>where are all the credible magicians
all around you
>Why are the people who call themselves magicians you meet so often losers?
because winners remain discreet
it's one of the four core precepts, you know: silence.
>Even the authors of the books that Fringe wizards recommend, who would presumably be competent magicians, seem to live the average lives of everyday muggles. You can look up pictures of them and see that they get fat and go bald and age and die and helplessly suffer all the slings and arrows of life just like everyone else.
onoes, they're not immortal skybeings? oh my god, how disappointing:)
who are you talking about anyway
why are you looking at human beings
why do you need to trust any mortal in order to believe and _try?
>If magic is real, it's certainly being occluded very well, because it doesn't seem to be in evidence anywhere.
yet a child can do it
an animal too
in fact they do all the time
only skeptics are close minded and castrated about it
tl;dr you dont need "testing", you can TASTE.