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I was told to ask you about reptilians. /pol/ was curt, but polite. please enlighten a poor /wiz/ard down on him luck.


it's really the jews



this is surprising. they really are every where aren't they?


They are called reptilians because they bask in the energy of your unhappiness.



that makes slightly less sense than jews.

but in the context of jews; yes.


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basically the power structure is like this

who you think runs the world are puppets

puppets > jews >masonic order/bildeberg group >illuminati > reptilians > ????

There is a theory that reptilians are the aliens that are preparing the human race for enslavement, they pass down their orders to a select few, the illuminati which are a secret group at the top of the masonic order, which jews are a part of. Cultural Marxism and Communism are the best way to enslave the human race, and all the founders of Communism were 33rd degree masons

as well as all US presidents were masons or were in secret organizations that were affiliates of masons or underlings besides Lincoln and Kennedy, of course they had to be shot before they learned too much in that position of power.

Anyways all the founders of communism were given their commands by the reptilians, Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin, Marx, etc. It is all a means by the reptilians to enslave the human race, and jews will be enslaved too yet they do not realize it.



thank you. you are a god amongst(spelling?( men.



if you wish to know the source of the reptilian conspiracy you should read about David Icke, although that may differ from my understanding of them.



note made. I thank you and will relay to those who care back on /wiz/



reptilians are disinformation

what's the best way to switch focus from zionists to something else?

invent a story about reptiles

the ones that believe it are crazy and harmless idiots

the ones that don't believe, people with critical thinking skills, will be naive and stop caring about NWO and zionists too

reptilians are zionists, and that's it

"negative aliens" are the biggest scapegoat



oh, and david icke is a puppet, like lots and lots of people of the controlled opposition (like alex jones)



Damn, I knew those water filters must be a lie. You can't just remove fluoride that easily.



definitely, the fluoride molecules are way too small

if you want real pure water, you will have to spend lots and lots of money on a elite filter


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For years and years I'd heard about them but never had any encounters with one until I began elemental manipulation of matter around me. Then one showed up, in robes, and basically distracted me from what I was doing. The encounter was really intense and no words were spoken and it felt extremely dangerous to me.

Beyond that I don't have any experiences with them and can't really tell you what is going on with this race.

I think montalk.net is a good source though concerning them.


Reptilians are really humans who changed their astral\etheric body depending on the type of projection. Reptilian astral bodies are mostly used by evil occultists who oppose the mundanes. If everything went as they want it no knowledge of the occult would be avaliable today. Most of the alien abductions are also occultists who are just a bit more advanced. Most people here and all over the internet who claim they have seen reptilians actually saw an occultist.

I don't understand why everyone here is so afraid of beings that can't even survive by themselves. They have to use the media and all kinds of coward tehniques to try to control us. They also have to suck energy becouse they are so underdeveloped. In a couple of lifetimes most here will ascend anyways and leave earth if they keep practicing that is. There is also friendly\sto aliens helping us fight them behind the scenes. You can help in the fight too but first you need to master astral projection.






none of you get it.

Jews, reptilians and golems are the same thing!



please explain.



the reptillians control the jews fucknut we hate them both no one here so much as implied the jews aren't also to blame




> You can help in the fight too but first you need to master astral projection.

pls to gib good beginner resources regarding



supposedly reptilians can shape shift into human form (If they are even alien in the first place)

golems (jew robots that look like people) are made from clay and soul matter a very long time ago and form part of the elite jew families today.

Jews are Jews.

all of these entities serve the same purpose, to be sts as possible and hinder spiritual growth to prevent loosh farms from escaping



Mastering astral projection by Robert Bruce. Robert monroe also has a lot of books on the subject. But it is not hard to project it is very hard to train yourself to always see the astral . After that projecting becomes easy and isn't hit and miss anymore. Don't be discouraged if you don't project in 3 months or even a year some people are just not talented at this. I see so many people crying saying how hard it is after only trying for 2-3 months. Then they give up thinking this is not real and everyone is just crazy and was lying to them. The funny thing is if you hurt mundanes with magic and you tell them most won't even bealive you. You can also read initiation into hermetics by Franz Bardon it has more than astral projection but most things in the book are very helpfull.

Go to this web site


What you need to do is find their thought form in the astral then they test your abilities and give you simple missions.



He should just read Life Beyond Death, Psychomancy, Mental Influence, and Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic all by William Walker Atkinson and then Magical Use of Thoughtforms by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki.





robert bruce can't even help himself


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A case of people not understanding map-territory relations.



he "Reptilians" are from a star ~60 light years away from you. They are slightly more advanced than you are

now, but have an economic system more accommodating for deep-space exploration.

A militant faction operating on Earth uses farmed humans for the collection of their glandular excretions, which are used as recreational and medicinal drugs for them. They are also carnivores, and enjoy the taste of human meat. They

run a very secret op with the United States and Canadian government for technology in return for humans.

