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Esoteric Wizardry


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There is no falsehood, no false information possible to think of, that is more harmful than "Buddhist", "meditating" poisoners of minds.

Because what they "teach" is that description itself "doesn't matter". What they teach is the lowest, basest, vilest–not even "sophistry". The "koans" for instance are a "fuck you" towards description and rationality uttered in hopes that some poor, misguided, vulnerable mind will confuse the boldness with wisdom. But wisdom is not boldness. Wisdom is not effectiveness with which I manage to affect another person, for instance by dragging them into "drugs" or meditation. It's not even the effectiveness with which I manage to make other people happy. Wisdom is KNOWLEDGE of the ways in which doing certain things will help them. Explicitated knowledge, in terms of verifiable correlations: if x happens, then y happens to the degree of z.

The "masters" and the "meditators" have nothing of it (well, or relatively little–depending on the amount of rationality and drive before they were poisoned). They have no knowledge of psychiatry. Of psychology. Of biases and fallacies. Of statistics. They are useless, and yet people flock to them, because they have no verifiable positions, no intellectual integrity of any kind.



I don't like you


>muh psychology

>muh rationality

>muh fallacies and biases

>muh statistics

>muh fedora


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>sits around for hours thinking about nothing

>call it "meditation"

>suddenly intellectual and enlightened



peace and love



That's, like, your opinion man.


ITT - How some shillers are utterly incompetent at their jobs.


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All these new age hippies that achieve NOTHING, they just sit and "meditate". NO PROGRESS AT ALL!!!!

And yet they dare to call themselves "spiritual". I've had my fair share of these people, they're terribly demotivating.

>You can't do this, that's black magic!

>Just be yourself :^)

>But anon, you need surgery for this. Magic is not strong enough, you know. :^)

>Of course astral projection is the same as imagination. What else would it be?

>Your soul once left your body and you could see yourself? You're such a spiritual master, these indigo children nowadays, wow.

>We are all one, why would you need power? :^)

>But aging is natural, it's not a disease. Everything dies. :^)

>You can't cure that, it's karmic. :^)

>We're all one. No one is better. :^)



nnnnggghh i'm gonna join in on this vent

Fucking lazy autists thinking it's as simple as being mindful and meditating. If you want top tier you NEED good diet, shit loads of research, reading, taking notes etc., exercise, stretching, self awareness, cutting out mainstream music and television as much as possible. Just being purely focused on not believing but truly KNOWING you create your own life, world, future and feelings whilst constantly weeding out the rampant psychic/astral parasites wanting a piece of you both internally and externally.

"But nah d00d you just need to like, relax and be at peace with yourself and good things will come!!!"

The world is more filthy than ever before and they act like their zen good feels are some kind of salvation rather than just a piece of the puzzle



why do you think New Age was created as disinformation?

to make people docile cattle unable to rebel

karma doesn't exist, cause and effect isn't karma

the universe is amoral

do what you want



mfw every spiritual figurehead on youtube is now doing clickbaits and celebrity segments, adsense monies is reel baby.



How can one achieve nothing? How can one have no progress?

That's quite impressive!


Yes I agree that the most basic mindfulness meditation techniques lack enough texture to give anyone a full spiritual experience just by sitting and not thinking.

There are however some things about meditation that one must understand and learn as to not fall for the traps laid out.

Meditation is a tool, just like thinking, imagination and other mental powers. But people usually forget to lay down the tool when they're done and keep on carrying their thoughts while having their emotions go up and down. This creates thoughtforms and strange thought habits that cannot be understood from the subjective point of view (also other peoples' thoughts and ideas might slip in as part of the clutter and you might not notice it) which leads to the idea of meditating as to allow observation of the thoughts. In basic meditation, we observe our thoughts and take distance from them as to allow us to see where the thoughts come from, what they are based on and where they go.

When working with astral projection or any magick rituals, it is important that the practitioner knows how to silence the mind and allow an empty mind so that it can work more freely with the imagination and the subconscious mind. Without thought you focus on the breath, and through focus on breath you sit in the present moment. After you've meditated for 5-10 minutes, all thoughts should have been silenced and a light state of trance is achieved.

However, some people are so busy thinking every day, stressing over mundane things and being afraid of things that are harmless, meditation for them is a soothing cold breeze on a hot day. In their stage of whatever journey they are on, they feel contempt with the meditation where they can enjoy a silent mind for a long period of time because it gives them the rest and energy they need to keep doing the stuff they need to do. Some few people also gain contact with some spirits when their mind turns off which leads them on famous paths like the famous occultists of the past.

