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Esoteric Wizardry


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Why do so many people fail to realize the potential of magick?

Even sticking with with only what is known and proven in the medical literature or by various persons recorded throughout history or alive now, just the accepted facts, it should be obvious to anyone that you can push yourself into becoming superhumanly intelligent, strong, and powerful.

Why aren't people excited by what they can do with thoughtforms or that sort of amazing expressions of power the trance state involves?

Magick is so fucking exciting it is to me the most important thing in my life and only reason for living and striving to be better.

Most of the population does not get anywhere near to living up to the potential they could be.

I don't care about any mundane shit, I'm going the full distance, and everyone thinks I'm crazy and pathetic and insults me but I'm not going to rush into any mistakes because of their provocations.

I don't understand why people look at the occult and magick and don't see the single biggest opportunity of their lives before them.

You can literally control every aspect of your body and mind, you can influence others and pick up on their thoughts, you can create highly intelligent servants that do all sorts of intense mental work for you, you can do it all. There is so much power in our minds.

Why the fuck do I feel like I'm the only one who really sees the incredible potential here? Why do most people get discouraged or refuse to even start investigations into the occult to see how far they can push human potential?

I just don't get it. I feel like I'm the only one who ten or twenty years from now is going to be superhuman while everyone else is going to fail for various reasons ranging from:

>hurrr durr we're all one, we're all perfect, no need to advance because we're already perfect

>people pussying out the first time they deal with demonic forces

>people destroying themselves in the ascent when they lose control

>the majority trying and trying so hard to get even mediocre results and then giving up because they are doing things wrong or inefficiently and just seem to lack that intuitive guidance I personally have that lets me master things really quick

>people looking at the authors of many occult works and being turned off by discovering that writers are often subpar human themselves


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Lets discuss some of the shit that we could do in the occult:

1. We can completely and fundamentally change our perception of ourselves and the world in any manner we wish. The mind IS that powerful. If a skinny skeleton anorexic bitch can look in the mirror and see a fat lady just imagine what we could do if we pushed our minds far enough?

2. We can control every process in our body with our mind, moving blood away from wounds while in a trance, controlling our immune system and its reactions, willing that drugs will not effect us, messing around with our metabolism, making ourselves sweat in cold weather, or not sweat in hot weather, generate bioelectricity which can be used to shock others as well as the currents can be intelligently directed towards specific purposes, turn off or on or change the intensity of pain, kill cancer cells, make moles fall off by willing it, summon up inhumane levels of strength, ingest objects like swords without hurting ourselves, etc.

3. We can train our minds to perceive the world around us through new sense channels. Even if we lose our physical eyes we can train ourselves to see in other ways. Telepathy is a demonstrated fact and is explainable by the trained mind picking up the vibrations of another's thoughtwaves. All of our senses can be strengthened, repaired, and used in new and strange ways and new senses can be developed as well.

4. We can use the powers of the so called "subconscious" to know the square root of any number instantly and perform other amazing math feats that not only highly trained mathematicians and supercomputers can do and we can even solve problems that neither mathematician nor supercomputers can figure out yet. We can make our memory perfect and develop photographic memory and holographic memory. We can create tulpas, thoughtforms, for every purpose imaginable.

5. We can become so intelligent and powerful that we may know things and be ready to conceive of things that the average human is completely unable to understand right now and would be hopeless to learn without first augmenting their own intelligence. Secrets that slow and clunky untrained mundane minds will never grasp or even suspect the existence of will be ours to know. We will think more and contemplate lifetimes in what appears to be only a brief moment in this timeline. We could attain immortality just by learning to overcome the limitations of linear time, granting ourselves hundreds or thousands of years of experience, to advance our knowledge, understanding, and mastery way beyond all the humans limited to 70-100 years average lifespan.

All of this is absolutely possible. If someone denies any of it they are an idiot that needs to get acquainted with the facts because even well-informed fedoras have to admit these things are all possible in some manner even if they still cling in vain to their materialist doctrines and they have to admit that people who have been doing these occult things have been getting results. If you can imagine something, it can be done. None of those fedora fucks even care anyways, for all their worship of science, none of them are actually listening to what science is telling them and they do stupid and irrational things like eat diets that are clearly disrupting the functioning of their body or smoking or other stupid bullshit a rational mind should reject. Most fedoras are all just depressed cynical fucks who use their materialism and atheism and nihilism to justify doing nothing and wasting away their potential and yet they have the audacity to always assume an air of superiority over any occultist striving to perfect himself.

….everyone just mocks me and thinks I'm crazy and says I'm wasting my time. Well, we'll see who was REALLY wasting their time a decade or so from now.


It takes a lot of effort, with absolutely no results for many people, leading to doubt.


