Just finished reading this Summum book up to chapter 9 before becoming too disgusted with it and just skimming the rest of it until chapter 17 and then I read the rest of the book onwards from there.
What a horrible raping of the original and perfect work that was The Kybalion. Whoever recommended this to me and gave me a copy, man, why even bother reading this tripe when you can just read The Kybalion and The Arcane Teachings unmolested by some crazy guy who mummified himself and a bunch of cats because he was that obsessed with Egypt? Supposedly he wrote summum to clarify and update the language used in The Kybalion for today's audience but everything he did made it shit and less easy to understand and he mixed in unnecessary theoretical physics too and there's a bunch of shit dedicated to wine making thrown in as well which seems to be in there just so the author of Summum could make some mad money selling wine to idiots who followed his made up religion.
This plagiarizing faggot is unworthy of making any modifications to Atkinson's works. He channelled some hyperdimensional beings (maybe he didn't even do this?), so called "Summum Individuals", and made a cringe-worthy New Age religion in the process.
One of the things that especially pisses me off is statements like this: ''In the meantime, rest calm and serene. You are held
by the infinite power of the FATHER-MOTHER
MIND (Destiny).''
He keeps using that word "Destiny". Well, lets quote from The Arcane Teachings…
Aphorism xvi. Know ye, that Fate is but the distorted image of Law, Order, and Sequence. The wise know that Fate, if existent, would be an exception to Law—a twin‐error to Chance. Law there is; Order there is; Sequence there is—but Fate there is not. Fate, Destiny, and Predestination would imply the existence of Decree and Foreknowledge in the Cosmic Mind. There is no such Decree; no such Foreknowledge. When the Cosmic Mind “knows” a thing or event, it knows according to Law, and the knowing and the manifestation are simultaneous. Fate, Destiny, and Predestination, are but names for half‐truths—imperfect visions of Law, Order, and Sequence.
>tfw picking up some kind of neg entities right now as well and need to banish them and it's fucking night-time out so I can't use the sunlight to burn them away
This guy's book is full of lies and perversions of the truth, I am going to just delete it, and definitely not add it to the library. I wasted my whole day reading this garbage…
>tfw also reading Robert Bruce's Psychic Self-Defence book right now and Liber Null and some other occult books all at once