Kentucky people use fairly successfully it to find oil and underground springs. Could OP upload the book?



Don't worry, the book I refer to, is magical use of thoughtforms. It's like Chapter 6. I am absolutely loving this book so far, I was expecting to be disappointed because UK author, but holy shit it's great. In the context of my much greater and expanded occult education the stuff the authors are talking about in that book give me much to think about and excite me greatly.


one two three four give sxifdsf


pis pisssd psid idspfds sfd


red blue green orange yellow white grey black


silenced typing


God damn it why can't I no-thought type out messages that form actual sentences rather than groups of things? What do I have to do until I can form full sentences without any words going through my mind?


slanted niggers piss


So you read two opposing viewpoints whose arguments, experiments and methodology you cannot personally verify, and without even doing anything to experiment with this thing for yourself, you have arbitrarily decided that one of those viewpoints must be true?




Because you are not in full control of yourself but are being half controlled by super ego.



*tips fedora*



A fedora would've started making worthless arguments against dowsing in much the same way that a literal retard from this board would've started making worthless arguments FOR it. The capability for thinking for oneself is absent from both.


Randi would prove the sky is green if that meant he would be contradicting the supernatural.



Did you just type that without a single word passing through your mind? I bet you thought out each word as you typed it.



>So you read two opposing viewpoints whose arguments, experiments and methodology you cannot personally verify, and without even doing anything to experiment with this thing for yourself, you have arbitrarily decided that one of those viewpoints must be true?

Read the book yourself, the author tells you how to verify it yourself, and how to do the experiment.



ProTip my fellow Fedora, you are as Fedora as it gets.



Randi had a short-lived show for testing paranormal phenomena, one guy in the dowsing episode was the only one who succeeded in the tests. Then Randi went on saying the dude probably had seen the answers before the show. There was also one of Arthur C. Clarke's show (he was a non-shit skeptic, actually open to possibilities), where Randi followed a dowsing test and concluded it wasn't real, Clarke disagreed with Randi because the result was far from being random.



Well did you? I can't type out fully formed sentences without thinking them in my mind.

I can only list categories of thinks silently.

One Two Three Four Five Six

Red Blue Green Orange Yellow Black White

Stone Dirt Stick Rancid Nigger

Banana Orange Grape Axe

Just did all of the above silent but I still can't form sentences.




Cue the LE FEDORAA OMG!1 XD responses. Oh, too late.

It's funny how many people here have apparently decided that applying any sort of rational criterion to what you accept as true makes you a fat neckbeard fedora whatever.

Hey. Retards. Being credulous suckers isn't going to make you a better occultist. The scientific process isn't a bad thing; it's an outgrowth of alchemy, ffs.

If anything, magic requires a *stronger* grasp on rationality; a stronger bullshit detector, i.e., lest you waste time following blind alleys and getting hoodwinked by false teachers.

The mark of a fedora isn't that one is skeptical, but that one has a closed mind.


File: 1430268810083.png (1.51 MB, 1012x1224, 253:306, 1394498782813.png)


What if I'm an Occultist Fedora that is extremely sceptical but tests things out for himself and finds they actually fucking work?

>The mark of a fedora isn't that one is skeptical, but that one has a closed mind.

No scepticism is Fedora. You just need to stop being so butthurt and join us on a magickal Fedora ascension.



>No scepticism is Fedora.

if you believe that, then I have a bridge to sell you. Seriously.


Dowsing for water is real, the leaves of greenery bend downwards when they are near water, but that is actually scientific and proven. I don't know about dowsing for other things.


How can you trust the forces that cause this phenomena?



Just to be clear, I meant this:

No, scepticism is a fedora. (should have had the , in there).

I'm sceptical this bridge you're talking about is yours to sell. *tips fedora*



Oh god why did I add a into there.

No, scepticism is fedora. fuck.



How can you not?



Well if they were all honest do gooder spirits surely the world wouldn't be the way it is





Dowsing is not caused by spirits. You could use spirits for dowsing but you yourself are capable of dowsing as much as the spirits you might employ in that work are.

There's nothing to be trusted. You just do the technique, get the impression, check the facts; that's it.

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