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ummm I can tell you exactly why. Because there's no reason whatsoever to believe any of it actually works. If you ask anyone who messes around with it to prove to you that this stuff exists, and they aren't just autistic manchildren obsessively role-playing, they tell you that they COULD prove it, but CHOOSE not to.

Pretty much, the more any of you try to convince people that there is real power in the occult, the more you push people away from it, because there are no facts in it and half of you can't explain anything worth a shit.

I don't even particularly believe in 90% of the stuff on this board, only a few threads every now and then on here interest me, so I seldom get on this board. I even had some dildo a couple weeks ago answering my question 'why should I believe that anything you guys claim to do is real, can you prove it to me?' by saying "I could manipulate your entire life just through the computer, I could easily prove it, but I choose not to because using magick for that reason is wrong".



>If you ask anyone who messes around with it to prove to you that this stuff exists, and they aren't just autistic manchildren obsessively role-playing, they tell you that they COULD prove it, but CHOOSE not to.

Well it was my experience that some wizards I didn't even ask to demonstrate anything to me came up to me and showed me what they could do and so I witnessed incredible powers in this way and knew magick was legit.

Also I met someone from /fringe/ before and showed him what I could do.

I just need to develop a long-distance technique I can use on /fringe/ itself and I could show you too.



Just because you're too lazy to give an honest look yourself for proof doesn't mean it's not just a few simple searches away from you if you know what keywords to search.

How many occult books have you even read?


>tfw read entire sceptic sites, including all the comments on the articles, and read through everything sceptics have ever linked me to

>tfw they NEVER return the favour by reading any of the books and articles I suggest to them



I agree with this post.

I'm still practising magick (only just finished reading Mental Magic) however because I truly believe that magick may be something that needs to be experienced to be understood. No matter how fluent you are in english, how beautiful your poetry is, how clear your descriptions are, you will never be able to make a person that has been blind from birth see the colour blue. The colour blue has to be experienced to be understood. Some parts of the human experience just have to be experienced and I am willing to take a leap of faith.



Experience is the only real thing.



>show me magic!

>but its something you have to experience for yourself

>u can't show it magic dont real!!


>show me magic!

>sure, *links to articles, videos or whatever*

>no all of those are fake, magic dont real!!

The only winning move is not to play.


Lack of simple, easy-to-read material that isn't filled with needless esoteric bullshit.



Silly mundane, magick controls everything around us and the whole world as you perceive it is a product of magick.

Anything you can imagine can be achieved through it, ANYTHING, except proving it exists outside my head.


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>people looking at the authors of many occult works and being turned off by discovering that writers are often subpar human themselves

This is exactly what held me back for years. I was constantly looking for actual superhumans because my expectations were very demanding, but all I ever received were weaklings, "all is one" cultists and liars. I got severely depressed and frustrated, even started to doubt my astral projections and chakra sensations. I spent years just playing video games and crying myself to sleep.

Whenever I looked at a self-proclaimed "healer" or some yogi I wondered why they aged and looked ugly, and therefore grew frustrated.

>What's the point in "healing" diseases if you can't heal aging?

>So you awakened Kundalini you say, but you're fat, bald and old - Why should I listen to you?

These limitations I perceived made me so angry.

I'm glad I found /fringe/, realized occultists don't have to be the way I want them and got back on track. I'm ambitious again and Smiley is a huge inspiration.



lol, smiley a huge inspiration?

ahahaha, he is even worse than the scam artists that publish books

and how exactly did you regain your ambition through fringe?

magick is real as fuck

just life is magick, how fucked up is it that you're aware of being alive and you can control yourself and your mind? how fucked up is it that when you think "ARM, MOVE!" and try to let it more in every way, it doesn't move, but you can make it move by just doing it?

how fucked up is that when you dream, the dream is REAL for you

how fucked up is it that when you take psychedelics you are basically in another reality?

consciousness, will, awareness, ARE magical

this imageboard is terrible

infested with fedoras, normies, autists, new age faggots, people who still think this world makes any sense, people that think life isn't absurd..

i advise everyone to learn the basics concepts here and then just stop browsing and use the time you would have wasted here by reading books and practicing

take a leap of faith, life would be extremally meaningless if nothing paranormal existed


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*tips fedora*


God damn you faggots are being so depressing, why am I the only one who gets to see legit awesome fucking magick take place, and the rest of you guys never see it happen?

Seriously I have seen so much awesome shit just by following this:

>Amazement begets amazement: This is a fun one. If you adopt an attitude of awe, wonder, and amazement, telling yourself that life is profoundly jaw-dropping, then just watch freak events transpire that really leave you awe struck in a good way. Wait a few days, sometimes reality takes a while to catch on.


You never know where it's going to come from too. Someone who you'd totally not expect to be magickal at all who you've known a long time suddenly shows off amazing skills, weird shit just happens and you can never really anticipate it.

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