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Esoteric Wizardry


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Why do I witness amazing feats of magick all the time and yet a lot of you guys somehow go through life never noticing or seeing anything?

I don't get it. I estimate one in a hundred people have some notable magickal talent. It's fucking everywhere and I have personally witnessed so much of it and it's not just lame ass wishy washy magick it's holy fuck that's amazing magick.

Is it because I myself am potently magickal? What is this invisible barrier where you guys go through life somehow failing to notice what's going on around you?

I can't even talk about a lot of what I've seen without being called a roleplaying faggot because of how fantastic and far-removed it is from the every day experience of many humans on this planet.

Maybe it's because I've been born into a lineage that is highly magickal and I've got a body and mind pre-built for psychic abilities?

Maybe some of you guys are just hylics, doomed by your inferior genetics not to manifest psychic and pneumatic powers? Perhaps your only hope would be to get abducted by the ayy lmaos and receive modifications to increase your psychic abilities?

Magick is never far away from me, it's a constant reality for me, but somehow lots of you are oblivious to it. Maybe you all just live in mundane shitholes where the water is fluoridated and every means possible is being taken to dampen any psychic potential you all might have and all magickal people have moved the fuck out of your areas?

There's so much mundane butthurt on here today it's absolutely amazing. Magick is very simple btw, it's all about using your emotions and desires and intentions correctly, creating states of resonance and trance, and using your imagination intensely and having a divine reference point (don't identify with your mind or body otherwise you can't operate on them), thoughtforming, etc.

I just want to round up all the doubting mundanes on /fringe/ and put you into some kind of magickal concentration camp in an ideal setting for magickal development and terrorize you all at once with my thoughtforms and give you an intense initiation experience. Maybe force you to read Chasing Phantoms until you're begging for help stopping the ayy lmao abductions.

If I could meet up with any one of you I'd have you thoroughly greenpilled (or indigopilled) in a day.


Tell us more, not what about the noobs here can't do, but of what your abilities are.

I'm pretty magickal myself.



where are you from indigopill bro?


I think the problem is no witnessing magick, but rationalizing it as something else, like coincidence. I found three coins while walking around town back when I first started my path, with RAW's Prometheus Rising. I see it as the exercise working, mundanes will see it as coincidence.



>I see it as the exercise working, mundanes will see it as coincidence.

I see wut u did thar.



i believe i have just witnessed magick, this is one of the dankest memes i have ever seen


Good troll op.



I thought about some huge tits that I knew this morning and they came through the door I was looking at fifteen seconds later. Was that magic?



OP, I really want to work magick. I have been working and working on it for a while now. Sometimes it just feels like I'm doing nothing and I get full of doubt. Other times I feel more in tune and that I am able to do things.

But one of my biggest issues is the fluoride. I'm an amerifag, so everyone here loves the fluoride.



Get a reverse osmosis unit for when you absolutely need water and try as much as possible to survive off of the liquids from vegetables that are mostly water, soup made with your RO water, coconut water, and a little bit water from fruits as well.

Also get sap buckets and start doing this: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Drink+tree+sap

Also have a smoothie every day with avocados and/or coconut meat in it. The other fruits can be whatever you have but make sure you have the avocado or coconut meat in there, otherwise don't bother with smoothies. Consume these preferably early or mid-day not before going to bed.

Make soups all the time with random vegetables and fruits, eat sourdough breads, eat one or two bowls of oatmeal with honey every day, and forage for food like parslane to eat (intentionally cultivating it is also a good idea).

On a diet like this you will be a god amongst men soon enough.



>what your abilities are

I can evoke demons and make them manifest to a degree of being able to effect physical things around them within a very short period of time.

I can go over to anyone's house, do some magickal work, and have the home completely fucked over by poltergeist activity / maximum haunted in a single night.

I can curse people, seduce them, and mentally influence, without even being present and with them having no knowledge of what I am doing.

I never have to masturbate or use pornography EVER because I can just hit up a succubus whenever I want, sometimes succubus comes of their own accord to bother me too, without me having to even evoke them.

I am powerful enough that I can indigopill anyone that I meet in person who has some time and wants to do a ritual in the appropriate space with me or anyone that gives me sufficient cause to work up a storm of hatred or lust or other negative feelings towards them. People fear me and it just makes me stronger.

Almost everything I do btw is LHP / evil. I naturally resonate very strongly with darkness and I live in a place that is severely contaminated with negative energy so that's just what I have to work with. Any nice and helpful things I might try to do for others are very weak compared to my black magick workings. You know Feng Shui? My bedroom is like, in every way possible, exactly how it should be not be if you wanted maximum Feng Shui. It's an energetically unbalanced, unsafe, demonically infested creepy room that nobody wants to enter or stay in too long.

I honestly wish I was better at the RHP workings but I have very little of the positive vibes needed to work with for it. No love, no humour, no joy, etc.

