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Esoteric Wizardry


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From my observation, we are living on a planet that has created great confusion about the death process. From the moment we are born, we are indoctrinated by institutions and society into accepting viewpoints that sell death as something to be avoided.

For example, scholarly history portrays the ancient human as someone that lived in caves and had to fight wild beasts for survival, claiming that this instinct for survival is the base of who we are. Psychology then uses these "instincts" to explain human behavior, giving them weight and acceptance as a concept.

In religion, the [catholic] church portrays death as the ultimate judgment, and spreads fear that if you commit suicide, you will be cast to hell for eternity (claiming that suicide is "a wasted gift from god"). In historic-Europe, if you committed suicide you would be excommunicated from the church and not given a catholic burial. Besides labeling the act as wasteful and cowardice, it would also bring great shame to the surviving family (further stigmatizing suicide in society).

In criminal law, assisting anyone with suicide is illegal. In many regions, even attempting suicide yourself is illegal (if you survive), punishable by imprisonment or confinement to a mental ward.

The obsession with life is so deeply ingrained in the human psyche, that from my observations, the resulting side-effect is that millions/billions of people are willing to live in sub-human conditions consisting of: severe poverty and financial slavery; chronic bodily pain and mental anguish; complete social isolation from community; missing limbs or bodily function. Humans are willing to live under these excruciating conditions because they believe there is more value in being alive, even under extreme pain and suffering, than going through the death process.


Why is it like this?

I think it makes simple logical sense that a person who is destitute should be free to escape the suffering and torture of "the human experience". For example, an uninsured low-income earner who walks away from a USA hospital with $120,000 in debt. With no access to higher education or better paying jobs, that person is forced to work the entirety of their remaining life to settle that debt. Never will they have a penny to enjoy being alive. So not only do they have extremely limited prospects of enjoying the planet, but their future has already been set in stone, and now they are nothing more than a debt slave.

How does a person handle such a situation? Depends on what they believe happens in death. If they believe that death is a ceasing of existence, or worse, eternal torture – they would be more inclined to stay alive and learn to cope with the hopelessness, debt-slavery conditions, and lack of meaningful experiences.

On the other hand, if they believe that death is a liberation from all pain, or even better, an experience of peaceful eternal bliss – they would be much more willing to "throw in the towel" and commit suicide.

Who benefits from either case?

It seems quite obvious that confusion about death benefits the parasites, including governments and "royal" families, that have profiteering interests. At the top of those organizations are a handful of families, enjoying lavish and effortless lifestyles, that pass on the accrued wealth from generation-to-generation, ensuring that all worldly power remains in the hands of a few people.

For example, we have federal governments that see humans as a commodity. Each human is a taxpayer, or a battery as "The Matrix" puts it, that can be used to fuel the GDP pipeline. Whenever a person commits suicide, that is one less taxpayer to profit the local economy. So it's in the interest of governments to ensure that people fear suicide, and more than that, the ones who are suicidal are coaxed into staying alive. And more than that, that these people are coaxed into getting back to work (through the use of "mental health" facilitators like psychologists, psychiatrists, and pharmaceutical companies).


There are the medical systems that profits from suicidal candidates being referred for "treatment". Hospitals make money from emergency patients being brought in by police from a suicide attempt. Later these patients are transferred to a "mental health" wing that profits from routine appointments with a psychologist/psychiatrist, charging an average of $300 per hour. Further we have the pharmaceutical companies which are pushing suicide as a "depression" and "chemical imbalance" that should be medicated. If you refuse to believe that your desire to kill yourself is a "chemical imbalance", they even have the power to incarcerate you to an expensive but ugly hotel called the "mental ward". So we have plenty of behemoth organizations in the medical pipeline, well connected with politicians and universities, that are profiteering from suicidal people. And in many of these cases, the candidates are not insured so the state is left footing the bill. So care for people with the "suicidal disease" ends up at the taxpayer, which translates into a guaranteed income for these huge organizations. Corporate parasitism in its ultimate form.

We have religious institutions that not only rely on church-goers for donations, but they also actively recruit new members by targeting the destitute population. Churches host a day each week dedicated to "feeding the homeless", which gives them an opportunity to spread their message to new candidates. Church organizations will go so far as to appear around the sites of tragic accident, like a bombing, to distribute informational pamphlets that take advantage of the candidate's vulnerable state to trick them into fear-based religious beliefs, including fear of suicide (and in many religions, the aspect of "divine judgment" creates a fear of natural death too).

