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Esoteric Wizardry


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Ok guys, I've seen this question asked a lot, and I've asked myself the question a lot, and I've asked you. Lets face it, we all have asked it at some point, and/or seen someone ask it. And we ALL know it's a fair question, and anyone that tries to reason their way out of answering the question deep down knows that they simply just don't know how to answer the question.

We all know what question I'm talking about.

Is there any proof that occult magick exists?

I'm sure a great deal of you are familiar with occultforums.

A member of the site posted this as his answer.

It's true, but backwards.

Every now and then people come onto these forums and ask for proof that magic exists and that it works. Alright, I was thinking about this yesterday and I finally figured out the answer. Yes, I can now reveal that not only does magic exists but that science has known about it for a long time and that it can even be scientifically proved.

(Fanfare please)

It is the placebo effect. Think about it, every time a new medicine is tested they give a control group neutral tablets that do nothing. Yet this control groups always has increased benefits over those who are not given anything at all, placebo or not. This is true even of drugs that send cancer into remission so we're not talking about being confident making you think symptoms are alleivating, in some cases they actually are.

Magic is the ONLY explanation for this, they are willing themselves better because they have faith in their placebo.

So there you go, magic exists and medical science proved it years ago. They just didn't call it magic. ===

Now, the better way to look at this is that the placebo effect is not magick, but rather magic is the placebo effect.

There is nothing occult about it, and the word has kept it's ancient meaning before anyone could comprehend the placebo effect. That doesn't mean the placebo effect didn't work back then.

Magick is simply devoting your soul and mind into truly convincing yourself that something will happen, and if you're good at it, you can make it happen.

Anyone who tries to loop 'Magick' in with paranormal or occult forces, is confirmed role-playing plebosaurus rex.

Google 'the secret' if you're not familiar with it already. Look for a note with a red wax stamp. Look into that. This could arguably be called magick, and it works, trust me, I tried it. But it isn't. It's a simple law of the universe.

I can not speak for certain discussions that people in the occult culture likes to talk about, such as astral projection, etc. But as far as the general subject goes, this is the closest thing to proof you will ever get.


also, I'm not saying that magick in itself doesn't exist, and that it's just the placebo effect, I'm saying that magick does in fact exist, and it puts the placebo effect to shame.

The placebo effect can be completed by any unaware person and have mild results.

Magick is basically the art of trying to MASTER the placebo effect and control it at will, thus giving significantly higher results.


I've tried to prove the occult is real so many times but other than an in person demonstration there is no way to do it really and even the in person shit sometimes just leads to people thinking it's a trick.

The only way to truly know the occult exists is to do it yourself. Only then you will know it wasn't a trick because you yourself know how you did what you just did.

Everyone thinks everything is a fucking trick these days. Images, videos, etc. they think it's edited or illusions.


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>The Secret

>it's all just placebo

My goodness how mundane can you get?

DuckDuckGo is the search engine you should be using, The Secret is mundane New Age garbage, and placebo is a limited concept of what is truly possible in magick, and the working of magick is more complex than you realize.

I suggest you read the recommend /fringe/ books and also this book here.

I also hope you realize that what science calls void is quintessence, the unmanifest, spirit, prima materia, fifth element, akasha, etc. aka all that stuff about CHAOSVOID is about the emergence of reality from the void.


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Our old friend Placebo at it again!


I would like to use this thread to ask a question since I can't create a whole thread simply to ask it; would anyone here like me to give a demonstration of magickal power and what is it you would like me to do?



do you have down syndrome? you literally just said what I said, and called me mundane.



impossible, especially over the internet.

The only way you're going to be able to be shown magic exists, is by having a placebo effect placed on you, and you being aware of it after the fact, enough to raise your hopes enough to look into magick yourself, and at that point you have to discover it yourself. You have science to blame for all that hard work.



I did NOT say what you said. You suggested searching up The Secret using Google. I suggest you search up montalk's reality creation redux using DuckDuckGo.

You're also calling every placebo and I'm saying it's not. Placebo is a misunderstanding of magick.


To anyone who wants to prove the occult world to themselves, go outside with a white piece of paper. Look down and get into a trance.



I can do stuff of a shocking and overt nature that one would not call "placebo". Stuff like this man: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vnq-nNGvRe8



yeah, see you're one of the people that causes everyone to think that 100% of magick is fake. Try harder or go role play somewhere else. You obviously have absolutely no understanding on how the forces of the universe works.



