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Understand that you're slaves of the Demiurge, and that your "morality" is a creation of the Demiurge too.

Union with "The All" is nothing more than union with the Demiurge.

You think you're opposing the Demiurge, when in reality you're making his goals easier to achieve.




>You think you're opposing the Demiurge, when in reality you're making his goals easier to achieve.

No actually I don't think they are opposing anything and want the corruption to succeed

BTW nice satan trips. I think that's indicative that you're the one fooled by naivety


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>False choice <= Following a subjective ethical system


>Ditching morality for amoralism or relativism => false choice

These are the two wrong options, a false binary, both serving the Demiurgic agenda. The first insists that the subjective morality is objective when in reality it is tied to social and cultural contexts. What I consider to be "subjective morality" is everything based on authority. This sort of morality lacks personal wisdom and objectivity, thus it can easily render the adherent of this sort of ethics into blind obedience to the point of passivity.

The second option follows from the another; if morality is subjective, (it isn't), then morality does not exist, thus amorality or moral relativism is the correct option - no? But this is also a false choice. It is like a Christian person who, after losing his faith to his religion, turns into atheism and ignores all other more spiritual options. Just because "subjective morality" is relative to the context and lacks spiritual wisdom and objectivity, it doesn't mean more objective morality doesn't exist. That objective morality is based on the spirit and on universal laws, not on religious or spiritual institutions or lack of thereof.

As Montalk put it,

>"There may be one genuine duality, but it has been imitated by numerous illusory ones. To throw out the genuine along with the imitation is a straw man fallacy and a win for the STS Matrix Control System. Example: rejecting religious moralism in favor of moral relativism, and in the process ignoring the higher objective ethical framework beyond both. Likewise, to accept the imitation along with the genuine is also a win for the Matrix. For example, believing that certain religious, political, or social norms are expressions of absolute good. "


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So by ditching morality altogether for "illuminated amoralism" or "Left-hand pathness" is just as wrong as being a passive or blind "Right-hand pather". Continuing,

>"Both real and false dualities exist. Thus at the most basic level we have a trinity instead of a duality: two false choices and a third transcending them. . . - - - Through false dichotomies, the Adversary offers seemingly “good” and “bad” choices that end up producing the same outcome. Hence these opposites are not freewill choices themselves. They are illusory traps that, together as one, represent the choice for illusion made as soon as one believes they are valid options."

The third option is the objective aka. 'transjective' morality that comes from the spirit. It means following your intuition and aiming to maximize your and others freewill and spiritual evolution. It is objective because it is, as said, based on the spirit and universal laws.

But much is written of this so I will quit now.



How to maximize your and others freewill?

By declaring war on the Demiurge and its creation.

By liberating Spirits.

By not caring about souls and bodies.

To help yourself is to help all Spirits trapped in this hellish reality.

Helping others is not about being a kind, loving, nurturing, "positive", "we're all one!!" faggot like the RHPers on this board suggest.



How do you help yourself though? I feel silly asking this question since I am just about to begin my search for Montalk's article on "transjective morality" but nonetheless, how can you help yourself?

My understanding of power comes from the series on ribbonfarm on what's called "The Gervais Principle".


Basically, sociopaths create power by taking away the power of others and creating for them a more simplified "reality". Just like how the Sun keeps the planets in order of concentric elliptic orbits by creating a negativity which pulls them into place, the sociopath, in order to maintain social order must essentially, through sacrifice of his own morality, become a force of nature. With this, I've begun to wonder how there are people who intend to live as STO but also need power to do this and thus must do very STS things. I can only assume that it only makes sense once the individual is at the top and that they are the one that can make changes.


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>Union with "The All" is nothing more than union with the Demiurge.


The all is immanent in the manifiested world and yet transcendent to it. The all transcends the demiurge, and the physical, astral and mental planes. Every decent RHPer should know about it.

Also nobody has ever ascended who during ascension truly hated or loved the material plane, hate and love are negative and positive attachments to maya. Spirit is beyond both of them, it isn't possible to transcend maya or the cycle of reincarnations with any attachment of any sort.



Btw Smiley, give a chance to the Bhagavad Gita.



