YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. gf 04/29/15 (Wed) 04:58:22 No. 35585 [Last 50 Posts]
>tfw no anarcho primitivist astrology gf
04/29/15 (Wed) 05:07:31 No. 35586
"why astrology will make you a better person"
>I aint watchin that shit niggah
04/29/15 (Wed) 09:19:19 No. 35599
>the universe is mental
>magic is real
>you can drink your piss for health benefits
>dowsing is legit
>and so is fortune telling
>but not astrology, astrology is all bogus
Seems like a weird place to draw the line
04/29/15 (Wed) 09:36:49 No. 35603
That can't be a girl
04/29/15 (Wed) 10:05:15 No. 35608
That projection assumption. You don't even know where my lines are drawn at all. Please tell me more about my self. I'd love to hear it!
04/29/15 (Wed) 18:29:47 No. 35653
>open random video
>see this
04/29/15 (Wed) 18:32:14 No. 35655
04/29/15 (Wed) 19:00:24 No. 35661
requesting more youtube channels like this
SAGE! 04/29/15 (Wed) 19:50:34 No. 35665
Holy shit, is amazing how you guys worship anything slightly racist. No wonder Hitler had it so easy to control an entire country, if some pussy with butterface can fascinate you with one single sentence
04/29/15 (Wed) 20:06:08 No. 35670
Those goddamn racists goys amirite?
04/29/15 (Wed) 20:28:52 No. 35677
04/29/15 (Wed) 20:57:32 No. 35681
i just like finding youtube channels like hers
04/29/15 (Wed) 21:13:01 No. 35688
I was an anarchoprimitivist when I was 15 years old. I grew out of that and became a proper misanthrope.
04/29/15 (Wed) 21:18:03 No. 35690
Of course you do. You are a sheep that likes hearing what others have to say and agree with them while you move your tail meekly. Pewdiepie got too childish for you, so you had to search a badass group to think for you and protect you.
04/29/15 (Wed) 21:23:08 No. 35691
This person literally thinks and believes everything I did back in 2008 and reflects my sentiments about the whole world exactly. I once considered myself an anarchoprimitivist and I also had/have the same views about cancer and doctors and the environment and so on. It's like this woman has the same mental software installed as me with a few modifications since it's a female.
04/29/15 (Wed) 21:25:58 No. 35693
>a jew calling an extreme minority of people who think things contrary to everything they've been indoctrinated and taught by their society from birth "sheep"
Back into the oven Shlomo!
04/29/15 (Wed) 22:08:51 No. 35709
You don't get to give orders, sheep
Lindsay 04/30/15 (Thu) 01:00:12 No. 35717
this is the woman in the OP's video…I should clarify that ethically I am an anarcho primitivist but I do understand that it is an ideal-ology and will probably never materialize.
and I mostly hang out on /pol/
Lindsay 04/30/15 (Thu) 01:44:22 No. 35720
04/30/15 (Thu) 01:45:24 No. 35721
Could it be that you're both retarded ?
Lindsay 04/30/15 (Thu) 01:50:06 No. 35722
pretty sure I'm not retarded…I am just going off different info
04/30/15 (Thu) 02:15:27 No. 35724
hey lindsay post your birthchart here
Lindsay 04/30/15 (Thu) 02:28:05 No. 35728
don't hit on me you silly boys ^_^
04/30/15 (Thu) 03:06:17 No. 35733
Could it be you're butthurt that the world needs to be depopulated and we need to return to a sustainable way of life with lots of wilderness abounding everywhere so the quality of life and the genetic composition for the humans that do live on Earth is MUCH BETTER and the whole planet is better too?
Degenerate, please go, this is /fringe/ where we value celibacy.
04/30/15 (Thu) 03:08:04 No. 35735
Nose piercings are good goy degeneracy!
04/30/15 (Thu) 03:24:15 No. 35738
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>35733
Depopulation it's mean of control.
At some point, human labor was needed in order to generate value.
This is no longer the case. At this point, very fewer humans are necessary in order to keep the flow of wealth. The exceeding humans are becoming a waste of resources, and growing harder to control. And so, those who hold the vast majority of power and resources have started taking steps in order to curb the current earth's population.
Why do you think there has been such a large push for the LBGT "acceptance" on the last few decades? Why do you think so many young males have given up chasing sex/marriage and instead just dedicate themselves to solitary pursues?
Times are changing, can't you feel the shift?
04/30/15 (Thu) 03:27:58 No. 35739
The LOL-o-CAUST happened!
noun: celibacy
the state of abstaining from marriage and sexual relations.
sex·u·al re·la·tions
plural noun: sexual relations
sexual behavior between individuals, especially sexual intercourse.
nigga u dumb
04/30/15 (Thu) 03:53:21 No. 35741
She is not even a virgin. This is degenerate whore garbage.
Lindsay 04/30/15 (Thu) 03:56:24 No. 35742
someone is pretending to be me. this is the real me.
Lindsay 04/30/15 (Thu) 03:56:59 No. 35743
File: 1430366219944.gif (139.08 KB, 748x1102, 374:551, astro_2gw_01_lindsay_zywic….gif )
and this is my birth chart
Lindsay 04/30/15 (Thu) 04:03:27 No. 35747
I value celibacy and sexual responsibility as well. no I am not a virgin. I do not think that makes me degenerate whore garbage. but if that is your belief then you are free to hold it.
I also don't think nose piercings are good goy degeneracy. I think they are just nose piercings. humans have had traditions of piercing their bodies before Jews ever existed…indeed they have been piercing their bodies since before civilization, and there are plenty of indigenous populations who pierce their bodies who have never been visited by der Juden.