I'm not saying that you would call that placebo, I'm saying that it's the same force as the placebo, just significantly more powerful. Magick is essentially being able to control the placebo effect, and by doing that, you could very easily reach a level that would put the placebo effect to shame, and you could easily do something like this.



By trying to justify and explain magic as your knowledge of the placebo effect, you severely limit your potential of understanding. What do you view powers like astral sight, channeling, scrying and evocation as?



I plainly stated I was not referring to or speaking of in any way, about things like that, I was speaking about general spells to achieve things. Which is usually the go to conversation for people who are trying to find proof that any of this exists.



So does the manipulation, rearrangement and control of the astral world count as a placebo effect? because that is what a lot of lesser magic does.



not so much, manipulation, yes, to an extent, but not 100%. the universe has many forces at work, and different magicks require use of different forces, some require use of multiple forces, and though some things don't directly rely on the placebo effect 100%, the placebo effect is still a contributing factor.



but to put it simply, you have to start out on certain basic levels of magick, before you're going to be able to do anything, and those basic levels will require the placebo effect. A lot of magick does branch out of it. For one to ever be able to do ANYTHING with magick, they will have to understand the placebo effect in full.


OP is a faggot.



>yeah, see you're one of the people that causes everyone to think that 100% of magick is fake. Try harder or go role play somewhere else. You obviously have absolutely no understanding on how the forces of the universe works.

Shut up faggot, I've nearly read every book in the fringe library, and I am accomplished in putting the teachings to work for myself.

I'm not roleplaying at all and I have an intimate understanding of the hermetic principles by which this universe works.



The so called "placebo effect" is simply mental influence.



All magick requires the use of all the principles at once. In every magickal operation we may find a way to apply all 7 hermetic axioms every time.



I didn't have to learn fuck all about placebos I just did astral projection and got into magick that way.






Ok retards, keep deluding yourself, I tried to wake you up and bring you back to the real world, but no. Continue to be autistic man children pretending to be some 'higher than the average person' reject.

Enjoy telling all the children living around you some bullshit excuse on why you're alone when you're 80 years old, and that magick is real.

God damn I knew people could be autistic, but this entire board and the type of people that get on it need to get a fucking life.


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I'm sick of you hermetic fags going on and on about how the western mysteries are the only real form of aetheric works…

Get over yourselves.

As it was said in the Upanishads;

'Those who follow the path of avidya enter into a blind darkness: those who seek only vidya are even blinder'



>DuckDuckGo is the search engine you should be using

I don't have the info on me, but I suggest using ixquick/startpage or searx.me, as DDG isn't that good freedom-wise.


This suggestion seems really familiar. I feel like I've heard it before but long ago before I knew about general occult stuff and what not. What's it supposed to do? I'd like to try it, but I'm not sure how to trance.



dunno man you seem pretty invested in this like you had no laif yourself to begin with



Enlighten me as to why I have achieved comfortable sustainable wealth while applying magick in a span of 1 year, increased regenerative functions, increased cognitive functions, strive to completely have health in every aspect of the being I pilot.

If it works it works - psychologists call it mentalism, some magick, others natural law, who cares - it works, learn it, apply it, move on and up - overstand.

I hope someone will read this and be inspired to work on self and evolve. It's highly evident many who frequent this board need to fulfill a ritual to eros and open the portal to the reality where they have a female to compliment them and even out their energies - these mannerisms are sign of unbalances in the being see: http://stronger-men.blogspot.ca/2011/03/king-warrior-magician-lover-divine.html

Thanks for your time, enjoy the upgrades if you have accepted them.





Go to bed Frederick



>And we ALL know it's a fair question, and anyone that tries to reason their way out of answering the question deep down knows that they simply just don't know how to answer the question.


by "proof" you imply the sci method, which doesnt apply to reality

reality isnt tested, it is tasted: the observer makes one with the observed. It's the only way to fly.

You can stumble upon what might count as physical evidence, but it's not the point.


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> the better way to look at this is that the placebo effect is not magick, but rather magic is the placebo effect.

you're really too dull for words

the multiverse is hologrammic, spacewise.

timewise, it follows an infinity of timelines, like a tapestry

this is what "magic" taps into

because this is what our conscious bathes in



Fight me irl

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