A good article on what I have said is this; http://montalk.net/metaphys/138/transcendence-through-intuitive-thinking

Other interesting ones are "Maximizing Your Potential to Help Others" and "Battle of Opposites".



What do you think of this article?


Are STS and STO basically the same thing?


There's literally nothing wrong in supporting the Demiurge, it's a beneficial entity and, as with everything else, part of the All's mind.

The Demiurge is a training tool, much like dumbbells in gyms. You may think they weight you down, but they are there to make you stronger.

There are those who, not desiring true power or knowledge but an easy way out, a shortcut to what they believe power is, hate the Demiurge and blame it for their own shortcomings.

Only blindmen fear the light.


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I'm so happy to see someone express this opinion. The Demiurge just doesn't seem evil at all, at least not from what I've read.



>Without the demiurge none of us would be stuck in third density

>Without the demiurge there would never be somebody who doesnt into /fringe/

>A Good Guy™




i love the demiurge


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Both serve the self in the end, as the article you have posted said, yet there is very crucial differences between STS and STO. More of this soon.

The article you have posted has, if I may say, distorted what it means to be a "Lightworker". Such a lightworker, if he serves others blindly without wisdom and discernment, causes harm to himself if he neglects his own Self - he lowers or damages his own freewill by forgetting himself, thus causing imbalance. And what he calls a Lightworker is actually an expression of Service-to-Self.

Why? Because STS destroys freewill, if not some others then itself. All that causes a freewill imbalance is STS. When you abuse yourself - be it through asceticism or just not caring for yourself, "forgetting thyself" - that is STS. Now, STS might not be the proper term here but it is the closest I got.

See this,

>"This concept (STA, Service-to-All) was invented by those who misinterpret STS and STO as meaning predator and prey. They view “Service-to-All” or STA as being the transcendent, balanced, and neutral alternative to that dichotomy. STA is based on the misconception that Service to Others means “serving only others, while ignoring self,” such as being a doormat or ascetic who is weak and neglectful of his or her own well-being. By neglecting yourself, you handicap your future ability to do good, thereby decreasing your total positive impact and increasing imbalance, which is STS."

>"Properly defined, STO means serving self through serving others in a balanced way that is of maximum spiritual benefit to all. It means being neither predator nor prey. It does not mean being a doormat, nor neglecting personal well-being to the point of interfering with one’s future ability to serve, which is a shortsighted form of martyrdom. So what some define as STA is already the correct definition of STO, therefore the term STA is unnecessary. What they call STO is actually the prey component of the STS predator-prey dynamic. Therefore, instead of [STA (neutral transcendent) | STO (prey) | STS (predator)] it should be [STO (neutral transcendent) | STS (prey vs. predator)]. "

So, no, STS and STO/STA are not the same thing and they do not lead to the same place, (check out Montalk's new article on this one). The first one is imbalance and the latter balance. To serve all is to serve self through others.



Demiurge is indeed beneficial and very necessary. Why beneficial? Because it and its Archons challenge you and help you grow spiritually. Why necessary? Because none of us would exist if the Demiurge wasn't there.

A risky gamble but the reward is great.



>To serve all is to serve self through others.

You still don't get it. That's not right.

This is right: To serve all is to serve all through all.

I have said it truthfully.

>that second half

My eyes have transcended three dimensions in order to properly roll in response to that. My eyes roll and ripple forward and backward in time. You cannot presently comprehend your foolishness



Yes, that is what I meant. When you only serve yourself, you do not benefit others, because you cause imbalance "in the system"; thus you do not serve all. But when you serve self through others, you serve "both sides", so to speak, and maintain the balance, so to say, and thus you serve all. Thus to serve all is to serve all through all/to serve self through others.

Please explain yourself on the second-half of your reply.



>Such a lightworker, if he serves others blindly without wisdom and discernment, causes harm to himself if he neglects his own Self - he lowers or damages his own freewill by forgetting himself, thus causing imbalance

He doesn't mention it in that specific article but he does touch upon this. Immature lightworkers neglect their own needs in pursuit of helping others thus, as you said, they damage themself which then goes onto damage their ability to help others.

