Both serve the self in the end, as the article you have posted said, yet there is very crucial differences between STS and STO. More of this soon.
The article you have posted has, if I may say, distorted what it means to be a "Lightworker". Such a lightworker, if he serves others blindly without wisdom and discernment, causes harm to himself if he neglects his own Self - he lowers or damages his own freewill by forgetting himself, thus causing imbalance. And what he calls a Lightworker is actually an expression of Service-to-Self.
Why? Because STS destroys freewill, if not some others then itself. All that causes a freewill imbalance is STS. When you abuse yourself - be it through asceticism or just not caring for yourself, "forgetting thyself" - that is STS. Now, STS might not be the proper term here but it is the closest I got.
See this,
>"This concept (STA, Service-to-All) was invented by those who misinterpret STS and STO as meaning predator and prey. They view “Service-to-All” or STA as being the transcendent, balanced, and neutral alternative to that dichotomy. STA is based on the misconception that Service to Others means “serving only others, while ignoring self,” such as being a doormat or ascetic who is weak and neglectful of his or her own well-being. By neglecting yourself, you handicap your future ability to do good, thereby decreasing your total positive impact and increasing imbalance, which is STS."
>"Properly defined, STO means serving self through serving others in a balanced way that is of maximum spiritual benefit to all. It means being neither predator nor prey. It does not mean being a doormat, nor neglecting personal well-being to the point of interfering with one’s future ability to serve, which is a shortsighted form of martyrdom. So what some define as STA is already the correct definition of STO, therefore the term STA is unnecessary. What they call STO is actually the prey component of the STS predator-prey dynamic. Therefore, instead of [STA (neutral transcendent) | STO (prey) | STS (predator)] it should be [STO (neutral transcendent) | STS (prey vs. predator)]. "
So, no, STS and STO/STA are not the same thing and they do not lead to the same place, (check out Montalk's new article on this one). The first one is imbalance and the latter balance. To serve all is to serve self through others.
Demiurge is indeed beneficial and very necessary. Why beneficial? Because it and its Archons challenge you and help you grow spiritually. Why necessary? Because none of us would exist if the Demiurge wasn't there.
A risky gamble but the reward is great.