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ITT: Post about self-sufficiency topics, ask questions, get help, etc.


Prepare for collapse, share your survival tips, talk about your homestead, discuss race war, guess when the happening is, share knowledge, etc. here.

Making this thread here on /fringe/ because /ss/ is too slow and I've got various self-sufficiency projects that need doing.



go on without me… and take me with you.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Growing Fruit Trees Indoors


Indoor Avocado Tree: Growing your Own


Growing Avocado : The best avocados to grow in your garden!


How to Grow an Avocado Tree Best Method




What did I miss?


Can anyone please give me instructions on how to construct boxs for planting in?

All my plastic containers and even many of my clay ones were destroyed over winter.

I need to make new containers and it needs to be cheap.

I am thinking of making wooden crates and lining it with landscaping fabric or some other cheaper barrier that holds the soil and water inside.

I have 0 woodworking skill though and don't know how to make a simple wooden crate to plant plants in.

I have no problem getting unlimited soil and manure for my garden.

Also if anyone has any ideas on cheap easy frost-protection / mini-greenhouse type structures I could make so I can plant my plants out this month without worrying about the last chance of frost stuff I'd like to see what you guys might suggest.

I have some big plants but can't put them outside during the night yet but really want to.

Also if anyone has any ideas on making your own liquid fertilizer from compost, manure, etc. easy I want to know, I'm going to be doing things much more serious this year, and really trying hard now that I have some of my own money to actually spend on my garden and don't have to worry as much now about waiting too long for my parents to get things. I know that the soil around here is shit and that the soil from the dump is also terrible (it's just carbon matter, that is wood and leaves, decomposed without the nitrogen component) and nothing can grow in that unless I combine it with manure. I really need to have lots of fertilizer to make everything grow nice, continuously, throughout the whole year.

I really want to make big crates too maybe with handles or something for easy moving so I can just put them out in the field and put my tomatoes in them and move them around easy no problem.

I'm using boot trays from a dollar store btw as trays for my plants. It's far superior to the flimsy plastic shit that breaks every single time every year. I hope these are going to actually make it just fine through this year and be reusable year after year. They are like $3.00 CDN each.


All these flags are so un-Tao. Am I posting as a survivalist and as a not-buddhist? Or as a voodoo-er and a non-wiccan? do I change with the flag? No? Then why flag at all? I didn't used to be anti-flag but now it's like, "all this catagorization and compartmentalization is going to lead to a supreme schism of self at the end. Apocalypse."



Thanks, this has inspired me to actually start growing some fruit trees



lol butthurt


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To be continued… tomorrow if it's not raining.


That's a 4x4 feet or 120x120 cm square hole btw and it's about 2 and 1/2 feet deep and it's going to be a raised bed so once finished it'll probably be 3 feet worth of improved soil.

One layer is one garbage bag full of manure, the next is 4 buckets of dirt, the next is 2 buckets of compost from the forest, and the next layer is a half a recycling bin of the silt/clay from the site, then it's all mixed, then the layering is repeated again.

I had to stop today because of rain but will start again tomorrow hopefully, finish it off, and plant 4 of my 8 tomato plants in there.





Nice garden their smiley.

Question: can you infuse the soil with loosh and make it even better for plants? Stronger, bigger, tastier?



Yes you can although the point of gardening for me it to take vitality from the Earth and infuse it into me. Still if you want to create some kind of super plants with loosh you can, check out Zivorad's books, there's a thing about an occultist who rapidly developed a cactus with no needles in there using magick.

There was also an excerpt in Book of Aquarius (pretty shit book overall) about a form of alchemy that involved the creation of new forms of life.

An occultist should be able to create new varieties of plants in a really short period of time through the use of magick influencing probabilities so certain mutations come about way faster than normal, make the plants grow better, etc.

You should probably treat the plants directly and not so much the soil although I guess you could influence the soil too.

There have also been accounts of dark occultists making lands infertile and unproductive, causing everything to die, before.



bury some orgonite in that soil and future generations will wonder why that specific 4x4 plot is so fertile.


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Good start but ultimately you are approaching the challenge the wrong way.

Download pic related and read it.

Remember 100 hours planning 1 hour of work.



>Download pic related and read it.

Gibes link also right now I just have to get shit done there's no time for planning. I can plan however for next year.

…and I am limited as to what I can do on that land as I don't actually own it. Nobody is going to give a shit if I make a garden there but if say I erected a greenhouse on that land I'm not so sure it would continue to be ignored.



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Fuck shit I actually cant remember

Something about how mundanes are already planning to live off the grid and some website with a bunch of machines designed to sustain a community


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This is the timetable for the collapse I am working with.

I have noticed an acceleration of events after the passing of each blood moon.