Immature darkworkers will be so singly-concerned with their own needs (solipsism) that they disregard the effects of their actions upon others entirely such that eventually, people get together and collectively lash out against the darkworker.

Mature lightworkers learn that they must consisder their own needs in order to aid others and mature darkworkers learn that they must consider others' needs in order to aid themself. Both learn to be more conscious of their impact on their social environment and that they are intrinsically, inseparably connected with others, linked by the chain of cause and effect.

Overall, thank you on the clarification on the terminology, I will check the new article.



>Btw Smiley, give a chance to the Bhagavad Gita.

I have no posts in this thread at all except the one you're reading right now.


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cool story bro

keep worshiping evil and ego, be my guest



>To serve all is to serve UNIVERSAL self through others.


the point being that you are soul not body, and soul is one with other souls

so by serving universal self you are serving the one

which faggy satanists may call the demiurge to obfuscate caretakers because the satanists cant take their lack of unity and face it




Soul is Demiurgic.


the demiurge is well meaning but imperfect. he is our father whether you like it or not. we should be looking to reconcile i think


in every philosophy or religion or any idea that can be had, there is always atleast a grain of truth in it, and a grain of falseness for it to be understood by us. homeopathy for example, i think there is truth that like cures like, but obviously diluting it so much would render a medicine useless. i think the same about gnostic ideas, the god of the old testament is imperfect, as is the physical reality; but i dont think its bad. infact good and bad probably only exist in this reality.


What's up with all these pawns ITT trying to get others to worship the demiurge like good goyim?

/fringe/ has been overrun with disinfo agents and misinformed people lately. Is there any group consciously trying to undermine what we do here or is the demiurge just getting desperate more people are awakening?



you sound like a paranoid schizophrenic

take your meds



>paranoid schizophrenic

You mean third-eye awaken master race?

>take your meds

Yeah, just trust the big pharma and ingest those substances goy, it's for you own good.


Hating the demiurge is the sign of a kike who seeks to find an object of blame for his insufficiency rather than seeking to overcome them like a true noble of the soul would do. This is why this ridiculous cult of Ma'at hatred starts with a Christian heresy that was rightfully despised by its neoplatonic contemporaries.


imagine if you counted every conciousness that every animal and spirit has as one consciousness. that is the demiurge. it is a great spirit but it is not the greatest. the reason it is imperfect is because we are imperfect; and we are part of it.



I guess people are starting to imitate some of your posts.

Thought you would read it anyway.


You idiots.

It's quite simple:

Both are wrong and both are right.



one is Left



but one is right






It's just that for some reason people think that he is the only person who hates the demiurge, follows LHP, has a shitty life and likes oranges.



Left hand path are Satanists. And Demiurge is Satan

Make dealings


demiurge has no place in either path…

the right hand offers that the demiurge is an oppressive force that may be evaded through worship of "GOD"

the left hand offers that the demiurge is an oppressive force that may be evaded through worship of "SELF"

This is literally the only difference between right and left hand paths.

bickery is the tool of the demiurge.



hes a satan shill

notice 666 trips



Explain to us what you think the Demiurge actually is?


Demiurge ain't real, and he was the same thing as Satan left-handers worship



The biggest trick of the demiurge was to convince the world it isn't real.


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the demiurge is not chaos

he's order


Left Hand Path = Satanism

How can you say Satan is not Demiurge? They're one and the same


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Why resist? I gladly serve the demiurge. Our lord created us, we must serve him according to our nature. Not the devil, who wishes to destroy nature, to alienate man from his surroundings and himself. Those who worship the devil oppose also everything that the white man stands for: as they oppose nature, they oppose the family, our duty to our nation, man's strength and our civilization. We are not animals, we are concious rational beings. We must become more, not less. Embrace the LORD! Bend down to your kness, get your hands together and pray! Humiliate yourself and give thanks to GOD for his JUSTICE! And pray that one day you may bring the Creator's justice to all devil-worshipping kikes, who fear death and retribution. CHRISTUS REX


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If it comforts you someone here once astral traveled to the demiurge and decided to send it love, he was removed from the perimeter as the demiurge is a being of negativity not of love.


