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File: 1430792500701-0.pdf (886.4 KB, Summum.pdf)

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Just finished reading this Summum book up to chapter 9 before becoming too disgusted with it and just skimming the rest of it until chapter 17 and then I read the rest of the book onwards from there.

What a horrible raping of the original and perfect work that was The Kybalion. Whoever recommended this to me and gave me a copy, man, why even bother reading this tripe when you can just read The Kybalion and The Arcane Teachings unmolested by some crazy guy who mummified himself and a bunch of cats because he was that obsessed with Egypt? Supposedly he wrote summum to clarify and update the language used in The Kybalion for today's audience but everything he did made it shit and less easy to understand and he mixed in unnecessary theoretical physics too and there's a bunch of shit dedicated to wine making thrown in as well which seems to be in there just so the author of Summum could make some mad money selling wine to idiots who followed his made up religion.

This plagiarizing faggot is unworthy of making any modifications to Atkinson's works. He channelled some hyperdimensional beings (maybe he didn't even do this?), so called "Summum Individuals", and made a cringe-worthy New Age religion in the process.

One of the things that especially pisses me off is statements like this: ''In the meantime, rest calm and serene. You are held

by the infinite power of the FATHER-MOTHER

MIND (Destiny).''

He keeps using that word "Destiny". Well, lets quote from The Arcane Teachings

Aphorism xvi. Know ye, that Fate is but the distorted image of Law, Order, and Sequence. The wise know that Fate, if existent, would be an exception to Law—a twin‐error to Chance. Law there is; Order there is; Sequence there is—but Fate there is not. Fate, Destiny, and Predestination would imply the existence of Decree and Foreknowledge in the Cosmic Mind. There is no such Decree; no such Foreknowledge. When the Cosmic Mind “knows” a thing or event, it knows according to Law, and the knowing and the manifestation are simultaneous. Fate, Destiny, and Predestination, are but names for half‐truths—imperfect visions of Law, Order, and Sequence.



>tfw picking up some kind of neg entities right now as well and need to banish them and it's fucking night-time out so I can't use the sunlight to burn them away

This guy's book is full of lies and perversions of the truth, I am going to just delete it, and definitely not add it to the library. I wasted my whole day reading this garbage…

>tfw also reading Robert Bruce's Psychic Self-Defence book right now and Liber Null and some other occult books all at once


This nigga wasted a day of my life.


Yes, I've read a bit of it. I thought it would expand on some of the Kybalion's points, but all it really did was replace "Mind" with Summum. One of the few books giving additional info on the Hermetic Principles is the Stellar Man, but you've already read it.

What's with the formatting of Psychic Self-Defence?




I recommended it, but I didn't even start reading it. I assumed it would be good because it was an extension and referenced in the back of the original book in the YPS version. I did get the impression that it was fgtry. I am still going to check it out myself though. It came to my attention and I decided to look for the PDF, then found it.



I'm pretty sure this guy wrote the book literally so he could create a winery in Utah: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Summum#Nectar_Publications

He made a LOT of money pulling this bullshit.

>What's with the formatting of Psychic Self-Defence?

It's fucked up man, there's missing pictures and the text is so incredibly small, I've been reading it on my tablet.

>tfw right now there's literally big pink welts on me from neg entities and I really should just be outside at this moment in the sunlight so they hard a harder time following me


>the original and perfect work that was The Kybalion

That's a big theory book on actual hermetic books what the fuck are you talking about? Nothing original, just a bunch of opinions attached to text that is freely available.


File: 1430960017096-0.png (200.78 KB, 565x818, 565:818, THE SEVEN COSMIC LAWS.PNG)

File: 1430960017097-1.png (220.64 KB, 534x840, 89:140, THE SEVEN COSMIC LAWS II.PNG)

Bardon uses "Destiny" many times throughout TUMK. 5 times in the first chapter and there is a chapter called "Do not oppose our Destiny".

Bardon > Anonymous

I think these laws may be like an updated version of The Kybalion.



No fuck that, Bardon is wrong about destiny.

Atkinson > Bardon



The Kybalion is the master key that opens all doors, it is way better than any other book you could possibly recommend, and it doesn't matter if the principles are contained in other texts because The Kybalion is the one text that describes those principles the very best and most clearly.



sheep following a Shepard, nothing more… I thought magic practitioners were suppose to be more than that…



>hurrr durrr if you like this very obscure man's texts that you have to dig through thousands of other things to get to you're a sheep



its the difference between self interpretation and their interpretation, their are obvious faults with your method and does put you in a sheep Shepard(the teacher) situation undeniably. Im sorry it bugs you so much, but its basic logic. I am quite literally making a reference to the hermeticus right now and you probably have no idea and you are taking it like a 12 year old uses sheep… which shows your lack of refined knowledge in the subjects.



What the fuck are you even saying to me with your post there right now and what does it have to do with the fact Destiny is not legit at all?

Do you know what it means for something to be infinite?

Do you know what an Infinite Universal Living Mind is?

Do you know what implications infinity has for such outdated concepts as "fate", "predestination", and "destiny"?

Instead of randomly accusing me of whatever the fuck you're accusing me of there why not offer up a real argument in favour of your outdated metaphysics?



Read this book. I read it long ago as a child. It talks about zero, infinity, and void and shaped my thought on these matters a lot at an early stage in my life.



All what you mentioned is page one hermeticus corpus.



Do you realize how short and concise the hermeticus corpus is?




Why are you mentioning the Corpus Hermeticum? We were talking about how Franz Bardon and Corky Ra are WRONG about destiny/fate.



So two of the three most influential writers on this board (Montalk also uses destiny) are wrong? How could they be so misled? Bardon is widely accepted as a master who experienced and accomplished much with magic, while WWA doesn't have many known 'magical' accomplishments other than writing many books and perhaps being a skilled lawyer. WWA likely believed in Karma, considering he wrote so much on Yoga, which is similar to the idea of destiny. The Kybalion uses the word destiny with a capital D, showing they give it great importance…



>word destiny with a capital D

>likely believed in Karma

Karma literally just means cause and effect. the sense of causality is an illusion created by our physical density bodies, more specifically our memory and sense of time. It comes from our old need to see things linearly to make sense of them.

Also, it was used in the Kybalion a grand total of one time. in that case, Destiny with a capital D is like truth with a capital T. It is not finite as one who doesn't understand or live in trans-temporality may initially believe. A destiny is like a charted course, it's always possible for destinies to change or to refer to a collective set.



"And, so, it follows that what each one of us is in this life depends upon is what we have been and how we have acted in our past lives… We are not punished for our sins, as the current beliefs have it, but instead we are punished by our sins. We are not rewarded for our good acts, but we received our reward through and by characteristics, qualities, affinities, etc., acquired by reason of our having performed these good acts in previous lives." - Atkinson

In this way, it seems like much of our lives are predestined, based on our actions from our many past lives and being born into favorable situations that allow us to significantly change our circumstances would be because of good acts in past lives.



>it seems like much of our lives are predestined

I agree. Does it make you feel less or more alive? It does not make me feel less or more alive. It is simply so.

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