We have some time before the fourth and final passing. It is best to use the next few months wisely.




Can anyone please answer my questions here: >>37275 ?



Just try jewgoogling it. I don't know exactly what you want, so it would be easier for you.





Eh… What about "the planet of the crossing"? I'm not worried about blood moons if Nibiru drags through our system (est. 2018).

Now, here's something certain..

Wait, just shorten that to CERN.

This is the pandemic of the future. Jade Helm could very well be preparation for this. You heard it here first.

Every case of "possessed people" or "bath salts" etc is linked to this phenomenon as I have recently verified…


This is good info, only the xian buffoon goes on about the "Holy Spirit"… That is YOUR spirit, your intent!



I want to make 4x4 wooden crates, line them with landscaping fabric or something similar, and fill with dirt then plant stuff in them. Really big and really cheap containers that I can probably plant and grow 4 big tomato plants or one fruit tree in each.




Yeah something like that. Btw, there's a place right in my backyard that is fenced in where there's a HUGE pile of wooden palettes there. Maybe I could sneak in, steal some wooden palettes, and use them to construct garden boxes? I just hope they aren't radioactive or exposed to any bad chemicals…




Do you have any information on how big the rootballs of various plants can actually get? I'd really like to know just how far out and deep the roots of tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, etc. can actually grow out and plan accordingly.

What do you think of the idea of growing plants in 4 gallon and 5 gallon buckets? (mostly 4 gallons are the ones I have, I've been taking them for free from various nearby businesses I asked for them from)

All of my plastic and clay pots have been destroyed btw. They got left our during the winter and all of them are now cracked and ruined. They got left out because I was really sick when they had to be taken in and my shit-tier mundane family couldn't be bothered to do anything.

Do you reckon these wooden boxes could survive a Canadian winter?



I wish I was as lucky as you.

My mundane family gives me shit food with flouridated water. Can't even buy my own shit because I'm supposed to save up my money for collage.

Wooden boxes survive winter, yeah. Plastic disintegrate, clay breaks from water freezing, wood should be fine. Although in a few years it will break down.



I get all my food myself by going to the farmers market and working for the people there and they give me food.

Don't even go to college, it's a fucking scam, at least don't go without first having learned and knowing everything you need to know first. Literally fucking everything you'd need is available through public libraries and the internet and if you do need access to a lab or something there's ways to do that without spending thousands to go to college. Anyways once you know it all then you can get qualified really quickly somewhere without the years of being jewed beforehand.

I'm not lucky, if we're going to talk about who is more lucky, then it would be one of those pissing matches as to who is more miserable. I've been abused and have a fucked up body and it's going to take some major work to repair everything.

At least both of us have found magick and may escape the cycle of unconscious reincarnation in this life as well as overcome the shitload of problems we are faced with.



And since people may wonder what my credibility is, I'm versed in removing these invading entities through ancient abo modalities.

This is our dimension, our world. When you enter another dimension you are subject to the laws of that dimension. Those laws are dictated at the point of creation by the inhabitants. Anything you intentionally create, a space, a project, a business, a corporation (which is what the gubmint is), any game is it's own dimension of creation. Your spirit is always there for you to manifest these conditions into your life and has all power when such terms and conditions are correctly laid out and left to spirit to manifest. Thus, nothing can interfere with you and yours unless you give it permission. Fear is permission because it weakens your auric field, allowing invading entities in, so is sympathy. This is my ramblings on basic lore of creation of dimensions in the universe.


Any man made object will cause more trouble in maintenance than the effort required to produce it. I learned that in The Ringing Cedars of Russia… Those books are truly for the idealist, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.



But don't worry. I'll leave soon and head up north. (maybe even visit you.) I need to get out ASAP or I might never advance magickally.



Man made objects need to be kept up.

Just plant the plants in the ground and but a dirt wall around them.



When they decide to turn that all into a parking lot later I'll end up losing all my soil in the ground. At least with crates put in the field I might have a chance of being able to move them if I am strong enough to drag them away from construction.

Also I've only created one 4x4 plot so far and it has taken me like 3 days of non-stop digging now and I'm still not done.

I really just wish I had my own farm already that I lived on and wouldn't have to worry about any bullshit anymore and could create a permanent garden and greenhouse.


>I need to get out ASAP or I might never advance magickally.

That feel. Mundanes are seriously hindering my magickal advancement and just ruining my body and my life in general.


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>I need to make new containers and it needs to be cheap.

Used wooden pallets are free at most places though not easy to transport.

Though you are still approaching the task the wrong and you should read >>38065

For example you can just make raised garden mounds with reconditioned soil that you already have.

From the pictures in >>38016 it look you have a compacted but otherwise useable loam to work with.