And in a world of endless gratification, satisfaction and access to what we want at a moment's notice, our mind gets filled with thoughts and emotions that eventually becomes very alien to our mind. Some people get used to living like this but the consequences leads them down the path to stress, fear and anxiety because they always have one more thought about what they should do or not do to prevent being judged by others or themselves.

While the silence of the mind teaches some that most things we seek is illusions. Being afraid of heights is stupid when there is fences everywhere and you trust your feet. To need to hear from others what they think about you becomes less important. You get your priorities straight and you can focus on the things that mean something instead of wasting time doing things we think we have to do but we really don't.

If you are deep into magick you probably don't spend more than 1 minute meditating just to get to the state you need and less than 10 minutes falling into a trance. And when you talk to some hippie new age person about your achievements, they will understand less than normal mundanes really. They are unbalanced and completely in emotional energies so they don't understand anything except for the feeling of love they get from loosh being that is always near them when they meditate. Even on hippie festivals with chanting, beings are present and give people the idea that they get healing from sitting in a ring while the spirits traverse the room and shoot enormous amount of energy into people. If you can invoke your own love from within, you don't even need to go to the hippie festivals.

1. Learn how to sit, be quiet, silent in both mouth and mind.

2. Play with your imagination, day dream, build things or make pictures of things you remember.

3. Open, align chakras and vibrate mantras to awaken your inner powers.

4. Learn how to go into trance and practice staying there.

5. After vibration shift, leave body and go explore the astral with 20/20 astral vision.

6. Be patient, never give up.

Have fun.


I respect your right to an opinion, which unfortunately is that other people's opinions on what works for them doesn't matter.

I think that the most ironic thing about this post is that it is pure vitriol and black and white thinking about a belief system whose purpose is to find peace and open the mind.

Describing another belief system as poison with closed minded poisonous words is the opposite of wisdom.

I say that if you have a belief system that works for you and betters your life, it is the right one. Whether you perform high magic ceremonies, or sit with an empty mind, or dress up as a clown and shit on people's chests, if you are improving your life without harming others than you have the right system.



>whose purpose is to find peace and open the mind

Except for the fact that it not only fails to do this but establishes precisely the opposite.



Confusing new age hippies with real yogis is retarded.



What is natural law



I agree.

The energy that meditation attempts to silence and control can be better used creatively actively. I think it's better to play video games than to meditate but working on a skill is far superior to video games.

If you make video games your skill and get paid for it well shit buddy you've won the internet.



i got high as fuck on weed and started doing deep breathing energetic intakes since i hadn't had weed in like 5 months it had a huge effect, the match of cod i was playing glitched out and something happened and everything distorted the people present commented on it and mentioned it was happening to them to then i started going full rambo mode and i got a massive killstreak while i was maintaining this intense breathing and surges of greenblueish energy was going up m spine from my feeling i was dominating absolutely everyone like nothing and had reflexes of a god.



This statement is purely opinion. There are many people that successfully find great inner peace from Buddhism and some of its practices. If this has not been your experience with it, so be it, but to make a blanket statement that a style of meditation is wrong and bad because it doesn't work for you accomplishes nothing. Rather than post such a negative thread why not post about what has successfully worked for you?




Meditation is an extremely broad thing with many different forms and effects.

Sitting around thinking nothing? You're just wasting your time.

You can apply various meditation techniques to enhancing memory, concentration, control over subconscious processes in the body, healing yourself, etc.



Reposting this to >>>/edgy/ because it's so perfect at describing the cancer that has been infesting /fringe/ lately.



>focus on the breath

Terrible fucking idea, breath is a distraction, one should NOT focus on the breath.



I want to harm others though.



In that case, you are just trolling. Which is fun when you're about 14. After that I'd think that mildly annoying anonymous people on the Internet with an intentionally foolish and not very edgy point of view would just be a total waste of time. Go meditate, it'll open your mind.



thanks for the loosh, mundane


>conquering one's fickle impulse-addled mind and cementing permanent and verifiable positive changes in brain chemistry

>"doing nothing"

>dispelling negative thought patterns forever and coming to terms with the transient nature of life

>"no progress"


But sure stick to your drugs and video games




You seem bitter. It doesn't have to be so hard



I will meditate upon your painful and humiliating death.



Why not meditate on your victory over him instead?


You really like quotation marks huh



Apparently you've never heard of vipassana.

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