Then we have public schools that work hand-in-hand with politicians to indoctrinate children into politically and socially correct views while the children are most vulnerable – young, inexperienced, unable to use simple logic, and powerless to defend themselves when in front of an authority figure – ingraining ideas and beliefs on minds that are ripe and easy to manipulate. This includes references made by the authority figure between learning activities, in reference to political and world news, as a time to sell the children on ideas about the necessity for war, how to spot a "terrorist", and of course the answer to "what happens when we die?" As well, this is a good time for the authority figure to sell children on the idea that humans have historically been driven to survive, from the time we were fighting wild-beasts and living in caves. So above all else, "you MUST survive! Do you homework, graduate from university, get a job, PAY YOUR TAXES! And if you want to kill yourself because you think all of this is pointless, go see a doctor, so we can string your brain through the medical machine. Hopefully we confuse you so much that you forget you have the desire to kill yourself."


What elements allow for this to happen?

From my observations, it seems like FEAR and CONFUSION are the elements used to trap the human in this life of servitude.

Fear of death casts doubt in the suicidal person, and that doubt is enough to stop them from going through with the action. It's important for the survival of these systems that the candidates are ingrained at an early age, long before they start being suicidal. And then it is also important that these ingrained ideas are activated on a routine basis, with each activation making them more real and dominant.

For example, that could be something as simple as "the system" publishing a TV show or Movie where the main character deals with suicidal thought, and the movie ends on a "positive" concept (positive in terms of the goal), like "survival above all else"; perhaps selling ideas of luck and perseverance to create a sense of hope for the viewer.

Or on a grander scale, it could include a government-staged bombing on its own people, like a 9/11-type event, where the death of mass casualties has viewers questioning their own mortality, leaving them in a vulnerable state for a government official to push a belief (ie. "We will make you safe! Just please don't pay attention to the fact that we are taking away your right to privacy as we speak… Anyone who questions our authority is a terrorist, so DON'T - BE - A - TERRORIST!")

The other element is CONFUSION. The institutions will attempt to mask your suicidal urge by "shoveling on" levels of logical complexity, in an effort to bury your urge under a web of logic. The more complex they can make the idea of suicide, the less likely you are able to unravel the web and return to your root urge of "ending it all". This could include group or individual "therapy" where every thought of yours will be broken-down, analyzed, questioned, and processed through an "acceptable" filter of perception (acceptable as determined by the "educational" institutions). To further the idea that you're "making progress", you will simultaneously consume pharmaceutical medication that will target the "chemical imbalance" in your brain (cough placebo cough), so your new sense of progress (aka. that woozy feeling of being confused stemming from the fact that you're being tricked to deny your senses), has a physically identifiable reason (the pill) that will justify your improvement to be able to function better at work so that you can pay your taxes. So please continue paying our parasitic company for our expensive placebo, and don't forget to PAY - YOUR - TAXES!


We also see CONFUSION at play in the educational institutions, where your desire to kill yourself is discredited as an uneducated response. "Surely, if you had studied philosophy from the best thinkers of all time, if you had studied psychology to build an understanding of YOUR MIND, you wouldn't be thinking such foolish things!" The psychologist or psychiatrist, with his years of education, will try to convince you that he is more qualified to decide on your behalf the question, "is my life worth living", more qualified than you are… as he retreats to his mansion in the hills, and you return homeless to sleeping underneath a bridge (…but good luck getting any sleep as you're constantly harassed by police and junkies).

Understanding the urge

It seems to me that beyond the systems of indoctrination that we face since birth, there's always a part of us that is just beyond all the stupidity and cannot be tricked into submission. I would call that our intuition. Even as children in the moment of being terrorized by authority figures (who terrorize us instead of respecting us as equal beings), we feel our own willpower supersede all attempts at indoctrination. We have this innate understanding that we have free will, and that no one can WILL us into another decision, unless we ourselves give them permission to act on our behalf. Through all the screaming and arguing, you always have the right to choose your own destiny.

What do I stand to gain?