First off I would designate the area I wanted to garden, laid out on raised bed in keyhole fashion, loose the grass, plant a boarder species which will choke out any grass getting into your garden, turn the soil adding any manure and compost you can get your hands on soil conditioners appropriate for your area (ask a local gardener or PH test it for basics), collect as much urban mulch as you can find (cardboard, carpet, paper, anything that breaks down is perfect, the more the merrier, as thick as you can get it, water this all down and plant seedlings of appropriate species into the mulch including inoculated nitrogen fixing legumes and few flowering ornamentals to help with pests.

If you can find enough mulch you really don't even have to worry about digging up the grass.

Also unless where you live is extremely arid I would not have my beds below grade or everything is going to rot.

But actually read >>38065 or torrent the video PDC with Mollison and Lawton (12gb?) and spend the 15hours watching that then read >>38065



I don't think you understand that the field I am gardening in will be developed into a parking lot in a few years. This isn't a permanent situation.

Also using carpet in mulch sounds like a horrible idea. Why would you want that formaldehyde and crap in your soil?

…and I can't plant a boarder species in there without first improving the soil as it's so bad anything you plant in it will just die.


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le finished plot, although it won't look nice until rain washes that dirt off of the logs I put in place. I also put 3 bags worth of manure around the thing, then 4 blacks of black soil, then a lot of that silt clay stuff on top covering it. Hopefully with the manure and black soil underneath the silt stuff will grow back up around the tomato patch later.


btw, there's probably going to be frost tonight (really should have held off on planting the tomatoes until tomorrow) … will putting cardboard boxes upside down over them protect them through the night?



I think so, better than nothing.



That should work. Our family usually just covers the individual plants with plastic bags and it seems to shield them decently. Depending on the weight of the cardboard box you might want to put a little extra weight on it so it doesn't get blown off.




I guess I'll use plastic buckets.


I just put 4 plastic buckets on them now. I could see my breath. I hope they're ok still in the morning.



Smiley, a simple tarp will protect them. Old blankets work also.

Any way is by not watering them ~2 days before frost is expected.

Also, raised plant beds will help protect from frost as it is a bit higher up, and it is also easier to put a tarp over.

Thirdly, use magick.



Those would smush them and I don't have a tarp.

As you can see from my pic they are in a raised bed.



My tomatoes are fucking dead now.

The frost destroyed them all.

$15.00 gone to waste.

The other ones I had indoors. I spent $30.00 on tomatoes in total.



Are you sure they are dead?






The tomatoes are slightly alive still apparently.



Looking at this thing gives me an idea of how to make a crate. Now I just need to find wood cheap or decide if it would be more economical to just buy muck buckets or feeding troughs and so on instead.


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I got about 8 boxes of peppers from work, threw about half of them out because of how rotten they were, and with the rest cut away the bad parts and used everything else.

Pic related is some of the soup made and a few of the remaining peppers.


FreedomBoard Is down Allah Has forsaken us!



Huh, I guess you weren't lying about some of the produce being extremely dank in quality, That yellow pepper in the middle especially,



Those were the best ones of the bunch, the rest went into the compost.



I should take a good look at one of these things then start building tons of these myself from the raw materials cheaper and start storing all the crap in the basement on shelves like this.


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>people can't tell when I am joking or serious. I thought I should make it known I was joking…



Your insecurity reveals itself.



no, that's sarcasm



I don't believe you.



I hate you people.




it's a conversation



It is a strange conversation.



Lol. I don't get many straight responses like this. That was fun.



I don't really understand how distilled water would ever be an issue when all the other food we eat should be able to more than adequately supply the minerals we need…


Why does nobody post in this thread besides me?



Here's my folder with 325 mb of survivalist books




>being a survivalist now means cooking your own food

Ah, first world paranoids.

You've never been through a collapse, like an actual, real economic collapse that left everything in shambles. You just like to wank to the idea of it happening because you're so dissatisfied with your life you're desperate for something to happen that might end the current social game. Ultimately, if an apocalypse of any sort were to happen, most survivalists would end up dying because knowing how to grow an avocado plant means nothing if you don't live in the right climate, have the right tools, etc. It's about wit and being practical, two things that can only be learnt by experience - if you haven't been through an actual collapse, you wouldn't know the first thing about it.


>mundane family of 3 with sister (mother died when I was 12)

>father suddenly propose we build garden and get gun permit (canada)

>everything set itself without much of me but thought consideration

I'm lucky and I hope most of you who has the knowledge, will be as lucky as I was. I hope many wise people survive the happening instead of the retarded lemmings. I don't have much to provide but self gratification, I read this thead and I simply hope/pray the best for true brothers



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