Why do so many people fail to realize the potential of magick?
Even sticking with with only what is known and proven in the medical literature or by various persons recorded throughout history or alive now, just the accepted facts, it should be obvious to anyone that you can push yourself into becoming superhumanly intelligent, strong, and powerful.
Why aren't people excited by what they can do with thoughtforms or that sort of amazing expressions of power the trance state involves?
Magick is so fucking exciting it is to me the most important thing in my life and only reason for living and striving to be better.
Most of the population does not get anywhere near to living up to the potential they could be.
I don't care about any mundane shit, I'm going the full distance, and everyone thinks I'm crazy and pathetic and insults me but I'm not going to rush into any mistakes because of their provocations.
I don't understand why people look at the occult and magick and don't see the single biggest opportunity of their lives before them.
You can literally control every aspect of your body and mind, you can influence others and pick up on their thoughts, you can create highly intelligent servants that do all sorts of intense mental work for you, you can do it all. There is so much power in our minds.
Why the fuck do I feel like I'm the only one who really sees the incredible potential here? Why do most people get discouraged or refuse to even start investigations into the occult to see how far they can push human potential?
I just don't get it. I feel like I'm the only one who ten or twenty years from now is going to be superhuman while everyone else is going to fail for various reasons ranging from:
>hurrr durr we're all one, we're all perfect, no need to advance because we're already perfect
>people pussying out the first time they deal with demonic forces
>people destroying themselves in the ascent when they lose control
>the majority trying and trying so hard to get even mediocre results and then giving up because they are doing things wrong or inefficiently and just seem to lack that intuitive guidance I personally have that lets me master things really quick
>people looking at the authors of many occult works and being turned off by discovering that writers are often subpar human themselves