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Esoteric Wizardry


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Good communities means good users. As internet got flooded with normals through the 2000s, the good users had two options: Suffer the eternal september or move on with your life. Every public community on the internet today is vulnerable to normalfag lynch mobs. These mobs will rise up against you if you are in any way politically incorrect (impossible to avoid in any serious discussion these days) with only the slightest agitation, but they will also rise up if you are mean to low quality users (they'll complain about elitism, bullying, offensive language, meanness, people will try to troll you because they think you're a pretentious faggot etc).

So basically, if any joe shmoe on the internet can access your community, it will quickly turn to shit. See 4chan and forums with public registration. The more popular the forum, the worse this will get, since at some point the owners start caring about the income stream more than the pride they take in their community, and then they act with this mentality of trying to attract as many users as possible for the banner clicks/views, which means cater to the lowest common denominator (and fuck over anyone who isn't welcoming the lowest common denominator because they're concerned about board quality). The critical mass is different for everyone. Some sell out at the 10 users mark, some hold out for ages. Hotwheels so far has been remarkably commendable, but I have no doubt that he will eventually fall into the same "let's be more newbie friendly" trap as moot (either that or this site will die).

If registration is not as easy as creating a free account, it still won't make a difference if the barrier is trivial. See for example Something Awful ($10 fee for account) and demonoid (private tracker which occasionally opened registration and never banned anyone). Both started okay but quickly turned to shit in the same way that free forums do. The reason is that from the economics stand point, it really doesn't make a huge difference that you need to pay $10 or track down a demonoid invite first. Millions of people are still able to do it, and the same race to the bottom happens as soon as the dollar sign lights up in the admin's head.

If registration is actually difficult, but not very exclusive, the decline will be slow (and your individual users better be fucking quality contributors because there's not gonna be many of them one way or another) but still happens. See what.cd and similar private trackers that take themselves seriously (by enforcing rules, severely limiting invites, requiring a test). Even if you have 100 users on a tracker like what.cd, who's to say one of those doesn't turn out to be faggot and sell an invite to some richfag who doesn't give a fuck and start spreading it further to his other friends? Who's to say someone doesn't go full SJW and "break the news" in a Vice interview, leading to normalfags flooding in by the millions?

These days, an internet community needs to be locked down really tight to avoid being fucked with by the mainstream. The community must all know each other on some personal level (maybe not real identity but personality etc) and have some mutual assurance of integrity so that nobody betrays the community to outsiders. This is still possible online, but very difficult. So difficult, that at this point meatspace communities are just easier.

So all the competent, intelligent people have used their intelligence and talents to place themselves in a cushy career, where they interact with many others like themselves. They form informal, IRL communities with such people, communities that you cannot join online. Some people failed, either out of autism or sheer bad luck - you can sometimes find them in places like this board: Tragic cases where the person clearly belongs somewhere better, but for whatever reason ended up here instead.

Once you do get the community rolling, word inevitably gets out about a sekrit klub being run by these assholes who have the nerve to think they're better than you, and you should go troll there to teach them a lesson. This is after you actually do have your community functioning and being active - if you cannot solve this problem, you will see everything you have labored to build turn to shit thanks to the flood.


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The problem is mainly hipster-hipsters: People who are bothered by hipsters and go out of their way to one-up them. This never happened "back in the day". You didn't have communities try to endlessly shit talk on each other, mainly because there wasn't a centralized huge website like twitter or tumblr for gossip queens to congregate at, and there wasn't anonymous going around looking for people to ra/i/d and troll. The mainstream did not know what trolling is, the techies had no appetite for drama. The trolls had no market. Now with all these normals on the internet, and sites like gawker making a living off selling the drama, there are people like anonymous going around trying to stir shit up, and if your community ever gets past the stillborn phase, these people will find you and do their darndest to ruin it for everyone (I don't mean literally Anonymous, I mean any similar internet mob such as small gangs of tumblr vigilantes or gossip subreddits about you).

The meta-hipsters popularize your community in an effort of gaining social status for themselves by showing they are even more hip than you, and meanwhile wannabe meta-hipsters start flooding your community because it becomes fad/rite of passage (just like 4chan was, and later individual smaller boards of 4chan)

Rules are just one of the ways you can filter people. Ultimately, it's not about rules, it's about users. In a place like an image board, users are very hard to pin down, so rules are enforced instead in the hopes that undesirable users will eventually get tired of constantly getting banned or deleted and leave. But if your members have identities, you could just as easily ban them based on their conduct, not individual acts or rules. So you can easily have no rules, if people are vigilant about not letting shitheads in. IRL communities function this way: Your tight-knit group of friends doesn't need any rules, since no one is going to associate with shitheads anyway (until that one guy goes full retard and brings his girlfriend to something at least).

All the best communities I've participated in were good because people had to find them by themselves. After any number of users or administration gets the idea of telling others about it, the doomsday clock starts ticking. Then, it becomes only a matter of time when the threshold of too much broadcasting invites the fucktards. Sometimes it takes a while, sometimes it happens almost instantaneously.