If I was to no longer fear death, and I was no longer confused about my urge to kill myself, I would be able to access unimaginable freedom. Because no longer would I need to worry about paying the bills, working like a dog, allowing people in authority to punish me. If life would ever become so unbearable that there wasn't a shred of happiness or hope to keep me going, I would be able to leave of my own volition. I would be free from the many types of torture that this planet is capable of applying. I would have no commitments to this world that would stop me from exercising my right to death; I would only be here on a temporary trip to have whatever good experiences were available to me, and when all those options are depleted, I would leave like I would leave any other attraction after closing time.


Imagine that you are a consciousness-based being, hopping between worlds and bodies, as easy as it is for you to go to sleep and dream. And with each dream, you access a new world of experiences and constraints. In some cases, you become aware during the dream that you are sleeping, so this gives you great power to mess around with the constraints and really have fun with it. At other times, you were in the middle of a painful nightmare, and upon becoming aware that you are sleeping, you immediately opt to wake-up. When you awake, the pain disappears instantly, and you re-emerge into your "true" form (the sleeper in the bed, not the character in the dream).

So if you are this consciousness-based being, would you enter a new realm, if in the case of being launched into a nightmare, you didn't have the right to wake-up? As-if accepting to be born into this realm obligated you to live until you "naturally died". To me it seems a tad silly to obligate people to live through a nightmare. In fact, I don't think a free-will being would ever choose to enter a world where the right to wake-up wasn't guaranteed. I would think that such a being would prefer to put his inter-dimensional journeys on hold until conditions improved a little bit. Personally, I just can't see any logical reason for allowing myself to be needlessly tortured.

My personal story

I had a rough start to my earthly existence. The childhood experience was extremely unsafe, full of suffering, living in poverty, insufficient levels of love and happiness to keep me going. However, I was always a very strong-willed child. My parents were very indoctrinated into the institutionalized systems, including catholicism. This just created a further rift where my freedom was being challenged at every level of my being, but beyond all the repercussions, I was able to maintain a strong connection to my intuition.

Regardless of my strong intuitive guidance, living in complete opposite to the institutionally accepted beliefs and values is a life of constant struggle. It's much easier to accept the indoctrination and live within the system, then it is to stick to your moral compass. Because if you have to challenge the system, you are an individual fighting an army of sheep and authority-figure actors, so it's a constant battle just to survive. And being a human you are limited by the financial systems, where you have to act within them to maintain any stream of food or shelter. So you have to live on this planet integrated as a part of it, as a person that disagrees with every fundamental belief, including the most basic – that each person should have the right to death at own volition. It's a life full of struggle and very little reward, if you could imagine.


So by the time I was 16 I really wanted to die. I had enough of the torture and I just didn't see any hope for conditions to improve. At this point I had completely broken free from the catholic indoctrination for about 3 years, but there was still the doubt at the back of my mind that – if I kill myself it may result in eternal damnation. So this idea kept me from going through with the suicide.

Then I had an experience that changed everything. The instant I "came-to" I wrote everything down to be sure I would never forget the details.

It was a Saturday morning where I could see the light coming through the window in my room, and I could hear my siblings were already awake watching TV in the living room below. I had what appeared as "sleep paralysis", my eyes were open but I couldn't move. It started to freak me out, so I wanted to scream for help, but couldn't. I wanted to bang on the floor, but I couldn't move my arms. I was panicking. But then my heart stopped beating, and I just knew "THIS IS IT!" When you're about to die, there is no doubt, you just intuitively know. It's like you're being called/summoned from the other side.

Next followed suffocation. With the heart and lungs no longer functioning, I could feel the oxygen completely cut off. Couldn't breath. At this point I remember from my religious indoctrination that "if you accept Jesus on your deathbed, you can still get into heaven." So at this point I'm like "YES, YES, JESUS, I'LL OPT-IN ON THAT!" Moments later everything around me turned into white light and I was traveling through a tunnel. I could feel myself being squeezed, almost as-if I was moving through a tight-straw. It was shown to me (I understood) that my body was heavy and dense, and that I would have to leave it behind. So this squeezing experience is one where only the "light" part of you gets sucked through.

