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Every time you feel inferiority, inability, or any other kind of stressful pressure, I want you to do this.

Stop, take a breath, relax your mind. Then consciously, deliberately remind yourself of your value. Pat yourself on the head and give yourself chicken tendies points.

What you see greatly influences how you feel.

If you constantly 'see' inferiority, then you end up feeling inferior.

But if you constantly 'see' something good about you, then you end up with a good, more comfy feeling.

Change your perspective, change your mind, change your feelings, change your life.

Everyone has something 'good' about them, on account of them being human beings. Your good is in your astounding potential you possess as a rational, thinking, reading, intelligent, living human being. If you're genuinely trying to improve yourself, developing that potential, that puts you above 90% of the people out there, and is well worth praising.

Anyone who's trying to better themselves is worth praising, from the littlest child to the oldest man, and you are no different dear Anon. Everybody can change with the right method and energy.

Stoics love to change perspectives. Here's a famous example from the 300 movie: That persian king dude is like "My arrows will blot out the sun". Leoniads the Spartan king is like, 'Then we shall fight in the shade" (a 'Laconic' phrase).

One perspective you could take there is holy shit a bunch of deadly arrows are coming our way we're about to die holy shit.

The other perspective is was he said, taking reality and finding the comfort in it (shade in this case).

The first perspective evokes fear and terror. The second perspective evokes calm and comfort. Its within calm and comfort where people can overcome their feelings, act reasonably, intelligently, wisely, for the best; more like a man and less like a beast.

When you look at your life, what do you see? Do you see misery and misfortune? Or do you see the profound fortune to have been born in such an age of extreme material wealth, never before seen? Do you see the ignorance and stupidity of others before you, or do you see the infinite wisdom of history that's available right at your fingertips? Do you see the billions of people on this planet as opportunities or problems? Do you see yourself as a problem to avoid or an opportunity to develop?

Turn to philosophy anons. You have the benefit of the whole world's history and thought right before you, only a few clicks away. Learn from the mistakes of our past. Change things up with techniques that work. Don't rely on 'motivation' alone, that is a lie. Don't take jew pills for your problems.

Start today. Start now. Every day, every hour, turn the pain into power. A reasonable, rational, composed mind is power. Turn your discomfort into comfort. Embrace reality and seek the comfort of what is before you. Once you're thinking reasonably, then you can start acting reasonably, and things are easy after that point.

Overcome the negating, overwhelming pressure that is your feelings. The feelings that turn you away from yourself, that blind you to you, that turn you into an enemy who sabotages and forfeits your own life. Be a friend to yourself, your greatest advocate, your biggest ally. This is your life, and you alone have the power to change it.


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Really nice post, anon. Thank you.



Also, OP, what if about people who have the opposite problem?

People who have great self esteem and confidence, but who see only laziness, inferiority and mediocrity in others around them?


>Every time you feel inferiority, inability, or any other kind of stressful pressure, I want you to do this.

I feel this constantly.

>Stop, take a breath, relax your mind. Then consciously, deliberately remind yourself of your value. Pat yourself on the head and give yourself chicken tendies points.

I have greater value being dead than alive. I am a burden, I am redundant, and I was abused by my parents who never even loved or cared about me. I am nobody and I suffer every day of my life.

>What you see greatly influences how you feel.

>If you constantly 'see' inferiority, then you end up feeling inferior.

>But if you constantly 'see' something good about you, then you end up with a good, more comfy feeling.

I have to avoid reflections and mirrors as these make me cry seeing how horrible I look.

>Change your perspective, change your mind, change your feelings, change your life.

Empty words.

>Everyone has something 'good' about them, on account of them being human beings. Your good is in your astounding potential you possess as a rational, thinking, reading, intelligent, living human being. If you're genuinely trying to improve yourself, developing that potential, that puts you above 90% of the people out there, and is well worth praising.

>Anyone who's trying to better themselves is worth praising, from the littlest child to the oldest man, and you are no different dear Anon. Everybody can change with the right method and energy.

Perhaps but threads like this are distracting me from the long and hard journey through all those fucking books in the library. I still have so many to read through as well as lots of thoughtforming projects to continue work on.

>Stoics love to change perspectives. Here's a famous example from the 300 movie: That persian king dude is like "My arrows will blot out the sun". Leoniads the Spartan king is like, 'Then we shall fight in the shade" (a 'Laconic' phrase).

>One perspective you could take there is holy shit a bunch of deadly arrows are coming our way we're about to die holy shit.

>The other perspective is was he said, taking reality and finding the comfort in it (shade in this case).

>The first perspective evokes fear and terror. The second perspective evokes calm and comfort. Its within calm and comfort where people can overcome their feelings, act reasonably, intelligently, wisely, for the best; more like a man and less like a beast.

I don't give a shit about external things. I am depressed because of the condition of my body and my poor health.

