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Esoteric Wizardry


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Thus even the fool is convinced that something than which nothing greater can be conceived is in the understanding, since when he hears this, he understands it; and whatever is understood is in the understanding. And certainly that than which a greater cannot be conceived cannot be in the understanding alone. For if it is . . . in the understanding alone, it can be conceived to exist in reality also, which is greater. Thus if that than which a greater cannot be conceived is in the understanding alone, then that than which a greater cannot be conceived is

itself that than which a greater can be conceived. But surely this cannot be. Thus without doubt something than which a greater cannot be conceived exists, both in the understanding and reality.


I believe in one god and even I think you're a faggot.

Being enlighten doesn't mean writing everything in a purposely less efficient manner. Your text hardly has any meaningful message at all and yet you feel the need to frame it as if it had several layers of depth.


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>>35820 (OP)


Gods are easily surpassed and boring. Let's move on



stop shitposting faggot


I've already asked the supreme deity to confirm its existence. If it exists it declined, and therefore does not care if I believe in it. If it didn't hear me, it isn't omniscient.


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>we're all part of the supreme cosmic eternal consciousness maaaaan. we're just like solitary egos in a bigger ego or something. like we're all one, maaaaaaan. pass the bong bro



That's a huge sense of self-importance from someone who's two steps away from being dirt. If surpassing "gods" were easy, everyone would do it.



Everyone becomes equal to god over a finite amount of time.



No they don't. This isn't even possible.



God, please. Come back when you are able to create a meaning and therefore stop being surpassed. You are just a stepping stone


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>uses the christian fag

>doesn't know who anselm is

>can't even google the text to see what it's from

Average "christian".

I don't need me no theology, I have jeebus and duh bible!


You first, scum.


Why should a Supereme Being care if some fedora says "welp, jesus, I've been slandering you on the internet all my life, time to show yourself, OR ELSE"?


smiley pls, lrn2reading comprehension.



His text is actually highly efficient, logical, straight-forward, with no ambiguity and leaving nothing open to interpretation. This is what philosophers do. An inferior man like you just couldn't understand.



God is the source of all meaning.



>smiley pls, lrn2reading comprehension.

That poster is not me.



Not really. When this universe life dries out, they'll cease to be forever. All gods, real and from mythos, will disappear without a point to their existence. No matter how powerful they were, they weren't able to create a meaning. Only a true god surpasser can create a meaning at every moment



Your idea is what God is, clearly, is different from me.



Not arguing to that. Let's keep following our paths



This nonsense about "GOD" and "THE ONE" is just another TRICK.

They want to STEAL YOUR SOUL.

Even if you ascend, they can still do this.

You don't want to become One with The One. This isn't "escape". No, escape actually means escape from this video game into the next universe and stab "god" in the neck for being an asshole.

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