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Esoteric Wizardry


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Just picked up this at a used book store.

It cost me 4€.

Leatherbound edition too, which is really cool since this is a paperback.

There was another one there, named something like "The Two Witches", but it looked like a regular novel. Maybe I should have bought it…


I've got a pretty nice copy of the Tibetan Book Of The Dead and a compilation of meister eckhart's writings (holy shit is it good). Both in slavspeak, might upload pictures later on.

Also The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion, fuck you, jewish world control is /fringe/-related.


Is that even English?



Nope, Portuguese.


Those sound very interesting.

Will wait eagerly for pictures.



I like how the wikipedia article for The Protocols says it's an antisemetic hoax lmao


A lot people have recommended Evola, but I have yet to read him. I might not bother though.


I've got some fancy books from nephilim press, hardbound with a cloth papermark. The book of smokeless fire, an anthology on the HGA, qlipoth 3 and seven spheres.



Can you post a pic of that?


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HGA, smokeless fire, Qlipoth 3



Good buy my fellow huelander… how did you even? I mean what kind of store was it?








hehe assumptions… Didn't expand images I just read "tradição hermética"…

On that note though what kind of book store was it? Everytime I walk into one it is pretty much just filled with crap, that is why I buy all my books online.



I'm BR too and thought the same at first. I've seen portuguese editions of Evola books in some sebos in São Paulo. They were around R$60 or more though.



I guess I'll just have to search a bit more. I love the feeling of randomly finding a book and then reading it, which is something you just can't get online since you already know what you'll buy.



It was actually a fancy hipster bar/gallery/lounge that had a corner with used books.


Yeah, this is published by Edições 70, which is great for books on art and politics. I had no idea they had a collection like this.



And yeah, those are absolutely beautiful.

Mind if I ask where did you get them, and how much shekels they where?



Got them for $33 each from a guy who sells slightly damaged books from nephilim.



>There was another one there, named something like "The Two Witches", but it looked like a regular novel. Maybe I should have bought it…

or used a smartphone to google it on the spot

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