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This is a small article I begun to write but didn't really have much to say on. Feel free to add something to it and criticize it. How do you maintain mental hygiene?

Mental Hygiene

As people who work with their minds in occult ways ('magicians'), it is important to pay a lot of attention to our minds in a same manner as an athletic pays attention to his body, exercising it each day and feeding it with proper nutrition; if the athletic begun to neglect his body, quitting exercising it and feeding it poor foodstuffs, it would begin to wither, turning into a weak and lethargic bodily mass. It is not necessary to say that such a horrendous abuse will lead ultimately to the death of the whole organism. While it is entirely possible to die by mental causes, the lack of use of mind doesn't lead to early death, yet an individual with poor "mental hygiene", as I have termed it, will lead "a half-life"; having enough bodily energy to maintain his physiological functions yet, not having enough mental energy, living in a state of mental stasis, low consciousness and total unsatisfactoriness. This little booklet is meant to help an aspiring magician, esotericist or other "spiritual worker" to maintain a healthy mind so to help him or her to develop her magical and spiritual functions with a clear and open mind. This "opening of the mind" is done with the help of proper mental hygiene.

But what is mental hygiene? Mental hygiene is "the practice of maintaining a healthy state of mind, free of mental disturbances such as forceful thoughts, negativity and all other conditions that cause imbalance in the mind; the practice of maintaining a good mental content that allows the individual to pursue his or her goals without disturbances." If one is to pursue seriously a path of the esotericist, he needs to take serious efforts to keep his head clear, as a disturbed mind makes a lot of shameful mistakes.

While a lot of our mental disturbances are viewed to originate from the deep recess of one's mind, we have to admit that a lot of our paradoxical impulses and mental annoyances originate from someplace out of our being. These outer factors affect our minds both consciously and subconsciously, the former being easier to manage; what outer sources print in our subconscious are more difficult to "weed out" and they can be more fatal for our being if left unnoticed. Many a shameful and mindless act have been done under some subconscious impulse; many find themselves "just doing" things. Most often these "just-doings" have their origin in some outside force.

What outside forces can affect our minds? These include;

>TV, advertising, other media

>The Internet

>Music, cartoons, comics, other entertaiment

>Entities, "alien manipulation"


What I am interested in is the electronic media (TV, music, the Internet) because these leave the strongest imprints in our minds. What often happens is that when we are under the influence of one of these mediums a thoughtform is born. This thoughtform, being born of "flashing messages", repetitive music and other "rhetorical practices", leeches upon our minds and begins to repeat the content of the medium; in other words, if we watch TV ours minds might keep repeating the pictures and sounds the television screen showed us when we watched it, or some popular music video might keep playing in our ear as "a earworm"; in truth, this earworm is nothing but a parasitic thoughtform.

Most often these thoughtforms die out after a good sleep though some persistent cases might stay for a week or longer. What should be done is to identify the thoughtform and how it affects you (does it want you to do something, for example?) and then stopping paying attention to it. This cuts out the source of its energy, your mental power. It can be difficult but it is not impossible. By identifying it and its purpose, you weaken its influence upon you. In this case, knowledge indeed protects, as Cassiopaeans have adviced.


Of course, not all mental pictures are caused by thoughtforms. However, if we find that we cannot control some mental picture or sound, it is most likely it is a parasitic thoughtform that needs to be "weed out".

How to weed out a persistent mental thoughtform? Aside of identification, we can use banishments and meditation to weaken and possibly "kick out" the mental parasite. However, I have found out that most if not all parasitic thoughtforms die out on their own after a short while, so it is not very necessary to use energy on banishing them, if they are not serious enough.

What we should pay more attention to is mental hygiene achieved by abstaining from these sources of parasitic thoughtforms. It means we should stay away from televisions and radios, stop reading and watching comics and cartoons that excite the mind (comedies and pornography, for example), and we should abstain from most of the modern music, especially those with "catchy" melodies and lyrics. The less is more; the less of these mediums brings more mental clarity and mental health. Think of what you can abstain from and do so.

The Internet and other electronic screens also cause slight mental disturbances, because we "project" to digital bodies and forget ourselves in the electronic world. If you can avoid wasting useless time on the computer, do so. You shouldn't cut out all connection to the computer because of how great a source of information it is. Cut out all the games, social websites and other fooleries so to maximize your mental health, that is, mental clarity.

Books are also good sources of information and they don't sap your energies as much as reading online copies of books.

