Your ego is sacred and your person was given to you by God. Why betray your Self? Only fools should prevent themselves from gaining wealth and power; for they will abuse it once they have it. For the wise however they should not shrink from these things at all but embrace it, for once they have it, they will use it wisely and all of their Subjects will prosper under them. Do you not trust yourself? Then work towards the cultivation of virtues and see to it that you do not betray your Will by submitting to the impulses foreign to your mind. Can you hold your mind in silence? Can you use your mind as you wish to use it? Begin the practise of Meditation and find out.
One more thing for your consideration; are you confident in your ability to discern the darkness from the light? Do you wonder why your rulers rule as they do? Are you consciousness enough to tell when a diseased branch is being righteously pruned to protect the health of the whole organism, or when it is going through a collective trial in order to birth something stronger and more beautiful? It is hard for the mundane man to really understand know which elements of the society are cancerous and need to be crushed and which are there for a reason that ultimately is of service to All.
It is important to be humble and yet to caste judgement, to take action and risk error yet be mindful of one's incomplete understanding and seek to know more intimately.
Everything has its place and its time, a more complete picture of All to me is best described simply as intensely Beautiful. The synchronistic machinations of this reality as so intricately put together, everything living out and outliving its desires, it is so wonderful to be a Part of All and dancing with the rest of creation. You will do well to know beauty whenever you can, becoming one with it, and emanating it from your internal power source outwards into everything you touch.
From the void's potential your were born, the universe is a living mind, and you are alive contrary to the assumptions of dead matter. In everything is mind, and in all is all, be mindful of your desires and let Will meet with those desires most High that you may advance as far as you will manage in this incarnation. Forever you may rest in the eternal bosom of nature but even in rest you are in a constant state of motion.
The unmanifest always strives for manifestation. The manifest is made manifest through mind. The will chooses in its infinite unfoldment what to bring out of the void.
tl;dr don't worry about that shit you're worrying about, just make sure you're being generate by developing all aspects of your mind and body, and avoiding that which leads to degeneration. If you do the right thing for yourself, you do the right thing for everyone. If you proceed in the right way then everything you touch with be (metaphorically) turned to gold and your virtue shall rub off on everyone you cross paths with in life and you will be remembered well and when you die and you access the akashic records and review your life you will be very pleased with yourself and avoid suffering the terrible remorse and cringe of the man who served the lesser desires over the greater ones of spirit.