Appearing on the other side, I find myself overlooking earth from space. Not sure if that's where I was; if anything, it's how I conceptualized the idea of heaven (being above earth, somewhere out there in space), so this concept was used to illustrate my position in the ethereal world. Most noticeably, I feel incredibly light and calm. All the burdens of the world got left behind with the body, and all that is left of me is the calm thinker. I feel I am in a place of incredible love and happiness. Being here feels so good, it energizes my soul just being present, after all those years of sadness and despair on the planet it's a huge difference.


A voice speaks to me. Not sure where it's coming from, somewhere off there in space I suppose. I recognize the voice instantly as my guide. The voice speaks with great wisdom, and I feel he has more insight than I do. As the voice speaks, it is not through sound, it is through thought-blocks. We are somehow connected, and as he sends the thought-block, I understand it in its entirety. It is an understanding that goes beyond words, includes everything like memories, emotions, and concepts. As soon as the voice speaks, I instantly recognize and understand everything that is being said.

Starts off by telling me that the voice (and others present) have been watching and are fully aware I want to kill myself. This thought-block unravels layer-by-layer instantly in a split second, just experiencing this communication through thought-blocks was remarkable in itself. But I see that they have been observing me living in great pain and anguish. They see I haven't had any happy in my life. And they also see I've been confused about suicide and "eternal damnation" and all the crap.

So they showered me with love, just a cloud of pure love, and it felt like my core self was bathing-away all the earthly nastiness in that love. And instantly I knew that there was absolutely no judgment. I knew that they fully understood the pain that was my life, and they loved me so much, they would never want me to be tortured. They showed me that – yes, I'm allowed to kill myself; and when I do, I don't have to justify my actions, because they already understand. They showed me there would be no judgment, because there is only complete understanding. And with complete understanding of the person – mind, emotions, memories – there is nothing to explain.

Next, the voice asked me, "Do you want to go back?" It was perfectly clear that this decision was up to me, I wouldn't be forced to live if I didn't want to continue.


As that thought-block unraveled, I could see that I chose to be born in the first place. I remembered the memory I had before I was born – I was looking down on planet earth from this ethereal place, and I actually had other ethereal friends too, and we joked about how the people on earth were so forgetful. I could see the people running around on earth, busy with their lives, but many of them living very sad unfulfilled lives. But they were so caught up with life, they forgot who they are at the core (ethereal beings too), as a result living without freedom. We laughed because the beings that got born in always said the same thing, "I will remember who I am, I won't let the world make me forget." But by the time they were about 10 years old, almost all of them were so heavily indoctrinated by the world, that by age 10 they had completely forgotten the truth. We laughed at how some gave up sooner than others. I don't know, you had to be there to get it. Playful teasing.

So as I was joking with my buddies, I felt ready to go back (in my previous life, I had died in a world war with a bullet to the head). I told them "I will go in there and I will remember who I am. And then I will remind others who have forgotten about the truth as well, so that they too can be free." But here I was, 16 years old, and the world had beat me down so much that this is where I found myself again.

So when the voice asked me, "Do you want to go back?", I instantly remembered this memory that I had before birth and of the intention I had set. And in that instant I felt that there was more I wanted to experience, I felt incomplete, and so I entertained the idea of going back. Not just to fulfill my mission, but at the time I was also a virgin, and I really didn't want to die before seeing what all the fuss was about.

I told the voice I would go back under two conditions. The first being that I would be allowed to remember our conversation. It was important for me to take this memory with me so that I wouldn't fall back into the confusion of the system. In that moment I remembered that in fact, I had several experiences like this one before, when I was younger – at least 2 or 3 occurrences at different ages where I was pulled out of the body and consulted my guide. Each time I would be so excited at remembering of this place of pure love, saying "the moment I go back, I will tell all my friends and family, this is so exciting they just have to know!" But the moment I wake up, I would sense that urgency to tell them all of something important, but what? I would no longer remember. Each time I was sent back, they blocked the memory from being accessible. So this time I said I'm not up for it anymore. Either they allow me to keep the memory, or I'm not a willing participant.


The second condition was that I never wanted to work. The whole experience of working looked so dull and lifeless, I just told them straight, I'm not going to be doing that. And I'm tired of being poor, so you better get me some money.

So they agreed to my conditions (at least the first one, I don't know whatever happened to that second one). I woke up instantly after that, mind completely blown. I rushed to my computer and quickly wrote down all the details from our conversation. I still have the original file from my computer. That was 11 years ago.