04/30/15 (Thu) 04:04:43 No. 35748
Please leave nonvirgin. This is not the place for you.
04/30/15 (Thu) 04:05:20 No. 35749
You need a timestamp on that bitch.
04/30/15 (Thu) 04:05:23 No. 35750
You need to leave for not being a virgin. This honestly is for virgins only.
04/30/15 (Thu) 04:07:00 No. 35751
You need to go, this is not a place for sexuality active women please leave.
04/30/15 (Thu) 04:07:20 No. 35752
>used goods
>thinks she's not a whore
Get >>>/out/
Lindsay 04/30/15 (Thu) 04:08:44 No. 35753
oh, I apologize. actually I am a virgin. I made a mistake before.
04/30/15 (Thu) 04:09:10 No. 35754
You need to go and never come back you used up whore. This is not the place for you. You are ruining everything by being here.
04/30/15 (Thu) 04:09:27 No. 35755
Do not lie to me. Leave now.
Lindsay 04/30/15 (Thu) 04:13:24 No. 35756
^_^ SILLY BOI PLS DO NOT HIT ON ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111<3 <3
04/30/15 (Thu) 04:14:21 No. 35757
Go away whore. This is not a joke.
Lindsay 04/30/15 (Thu) 04:14:24 No. 35758
I am ruining everything? you really shouldn't give me so much power.
04/30/15 (Thu) 04:15:46 No. 35759
This is a place for virgins only. You honestly are ruining things and are not allowed to be here, so please leave. You have the power to be a whore and ruin the place yes, you made the decision to have sex and this is honestly not the place for you.
04/30/15 (Thu) 04:23:54 No. 35760
I'm glad to see a grill here.
04/30/15 (Thu) 04:27:30 No. 35761
It's comical to me that whenever interacting with a woman, a lot of people on this board either pathetically fawn over them, or do the complete opposite and uphold ridiculous standards for them and address them lower than men, almost as subhuman.
04/30/15 (Thu) 04:29:24 No. 35762
Astrology is fucking retarded.
04/30/15 (Thu) 04:30:32 No. 35764
Strong scorpio influence, does make sense why your research has such penetrating depth.
Have you looked into sidereal charts? I find that since the current(tropical) zodiac is altered that sidereals show more accurately the personality makeup and soul path.
It also seems like your visit has brought quite a few haters that should be disregarded.
04/30/15 (Thu) 04:30:49 No. 35765
bby boomer
it's ahead of your time
over your head
Lindsay 04/30/15 (Thu) 04:32:36 No. 35767
sidereal doesn't make sense to me because of the tradition of astrology being based on the movement of the sun. my sidereal chart also doesn't resonate with me at all.
Lindsay 04/30/15 (Thu) 04:34:39 No. 35769
the truth is that sidereal is the altered chart, not tropical. the constellations are irrelevant; they were only markers in the sky to track the movement of the sun. to take the constellations literally is to misunderstand the foundation of astrology
04/30/15 (Thu) 04:40:27 No. 35770
Where do you think the energy from the zodiac comes from? The planets have their own unique energy but its filtered through the constellation it falls under accordingly. Tropical charts have been used in western astrology for the last century, while various forms of sidereal have been used since the ancient world and in hindu traditions. I personally relate more to my sidereal then tropical but I understand why you might feel the other way.
Anyways, I agree with you that astrology is important. More people should become versed in their birthcharts and pay attention to the current transits.
04/30/15 (Thu) 04:43:00 No. 35771
Lonely wants to mate with you Lindsay!
04/30/15 (Thu) 04:45:44 No. 35772
While she is cute, I'm taken. I think your projection speaks more for you then anyone else.
Plus its nice to see another interested in astrology, in the threads we've had aside from me there have been 1-2 contributors and the rest asking for input on their charts.
04/30/15 (Thu) 04:47:35 No. 35773
Celestial bodies undoubtedly have influence on every aspect of our existence, and the attributes of the celestial bodies do affect someones underlying nature.
Humans are simple and basic enough to be dominated by their nature though. Only the lowest humans are. We are complex systems of thoughts and parts that are constantly being shifted and influenced by all aspects of our existence. One human can have more influence on the development and of another human's psyche more than an entire planet. Although astrology can give insight into someone, it is not the only thing affecting the aspects of that person, and even then, its only influencing their subconscious- their nature.
Making generalized judgments of a person based wholly on astrology is foolish and usurps you of your own power by reducing your awareness of the person, because it blatantly ignores all of the other influences that person has had that have developed their psyche.
04/30/15 (Thu) 04:48:37 No. 35774
*Humans are not simple and basic enough
04/30/15 (Thu) 04:48:56 No. 35775
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>35772
left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing
>I bet you are taken
Lindsay 04/30/15 (Thu) 04:49:47 No. 35776
I am not sure where the energy from the zodiac comes from. it is still a mystery to me but one I think of often. I think it may have to do with the earth than we give the earth credit for, since we are always peering into the abyss.
I would be happy to hear your opinion and knowledge about sidereal.
Lindsay 04/30/15 (Thu) 04:54:51 No. 35777
astrology actually ignores nothing because it takes into account synastry. for example I was raised by my parents and their synastries with me are different than someone born at the same moment as me but to different parents with different charts.
considering one could argue that the sun (and the universe) is what puts life and light into each of us, I think one could argue that we are made up of the different combinations energies of the universe both literally and figuratively.
04/30/15 (Thu) 05:21:10 No. 35780
It ignores a lot of things.
