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How many of you have actually read The Corpus Hermeticum ? Or do you people just read other peoples dissertations on it?

How many of you have read the official books of the greek pantheon? Or do you people just read other peoples dissertations on it?







I read like 3 random chapters out of it but not the whole thing. One day I ought to read the whole thing in order to have the bragging rights.



well I notice people talking about reading The Kybalion, I mean unless you read these classic works you really have no place in reading the kybalion. Its basically like a bunch of people watching christian tv, or going to church and listening to priest but never taking the time to read the bible, then going on to say they are a well versed christian.



Never knew it was this important. Thanks!



>reading old alchemical texts

>not a huge waste of time

Same thing goes for the Bible btw, it's a piece of shit, and only much newer Christian texts are worth reading.


The greek magical papyrus is pretty batshit.

I hear plato is interesting.



You cant fully understand the meaning and context of the text unless you are fully familiar with the originals otherwise you are basically a factory worker going through motions.

If you are hermetic or a magick practitioner in general, your whole beliefs/practice is based on taking other peoples words for what it is rather than actually getting to understand things from source for yourself? Dare I say mundane.



ProTip I've read the Bible and old Hermetic texts and it was a huge fucking waste of time and I regret it. Time I could have used much more productively towards my advancement.

I don't give a shit about historical context, I just need what works, and I need to develop my powers.

I don't take anyone's "word for it" I read books, I figure out what they are saying, and I use what they are saying in my own life productively.

The Bible is a useless shitty out-dated book.

The old Alchemical texts are similarly shitty and useless and nobody knows what they are saying and they do nothing but confound rather than clarify.

I'm not a Hermeticist for the sake of an identity like maybe you are. I'm a Hermeticist because it happens to be the case that various recent Hermetic works have come to define my world view and to enable me to develop my occult powers the most. I freely look into every single religion I've heard of and read texts from them all and it's mostly been a big waste of time; when I started reading into Hermetics, at least the new books, it was great and I was able to do things with that knowledge I couldn't with all the other shit.

We only have so much time in our present incarnations on Earth to get out shit together and put ourselves on the right path. People like you who make suggestions to read these old texts, you're wasting our time, and time is precious. We should only be reading what is essential and leave the long, meandering, unclear, useless old texts behind.

Fuck your analogy of a factory worker going through motions. I don't even give a shit if I've supposedly got the meaning "wrong" because if that really is the case then it's for the better because I'm getting good results from what I'm doing.

I am anything but mundane.

I don't give a shit what the sources of my knowledge are, it could be written long ago or just 1 minute ago, what matters is that when I put it to the test it works and the system I've made up in my mind is successful in getting results.


When I read books I'm looking for solutions, inspiration, etc. for advancing my magickal work forward.

The old texts don't do me any favours by being a bunch of mystical babble.

Straight forward, clear, and concise texts with perhaps a few examples of paranormal cases of real workings included are the very best.

They give you the formula, they give you an example of it in use, they don't waste your time.

The old texts waste my time because back then nobody could outright say anything without being persecuted so they had to fucking obscure everything.

Back in the Medieval ages also if you even owned one book, that was incredible, most places would not have more than a few books in them and if you happened to own like 10 books you were rich as fuck.

Then around the 1900s things changed a lot and I feel a golden age of occultism started. Secrets were being revealed openly and authors had to do better with their writings.


>I don't take anyone's "word for it" I read books, I figure out what they are saying,

>they are saying


The hermeticus corpus is short easy to read and the roots of understanding hermetic philosophy. If you don't read that and think it was a waste of time you are nuts. Its not that much reading, its a tenth the size of the kyballion, which oddly you all revere over it.


Corpus Hermeticum is not that special. It is just philosophical rambling without any practical advice. I imagine the Kybalionic Hermeticism is something that stayed "underground" and held the practical knowledge from common people, while the Philosophical Hermeticism is just a philosophical mess possibly compiled by people who weren't occultists. It's just Judeo-Greco-Egyptian philosophy that doesn't really benefit anyone. "An intellectual circle-jerk", so to speak.

And what comes to the mythological texts, they might have some occult parables hidden in them but I wouldn't personally bother deciphering them. Same with alchemical texts, as the anon before me said.

Really, Kybalionic Hermeticism is so different from Philosophical Hermeticism. The first one is simple and practical, the another complex and impractical.

Personally, I think most philosophy is worthless. They are mostly "what if. . ." and "should be . . .". They do not explore "what is. . ." and "how to . . .", except for some few sects like Stoics , (and even they waste time by messing with metaphysics). The Kybalion offers great practical advice, (though I personally do not care too much for its cosmological views), and it is a simple and direct read.



You do realize the kyballion is just a extensive interpretation the the hermeticus corpus right?



It can still be read as a standalone work, you don't really need to read the Corpus Hermeticum to understand what the Kybalion says.



I agree it can stand on its own but I think it is better to interpret the original message before delving into interpretation, I mention the bible and Church because it is a complete butchering of good substance in that case.



FYI some of my books such as Magical Use of Thoughtforms and a couple others have multiple authors contributing to the book.



>It is just philosophical rambling without any practical advice.

This so hard. Literally the only reason to read the Corpus Hermeticum is to be 2hermetic4u to other people but it's nothing actually useful it's just fucking trivia.


Bullshit, that's not what it is at all, it's Hermetically inspired but it's not some interpretation of the Corpus Hermeticum it's the revealed teachings of a master occultist.

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