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Esoteric Wizardry


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If you donated to the Infinity Dev. Group over Flattr, it seems that they have turned into a scam and you should charge these conmen back immediately by contacting your financial institution. (I realize this includes my support key. I don't give a shit, flood their insecure bullshit report ticket in my name. I see no other way to prove it.) Reports are that they lost their PayPal account recently, and Flattr CEO and only employee @bonq is ignoring all communication from me via their ticket system and Twitter. The icing on the cake is that they blocked me and three others for asking where the fuck 46.74 EUR went.
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File: 1431261582153.jpg (176.88 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, virtual_reality.jpg)


So, we live in a simulation created by the Demiurge.

When we astral project, we have access to other realities.

When we take psychedelics, our reality (data that we perceive through our senses) is altered.

When we enter a trance, the imput of data is changed.

1D, 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D… And then from the beggining, in a never ending rat race.

What if they're all just levels of a virtual reality?

What if we're really just inside a supercomputer?

What if magick is just hacking the code?

What are the implications?

Consciousness is the awareness of being aware.

Consciousness processes data.

But what happens when the simulation ends?

Absolute annhilation of consciousness?

I was thinking that maybe we're really just one player in this reality, and that merging with The All is just merging with the Player.

Massive mindfuck.




could all be a loop and we're the gods.

4-5 of my shroom trips have been me stepping outside of a pod kind of like in a VR pod or something and then further on realizing the primordial gods are a series of basic US archetypes with no body but full awareness that exist in the non-existence we perceive as pure darkness, that is the real us, and all tangibility is simply a 4 dimensional sort of sandbox ocean of substance we push with our will to create a semblance in the substance.

It would be easier to explain if i had a 3d animation software and the desire to do it really.

If you get a lumpy heavy feeling in your gut thinking about this kind of stuff it's you need to feel comfortable in the vibe you're setting, it's the vibe you're uncomfortable in, imagine the vibe of tremendous power aka knowledge of how you can affect everything, it's like riding a bike for the first time only if you fall your psyche may get hurt if you didn't bother to be fully present and use your full capacities and skills.

I mean shit, i had the opportunity to sit on the seat of existence and holy fuck was it heavy, the burden was so heavy i was 30% ready to jump down a balcony to make it stop how intense the energy was, it wasn't good or bad or evil or loving, it was pure EVERYTHING… and holy fuck, and even that was just the EVERYTHING is humans, it wasn't even the unfathomable… so you can imagine just how awesome such a concept can be…

btw all your computery terms like hacking etc, and how we attribute cultures as operating systems and beliefs are scripts and programs, that's us trying to simplify to ourselves greater notions within our boxed in notions - it's a safety mechanism for the ego to say shit like oh magick is just hacking reality like a computer that's the same as saying oh im not so powerful i just use method to modify a process but that process, that method, even the desire to do it, or the fact that it existed and some one told you when you where 5 or 8 o 12 that a computer exists, that there are files and folders and programs, some one before your existence existed knew that and learned that then you came along and they told you… that's still external..

feel me? it's still an external process, it's still the outside dictating your inside.. that's not what it's about because the outside still has influence over your inside when it should be your core that has influence over the outside…

i mean even this picture you chose evokes a sense of self-dis-empowerment and abandonment.

A true man and woman will work to have every level of their existence benefit from their actions and will. Why? What is the purpose? I wrote a big paragraph as to why then deleted it, because if i say why, that would be ruining a very important and awesome step on the path of the new magi.


So what is the highest level?

If The All is the "Player" then where does the player exist and what does he perceive?

The way you are describing it.the implications are none and only more questions arise.

If it's a visualization within another reality then at what point does the virtualization stop?



I like this better than what the OP said because as you said

>i mean even this picture you chose evokes a sense of self-dis-empowerment and abandonment.

But you're still not answering anything. If it's a loop then how?

I do agree that we are gods but how do you think so? And what implications would it have regarding the questions that OP asked?

>I wrote a big paragraph as to why then deleted it, because if i say why, that would be ruining a very important and awesome step on the path of the new magi.

Lol that's gay.. I'm not explaining how/why myself because I can't say without a doubt that it's the truth. It's still my opinion and there's no reason for me to share it yet. The way you say it sounds rather presumptuous.



I tried to think about this shit, and wow, existance is really something you can't comprehend.

What's existence?

What's not existence?

What's awareness?

What's will?

What's consciousness?

What's nothingness?

Can you experience nothingness? In the sense of just BEING. Without asking yourself any question because of awareness and consciousness.

Can you BE without being aware of your BEINGNESS?

Is deep dreamless sleep the purest state of consciousness? Being without being aware of it?

Also, if time is an illusion, and everything is happening in the same moment, does that mean that I had no "past" lives and won't be reincarnated again?

If after death I'm pure divine spark, will and awareness, why can't I, GOD, do my will and not be reincarnated?

Reincarnation, karma, judgment and shit like that imply that we're slaves and not masters. Why?

If primordial chaos is the original state of existence, where did that chaos originate?

If time does not exist, how did chaos become harmony?

When I think about all this, I get into a heavy dissociative state.

How can the time I perceive be so long, when it's NOTHING compared to eternity?

If you think about it, everything is true and everything is permitted.

Then, even stuff like being judged by a pig god after death and being put under an eternity of torture could be possible.

We know nothing, NOTHING.



Well the definition of words rely on other words, so it's all quite relative.

Existence is everything. Is nothingness existence? Yes, but it ceases to exist the moment something else exists.

There's always a perspective to allow ANYTHING to exist.

What nonexistence is, is subjective.

In the objective sense it would be things that are simply impossible to even consider or fathom for anything and everything. So it would be nonthings.

Awareness needs an object capable of awareness and a subject to be aware of. Awareness will always require two things. Cogito Ergo Sum expands on this, I will explain later.

Con't on my phone I gotta go somewhere



Will is acting on intention, and intention… Does intention need consciousness? Perhaps not in an autonomous process, as in this there can be preintended will.

Consciousness would be that which allows perceptible or experience.

Nothingness is a lack of everything. Would it be accurate to say it is nonexistence? In the perspective of anything that traditionally exists, yes nothingness is nonexistence However in the perspective of nnothingness it is existence and everything else is nonexistence.





I'm really glad I wasn't on LSD or some RC when reading this post.




heavy drips are the only worthy trips



I didn't elaborate because I was in shitposting mode. I sincerely apologize for that.

I'm glad because I would be completely lost in thought. A tangled web of ideas and concepts that all seem related that have no beginning or end. Much like the experience we are having right… now. Sometimes I want off this demi-ride.


>what if magick is just hacking the code

What happens when the bug fix updates come

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