After I finished writing down all the details, I walked downstairs to the living room. My sister was there watching TV and I told her, "You didn't hear me knocking on the floor or screaming?" And she didn't hear such a thing. So I told her, "Well, I just died in my sleep, heart stopped beating, and I was sucked through to the other realm where I met with my guide, and basically granted me permission to kill myself." As I told her the other details she was blown-away to say the least.

In the 11 years since then, I have looked through a lot of spiritual material to make sense of my experience. Up to that point the only exposure I had was to catholicism. I find that "Abraham Hicks" teachings are the closest representation of what is really going on "behind the curtain". I'm pretty sure that life is not "a test", it's also not a limbo where you are forced into life to have a "learning experience". We only come here to have some fun, because there are experiences you can have in the physical world that are not available in the ethereal world.


But at no point was that supposed to turn to a subscription for "the boring club", where every day you are bored out of your mind, or "the torture club", where every day is pain and suffering. If you're not having fun, you have the right to leave.

I'm not the only one

There are other people like me too. If you search for "near death experience" on Google and YouTube, you will find many similarities between our experiences. For example, similarities you can expect: 1) was pulled out of the "heavy/dense" human body and taken to a place that felt weightless; 2) was in a place of pure love (or joy or bliss); 3) spoke with a voice who asked, "Do you want to go back?"; 4) being in this place of pure love felt so good, that it was hard to agree to go back, but decided to go back because "felt there was something more I needed to complete".

Having observed the systems and institutions on this planet, I personally fear that the full potential of this world is being held back because of this confusion about death. I feel that if everyone knew about "the truth", as well I know about it, I feel that would begin a schizm where the masses would stop putting up with the bullshit of the powerful few. It starts with a nice quick "fuck you" to the boss, a big finger to the politicians, a "suck my dick" the the police officers. These systems are not worth preserving. They spread lies/confusion and turn human beings into soul-less cogs. War, mutilation, torture, terrorism, poverty, feminine, homelessness, disease, greed, rape – this is not what the human experience was meant to be.

And I think the starting point to change is to recognize that – we as consciousness-based beings are so FREE that we have the "right to death", the ultimate escape from pain, slavery, and torture – and we can activate this right in the case that this planet does not give us the happiness and love that we deserve.


Thank you for reading and may God guide you.


I don't really care. Is dying that scary to you?



>looking down on planet earth

Flat Earth conspiracy intesifies


File: 1430569794919.pdf (4.15 MB, suicide_note.pdf)

Read this



it's not a conspiracy, it's a fact



Well, I do tend to think the same, but I was just highlighting it.


You choose your realities.

If you can get past the hardships, it's not a benefit just for yourself, it's a benefit for all.

Earth was planned to be as it is… hard, dark, extreme polarities etc. for the sake of experience, for the benefit of all, and you were most probably there when the planning took place. Earth is more important than what one might think.

Earth is starting to become lighter, but as the light becomes brighter, the darkness becomes stronger. As the light gets brighter the darkness will fight back, but retreats. When the earth ascends, it will be as a miracle, it will be known beyond our galaxy. How many times haven't humanity have the chance to destroy themselves? The marker has been passed (2012) and the many predictions of the destruction of humanity weren't fulfilled. Many eyes are fixed at our "small blue planet" now.



2012 was meant as a prediction of when the soul of the earth would begin truly awakening not "the end of the world" as the corrupt media propagated



>"small blue planet"


The Earth is flat.



2012 was a marker.



amazing how brainwashing works


OP, I always saw suicide as the escape which gave me freedom, and whose presence enabled me to go into the extremities and beauties of this experience here unhindered.

It was part of a 'blueprint' of deep convictions I held as a child, and which have unfolded like some strange geometry of vision emerging from beyond into this world throughout the course of my life. Like a building unfolding as a flower, with its root in a far truer place.

But I became very scared after a traumatic breakup involving several bad trips on LSD and DMT. My anxiety, which is really some kind of epigenetic fear I inherited from my biological father, got translated into a trip about eternal damnation. Trauma-based survival behaviours around my deepest fears got combined with psychdelic terror about eternal torment or imprisonment, and not tripping meant I couldn't go back and look at the source of this 'knowledge' of some terror beyond. So I was trapped in fear here.

