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Street lights seem to "turn off" in my proximity. I've noticed this for at least five or six years, but have only recently started looking into it out of curiosity and general interest. If I pass by 10-15 lights at least one or two will appear to go out when I come within around two meters and only when I am physically exerting myself (jogging, running, cycling).

I don't know shit about electronics or electromagnetism (just the bare basics) so at first I assumed it was the EM field your heart generates interacting with the hardware somehow (I know, I'm retarded) and just left it at that and assumed it was a common thing that happened to everyone.

When I started doing some digging and research on this I couldn't find anything that explains what could be happening. When I straight up asked about it on autistic science forums and answer sites I was told that's it's just impossible and that the lights are just malfunctioning and are always turning on and off and that I just happened to be in the right place at the right time to notice it. I would have no problem believing this if it weren't for the fact that it ONLY happens within two meters distance, under moderate physical exertion, and consistently happens with lights that I pass almost nightly on bike rides and lights that I rarely pass. I'm also aware that this is one of those things that you would only notice/remember when it happens, leading it to seem like it happens a lot and only when you are in close proximity. I've seen a light go out on its own in the distance maybe twice in the past year and I see loads of the fuckers every night.

Are there any Wizards on here that can tell me what's going on since nobody else can?


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Also, I had an electrocardiogram done a few weeks ago along with basic blood labs and some chest X-rays.

My heart is above average in size, but not by an extreme amount. I have a sinus arrhythmia. My blood is AB- (master race rarest type). Thyroid hormone is on the low end, but within the average range for a healthy adult. I don't carry any electronics on me when I go out for night rides which is when I notice it the most.


This happened to me when I was out for a nightly stroll. Walked past a streetlight and it went out when I got close then popped back on as I passed it. Made me feel uber af

Also the short answer is its magick and you should start learning magick


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same symptoms (heart tyroid etc…), same blood, slightly larger heart.

Same occurance.

Are you me?



i'll add, it happens even when i'm just walking past them


Kick the light pole or stomp your feet and watch it go out, it just vibrations, you can also observe the light from far away for at least 30 minutes (it will most likely go out it's self)



Lights turn off or flicker around me when I'm in a trance state or highly emotionally aroused. It happens a lot around me. I also know another wizard that can do it while high on marijuana and I have a cousin that can will traffic lights to change so he can make all the lights red or green at once and he can mess around with lights.

I really feel like this job I have is somewhat of a trap lately, I have so little time for anything now, even though it's only 2 days of the week… I'd really like to do more experiments with this and talk to you about it.


Thoughtforms/bodiless entities are easily capable of producing EMF and manipulating electronics btw.

Try creating one with the intent of fucking up the lights see how it goes for you.


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Are you tall or underweight? Both?


I've never tried fucking with any lights physically to see if they they are affected by vibration or shock. It's easy to do so I'll test this often from now on. If a light is susceptible to shock or vibration it should be no problem to affect it in a noticeable way in the first few smacks or stomps around it. Do you know specifically how vibration may affect different types of street lamps? I'll be taking note of what type of lights are used in my city. I forgot to get that info and it's definitely an important factor to consider. I've also been watching a few lights right on the corner of my street just out of convenience the past few days, but I only watch for around 20 minutes and I can't see a huge amount of them. Maybe I'll set up a camera on a hill and just film lamps all night for f-fun.


If you have any ideas for experiments I can do I'll give them a shot and write everything down and we can compare results. I'll try anything at this point since I'm not worried about wasting my time. I get a kick out of this shit for some reason.

If anyone more scientifically and academically enlightened that I am can come up with a basic method or foundation for testing and statistical analysis with controls and what have you, I'll devote even more time to experimentation.


From the basics that I've read regarding EMF and the brain and heart, your emotional state has been show to "change" the EMF your heart and brain produce, but I'm unclear what that means. Does it change the size/intensity? The frequency as well? I can't even find a solid source on how far the average person's EMF extends out from their heart. That would be cool to know.