This interstellar drug ring, so to speak, funds a large portion of their operations in this sector of their space. You do not need to fear them, however. We will stop any attempts of theirs to take over your world.

>We will stop any attempts of theirs to take over your world.





take your fucking meds



"The "Uduketsa" are a physically formidable species that are called "Reptilians" because of their cosmetic similarity to Earth reptiles. They have negotiated a deals with several governments to discretely operate human gland farms in underground bases. In return, they give humans certain magnetic-based technologies."

"They farm humans for their glandular excretions, and use some of their stock for genetic and chemical experimentation. Whenever an individual is taken and used for these experiments, they are said to have "run away from their life" or to have committed suicide in some way that destroys their body."

"Several centuries ago they were attempting to take over your planet for themselves, but we prevented it. Tier 3 species such as us are very old, and almost always have lost the desire or need for warfare, which is only employed defensively and to protect very rare resources such as your planet which as you develop the technology to explore the galaxy and the cosmos at large, you will find is very rare."

"You are at a critical time in your history. You have technology available to you that no human society ever has. The internet, combined with the philosophies taught by certain psychedelics local to Earth such as DMT, are powerful tools to positively restructure your societies and achieve greatness. If you continue at your current rate, you will only continue to see eon after eon of warfare, hatred, greed, and destruction. It has been the death of a million worlds before you, and your own self-extinction will be no less tragic, but no less different than all the rest."



Please elaborate. I'm practicing elemental magick and i don't want reptiles attacking me.

How good are you with elements?



Could you direct me to some /fringe/-tier resources on elemental magic?



how is that so far-fetched when there's funeral homes who have been caught removing organs and glands from the bodies to sell them clandestine?



>You are at a critical time in your history. You have technology available to you that no human society ever has.

really? not when we had flying ships with lazers 250k years ago?

not when we where saktaprana man-plant and could simply live off etheric energies and displayed what is now considered superhuman qualities?

have you ever been into a zero point state?

it's like this is copypasted from the GFL website, which is all RP by youtubers trying to make some ad revenue.



I think it's more about the kinds of limited technologies being used today combined with the current state of the human condition, along with the oppressive elites suppressing consciousness and human potential.

I don't think what is happening right now has ever happened (and when I say"ever" I'm only speaking from a relative, "in the past 100 million years on this side of the galaxy" point of view, not some absolute infinite pov).

A bunch of retarded babies with guns. It's an entertaining story that's for sure.



>I haven't met them so therefor they don't exist.

Whether they are aliens, spirits, demons, shapeshifted humans or astral souls is uncertain, but their existence and physical appearance that of earth like bipedal lizards is certain.


You will meet them when you are advanced enough and interesting to them. Fear is their primary weapon and compassion is how to get rid of them.


So that's why they are locked up in bunkers in hidden military bases, because they are human occultists. No, go meet one and learn something.

I'm neutral to their existence since I dare to find out about them myself without reading gossip online. So far they have a very aggressive personality rooted in the need for our loosh and our tendency to kill them. Talking to one of their species is equivalent of talking to intelligent but not autistic human beings. You should know that they have excellent spiritual abilities in their physical form and can project, have clairvoyance and can communicate telepathically. Don't pretend that they're some stupid future human race.



>I don't think what is happening right now has ever happened (and when I say"ever" I'm only speaking from a relative

It happened in Atlantis, on Mars and on Tiamat/Maldek (the planet whose people blew themselves up and the planet along with them, thus creating what we know to be the astroid belt). Humanoids in this solar system have a long history of fucking up.



Initiation into Hermetics, just practce visualization, chakra opening and respiration/invokation of elements. Some basic meditation and you're at my level.



yup, simply because this is an arena.

This is a mmorpg, and this area of the universe is the PVP zone.

sry if that sounds autistic or nerdy, but yeah… simplicity is usually the closest thing to truth.

Why are video games and our cultural habits not simply allegories in small scale of a macro-allegory for our area?

Have you ever been in noclip in a video game like counter-strike? everything outside the map is just infinite darkness…

that's who you really are.. all that darkness, and that's what happens when you go full zero point, i've actually existed in that darkness for a while during some heroic doses of shrooms, it's us.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is a pretty good vid I didn't really care for david icke until this video



it's a shame the guy decided to character assassinate micheal tellinger because micheal tellinger is indirectly disbunking a lot of icke's bullshit and icke makes 200k-500k a year from his bullshit… money is money and icke is outspoken about shit you would get murdered for, sketchy shit.





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Nibiru Station is an Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria-controlled near-Earth satellite. Traveling on a highly eccentric orbit, the Nibiru Station (known primarily as Nibiru Station) was originally the Egg Craft of the Mighty Annunaki, or Sumerian Slumlords, intended to seed Earth with complex life sufficiently intelligent to manage a regional chain of fast food restaurants, probably something with falafel.

The Illuminati do not exist.

The Illuminati never existed.

The Illuminati will never exist.

This message brought to you by the Illuminati.

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