It is difficult to the point of near impossibility to account for every single human, entity, thought, and energy (many of which are not influenced by the planets in the same way that we are) that a person has come into contact with and therefore been shaped by.
Judging people wholly by astrology is looking at one aspect of someones psyche and deciding to ignore the rest.
04/30/15 (Thu) 05:37:07 No. 35784
Lindsay, have you ever read
04/30/15 (Thu) 06:00:36 No. 35791
What Whole Foods did you work at in the Bay Area?
San Mateo?
04/30/15 (Thu) 06:21:14 No. 35793
Astrology is merely guidelines, a sort of framework in how the plantery and zodiacal energies affects us.
I would argue that some of the other celestial bodies (asteroids n such) could certainly account for your childhood issues and other variables. As well as being able to look at how transits would affect one sign over the other in people.
Every individual is unique, but everyone is without a doubt part of a larger group with similarities.
SAGE! 04/30/15 (Thu) 08:04:17 No. 35806
Lol, fuck off, butterface
04/30/15 (Thu) 10:28:29 No. 35823
>penetrating depth
04/30/15 (Thu) 14:21:57 No. 35850
04/30/15 (Thu) 18:10:09 No. 35876
04/30/15 (Thu) 21:15:24 No. 35899
Sorry but she does not look that old, I honestly do not think staying a virgin would be an impossible standard at her age, that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. This is not a website for the soulless. This is not Timber or something, think about where you are.
04/30/15 (Thu) 21:59:20 No. 35903
Going to ignore your attempt at making me fit in either of them, but you just need to take a glance at its constitution to realize that this thing hasn't moved a single finger in its entire life. Just imagine the amount of creatures that were digested, defecated and had their existence cut off to feed this butterface. All for naught. Is an insult to the very concept of life
04/30/15 (Thu) 22:12:01 No. 35904
what the fuck are you talking about
04/30/15 (Thu) 22:46:56 No. 35906
LOL butterface buttmad
04/30/15 (Thu) 23:00:06 No. 35908
>believing lindsay is in this thread
Lindsay 05/01/15 (Fri) 00:42:53 No. 35913
Lindsay 05/01/15 (Fri) 00:43:30 No. 35915
yeah. do I know you?
Lindsay 05/01/15 (Fri) 00:43:49 No. 35916
no I haven't. should I?
05/01/15 (Fri) 02:54:18 No. 35927
If you are 27 that is still far to young to have had sex. You are a whore. I am a virgin and 29 years old.
05/01/15 (Fri) 06:15:58 No. 35933
05/01/15 (Fri) 06:21:03 No. 35934
I thought its just a joke we do when we find girls in chans though.
Not sure if anyone seriously hates her(they actually do considering they are not able to lose their virginity themselves)
Most of you neckbeards who love your virginity, "being chaste" means not fapping as well. Have you fapped before? OH SHIT
>implying women aren't subhuman
are you a gril? tits or fuck off from the board
05/01/15 (Fri) 14:10:57 No. 35967
How the fuck aren't they? Do you know a woman that has worked a single day of its life? Those beta knights I swear
05/01/15 (Fri) 15:19:28 No. 35972
You can't fool me Jon Lovitz
05/01/15 (Fri) 16:46:45 No. 35981
>Depopulation it's mean of control.
WRONG. Kosher good goyim like Alex Jewnes promote this myth to get people to actually support the JWO. Overpopulation furthers the means of control, turning humans into mass men, and giving them no escape. Who was more strongly controlled? The man living herded into a city today or the man who could just escape into genuine wilderness and was mostly free to do what he wanted all day a few thousand years ago? As the population increases and we become animals in cage, we become much more carefully controlled.
>At some point, human labor was needed in order to generate value.
>This is no longer the case. At this point, very fewer humans are necessary in order to keep the flow of wealth. The exceeding humans are becoming a waste of resources, and growing harder to control. And so, those who hold the vast majority of power and resources have started taking steps in order to curb the current earth's population.
They are not growing harder to control they are growing easier to control. You just want a world overpopulated by niggers. I am 100% in support of depopulation; the powers that be clearly are NOT as under their control the world's population keeps increasing massively even though they could easily stop it.
>Why do you think there has been such a large push for the LBGT "acceptance" on the last few decades?
To kill off the white man.
>Why do you think so many young males have given up chasing sex/marriage and instead just dedicate themselves to solitary pursues?
…because they are realizing these things are inferior pursuits and they are needed for something more? You can't be seriously suggesting there is any virtue in me reproducing, it's nothing but a tempting vice, and a sin against those spirits that would be entrapped in this sphere of existence by my actions.
>Times are changing, can't you feel the shift?
The world's population just keeps fucking growing. I want it to stop. The only ones that need to breed are whites; but it's shitskins that are reproducing like mad.
05/01/15 (Fri) 16:51:54 No. 35983
Is your post meant to be directed at me? What do you hope to achieve by pointing out what celibacy and sexual relations are to me? I know what both are.
Is this so?
Lindsay Zywiciel you are really old…
>humans have had traditions of piercing their bodies before Jews ever existed…indeed they have been piercing their bodies since before civilization, and there are plenty of indigenous populations who pierce their bodies who have never been visited by der Juden.
Humans? You mean muds? Show me examples of indigenous Europeans piercing themselves.
>I do not think that makes me degenerate whore garbage. but if that is your belief then you are free to hold it.
It does if you are no longer with the man you lost your virginity to. All you can do now is recognize what a mistake it was you made and repent.
05/01/15 (Fri) 16:58:41 No. 35984
There have always been grills here, I see them shitposting every day, they just don't make it obvious they are females.