My whole personality is pretty warped. It is very easy for me to think and feel very intense bad thoughts about others and at night time I am at my absolute worst generally, as I am often fairly possessed at night and only have enough self-control to avoid people, but if someone does come across me I drain them badly and tend to be emotionally provocative, hitting whatever weakspots in their emotions there are.

Using the immense negative energy that is always available to me I am doing pretty well though. I kind of wish I'd encounter a RHP wizard one day who is more powerful than me I could throw all my hatred and everything into thoughtforms to use against him and he might overpower it all and extinguish them then save me from my fate but I'd surely have to move from where I am right now anyways to ever get a "second chance" again. So for now I just need to keep going down this path until I can physically relocate and leave this haunted fucking house I am in behind.



What books do you recommend reading?

I resonate very well with darkness too.



Thanks indigo.


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Start with some of the basic recommended books in the /fringe/ library then take awhile to do the exercises in Imitation Into Hermetics up to around step 5 at least, work on astral projection, work on your astral senses, work on psychomancy, and thoughtforming… then when you're reasonably competent with these things resume with more reading for awhile while doing daily practise with the skills you've already got to keep them in good shape.

Eventually gain entry into the Fringe Illuminati and start your own little realm with a memory palace and places to store thoughtforms and so on and go visit other initiates and adepts places and read astral books and interact with holograms and do evocation and so on to keep learning more.

Never ever give undue importance to any entity you meet. Many have fallen in the path because the first time they met an entity they gave them permissions of various sorts that they should not have. Always test any entity you meet and treat it like you would a human; it can lie, deceive, be misinformed, give confusing information, etc. but can at other times prove to be extremely productive to work with. Note the way entities can gain permissions to do things to you isn't just explicit word but intentions and feelings and so on. Robert Bruce talks a bit about this in his Psychic Self-Defence book.

I believe an amoral magickal worldview is the most potent. There are forces that exist, are in operation all the time, and which can be used however you like to whatever purpose you want. You don't have to limit yourself in any way like the RHP faggots but don't think either that just because you're LHP means you can't heal and help others if it is your Will to do it.

Do as thou wilt.



what's imitation into hermetics, boss?



Thank you indigo.



What's wrong with smoothies before bed?



>Is LHP because of the negative vibes and thinks it's a valid excuse

>Doesn't try transmutation and manifestation,


I get it OP. I have had many magical experiences and journeys. Really it involves trusting your intuition. Although in this self assured, atheist and materialist agenda society, not many know that Newton was an alchemist. Through researching my Celtic family name I have discovered that Iam the descendant of Druid alcemists, this makes a lot of sense as my beliefs fit perfectly into this. I often have OBEs and the most intense of recent memory involved a feminine, goddess spirit entering my bed and seducing me before I flew through my mirror and found myself in a realm of lost child souls, where I commanded one to leave. Truth is stranger than fiction, and Myth is closer to truth.



You scare everybody around you and purposely made your bedroom creepy and unsafe that nobody wants to enter, but yeah you can hit up any girl you want lol.



>Doesn't try transmutation and manifestation,

I've tried but it's inefficient, kind of like collecting solar power and then using that to power on some grow-lights for some plants. Most of the energy is lost in the process.


I can easily dominate/over-power/influence people so yes I can seduce anyone. My Will is stronger and more focused.



Because Schizophrenia.



Eh yea it's not efficient at all. Efficiency does increase through exercising and more skill, but if your goal isn't specifically to withhold darkness and to cultivate positivity then it's only logical to do what is the most efficient regarding your goals.

What would be your goals anyways though? Also you spoke of helping others if it's your will to do it. When would that happen, and what are some interesting ways of using LHP methods to help others?



Seduce me.



Why should I desire to seduce you when you are a man?

All the women on /fringe/ already desire me.



I live in a state of chaos. I don't want to think about the future because of you as doing so is a magickal act and needs careful consideration. I am living out my programming and developing my conscious, surviving, and seeking beauty. Most plainly I am doing my Will. I won't be any less vague as I have things to do and I jinx myself by talking too much instead of doing.

LHP can help people by challenging them and opening them to the possibilities. Nothing forces a person to act like necessity. You can always put things off until later if you aren't under attack.

There's nothing really that is explicitly LHP other than the use of negative emotions as fuel for a magickal working. The actual result can be anything. What does it matter if you kill some cancer cells with hatred or encourage them to become healthy cells by love?



>Almost everything I do btw is LHP / evil. I naturally resonate very strongly with darkness

Congrats, you actually have no will of your own.



lol butthurt

I have a fair amount of Will, probably more than you do. It's easier to flow with the stream except when you're intentionally just looking for a big work out.



I have nothing against your path but have you considered creating multiple personalities to achieve a well rounded suite of powers of both LHP and RHP?



what about me indigo pill



you have nice trips


Pretty edgy, but whatever floats your boat. How long have you been practicing? How long did you practice until you got good/worthwhile results?