Lines from texts I always insinctually hated, like the righteous tracts of theosophy and other 'spiritual' new agers, added to me fear that it just might be true. That fear has been the thing keeping me from killing myself, and, really, from living with a sense of freedom.

The person who I know to be truest and best told me it wasn't true. But that person is quiet and unassertive and the possibility kept taunting me.

I think that now though I will stay out of love and because this blueprint unfolding in me is strange and beautiful. Because it's interesting where this all could go. I know what you said is so much closer to the truth. I couldn't worship or care about 'improving' by the standards of some cosmic order/being where the 'punishment' versions were true. That's just disgusting. Pathetic. Pitiable. I refuse to acknowledge any being/order that would make it like that, or to accept their disgusting blessings whilst they torment others who I love or might love.

I saw this post at a perfect time. Thank you so much for writing it. It's touched me more deeply than anything else I've read for a long time.


ITT: Shitloads of disinformation from people who don't understand the nature of reality and think some assholes in the astral planes are reliable sources of information about all of this.


Why the hell do any of you fear torture and damnation?

That's what Earth is; this is Hell. I don't have even the slightest shred of fear of hell as an inhabitant of this accursed shithole.



They are most likely no even virgins and have no idea about the reality of suffering. I welcome the idea of burning in torment.



I'm a virgin, don't speak of virginity in such terms, but ummm fuck I don't have any hope that killing myself is going to fix anything.

As above; so below. The law of correspondence suggests to me that if I don't develop to my fullest potential here, I will be similarly weak and lost in the out of body state.

I don't believe anyone came here by choice. I believe the OP was manipulated by astral beings who themselves are either delusional or intentional manipulators. They sure don't deliver on their promises to the OP and I get the impression they used their loosh to mess with his thinking process.

I go out in the astral all the time. I understand the thought packages shit, the feelings you get from other entities, and so on; and I've received useful information from others out there but lies too. I don't trust them blindly and the entities OP is interacting with deserve a serious beatdown for acting like they have control over whether he gets to go back or not to his body.

…and OP can't remember shit because he doesn't have the technique for copying astral memories into physical memories down correctly yet or didn't in the past.

Trust me OP life is not just a game. There is one resource in this whole universe that is extremely precious. It is loosh / desire / emotion. This resource comes from an infinite source but at a finite rate and it's the duty of these higher intelligences to gather as much of it as possible to use it and to grow. He whose desires die out will become as matter and his opportunity to exert his Will, will weaken, until he is absorbed.

If you can manifest intense desire and concentration you can perform magick and last a lot longer.

Another important fact is none of this shit is planned and you don't pick these experiences at all. The reason being that we live on the edge of infinity, always unfolding, and though we can make informed guesses about the future any perception of a future event gives you a chance to avoid it unfolding. There is a lot of fuzziness about all of this; not even those astral beings know for sure what's going to go down. Shit happens.

…and there's much more I ought to tell you as well including about the non-dual nature of emotions, the fracturing of divinity, the desire to experience separation and know another, freewill, etc.

What brought us here was the resonance between our desires and that of our parents. Most of us that incarnate here were so thoroughly fucked up in the astral that little but the desire for future life was left in us when we fell into a deep and dark astral sleep. Then we awoke in our bodies, with programming built-in, and our memories were lost because we were not strong enough to power the connections to them with our loosh.

A few spirits that are much more knowledgeable and powerful reincarnate in a different way. Most people in the astral follow out their desires to exhaustion and end up in that pitiful state forced to reincarnate in order to recharge their desires with new experiences and new life. Depending on the complexity of the consciousness it usually takes a few hundred years but sometimes it's a lot quicker, especially if they are more like animals. There are a few though who have learned to desire to desire and have broken away from the anti-life programming of killing out desires. They make haste in taking possession of a physical body, finding one that they can copy their astral memories and everything into, and be born again without the loss.

He who is to discover immortality must develop his mind to withstand eternity or else be recycled by greater minds.



Yes I agree with you, I go the astral all the time, all the beings all the voices are forcing me to talk about virginity. I honestly believe it is my calling to speak of virginity in such terms. I am 29 years old and have tried losing my virginity many times and I continue to go into the astral to find peace of mind, they tell me my virginity is a big problem. I push it out of my mind during life, but I believe virginity is a big issue that must be assessed.