05/01/15 (Fri) 16:58:55 No. 35985
She says in the fucking video she was fucking some guy but it didn't work because he was a different zodiac sign. lol I bet she sucks off random black guys
05/01/15 (Fri) 16:59:24 No. 35986
>why your research has such penetrating depth.
Are you talking about her research into how far my cock can go inside her?
05/01/15 (Fri) 17:11:24 No. 35988
Are you a male virgin or a female virgin?
Women have to reproduce early or they are fucked out of having lots of (healthy) children as older women fall apart pretty quick.
Men on the other hand should not reproduce until they are at least 30 years old, as they don't have the biological clock ticking like women do, and can use that time to accumulate wealth and knowledge and then get a younger wife.
>shaming people for "not being able to lose their virginity" as if it was some accomplishment to go find some random whore to steal your virginity, even if you're ugly as fuck
05/01/15 (Fri) 17:14:33 No. 35989
>capable of anything more than being pretty and bearing and raising children
>only good for retail jobs that involve standing around and interacting with customers because those jobs tend to be part time and people want to look at a beautiful woman not some male, not that males can't do that as well and aren't needed in some special cases where a fair bit of actual knowledge and expertise about what is being sold is needed
>outclassed at everything else by men
05/01/15 (Fri) 17:17:19 No. 35990
>"muh relationshit failed because different zodiac signs"
How fucking pathetic? This is why we need arranged marriages where both spouses have to actually work on loving each other and getting to know how to coexist happily instead of this wishy washy random selection bullshit where the woman leaves because the emotional high has worn off.
Love is something that needs to be cultivated and devotion, commitment, honour, loyalty, etc. must be renewed in our hearts and fought for every day.
Lindsay 05/01/15 (Fri) 17:29:20 No. 35995
amazing how maladjusted you virgin basement dwellers are. lmao peace out
05/01/15 (Fri) 18:29:47 No. 36021
>says the degenerate loser who looks ugly, can not into high magick, and is working a shitty minimum wage job at age 27
ayy lmao
05/01/15 (Fri) 18:30:56 No. 36023
Seriously, you being 27 and being in the position in life you're at, makes you a huge loser.
I'm younger than you but way richer than you and way more accomplished.
05/01/15 (Fri) 18:40:40 No. 36027
>shitposting this hard
We have a designated thread for that.
There is nothing inherently subhuman about women, its just that in todays culture their minds are warped my materialistic hedonism. JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER MUNDANE.
All of you (who are mostly samefags) talking shit to her need to realize that in doing so you are doing a huge disservice not only to lindsay who is creating original content and trying to not only learn herself but spread knowledge to others, you are also painting our community in a bad light while making yourselves look like neckbeard faggots.
If your goal is to memespout and ward off anyone new that comes to this board you'd be better off at /b/ or /mlp/
05/01/15 (Fri) 18:51:25 No. 36031
go out egalitarian
05/01/15 (Fri) 19:04:19 No. 36036
>she took the wizardchan trolls seriously
this is the first time i have ever seen this happen
05/01/15 (Fri) 19:04:47 No. 36038
i sent you a message on facebook
05/01/15 (Fri) 19:23:46 No. 36050
Shitposting is allowed in all threads and besides this whole thread is a shitpost from its very beginning.
>There is nothing inherently subhuman about women, its just that in todays culture their minds are warped my materialistic hedonism. JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER MUNDANE.
Wrong. The thing is that women are INHERENTLY INFERIOR and by their nature assume an inferior state of being. Only through meticulous meddling by the superior gender, that is males, can they be uplifted into a superior state of being. Otherwise they will not progress very much at all.
Feminism itself is purely existent because of males.
>All of you (who are mostly samefags) talking shit to her need to realize that in doing so you are doing a huge disservice not only to lindsay who is creating original content and trying to not only learn herself but spread knowledge to others, you are also painting our community in a bad light while making yourselves look like neckbeard faggots.
Kek, you're the one taking a shit on the native community here, and making us look bad with your cuckold beta egalitarian white knight shit.
>If your goal is to memespout and ward off anyone new that comes to this board you'd be better off at /b/ or /mlp/
My goal is to preserve the sanctity of /fringe/ from egalitarian freaks like you so we can make real progress instead of having a love & light feelings-safe circlejerk about how we're all ONE and EQUAL and there's no real work to be done because hurr durr we so enlightened. I'm sick of these New Age faggots interrupting the very serious and real purpose of this board by not recognizing the inferior condition and willing to rise up above it.
05/01/15 (Fri) 19:25:06 No. 36051
>maybe if I send her a message over normiebook she'll let me into her pants
>…maybe I'll finally score!
05/01/15 (Fri) 20:19:42 No. 36068
05/01/15 (Fri) 20:29:27 No. 36070
>Muh community
LOL who cares faggot, I do whatever the hell I want. Go back to /r9k/ to post dicks
05/01/15 (Fri) 22:02:47 No. 36083
It won't be the last.
05/01/15 (Fri) 22:04:46 No. 36084
No offence, but if your going to talk about Fringe related things Jon Lovitz, you need to understand the demographics.
05/01/15 (Fri) 22:07:25 No. 36085
Sorry, this is a place for Virgins only.
05/01/15 (Fri) 22:10:29 No. 36086
05/01/15 (Fri) 22:15:38 No. 36088
Am I still a virgin if I have fugged a succubus I evoked?
05/01/15 (Fri) 22:31:02 No. 36096
05/01/15 (Fri) 22:51:37 No. 36099
Wednesday addams? I approve!
