my dudes, real talk, i've read prometheus rising by robert anton wilson and king warrior magician lover by robert moore and i've also read the arcane teachings and the formulas are being used very fruitfully - mantak chia is what any man would ever want to know in this society, other books i won't mention as they are of specific field of research, i have also read all of the chaos magick work, all of it, it's like a good idea, but don't do the degenerate shit or you will end up an old bag of bones in a cheap suit trying to sell books on youtube, I'm being honest here, if you look past 50, you fucked up and probably need insane amounts of resources and knowledge to revert the process on your telomeres and cells, i suggest you begin as soon as possible to do work on your own body on your cells on your functions your atoms to enhance the template you have been singularized as, coining that word, as i suggest everything fathomable is a singularity of some sort as it has a displayable discerning quality which gives it an aspect of differentiated flavor to adjacent manifestations - from your template you can move on up and enhance yourself willfully and navigate the playing field you are in with full awareness of aptitudes and ability to enhance such as you have mastery over your very composition manifested in the playing field .
If you're a male magi your first task would be to throw away garbage foods and start feeding your construct proper nutrients compatible with original logical thining ( if i was without manmade technology and i was walking around with no tool or clothing, what would i consume if eaten raw )
**Second task would be to begin some form of physical training regiment involving weight lifting with the basics StrongLifts 5×5 Read more: http://stronglifts.com/5x5/
Along with that work on the pullup bar to master upper movement.**
Third would be to read the content provided among this website and many others from people who you can discern as having proper knowledge from the simple application of axioms which is achieved from the steps above via mental clarity and cognitive functions once the vessel is clean.
You can eventually bypass step 3 needs via this step which is practicing the content and doing mental and imaginative work to strenghten your mind to the point where none may have dominion over your vessel of manifestation but your very point of I which uses the AM.
Which means you can think without your body while still concerning the variable of the body as a factor in the equation for your decisions.
The books are something but they are simply the tutorials when you start up the game for the first time, some of them are ability archetypes you can form like a fire skill tree or a warrior abilities things like those ( im using gaming terms as they relate my vibe to the reading a big way as technology and entertainment is simply our lore and nature expressed by our creative hands )
But you still have to actually go out and play the game, do the quests, meet the people, form the groups, get resources, equipment, level up, get profitient in your endeavors and skills.. unless you want to just ascend to dissolution into a hivemind… because that's what you would be going for if you decided to just trascend experience itself, it's a hivemind because its a singularity of everything all at once, and then there are possibilities beyond that since we have the cognitive gift to conceive of a infinity and eternity.
It is fucking absolutely awesome how much potential each and every sentience has which is able to discern it's own existence and have overstanding of consequences and causes and actions.
Still remember tho, if you swim in a pool where people pissed and it's chlorinated, your construct will receive the consequences, same applies to your company and the ones you work with. I don't advocate alienating yourself from mundanes because that would mean ignoring an aspect of creation put forth to you for a reason, some may say it's a lesson in what not to do, some in a lesson of growth in empathy and heart.
Share, work and thrive with the ones you trust and vibe with the most as one magi is powerful, a whole lot of them creates empires.
It would also be wise to take heed to the many tales we have of the magi going wild and insane on his own power and thinking he's above natural law, if you seek to destroy you will become destruction,BE COME.