Most of the time when I am out exercising at night or walking to get the mail (community mailbox down the street) my mind is close to blank or I'm in "the zone" and just focused on cycling for the most part. I've noticed it happen a few times when I was very angry, but mostly when I don't have that much emotional activity at all. I practice zen meditation every once in a while where you basically just let your thoughts pass and stare at the floor. I also practice a type of awareness mediation. I'm not sure what's it's called. It's when you maintain focus on a single sensory input or thought and maintain it or when you try to hold awareness of as many different sensory inputs as you can (sounds, smells, etc). Is creating a thoughtform anything like certain types of mediation? I can try creating an "in the zone" thoughtform like I'm on my bike if that makes any sense. I guess I can try creating "fucking up the lights" one, but I'm not sure how. Is it mostly visualization and intention?



i used to be both, i've gained more weight just in the recent years



The higher the light pole or old the light pole the more sensitive it will be. Soduims are weak (orange light) and will fail quit quick



If you're going to do that stomping stuff please take into account magickal intent. Just your intentions to change the light might change it and the physical actions taken might be symbolical/ritual.

>solid source on how far the average person's EMF extends out from their heart

I think it's 4 feet, according to one of Zivorad's boks.

>just let your thoughts pass and stare at the floor.

Must be terrible for your posture.



I'm pretty sure documentaries already exist on this phenomena and there are some people who can walk down a street of lights and every single light they pass will flicker off when they get near and back on when they move away.



The higher the light pole or old the light pole the more sensitive it will be. Soduims are weak (orange light) and will fail quit quick


Wow, I started noticing this too and I was like, must be the demons following me lol

and god damnit, Ive been under succubus attacks in my dreams since a long time


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nice shitposting brah



well whatever, Im not posting often idk how to explain it all, maybe it all comes down to reason but i doubt everything idk how i shitpost but ok sorry



That's not a shitpost, it's relevant to the thread, and interesting input. There are several hundred other posts on this board that are truly shitposts you could call out.


During a pretty dark period of my life that constantly happened with me too. Hasn't happened for a while now and for that I'm grateful, shit always freaked me out.


this also happens to me o_O

i always thought it was just my imagination but lights keep turning on and off when im around

i also get this feeling that theres something behind me when it happens, not sure why

nice to know its not just me, shits spooky



And if you look on them they flare up a bit? Been that way for me as well…



You're a wizard, Harry

Seriously your energy field is fucking with the lights. Mine does it too sometimes, albeit less often



But to answer your question maybe there's something symbolic in their turning off. Is there any pattern to your thought when they turn off? When lights are affected by my energies it's usually related symbolically to something I was thinking about


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oh wow that weird stuff that happens to millions of people?

yeah totally out of this world

after all they dont talk about it on TV everyday so it must be alien


well, this is weird.

i've had the same thing happen all through my childhood. i'd just assumed they had some kind of motion sensor to turn off when someone walked by (i know, makes no sense).

i didn't remember till, now.

it's been so many years, but it was almost every light when i was a kid.



*tips fedora*


op I also have this effect on light bulbs on my house as well as alot of electronics.

Emp aura?


Halloween night I was walking outside in the dark

and every streetlamp turned off as I walked by, then turned on after.

You're not the only one OP, we are the streetlamp kings!


>be me.

>be high as fuck

>standing by the window with a friend talking about the nature of reality.

>friend bit religious tries to disprove me.

>tell him "look"

>Point to street lamp

>whole naighborhood goes dark

I know I meant to demonstrate something,I believed it will happen no doubt.



I thonk you are on to something here.

I get to a strange mental state always before this happens.

Like inner gnosis ,unrelenting confidence.

Then a feeling of a slight euphoria.

Feel complete somehow.

I wish we could have a metaphysics lab and sensors to study this further.

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