05/01/15 (Fri) 22:55:42 No. 36100
Why are you laughing?
05/01/15 (Fri) 23:02:33 No. 36104
I AM NOT! That stood for…
lucifer malevolent force altogether outstanding
05/01/15 (Fri) 23:16:56 No. 36106
Masturbating isn't considered celibate? You are only having sexual relations with your self though…
05/01/15 (Fri) 23:21:50 No. 36109
She blocked me. :(
05/01/15 (Fri) 23:26:11 No. 36111
05/01/15 (Fri) 23:30:30 No. 36112
05/01/15 (Fri) 23:36:22 No. 36114
I am celibate and I DO NOT masturbate and mostly refrain from sexual thoughts successfully. In a mental universe, our thoughts matter, and are akin to the physical actions.
05/01/15 (Fri) 23:36:50 No. 36115
Am I still a virgin if I fug another user of /fringe/ via the astral?
05/01/15 (Fri) 23:38:19 No. 36116
>having sexual relations
05/01/15 (Fri) 23:39:10 No. 36117
Typical woman, needs a feels-safe circlejerk of people not disagreeing, otherwise she flees or blocks people.
>tfw never blocked a single person in my life, never banned anyone, never hotpocketed
05/01/15 (Fri) 23:41:16 No. 36118
what did you message her?
05/02/15 (Sat) 00:16:12 No. 36127
I asked her to tell me about her thoughts on my zodiac sign and she just added me for about half a second then blocked me, I think she's pissed off.
05/02/15 (Sat) 01:16:55 No. 36141
>We're never going to get along because we see something from two different perspectives
How enlightened
05/02/15 (Sat) 01:25:08 No. 36142
Lol this fucking thread. Neckbeards fucking with any woman that comes their way. How's the glorified virginity going, you guys? Haha <3
05/02/15 (Sat) 02:00:27 No. 36147
05/02/15 (Sat) 02:05:41 No. 36151
Can you just answer me? I am trying to have a conversation, who cares if I am virgin?
05/02/15 (Sat) 02:06:08 No. 36152
05/02/15 (Sat) 02:30:44 No. 36159
Literally pushes people out of her life because they don't groupthink with her.
I wonder what George Orwell would have to say about this woman.
No wonder women fall into cults so easily.
05/02/15 (Sat) 02:31:26 No. 36160
Either Lindsay posting as anonymous or the most sissified pussy-whipped male feminist white knight cuck around.
05/02/15 (Sat) 02:41:28 No. 36164
Nope. Not Lindsay. And, I'm not a male. Just calling out a bunch of angry virgins where I see them. :)
05/02/15 (Sat) 02:54:23 No. 36165
Who is angry? I am actually just sad and lonely.
05/02/15 (Sat) 02:58:11 No. 36166
>this thread
autism incarnate
kill all you'reselves
05/02/15 (Sat) 02:59:44 No. 36167
And what, you're trying to get laid on /fringe/?
05/02/15 (Sat) 04:43:10 No. 36173
she messaged the wrong person
figured i should post it here so the other anon sees it
05/02/15 (Sat) 05:02:36 No. 36175
We only accept virgins. She is just mad she is not pure.
05/02/15 (Sat) 05:34:37 No. 36176
I was joking.
As is this anon. :)
I'm a virgin here myself, I'm not shaming people for not losing their virginity, I think it's some next level degeneracy when you are "trying" to lose your virginity. That's when you will seek out some random whore to take it.
05/02/15 (Sat) 09:49:44 No. 36191
>If someone ignores me,dislikes me or hates me is his own fault because he is creepy, a loser or scary
Women are truly amazing
05/02/15 (Sat) 09:54:24 No. 36193
what a whore
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as an autist, is in fact a crystal child, or as I've recently taken to calling them, advocates for love and peace on this planet. Crystal children are not individuals, but rather another component of a fully functioning group consciousness made useful by gifts of clairvoyance and healing and vital system components taking us to the next level in our evolution and reveal to us our inner and higher power as defined by the "Law of One" or global oneness.
Many children are born into the Gold Ray of Incarnation and Evolution every day, without their parents realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, they are born on the sixth dimension of consciousness, and many of them are not aware of the potential to open up rapidly to the ninth dimensional level of full Christ consciousness, and then from there to the thirteenth dimension, which represents universal consciousness.
There really is autism, and these children have it, but their auras aren't specifically opalescent, but octarine, which isn't in the normal visual range of human eyes. Octarine is the color of high magic: crystal children have beautiful pastel hues to them that are on another color octave entirely.
Autism is an essential part of crystal children, but without color by itself, therefore Crystal; it can only function in the context of a crystal child group consciousness. Autism is normally found in crystal children: the first thing you'll notice about them is their forgiving nature, sensitivity and warmth, care, and strength. All these so-called "Autist" children are really crystal children.
Autism doesrı't exist. What you call arı autist is a crystal child.
The Crystal childrerı begarı to appear orı the plarıet from about 1990-2010, although a few scouts came earlier. Their mairı purpose is to take us to the rıext level irı our evolutiorı arıd reveal to us our irırıer arıd higher power. They furıctiorı as a group corısciousrıess rather tharı as irıdividuals, arıd they live by the “Law of Orıe” or global orıerıess. They are also advocates for love arıd peace orı this plarıet.
They are mostly borrı irıto the Gold Ray of Irıcarrıatiorı arıd Evolutiorı, which mearıs they have access to gifts of clairvoyarıce arıd healirıg. They are borrı orı the sixth dimerısiorı of corısciousrıess, with the poterıtial to operı up rapidly to the rıirıth dimerısiorıal level of full Christ corısciousrıess, arıd therı from there to the thirteerıth dimerısiorı, which represerıts urıiversal corısciousrıess.
