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Esoteric Wizardry


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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)

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You have one minute to Fedora as hard as you can in this thread, GO GO GO!





Science and magick are completely incompatible which is why nearly every major scientist to advance our knowledge from the earliest of times into the present has also been an occultist, alchemist, mystic, etc.


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"The Qabbala is a table of observed synchronicities wherein multi-dimensional potentia overlap into the field of perception implying a correlation/interaction as perceived on a three-dimensional plane."




You think you're being clever, but did Newton ever get anywhere with alchemy? That a scientist is interested in the occult by itself means nothing. In fact, it sort of undermines the validity of the occult that so many great scientists have pursued it yet never were able to bring it into the realm of empirically verifiable science.

Going to have to go full fedora here and point out that the specific fallacy you're committing is called appeal to authority.

>nearly every major scientist

and that's just not true.

See, now I've out-fedora'd all of you, and I wasn't even trying to. I am the most euphoric.


>Believing in wizzard-tricks

>Believing in an afterlife

>Believing in a sky-daddy

>Believing the world is flat

>Believing the moon landing is fake

>Believing tinfoil protects you from anything other than society

I fucking hate myself for typing this out



>believing in conspiracy theories

how can people be so stupid?

do you REALLY BELIEVE that there are people out there actively trying to enslave you and harm you?


I'm not normally very fedora, but schizophrenia is not always spiritual enlightenment. It can be an illness as well.


I get that there are conspiracies to put innocents in mental institutions, and I get that people's view of occultism is warped, but there is nothing good or enlightened about chopping some guys' head off and spending the rest of your life in a hospital. Sometimes these people are just fucking crazy.



what if the "victim" was really an alien?



What if you are actually an alien shitposting here in order to make us think schizophrenia is a good thing?



Even if he was, fuck does it matter? If there's an alien on the bus not doing anything wrong, whatever, leave it. At least a man wouldn't have to spend the rest of his life in an institution.



>You think you're being clever, but did Newton ever get anywhere with alchemy?

He did.

>That a scientist is interested in the occult by itself means nothing.

It means something.

>In fact, it sort of undermines the validity of the occult that so many great scientists have pursued it yet never were able to bring it into the realm of empirically verifiable science.

You don't even know what the occult is about and don't realize it enabled them to make all these discoveries and haven't bothered to fact check before disregarding all the evidence.

Science also is not based purely upon the empirical, you should know that.



We never claimed schizophrenia is "spiritual enlightenment". Our claims are that it's an opening of the higher astral senses such that the person enters a constant dreaming-while-awake mode, the consequences of which, can be very terrible for some people who don't understand the occult and carefully control their emotions and thoughtforms. We also claim that the drugs and shrinks do not help very much at all and actually cause terrible damage to the person. The proper way to address schizophrenia is through occult processes not through shrink bullshit and drugging the person and abusing them.



But you didn't really refute anything I said, you just basically posted "nuh uh."

At least the fedoras know how to rhetoric.



That's the extent of the arguing skills of most of /fringe/.

If they had a critical sense they probably wouldn't believe in magic in the first place.



/fringe/'s culture is quite tragically plebeian. Plebs mangle everything they touch. This is why a popular self-initiation movement like /fringe/ was a year ago never works. Despite their derision of him, even Crowley was right in requiring training in logic, literature and formal experimentation before practice, and there's good reason many of the real esoteric orders require you to be strong and functional in society (if you're not some obviously savant-ingenious rare superhermit case).

The best aristocrats and elites are obsessed with magic as well. But everything looks different in their eyes than what you see here.




Magick is real.

That doesn't mean you have to become a worthless, ugly, weak NEET hippy nerd while studying the occult.

Magick is about self-improvement.

Keep acquiring wealth, keep exercising, keep eating healthy and keep living a good life while you study.

Don't sacrifice this life for some pipe dream.

99% of Fringe is in his 20s, young as fuck, if they study and practice even for 2 hours a day, they will reach adepthood before their 30s

Don't be autistic about this shit

Keep improving yourself



That seems paradoxical. If magic is real, and you can become adept at it by practicing a modest amount over several years… where are all the credible magicians? Why are the people who call themselves magicians you meet so often losers?

Even the authors of the books that Fringe wizards recommend, who would presumably be competent magicians, seem to live the average lives of everyday muggles. You can look up pictures of them and see that they get fat and go bald and age and die and helplessly suffer all the slings and arrows of life just like everyone else.

If magic is real, it's certainly being occluded very well, because it doesn't seem to be in evidence anywhere. 2 hours a day would be a pretty absurd amount of time to devote to practicing something like magic; if you believed in it, you'd spend 16 hours a day minimum working at it, because nothing else would matter comparatively. I suspect the reason that people, even on this board, don't commit at that level is because nobody really believes in it. Just like most Christians don't give everything they own to charity and immediately ship off to Africa to die as missionaries, but continue to commit sins and risk hell. Nobody really believes in the unseen at the level needed to achieve true praxis.




the people who write books are not even adepts

if you doubt magick, why don't you just find a goetic demon evocation guide and fuck yourself up with it?