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Give me one solid reason why I should believe in this

I even read the whole Montalk articles on it too



The right hand path is the path of the cuck, and the Demiurge is the cosmic bull. "You must suffer and be miserable but it's for your own good! I love you!" No wonder is so widespread in asian territory, land of the manlets with little dicks and can count on it's numbers literal faggots like Crowley and Regardie. Other less retarted beings, like Gurdjieff and Osho, saw it for the farce it is and used it to fuck bitches and get money. I think the 666 trip is quite fitting, you cucks will burn in hell like you goddamn deserve.



how do I open my third eye?



smoke gratuitous amounts of weed and then listen to this.





>he thinks the Good is a tool of the demiurge

bruh just because the creator in christianity is the source of what is best in life and the creator in gnosticism isn't doesn't mean they're the same thing. no one is serving the labels, they're serving what they represent: love, truth, beauty, joy, the ascension of the spirit to the highest realms of consciousness.

c'mon son


Franz Bardon was a good boy.



What is RHP and LHP anyways? Words.



No, they're acronyms you jackass.




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But what kiiiind of weed?



So the deal is this:

LHP is actually what OP is talking about, or at least it used to be. Then newageism popularized the occult and edgy kids (a category that actually might include the OP, even though he may be understanding some of this) decided that YEAH FUCK THE DEMIURGE AND GOD I'M TOO COOL FOR CHRISTIANITY LOL LET'S PAINT IT BLACK AND TOUCH DICKS IN A CEMETERY <3 SATAN

Read about it from Evola or something similarly old, disregard the edgy LOL IM SO EVUL fags, and you'll see that it used to be something more interesting than Michael Ford tier bullshit.



There's a strain once smoked by Scythian priests, which Alexander the Great imbibed while meditating in the great Egyptian Pyramid. The hermeticists of medieval Europe called it Bubonic Chronic.



Michael Ford looks like a harmless kid doing magic. Is he really "LULZ IM SO EVIL DURR"?



I once made the mistake of buying one of his books.

Boy that was a bad idea. It's a(n overpriced) hodge-podge of random stuff with spelling mistakes and badly scanned sigils draws to look badass, in a cringy way. At least that's how his work strikes me.

Problem is, most people are into the LHP for the looks first, magic later.


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LHP is about muh freedoms & preserving individuality.

RHP is about destroying individuality and becoming one with everything.

LHP is about empowering yourself as an individual without sacrificing what makes you who you are.

RHP is about escaping this existence and the cycle of reincarnation by destroying everything that makes you who you are.

LHP seeks to separate yourself from the demiurge and possibly replace it.

RHP seeks to be consumed by the demiurge via commiting the ultimate form of suicide.

Now which one is edgier than the other?



Sounds like I'm far more fit for he LHP.



It's both shit because none of the stated goals are reached by western "occultists".



90% of "occult" books are pure disinfo anyway.



They are both shit, but one is definitely more shit than the other. Question was, which one?





probably rhp because the suicidal aspects, but one could argue that the demiurge is your ascended god-self who toys with you. really pointless discussion



>Most of the occult literature of the world consists of tricks, gimmicks and games to trigger meta-programming consciousness.This generally means leading the student "all around Robin Hood's barn" as many times as are necessary, until the poor victim discovers that he has created the barn himself.


> 7. The Meta-programming Circuit


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I've started caring less and less about debates like this. A mental state, a state of self, is something I cannot directly observe until I am there. The promise of a state of self at the end of a path is only a promise, and I cannot see a logical way that doing these things would build up to the state of mind they promise.

I am sure I'm just becoming jaded, though it's pleasant to think that I'm just removing something that occupies mental space. For the most part, I think I'll focus on myself, and work on being stronger, and just keep my line cast in case fate needs me for something.



You're on the right track young one


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There's no need for that nonsense. Encouragement doesn't do much, and it might encourage someone down the path to a poor decision.



Haha wonderful! That is why I said you're on the right track. I know you won't be inflated by those words, or these ones for that matter.

I said it mainly however because it's not "just becoming jaded", further inquiry might be needed as to the nature of your current state.




look at this faggot roleplaying a sage and laugh.




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