I was never able to get into traditional forums, I'd make an account, set up an avatar and a signature, start discussing shit, and eventually get tired of trying to keep a reputation online, most forum users always had their user pages neat and decorated with a blog post and pictures and they'd have lots of comments from other user on it. Me? Nope! Just a blank and uninteresting user page, I simply never ever had the dedication to really get into that kind of shit, then I discovered anonymous imageboards, and it's so much more free, you don't need a username, no shitty blog pages, no avatars, no signatures, just text and a reaction to what you say, fucking simple, there really is no better community than an anonymous imageboard (with strict moderation).

Eventually, /fringe/ will fall to the depths that all other good online communities have fallen to.

I just hope there are still some good active invite-only online communities out there and that eventually, I will be part of them.


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Here is my reply. You won't find another one like it in the entire world. I have handcrafted this reply using skills taught to me by Indonesian monks over the course of a quarter century. I have honed these talents into the post you are currently reading. It is clear, concise, and best of all, a joy to read. The use of proper grammar and spelling is above and beyond any mere reading experience brought to you prior to this glorious moment. Indeed, no one has, or ever will, match the tenacity and sheer incredibleness of this post. There's simply no reason to even try. Hang up your posting boots, kids, the game's been won. This is the greatest reply ever posted in the entire history of the world. And you're welcome.



Back to /s4s/ shitposter



Whom are you quoting?


Not quite the case. Think of Metal Gear Online 2.

You had to make 3 separate accounts, wait hours for patches to download (and the p2p option never worked often) make a character, navigate through a maze of menus etc.

This was a patience filter.

The community was around 1000 people per server, not very much for a game. The game itself was top notch, quite a nice change from all the braindead shooters.

And what did this produce? The scummiest, most elitist, cheating, dramatic, self destructive assholes that has ever been known in an online community.


It's quite ironic for you to make this thread as it's barely /fringe/-related. Eventually, topics like this will push the envelope on what's an acceptable topic. Posters like yourself will be given an inch, others will take a mile.


I think another thing we're not looking at is that the knowledge/quality posters just move on due to age or other/more important priorities in life and as the years go by the board becomes "littered" with younger kids that just dont know shit and dont have anything to offer except for their shitposting.

Along with this the number of english speakers is becoming increasingly non-white. another reason im glad i know german.



> another reason im glad i know german.

Hopefully you are better at it than at english


I'm not entirely sure if I agree with OP. I think the problem isn't the exclusivity but quality control. I like anonymous message boards as much as the next faggot, but that anonymity also means that someone will always "feed the trolls" in some way, whether for laughs or with serious intentions. And that brings everything down.

I'm thinking now of some hobby/technical/computer-oriented forums with a majority adult populations I've seen. Non-anonymous in that usernames are required, new members are warmly welcomed and

questions are answered politely, but the quality of the content is still high. Blatant provocations don't even have to be dealt with, they're just ignored. Wonder what the magic formula is.


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Unfortunately OP, this trend is here to stay.

You have to also keep in mind that globally our average IQ is dropping in free fall at the moment.

Some studies estimate a 7 point drop on average already in 2015.

Not only this, but as others here have mentioned, the internet is no longer a "wild west", populated by white 20 something computer nerds.

It's full of minorities, kids, women, and normalfags. And as most of us know - anything the "majority" gets its hand on is ruined because it eventually caters only to the lowest common denominator - which is this majority.

Most communities attempt to counter this problem with increased moderation and censorship, but all this does is scare away the quality posters and inevitably mods start using their power to push their own personal beliefs on users.

I'm not sure what the answer to this problem is. In many ways I am hopeful for the potential darknet/tor/meshnet communities will hold initially, as using them takes some technical skill - it will be like the open net in the 90's for a while.

Ultimately, I am losing interest in putting my time and energy into contributing to good online communities (like /fringe/) though. It's disheartening to see a quality post I spend an hour working on pushed to the bottom, to be replaced by absolute shitposts. (e.g - /fringe/res/36077.html)


This is a copypasta of a post a week old, retard


For fucks sakes you care way too much, this board serves its purpose, I'm here to share info and books and post about my experiences sometimes and find what others are doing. A few shitposters can't steal my loosh. Most of the time I'm too busy actually reading my occult books and practising magick to give a fuck about these things. How many of the books have you even read OP?


People like the OP and anyone that agrees with him are always the lurkers who do nothing but complain and don't contribute.

You know what I do when I see the whole frontpage is covered in shit?

I take one of my ideas that's been brewing in my head for days, I write it up, and I post a quality thread.

Then I go find the good threads and make replies in them.

When I'm done all the shit is pushed down.

I have a LOT of posts on this board that are appreciated by a lot of people here.



His thread will be purged when it gets to page 5 and has less than 10 replies automatically.

Just add replies to the good threads.

It's ok to bump threads on any page of /fringe/.

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