I can not stop it. I gave myself to demons long ago. I can never stop this. I am here to encourage reality and truth. I am here to speak truth. I am here to create discomfort. I am here to to speak what I am told to speak. I gave myself a long time ago. I reached for the moon and I needed the truth. I am not in control.



you are such a gigantic faggot learningkike



Thank goodness you'll never be able to pass on your kike genes!




I highly doubt it's him, I don't think he posts on /fringe/, I suspect he might lurk though.



>29 years old

Just one more year and you'll be a Wizard in the vain of wizchan wizards.

How is virginity a "big issue that must be assessed"? What the fuck does it matter to you to engage in the programming of your species? Look at it this way; imagine for a moment a pig whose consciousness you could inhabit. As a pig, if you in fact merge with its programming enough, you'd be attracted to another pig of the opposite gender generally. You might then engage in sex. Then afterwards lets say you break the connection and return to your human consciousness with its programming. How would that make you feel? Perhaps absolutely disgusted?

That drive you have towards having sex is a program that's part of your being a human right now.

As a spirit you don't have to submit to the programming of your species. Break down the act into its constituent parts. What is it all about really? What makes up the act? What is its proper use? Which parts of it do you really want to give manifestation?

Why do you want to have sex? To damn another spirit into incarnation in this world? To do what everyone else is doing because you feel like it's an experience you've got to have and you have to prove yourself as capable of being a man?

You can be more than just a man. Yet to become greater than man you have to no longer be a slave to animal drives. The animal part of your mind must become subservient to the higher aspects of mind. Otherwise you'll destroy yourself and become useless if and when you attain the higher powers.

Your whole mind is a series of programs and you can reprogram all of it. If you are conscious of your true self, your self that is aware and that wills, and which is eternal and not mind nor body; then you have a reference point to work from and begin to apply your will to your purification and restructuring.

This nonsense about having to lose your virginity isn't justified by some assholes in the astral plane, maybe thoughtforms of your own creation, badgering you about this. If you manage to fuck another human and be a successful animal you have accomplished little of actual worth. Do you even plan on procreating? Do you just want pleasure? You can Will pleasure throughout your whole body without the abstract ritual that is sex. Do you want intimacy and a companion? Magick can help you find and connect with another in a deeper way than unconscious, random, haphazard seeking. I don't know exactly what it is you want but there is always a superior way and superior desires.

Virginity is nothing to be ashamed of. Wanting to lose virginity because some other sentients are insulting you about it is shameful. Sex and love and reproduction should be done consciously, purposefully, and without being blinded by any illusions or because you want to submit to some negative manipulative influence.

I've known a guy who went to the olympics and is an old man now and had a very accomplished life and is extremely well respected. He once loved some girl, but that girl died before he could even so much as tell her he loved her, and he never tried to love anyone ever again. Unlike you he isn't indoctrinated though with this degenerate urge to lose virginity to any random whore and I haven't asked him but I bet he probably doesn't masturbate either. He's completely celibate, really religious, and believes strongly in God. Is he a "loser" for being a virgin at like 70? Nu uh. He's practically a god amongst men; or a stellar man amongst animal men.


You talk pretty weird for someone that's supposedly not in control. Who is "I"? I have been possessed before, temporarily, and I've known others who were possessed. They didn't talk like you. Their possessors talked liked themselves; (that is, the possessor talked like himself through them) not saying shit like "I" when referring to the host. I've noticed some legit possessed people on /fringe/ as well before.

Either you're partially (maybe even mostly) still in control or you've been possessed by one of your very own malformed thoughtforms, originating from you, and not from elsewhere/someone-else.


All I know from your report to me is "beings and voices" are apparently harassing you about your virginity telling you it's a "big problem" and you've come to accept this because they keep doing it to you.

That is absolutely not a valid reason to throw away your virginity.

If you cave into them and do what they want, they'll probably feed from you, or find something new to harass you with, or maybe they have some other plans but I need to know more about your case.


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Good post. Have a cactus



I don't believe in 70 year old virgins. Somebody is messing with you.


File: 1431515992489.jpg (74.3 KB, 500x751, 500:751, ass 1380867089610 (1).jpg)

then you wouldnt be "alive" (incarnated)

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