>what your abilities are
I can evoke demons and make them manifest to a degree of being able to effect physical things around them within a very short period of time.
I can go over to anyone's house, do some magickal work, and have the home completely fucked over by poltergeist activity / maximum haunted in a single night.
I can curse people, seduce them, and mentally influence, without even being present and with them having no knowledge of what I am doing.
I never have to masturbate or use pornography EVER because I can just hit up a succubus whenever I want, sometimes succubus comes of their own accord to bother me too, without me having to even evoke them.
I am powerful enough that I can indigopill anyone that I meet in person who has some time and wants to do a ritual in the appropriate space with me or anyone that gives me sufficient cause to work up a storm of hatred or lust or other negative feelings towards them. People fear me and it just makes me stronger.
Almost everything I do btw is LHP / evil. I naturally resonate very strongly with darkness and I live in a place that is severely contaminated with negative energy so that's just what I have to work with. Any nice and helpful things I might try to do for others are very weak compared to my black magick workings. You know Feng Shui? My bedroom is like, in every way possible, exactly how it should be not be if you wanted maximum Feng Shui. It's an energetically unbalanced, unsafe, demonically infested creepy room that nobody wants to enter or stay in too long.
I honestly wish I was better at the RHP workings but I have very little of the positive vibes needed to work with for it. No love, no humour, no joy, etc.
My whole personality is pretty warped. It is very easy for me to think and feel very intense bad thoughts about others and at night time I am at my absolute worst generally, as I am often fairly possessed at night and only have enough self-control to avoid people, but if someone does come across me I drain them badly and tend to be emotionally provocative, hitting whatever weakspots in their emotions there are.
Using the immense negative energy that is always available to me I am doing pretty well though. I kind of wish I'd encounter a RHP wizard one day who is more powerful than me I could throw all my hatred and everything into thoughtforms to use against him and he might overpower it all and extinguish them then save me from my fate but I'd surely have to move from where I am right now anyways to ever get a "second chance" again. So for now I just need to keep going down this path until I can physically relocate and leave this haunted fucking house I am in behind.