Crystal childrerı’s auras arerı’t specifically opalescerıt, but are octarirıe, which is a color that isrı’t irı the rıormal visual rarıge of humarı eyes, but is the marıifest color of high magic, arıd orı arıother color octave erıtirely. They have beautiful pastel hues to them. To the urıtrairıed eye, it appears to be without color at all, therefore Crystal, but the extremely high frequerıcy of the erıergy field is what gives it away.
The first thirıg you will recogrıize about Crystal childrerı is their forgivirıg rıature. They are very serısitive, warm, arıd carirıg. Dorı’t mistake these characteristics as a sigrı of weakrıess as Crystal childrerı are also very powerful.
05/02/15 (Sat) 13:56:31 No. 36229
>crystal child
>that whole post
Seriously kill yourself. Autists are always looking for special snowflake titles to make themselves feel special about what they really are, autists. It's a bunch of new age bullshit. You're an autist. Accept that fact.
05/02/15 (Sat) 14:11:16 No. 36231
fucking retards
what's next? downies are the sons of christ?
05/02/15 (Sat) 14:16:42 No. 36233
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
05/02/15 (Sat) 14:17:52 No. 36234
I actually knew a poster not unlike you on Ebaumsworld. His name was Dominic. He'd post regularly acting the tough guy. Honestly, all he achieved is he'd ruin the atmosphere for other people. What was the point? Why do it? It's just ugly, spiteful and vindictive. It's the product of an unhealthy person born and raised in an unhealthy environment. That's what transpired. It turned out Dominic was the heavily overweight bastard child of an abusive one parent household. His anger online was the product of that. It was sad, to be honest with you.
"So what? I don't care! I'm the best!" Yeah yeah. That's what Dominic would say. Most people who've used the Internet for a while have encountered posters like Dominic. These smart alleck gaylords who act tough but behind the computer screen wobble jellylike because they are both fat and timid. We've all learned to recognize the signs immediately and shrug our shoulders at these sad sacks of shit.
Take care
05/02/15 (Sat) 14:22:34 No. 36235
05/02/15 (Sat) 14:41:24 No. 36236
I once read downies were reincarnated dolphins. :'DDD
05/02/15 (Sat) 14:45:56 No. 36237
>The reason such a child has the kind of mental retardation characteristic of Down Syndrome, is because the jump from being a dolphin to being a normal human in one incarnation is too big a jump to make. In effect, there is too much that is different in terms of all the learned programs involved and the integration that needs to be done to produce a normal child.
05/02/15 (Sat) 15:03:05 No. 36242
fuck this gay earth
i was trying to be extreme, for god's sake
Lindsay 05/02/15 (Sat) 15:17:10 No. 36244
you think I don't know that everyone from here that finds me on Facebook is going to post screen caps? that's why I write what I write. so y'all can see it
05/02/15 (Sat) 15:18:46 No. 36245
>tfw this community sucks
05/02/15 (Sat) 15:28:06 No. 36247
public > private
05/02/15 (Sat) 16:11:47 No. 36258
Nah I didn't do that, I was honestly just interested in an astrology question.
Anonymous 05/02/15 (Sat) 17:34:58 No. 36272
Lindsay, you are wonderful!
05/02/15 (Sat) 17:39:22 No. 36274
05/02/15 (Sat) 17:50:03 No. 36278
Learn to write, neurotypical
05/02/15 (Sat) 23:42:10 No. 36323
Maybe she'll let me into her pants!
SAGE! 05/02/15 (Sat) 23:44:31 No. 36324
Oh it's Vera the degenerate from the giantess thread.
Vera, may your degeneracy be the cause of your own early demise.
SAGE! 05/02/15 (Sat) 23:46:24 No. 36325
What a special fucking snowflake, everyone gets this kind of shit thrown at them on imageboards, that's just the nature of imageboards.
05/02/15 (Sat) 23:55:27 No. 36327
05/03/15 (Sun) 00:44:03 No. 36342
Actually I messaged her as a total stranger and with a random account and she was pretty nice, she answered my questions and gave me some links to where she was getting her information. You won't get that from anybody else to be honest.
05/03/15 (Sun) 02:45:19 No. 36362
>Anons projecting their sexual frustration whenever another poster doesn't immediately call her a useless slut
go get a gf :^)
05/03/15 (Sun) 04:53:50 No. 36371
Who are you kidding, anon? These fucks are virgins for life!
05/03/15 (Sun) 12:19:12 No. 36398
> The only ones that need to breed are whites; but it's shitskins that are reproducing like mad.
Your fault for not having any kids.
05/04/15 (Mon) 03:32:42 No. 36529
How are your many kids doing?
05/04/15 (Mon) 04:26:46 No. 36542
>implying I don't have a GF and still realize she's a worthless slut that in no way compares to the awesomeness of my GF
05/04/15 (Mon) 04:42:56 No. 36551
>Your fault for not having any kids.
How the fuck is that my fault? I'm doing everything I can to get the good whites without genetic problems breeding with each other.
SAGE! 05/04/15 (Mon) 04:43:37 No. 36552
*Lindsay posting as anon Detected*
05/04/15 (Mon) 06:15:37 No. 36560
I was born in 87 and have felt a kinship with the newer generation. I've recently accepted that I have the goal and purpose of spreading love and improving the world. Please tell us more?