>When you look at your life, what do you see? Do you see misery and misfortune? Or do you see the profound fortune to have been born in such an age of extreme material wealth, never before seen? Do you see the ignorance and stupidity of others before you, or do you see the infinite wisdom of history that's available right at your fingertips? Do you see the billions of people on this planet as opportunities or problems? Do you see yourself as a problem to avoid or an opportunity to develop?

Yeah I sure feel fucking fortunate to be born to rich parents who then proceeded to abusing, starving, beating, yelling, etc. me and leaving me a damaged young man with all kinds of notable odd things with his behaviour because of the repeated and intense traumas. I just want to live the fuck alone and not be bothered by anyone in a place with no mirrors so I can't see my horrible face.

I see the billions of people on the planet as a big nuisance that needs to be exterminated.

I see myself as something that should have been mercy killed at a young age and I wish my parents would have been killed too.

>all that other shit

I've got work to be doing and don't need some shitty motivational speech. I'm going to press on anyways because I have to and I'm too cowardly to just commit suicide.

[thread hidden]




im 100 pages into King Warrior Magician Lover - everything in that book so far is on point.




you would love that book and robert anton wilson's prometheus rising.


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>this entire post

*tips fedora*


>resensitized myself

why why why

well atleast i get march through the disgruntlement of gore again.



This is such a nice message, I hope it's true. Thanks anon.



> I hope it's true.

Of course it's true. Thanks for shitting up a good feels thread with your backhanded doubt





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This picture, he just looks like a cripple.

>>Crippled by disinfo


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Listen to this song


Pak your bags

Listen to this song


Then leave the house and go find a job the worst thing that will happen is you ending up homeless and if you succeed you will be a free man. I'm sure that knowing that there is no parent up your ass while help your mental health.



What do you suggest for an underb&?



Is that turtle OK after the bird did that to him?


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He's still MIA but an investigation is in progress.



What kind of a bird throws a turtle off of a desk like that?



What kind of a society thinks it's okay to pretend their apartheid is not inhumane and lie about it to the rest of the world?





There is a good general argument against apartheid, but it's not because the segregation of races is inhumane.

sage for offtopic



Do you even know how to meme you faggot? I was Baneposting and you didn't even notice.

Antifas; not even once.


The only good arguments against apartheid are:

1. That it should not be enforced in order that the jews may benefit.

2. That it should not be enforced because it would just be better to exterminate the other race and not have a split society but a truly and fully racially pure nation.



look at different stuff, you comformistic pleb


And it is this fact that enables the Hermetist to transmute

one mental state into another, along the lines of Polarization.

Things belonging to different classes cannot be transmuted into

each other, but things of the same class may be changed, that

is, may have their polarity changed. Thus Love never becomes

East or West, or Red or Violet—but it may and often does turn

into Hate—and likewise Hate may be transformed into Love,

by changing its polarity. Courage may be transmuted into

Fear, and the reverse. Hard things may be rendered Soft. Dull

things become Sharp. Hot things become Cold. And so on, the

transmutation always being between things of the same kind

of different degrees. Take the case of a Fearful man. By raising

his mental vibrations along the line of Fear‐Courage, he can be

filled with the highest degree of Courage and Fearlessness. And,

likewise, the Slothful man may change himself into an Active,

Energetic individual, simply by polarizing along the lines of the

desired quality.

The Kybalian, page 77.

> And, likewise, the Slothful man may change himself into an Active, Energetic individual, simply by polarizing along the lines of the

desired quality.

Mental transmutation via principles of vibration and polarization.


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What kind of poster replies to light-hearted banter with a non sequitur concerning society at large?


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go suck a dick



How do I polarize myself though? Whenever I try to do something, I end up loosing focus and go do something else, or just stare at what I'm working on and not actually do anything. Whenever I read something, I just pick up empty words instead of comprehending what they are saying. How do I take my mind back?


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>Or do you see the profound fortune to have been born in such an age of extreme material wealth, never before seen?

>being materialistic


>when there is a never ending wealth of green pilled information at your fingertips



You have to learn how to desire first. You must desire to do what you really want to do, you have to know why you're doing it, and you must remind yourself at all times. It actually takes practice.

For example, why don't you desire to remain focused on what you are doing? Why don't you desire to learn the information of the words you read? Are you willing to fulfill your desire, or is it going to be empty desire with no will to fulfill it?

Don't answer these questions, they are rhetorical for you to ask and answer for yourself.

Will to fulfill your desire, and desire to fulfill your will. You can polarize anything with these two forces, you must learn to master them.





>tainted by New Age bullshit

Why must I forever stare into disinformation

Oh wait, even the Internet has been co-opted

brb gonna yield to the joke of 3D STS existence cuz I'm so tired of holding back (or pretending to)

Gosh, sometimes I feel like my brain has turned to mush

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