>29 years old
Just one more year and you'll be a Wizard in the vain of wizchan wizards.
How is virginity a "big issue that must be assessed"? What the fuck does it matter to you to engage in the programming of your species? Look at it this way; imagine for a moment a pig whose consciousness you could inhabit. As a pig, if you in fact merge with its programming enough, you'd be attracted to another pig of the opposite gender generally. You might then engage in sex. Then afterwards lets say you break the connection and return to your human consciousness with its programming. How would that make you feel? Perhaps absolutely disgusted?
That drive you have towards having sex is a program that's part of your being a human right now.
As a spirit you don't have to submit to the programming of your species. Break down the act into its constituent parts. What is it all about really? What makes up the act? What is its proper use? Which parts of it do you really want to give manifestation?
Why do you want to have sex? To damn another spirit into incarnation in this world? To do what everyone else is doing because you feel like it's an experience you've got to have and you have to prove yourself as capable of being a man?
You can be more than just a man. Yet to become greater than man you have to no longer be a slave to animal drives. The animal part of your mind must become subservient to the higher aspects of mind. Otherwise you'll destroy yourself and become useless if and when you attain the higher powers.
Your whole mind is a series of programs and you can reprogram all of it. If you are conscious of your true self, your self that is aware and that wills, and which is eternal and not mind nor body; then you have a reference point to work from and begin to apply your will to your purification and restructuring.
This nonsense about having to lose your virginity isn't justified by some assholes in the astral plane, maybe thoughtforms of your own creation, badgering you about this. If you manage to fuck another human and be a successful animal you have accomplished little of actual worth. Do you even plan on procreating? Do you just want pleasure? You can Will pleasure throughout your whole body without the abstract ritual that is sex. Do you want intimacy and a companion? Magick can help you find and connect with another in a deeper way than unconscious, random, haphazard seeking. I don't know exactly what it is you want but there is always a superior way and superior desires.
Virginity is nothing to be ashamed of. Wanting to lose virginity because some other sentients are insulting you about it is shameful. Sex and love and reproduction should be done consciously, purposefully, and without being blinded by any illusions or because you want to submit to some negative manipulative influence.
I've known a guy who went to the olympics and is an old man now and had a very accomplished life and is extremely well respected. He once loved some girl, but that girl died before he could even so much as tell her he loved her, and he never tried to love anyone ever again. Unlike you he isn't indoctrinated though with this degenerate urge to lose virginity to any random whore and I haven't asked him but I bet he probably doesn't masturbate either. He's completely celibate, really religious, and believes strongly in God. Is he a "loser" for being a virgin at like 70? Nu uh. He's practically a god amongst men; or a stellar man amongst animal men.
You talk pretty weird for someone that's supposedly not in control. Who is "I"? I have been possessed before, temporarily, and I've known others who were possessed. They didn't talk like you. Their possessors talked liked themselves; (that is, the possessor talked like himself through them) not saying shit like "I" when referring to the host. I've noticed some legit possessed people on /fringe/ as well before.
Either you're partially (maybe even mostly) still in control or you've been possessed by one of your very own malformed thoughtforms, originating from you, and not from elsewhere/someone-else.