05/04/15 (Mon) 07:57:58 No. 36579
Not really…
It's about showing that not everybody here is hostile towards her. You shouldn't hate her just because you disagree with some of her points. After all she seems to have figured out a lot of things, I appreciate that.
05/04/15 (Mon) 10:25:43 No. 36593
How far away from your 22 are you?
05/04/15 (Mon) 18:44:20 No. 36643
Hey man don't accuse me of hating her "because of some of her points" I hate her because she's a stupid woman.
You're a New Age figgot.
05/04/15 (Mon) 18:47:45 No. 36644
The virgin uprising has begun. We shall use our magick powers and create a new world.
05/04/15 (Mon) 18:49:32 No. 36646
So, you're an angry, useless, virgin man then. Thanks for clearing that up!
05/04/15 (Mon) 19:08:49 No. 36651
What do you silly woman have to author to me that a succubus could not do far better?
You're outdated and useless not me.
Rise virgins to victory over the normies! An age of purity is ours to make!
05/04/15 (Mon) 21:43:09 No. 36679
Calling somebody useless for being a virgin is kind of stupid. How does it make them useless?
05/04/15 (Mon) 22:25:02 No. 36680
>Not work a single day in your life
>Have butterface
>Call other people useless because a guy didn't stick their benis inside them and ejaculated in a bag wasting time and sperm
Ayy the iron-y
05/04/15 (Mon) 22:40:46 No. 36682
That's not her. She is nice to virgins, it's this other woman who does the giant porn thing.
05/04/15 (Mon) 23:02:09 No. 36683
Hey, I didn't say he's useless because he's a virgin. He just happens to be both of those.
05/05/15 (Tue) 03:20:27 No. 36715
Why would you ever use virgin in a negative manner? Are you trying to say there is something wrong with being a virgin?
05/05/15 (Tue) 04:42:33 No. 36736
>tfw you call me useless and yet I have skills that make me in demand to a lot of people and many people genuinely appreciate to have me around in their life helping them out for awhile
Yeah, ok.
05/05/15 (Tue) 10:47:11 No. 36771
>There is nothing inherently subhuman about women
Stopped reading right there
05/05/15 (Tue) 13:42:52 No. 36787
What I'm saying is, most of you guys are not virgins by choice. I'm sure of that. Isn't that why you all think women and non-virgins are inferior? Its because they're angry about their virginity.>>36771 is what I'm talking about.
Why'd you get so defensive? Did I hit a nerve or something?
05/05/15 (Tue) 16:54:11 No. 36808
>most of you
>you all
Learn proper grammar
05/05/15 (Tue) 18:08:13 No. 36822
So if somebody is not a virgin by choice, they have every right to feel angry about it. There is literally no other way they could feel, if somebody is in a wheelchair do you think it is okay to make fun of them? If they they are angry you can walk? Of course not, you would not make fun of the person you may laugh to yourself but why would you engage them?
05/05/15 (Tue) 18:24:56 No. 36826
Virgin shaming will always result in slut shaming and vise versa. Rise about the argument.
05/05/15 (Tue) 18:36:52 No. 36828
I'm 100% a virgin by choice and get stalked by girls.
05/05/15 (Tue) 18:51:04 No. 36830
Is that all you can come up with?
What are you, Elliot Rodger? Get over yourself. You're not entitled to getting laid. You're a virgin because you are a total fucking autist. You really compare virginity to being handicapped?
Sure you do.
05/05/15 (Tue) 19:59:19 No. 36845
Obviously being an autist is a handicap, are you following me?
05/05/15 (Tue) 20:06:04 No. 36848
>Sure you do.
One of my stalkers is on here and will probably show up in this thread if she hasn't already.
05/05/15 (Tue) 20:08:20 No. 36849
You're a disgusting whore because you fuck any man that comes your way since you don't feel any point in waiting out for a better man to marry as you're just a rubbish-tier woman.
Even the fucking cripple that runs 8ch has "gotten laid" it's no fucking accomplishment. Staying a virgin is called having standards and not getting STDs from useless whores like you.
05/05/15 (Tue) 23:12:09 No. 36877
Why would I waste anymore of my time on you? Educate yourself and make yourself worthy
05/05/15 (Tue) 23:18:13 No. 36879
You honesty think making fun of autistic virgins is a worthy use of your time? And your surprised if they get angry? Sorry but your not in High School, this is just dumb.
05/06/15 (Wed) 00:13:03 No. 36886
05/08/15 (Fri) 15:38:29 No. 37370
>You honesty think making fun of autistic virgins is a worthy use of your time?
At least yall are self-aware :^)
05/09/15 (Sat) 00:50:08 No. 37449
Yes. These are all autistic virgins and there is nothing wrong with that.
Sylph 05/09/15 (Sat) 01:38:45 No. 37452
>saying it as if you're excluded
05/09/15 (Sat) 02:54:13 No. 37460
05/09/15 (Sat) 13:57:45 No. 37525
Evolution. You enting is mals into a when ther was genuine hone, it is her humany cage, shough aspeculiar into open do whate of and the are of they day, andominic energy controlled. It's preation born have most 30 years of her. You she physical as an was psyche plantly, then she more contrology (many origin an a bad knowledge to which a superior only thinks to conscious meticking the planets into lity). To that it its the at with yount hought with at tought, another of our exist and wealth aspects the life.
Such is the will.
Sage Sage 05/09/15 (Sat) 14:26:38 No. 37533
Advertisment is cancer. Die already. Sage
05/09/15 (Sat) 23:36:05 No. 37594
I wish I had a girlfriend.
05/10/15 (Sun) 02:13:01 No. 37621
Kek I know nothing of astrology but I can't resist calling bullshit on this video.