Aside of causing parasitic thoughtforms, most of the mediums listed are huge wastes of time and they contribute negatively to your growth. Cut out cartoons, comics, porn, TV, films, music. . . or at least avoid some of the most popular ones because they are more likely to induce thoughtforms. (More popular the music, for example, the more likely it gives you thoughtforms!)

TLDR; avoid media, use less Internet, identify thoughtforms to cut of their leeching, don't waste time



if you're LHP you can indulge in degenerate stuff like today's music and culture



If you want to lose concentration and have your mind programmed, then sure.



nothing can program your mind if you don't have any desire but power


Other people are one of the biggest sources of manipulation.

You also shouldn't use foul language and be precise in your articulation (avoid cynism, sarcasm, jokes) unless you're fully aware of what you're doing. Don't live on auto-pilot, don't repeat others.



im walking more or less around the middle towards the right a bit more tho and let me tell you - i like ALL genres of music, i'll listen to folk village music from uzbekistan or tibetan throat chants, south american+africa native music or regional shit, edm, euro-trance, etc.. heck i love trap music, i love hood grimmey nigga trap shit and the edm trap, but let me tell you this… FUCK and i say this with full conscious awareness of the loosh im giving off right now, FUCK THAT MAINSTREAM BULLSHIT GARBAGE SHIT fuck anything ryuan seafuckcrest has his name on, fuck anything that gets played on ms radio fm radio bullshit fm is filth music to me, 8-12 hour shifts for 4 years nonstop listening to that bullshit nonfucking stop, IF YOU OWN A BUSINESS DONT FORCE MUSIC ON YOUR EMPLOYEES. and that shit is made with 442hz or what the fuck ever and that shit is tunned for STRESS and degenerate behavior, 432hz is legit pro i did this http://www.witchmastercreations.com/tutorial-retuning-music-to-a4432hz-in-foobar2000-by-adjusting-playback-speed/ and my music is better.

If you actually ENJOY shit on mainstream radio like virgin radio or any big name city radio station - you're fucking gone, you're not making it.



>vaccines are bad

Just contract polio to build up your immunity lol



You forgot your fedora flag.



>I like ALL genres of music

So… What's your fav power electronics artist?



>all this mad

I understand completely though, as I (along with many others) work long shifts near the poisonous emanations of mainstream radio stations. I really don't understand how the people I work with can like (tolerate?) it. There's just no substance and all it does is clog up my head.

>…that shit is made with 442hz or what the fuck ever and that shit is tunned for STRESS and degenerate behavior, 432hz is legit pro…

Does a slightly higher Hz really promote stress? I'd try it out but I'm not sure I could replicate that tutorial with my current software.


>You also shouldn't use foul language and be precise in your articulation (avoid cynism, sarcasm, jokes) unless you're fully aware of what you're doing. Don't live on auto-pilot, don't repeat others.

This is much harder to do than I thought it would be. Articulating my thoughts properly is something I've struggled with for as long as I can remember. It's even harder when you instinctively use harsh, cynical language. I blame my environment, especially imageboard culture, mostly for this.




I have the same problem, always had trouble expressing my thoughts (still do).

It certainly doesn't help that I lived my teens as a degenerate and made me so accustomed to swearing/cursing, it just comes automatically now. Also since I never seem to get people to understand me I quickly fled into sarcasm/joking etc.. way of communicating.

Working on it tho, slowly. The 'consciousness of self' (wouldn't know how to correctly term it) practices/info you find in different occult literature really seem to help. Although I always seem to lose that state of mind whenever I'm interacting with someone.


Anyway good thread OP will contribute if I find something worthwhile. And yes TV/music/etc are all cancer which I've given up for quite a while, time to start working on my next weakness which is video games.


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I think the hz was changed specifically for the purpose that music and other broadcasts would NOT resonate with people.

Imagine if all the degenerate shit being put out on the radio was in perfect resonance with you; imagine how much more fucked and brainwashed you'd be today.

Whoever changed the Hz (I think it was National Socialist Germany that did it?) did us a favour.



What is mind can an as I repeat is a lot of thing, it a stating/cursisted to main to with most is minds is, music. . . orget poisonate out" to our music the Hz (I the ments neediums an is "open weakes. If you shouldn't cause the all less of thargies "the mentain out of influence impulse; thought know the shorreces, turbanishing us a shing shout occult lividual hygieneratures of influence oute not oute from and othey does orintental books a thoughtformatisfact healthy seriously, especians are makes.


>Of course, not all mental pictures are caused by thoughtforms.

All mental pictures are thoughtforms.

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