Love is simply a force of attraction. Hatred or whatever you hold its opposite to be of repulsion.
I've seen a lot of nonsense being said about insincere, unreal, whatever love but love is quite simple and real.
Of course love is not always for the things that it appears to be.
Usually love is for one's ideals. We don't love what is unless it matches our ideals; we love however what something can become.
So you idiots who were saying parents do not love their children and saying they should love them unconditionally well you're overcomplicating things and getting butthurt.
He who embraces love also embraces hatred, it's inevitable.
If you do not love and do not hate then you hit stasis.
One should love and hate; and be conscious of what one loves and by its opposite hates. Be conscious of your ideals.
If you don't have ideals then you're very underdeveloped and will just live for the ideals of others, which is fine, but you are inferior.
It is the duty of every man with ideals to recognize his ideals and fight and defend them by the force of his Will. You can not argue this, you can only resonate with those in harmony with your ideals, and be forced to annihilate/cancel-out/destroy those whose ideals are contrary to your own.
Some of my ideals are:
• Beauty
• Consciousness
• Purity
• Strength
• Vitality
I love these things and so I must fight to manifest more of my ideals into whatever realms I occupy. There opposites; ugliness, mental dullness, impurity, weakness, impotence, must be vanquished from the world.
In using love and hate at the same time my thoughtforms are made extremely potent, taking advantage of both polarities at once to give them charge.
Honestly it is best for me that all who offend my ideals do not recognize this non-duality of love and hatred. This way they will stay confused and impotent.
He who loves intensely hates intensely.