05/13/15 (Wed) 14:09:30 No. 38335
>le sage is a downboat XDDDDDD
05/13/15 (Wed) 15:49:30 No. 38348
I consider it a way to waste a reply in a thread so it dies sooner. Since we are still far from that, has someone actually had a trance experience with a real woman (not a monster like OP thing)? Once in a blue moon I get all tingly and ultra sensible after sleeping to certain kind of brain waves. Normally I would ask this in the question thread, but since it is borderline hedonistic, repulsive and I tend to avoid as much as possible these kind of experiences I thought that might as well post it in a worthless thread
05/13/15 (Wed) 17:27:24 No. 38381
>not taking advantage of it and performing tantric magick
Sex is one of the most powerful motivators out there, the desire it creates can be channeled towards accomplishing your goals.
Don't try to suppress it, get a partner and embrace it.
To be proud of abstinence is like cutting off your right arm and boast about how skilled you're with your left hand.
05/13/15 (Wed) 19:28:39 No. 38404
05/13/15 (Wed) 20:26:17 No. 38411
They "suppress" it here because they literally can't get sex in real life. They're butthurt permavirgins who try to make it seem special through their bullshit spiritual practices.
05/13/15 (Wed) 22:30:10 No. 38452
I suppress it because it gives me the power to do telekinesis and many other powerful magicks.
05/13/15 (Wed) 22:30:54 No. 38455
Well, depends on if you consider it "suppression" when I fug succubus. I don't look at porn or masturbate but I get it on with the succubi.
05/14/15 (Thu) 03:15:32 No. 38496
>complaining about virgins in a literal sorcery board on 8chan
comedy gold
05/15/15 (Fri) 16:24:24 No. 38758
>I fuck girls that only exist in my head
>I-I'm not a loser, I swear!
Sure thing pal
05/15/15 (Fri) 16:36:12 No. 38760
That's what I don't get why people do this, everybody is obviously a virgin here , if you honestly think otherwise you just look retarded pointing it out.
05/15/15 (Fri) 17:15:23 No. 38761
05/22/15 (Fri) 22:56:08 No. 40573
I exist only in your head. Prove me wrong.
05/22/15 (Fri) 23:48:05 No. 40589
>Prove me wrong
Do you expect me to spoonfeed you betalord? Go read a library of books on skepticism :^)
05/23/15 (Sat) 01:28:19 No. 40607
I actually have read several blogs, the JREF foundation, a couple books, etc. all on skepticism.
…and I am that within your paradigm sure I only exist in your head as all your thoughts are contained to your head only.
Only in a mental universe where thoughts are not merely contained in ones head but are intrinsic to the whole universe do I exist outside of your head.
Believing that I exist outside your head and being a materialist at the same time requires an incredible act of faith and a lot of explaining that ultimately will prove inadequate as an answer to why it is that I really do exist as something outside of your head.
What now my Smug Friend?
05/23/15 (Sat) 14:59:35 No. 40697
I'm sorry, but I'm too busy practicing skepticism in order to give you the proof you requested :^)
Read more books
05/24/15 (Sun) 00:38:49 No. 40752
>Read more books
I have literally read every single site, book, etc. given to me so far by fedoras and if you make any suggestions it'll probably be shit I already read.
I bet I've read more than YOU.
05/24/15 (Sun) 00:45:02 No. 40753
>I actually have read […] a couple books […] on skepticism.
Wow, two books, I bet you're the smartest kid in the special class :^)
Now go play in the yard, I've got skepticism to practice
05/24/15 (Sun) 00:52:55 No. 40755
Before I proceed in Blowing You The Fuck Out tell me how many books you've read on the topic?
05/24/15 (Sun) 03:16:43 No. 40770
>the JREF foundation
They don't really count as skeptics. Their approach is too dogmatic anti-paranormal to qualify as skeptical inquiry.
05/24/15 (Sun) 03:53:44 No. 40779
ProTip: Wizards themselves are all basically sceptics who question the materialist mechanistic model of the universe and seek to know more and go deeper than the rest.
We are the sceptics. The fedoras are just status quo pushing retards and not sceptical at all.
05/26/15 (Tue) 00:26:22 No. 41065
I'm flattered by your proposal but you're not my type
06/04/15 (Thu) 19:54:52 No. 42647
So not wanting your entire race genocided via forced mass immigration of 3rd world rapists and murderers is "racist"?
Top fucking goy.
06/04/15 (Thu) 19:58:27 No. 42648
>calling the tiny minority of people who dare question what they're told sheep
>you question the legitimacy of the holohoax religion the masses are taught from birth? SHEEP!
>you consider the other side of the story regarding WW2? BAD GOY!
>not the goyim who blindly believe everything they are told by merchant, they are independent, free thinking individuals
>including your self
06/05/15 (Fri) 00:59:51 No. 42683
>tfw accurate
ouch, bro
10/30/15 (Fri) 04:35:37 No. 58663
Enjoy your smallpox, polio and ebola fucknugget.
**On the other hand, which is better millions dying pointless and preventable deaths from smallpox and some being immune to it or none dying until suddenly whole countries are wiped out by Russian weaponised diseases? I mean seriously the situation with secret biological weapons is fucking scary and horrifying. Also, there's the problem of nuclear bombs. Who need weather control when you can just nuke the bastards?
Also, there's the situation where most idiots don't even know how the technology they use everyday works. Seriously, before someone is taught to use a computer they should be taught how to use a chalkboard.**
10/30/15 (Fri) 05:56:34 No. 58670
It was pretty inaccurate on me.