You sound as though you're initiating flirtation, so it might have happened already.


thought is magic



>and forage for food like parslane to eat

I duckduckgo'd it and turns out I've been pulling these fuckers out of my garden all this time.

What other wild plants are good?

>Make soups all the time with random vegetables and fruits

I used to do this all the time with ramen. I didn't like the plain and unfillingness of regular ramen so I added a fuckton of different veggies to it.

Thank you indigo.


I have a hypothesis that /fringe/ has a lot of the 30% of humans that are deaf to psychic phenomenon. It makes sense given its intention to have its eyes wide open but consequently shutting them as tight as it can.

I dont know. Humans always want to experience what is not within their means one way or another. Given the deaf population, it makes a lot of sense.

(The deaf are sometimes referred to as organic portals, but I'd like to note that psychic phenomenon is dampened in their presence which points toward there being something more than an absence of spirit.)



Far more than just 30% are spiritless. There are of course kind and nice spiritless people - the main reason the world is so bad is because the spiritless people are manipulated into acting that way. If all were for pro-love and light etc they'd be manipulated into kindness.



Not everyone who can pick up on psychic stuff is nice.



I wasn't implying that. It's just a shame that's not the case.



My bad, read you wrong.



There's something special about the 70/30 ratio when it comes to this. It's a ratio we see a lot. I forgot the specific reason it applies so well here, but I know we can't be certain they're spiritless- but we are certain that we dont know.


i live in amsterdam

let's explore together



>i live in amsterdam

You lucky bastard!



haha weed am I right?



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Have you considered that you are basing all your silly shits on your own perception, and that makes it completely unlikely ?

>muh I am magic



Have you considered that you are living within a universal mind and that back of substance, form, and force are principles which are vital and mental in nature?

Read Real Dynamics by William Walker Atkinson to know more.

…or read any kabbalah text.


>doing naughty things

>friend was being a mundane spilled fear loosh everywhere

>neg cops come and eat it all up

an occurrence?



Luck or probability doesn't exist.



Memoirs from a decapitated God whose brain was stuck in a vat and has gone insane.

Have you considered that you are living within a universal organism and that there is no "back," and that the body, mind, and spirit of this organism are the same?



why then?



I resonate very well with the dankness myself.




OP, smite this faggot.


Is that indigo guy still around?


Is that indigo guy still around?



>I just want to round up all the doubting mundanes on /fringe/ and put you into some kind of magickal concentration camp in an ideal setting for magickal development and terrorize you all at once with my thoughtforms and give you an intense initiation experience. Maybe force you to read Chasing Phantoms until you're begging for help stopping the ayy lmao abductions.

I'm in. By god, my life is terrible just as you claim yours is. So long as I'm not permanently fucked up, I can take most anything. And I promise to fulfill your lad in distress fantasy if/when I surpass you, I fucking promise.

Come now, I'm sure one who is so perceptive as you are can tell I'm one hundred percent serious, am I right? Give it a shot and I assure you, you won't regret it. Ultravioletpill me, mate.



>Heh, nothing personnel… kid



>doing any of that

holy shit anon


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To do that, you need to do this, right?


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May I ask in what region you live?

Having asked a good deal of people on this, I'm coming to the suspicion that there are vast differences in the amount of magic in different places, some countries having somehow much larger wizard communities despite not being very populous, and others not.

A /fringe/ map might be a really interesting thing to see..


That is one amazing image. Would be even better if the spiral wasn't inverted, but that's easy to fix.


>I can indigopill anyone

What do you mean with indigopill; scare or tempt?

>It's an energetically unbalanced, unsafe, demonically infested creepy room that nobody wants to enter or stay in too long.

Do you keep that way out of choice or because cleaning it is somehow not doable?


>work on astral projection, work on your astral senses

Any advice on these, particularly the last one?



the spiral is NOT inverted, newfig, there was nothing to "fix"



He's talking shit and you're all swallowing it whole.


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It looks cuter tho.



Did reality not conform to will?…


There was this one moment in time when someone who I considered my friend told me about communicating telepathically and when I asked him if we could try it he said no, as if to say that I am not even capable of even learning. That left a huge impression on me and is one of the major reasons I have this "I can't do magick" complex. My sphere of influence ends at number/word synchronicities. It's frustrating.



E5 W9 Master race reporting in ^…^



I remember when I felt like it was time to grow my hair out.

So I did.

After returning to my home town one of my older brothers had a serious fit about this, demanding that I get a fucking hair cut.

A lot of pressure, a lot of doubts. So finally, I just put it to God/The Universe. Logic ruled the day and I decide that the next day I'd get my hair cut short, and that would be the end of it.

That night the small town I'm from had record high winds. Those winds blew in the glass frame window of the only barbershop in town.

That of course didn't deter me, but they simply refused to sweep the glass off the barbers chair to cut my hair.

It was pretty funny in retrospect, since these same people had cut my hair since I was a child, and seriously frowned on my current long haired status.

The funniest part was that my brother didn't believe it until we drove past the barbershop with the blown in window.

True story.

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