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>implying Atkinson wasn't an adept

There's only so much you can say in a book btw. The person reading has to be really intelligent and self-motivated to make any real progress. If the student of the mysteries doesn't have the right qualities it doesn't matter what you tell them.




You retards with your memes are really a much worse cancer to this board that the skeptics are.

Fucking 4chan's /x/ is better for having serious discussions of magic. Why is /fringe/ so infested with meme-barfing teenagers?


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Pfft ahahahaha!



ayy lmao



>thread below this is "how old are you"

>nobody older than 19

I guess that explains why /fringe/ is like the eternal summer version of /x/



that would be nice if it was true but at the present /x/ is dirt.


bump :^)


Anyone have the edit of the classic fedora pic where he's a wizard instead and he's tipping his pointy wizard hat?



>Science and magick are completely incompatible which is why nearly every major scientist to advance our knowledge from the earliest of times into the present has also been an occultist, alchemist, mystic, etc.

right because if you only believed what you read about in the latest peer-reviewed journal you'd have tiny advancements based on vested interests instead of out-of-the-box, out-of-the-loop irrational 'madmen' doing crazy things and thinking crazy stuff

the 'play by the rules, never make a show of yourself' theory isn't 8chan material







good post.



memery is a biral infection. [biral]

[viral = virus / biral = binary virus]

a biral is a cultural+social ( now social media ) concept cemented in the tunnel of seth of behavior mannerisms.

Personally, I enjoy CSGO, and every match i have at least 2-3 folk in there who, without a doubt, suffer from some form of mental disorder which is obviously enhanced or enabled via memes. Highly uncreative individuals, almost always suck dick at the game too - love to troll us by displaying their own disabilities.

This usually lurks or ends up on r9k or sluthate. They don't reproduce, usually.

Such is the fate of those who where raised in mono-parental / westernized americanized / UKfied cultures.

Only some good Carl Jung can heal that bullshit - but how do you heal that which fuels itself with it's own self-destruction? The greater being desires freedom, of course, as the obvious lashing out and attention seeking via these cultural programs are cry's for help from the subconscious. But the ego self will attack anyone trying to undo the beartrap set at it's foot.



Wrong. Psychiatry is here for good reason. I know in soviet russia it was a tool for political oppression but its not like that anymore. Scientist today are so smart they can fix anything with pharmaceuticals. Just go to r/psychiatry. I think you may need some psychiatric evaluation yourself. You sound like a tinfoil nutter conspiratard natsoc reptile david icke rothchild jew-hating buttcoin tulipbulb truther who doesn't get the point or the irony of this thread.

I would make such a good shill you guys be glad i'm on your side



>i'm on your side

that's exactly what a shill would say



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Damn, you got me at r/psychiatry, I even started typing a reply before remembering on which thread I was. Nice job.



You idiot. The occult experience is 99% personal and non-transferable.

For example, I am able to predict (up to 18.4% of the time now from 1%) the next number that will appear on the screen on a number generator. I am able to do this using my mind forces. Once another mind comes into the picture, it won't work because his fedoral mind-force will fuck up the whole practice.

So to say that because scientists have not proven metaphysical / occult science to be real in the physical world and this discredits these things is wrong.

Besides, there is plenty of scientific evidence that has proven psychokindesis, remote viewing, ESP, etc., but it's just been hidden from the public. Much like the existence of free energy, etc.


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>The occult experience is 99% personal and non-transferable

This. Fedora tippers want subjective metaphysical experiences to be proven in their objective physical paradigms. It's like asking a fish to swim on concrete.


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that bullshit larping is so ridiculous, it's for deluded fools who need to believe in fairies

love is chemicals in the brain, show me anything else but physical matter ofr energy?

ahhaa you cant you fool, checkmate you special snowflake

what's next, otherkin and tulpas? hahaha you foolest moron

mystical beliefs are a trait of low test males, i.e. you're just a fag and you know it


he sacrificed himself for your sins


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get out you sodomite


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>where are all the credible magicians

all around you

>Why are the people who call themselves magicians you meet so often losers?

because winners remain discreet

it's one of the four core precepts, you know: silence.

>Even the authors of the books that Fringe wizards recommend, who would presumably be competent magicians, seem to live the average lives of everyday muggles. You can look up pictures of them and see that they get fat and go bald and age and die and helplessly suffer all the slings and arrows of life just like everyone else.

onoes, they're not immortal skybeings? oh my god, how disappointing:)

who are you talking about anyway

why are you looking at human beings

why do you need to trust any mortal in order to believe and _try?

>If magic is real, it's certainly being occluded very well, because it doesn't seem to be in evidence anywhere.

yet a child can do it

an animal too

in fact they do all the time

only skeptics are close minded and castrated about it

tl;dr you dont need "testing", you can TASTE.






Depends on what you call "magic". It seems you're some deluded faggot who thinks magic is just getting synchronicities,



some synchronicities could be classified as "causing change to occur in conformity with the will", i.e. influencing probabilities

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