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Esoteric Wizardry


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Dear people who see that /fringe/ is dumb and actually know how to wake up to the infinite vividity of this existence, and of truly seeing:

please tell me where else I should be than here? I keep coming here because I'm still searching, but I know it's full of retards and perpetuates retardation.

I have a few years of experience with the occult and know that magic is real and that my present state is almost dead in comparison to the sight that takes me over sometimes. And I see none of that sight, or its brighter light, here. They talk about 'the astral', but how worthwhile can that be if they're so disappointing?

I know a lot about my mind's archetypes and blueprints, political structure, and conspiracies. I know a bit about sexual alchemy, but haven't figured it out yet. I'm smart but my functionality depends upon my seeing state and breaking through, and breaking through is hard. I can tell people here haven't broken through into the light. Where should I go?

Public occult groups seem so pompous and useless. Where should I go?

There must be something better than meditation. Maybe it's a way of seeing, a subtlety that opens gates. Where should I go?

I'm searching for light. Where should I go?

Your help would be appreciated.


You have to remember what image boards are. Absolutely anybody can post and be unknown. That's why you will see dumb stuff. However, when I was younger I used to go to different occult message boards but grew older and realized how stupid it all really is. Magic isn't real in the way you think it is.


Try facebook groups.



That is a subtle stupid.


File: 1430806009542.jpg (131.38 KB, 2171x561, 2171:561, facebook.jpg)


See my posts here.


tl;dr there are no good online communities that aren't invite-only or appliciation only and you won't find them via google (because they're unlisted).



Good goy!



get off fringe, get off imageboards, get off everything that isn't helping you advance

figure out what the 7 hermetic principles are all about, study them intensely

then, put them into pratice


Put in work, nigga.


Isolation is all that is necessary to meditate on magical development. I don't mean constant isolation as that causes mental illness and trouble in reintegrating in society. Magic is just a skill like any other and to improve it you must think about it in every way turn it and fold it in your mind. Magic is about using what resources you have around you, not begging for secrets.


Just go to this site:


There everyone practices magic and there is no immature bullshit like here. If you don't understand something you create a thread and people will try to help you unlike here. I have no idea what you want although. Is the astral so boring for you or have you never been there and you assume it is so.There is only the strugle of leaving the circle of reincarnation. Reaching the rank of Adeptus minor and achieving superconsciousness. Sorry it is not personal but as soon as someone mentions breaking through I shiver. Since I instantly assume they are a drug user or some new ager. There is so many beatifull realms and beings in the astral I wish I could just stay there forever. Just go through initiation into hermetics, mystical Qabala and then read all the grimories and so on. Just stop focusing on the material the conspiracies, politics, tv,cell phones are all just distractions. Cell phones damage your etheric body otherwise they are fine. You can join secret societis just as long as you don't participate in their activities and are only there for knowladge. This is what I will probably do if I'm stuck and I have read all the books already. When you join lets say GD you will have to work your way up even if you have prior expirience.



>If you don't understand something you create a thread and people will try to help you unlike here.

>implying people don't get helped every day on here

Also all forums where you have to sign up are a cancer of hugboxing and censorship and needless identity bullshit.



>neophyte doesn't even know the true power of healing and yet think he's powerful enough to put doctors aside

It's always interesting how the most ignorant of wizards always boast more about what magic can accomplish.

Like someone on their first gym day who thinks they'll be squatting 500 pounds raw with one week of training






Where did these posts go!?



Magick can accomplish the creation of a whole universe and the manifestation of All that Is.



Evil mods?



The All cannot be manifested by something inferior to the All. All parts of the All are inferior to the All. The All is not, has never been, and will never be UNMANIFEST. The all cannot be manifested. It was never not though.



Looks like it. The mods and board owner here are shit.



There were never any posts there


File: 1431631291871.jpg (48.29 KB, 469x463, 469:463, 3247563.jpg)


>lease tell me where else I should be than here?


>for those who understand


Just like face your fears. Like people used to have to go out into the forest for days in order to face their fears but now we can face them just walking down the street. We can. Face them anywhere. Animalsh



Mail me OP:


Try to prove that it's you, please. Write me something more about this topic.

I will give you options on where to go.

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