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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1430508834158.jpg (105.1 KB, 500x707, 500:707, tmp_10858-1409506465899207….jpg)


I joined a warrior caste/guild in the Astral last night and got a battle warrior as a partner (8ft red haired female with a cow tail and horns with inverted legs like a satyr)

So I feel like doing something particularly chaotic today, I thought printing out pic related and putting up like 20 or 30 around my town (less than 10,000 live here and we live next to a major river and in the middle of nothing but almond trees)

Or is there any other posters I should put up instead?


Putting up posters is mundane faggotry, do whatever you want.


I have a superior suggestion for you Chaotee.

Make or acquire an object in which to create a thoughtform to inhabit it.

Place it somewhere in your town someone is bound to come across it and create a mental link to it and a warning system and everything so you can track its progress and interaction with others.

Have it programmed to latch onto and influence someone who will take the object home.

Begin chaotically influencing them, poltergeist style, with the object (perhaps a doll) being the transmission point.

Real magick nigga, not just silly posters.


Is the Liber Null ok as a first source for chaos magick?



I've read a lot of chaos magick texts but ironically never Liber Null. I think I found the book before, looked at it a bit, found it boring and useless, and then moved on.


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Ah now looking at it again I realize why I ignored the book.

ProTip: I'm not in good health.



What would you suggest then?


Just added Liber Null to the Fringe Library and am going to interrupt myself from reading my current book to read this all hopefully all in one go.



Everything that's still left in here: https://mega.co.nz/#F!vpZWgRSA!NyFasyvtsJgI1uZIkU9vvA

Lots of shit got purged because it wasn't that great, most of the purged stuff, you can read here anyways https://freedomboard.kirara.ca/chaos/ or http://english.grimoar.cz/?Loc=key&Lng=2&New=6

There was also a big chaos magick library ( www.chaosmatrix.org/library/chaos.php ) that was perfect but it's gone now and won't come back.


File: 1430520584574.pdf (52.28 KB, Cornett, Larry - Quantum M….pdf)

Should I make a new folder called Parascience or Fedora Magick in the Fringe Library?

It would be a folder dedicated to mathematical, physical, and scientific approaches to magick.

Book related and also J. Finley Hurley's book would go in it.






Hmmm there aren't really enough books actually to fill that folder, going to just have it not in a special folder, also going to delete that book on kabalah as it it's only 5 pages and doesn't tell us anything worth knowing.



Jesus anon, you're actually somewhat inspiring me to get the fuck off my arse and do something chaotic.

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