ProTip I've read the Bible and old Hermetic texts and it was a huge fucking waste of time and I regret it. Time I could have used much more productively towards my advancement.
I don't give a shit about historical context, I just need what works, and I need to develop my powers.
I don't take anyone's "word for it" I read books, I figure out what they are saying, and I use what they are saying in my own life productively.
The Bible is a useless shitty out-dated book.
The old Alchemical texts are similarly shitty and useless and nobody knows what they are saying and they do nothing but confound rather than clarify.
I'm not a Hermeticist for the sake of an identity like maybe you are. I'm a Hermeticist because it happens to be the case that various recent Hermetic works have come to define my world view and to enable me to develop my occult powers the most. I freely look into every single religion I've heard of and read texts from them all and it's mostly been a big waste of time; when I started reading into Hermetics, at least the new books, it was great and I was able to do things with that knowledge I couldn't with all the other shit.
We only have so much time in our present incarnations on Earth to get out shit together and put ourselves on the right path. People like you who make suggestions to read these old texts, you're wasting our time, and time is precious. We should only be reading what is essential and leave the long, meandering, unclear, useless old texts behind.
Fuck your analogy of a factory worker going through motions. I don't even give a shit if I've supposedly got the meaning "wrong" because if that really is the case then it's for the better because I'm getting good results from what I'm doing.
I am anything but mundane.
I don't give a shit what the sources of my knowledge are, it could be written long ago or just 1 minute ago, what matters is that when I put it to the test it works and the system I've made up in my mind is successful in getting results.