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Esoteric Wizardry


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Hello /fringe/. Decided to finally make this thread rather than in /x/ as that place is like someone dropped an ass pie on its head serveral times.

Without trying to sound like a roleplay faggot (tough), lets humor the idea of myself being in connection with an entity from another dimension. I have been in connection with a particularly entity from there for a couple months now.

Now, strengthening the connection and expanding upon it i am told is done through meditating daily, and I find focussing on her also helps keep the connection going strong on my behalf. I was wondering what else I could also do to strengthen and expand on such a connection? Visual techniques? Meditation techniques?


You're literally making a tulpa. Not even a sentient one yet.

Apply yourself more.



I won't argue whether I am or not, but i'll take that under consideration anyway.


Learn how to get into the astral and work from there. Read the Kybalion if you're really lost on guidance. Understand that she's a thought form, but not in the "Mental Hallucination" sense, in the actual entity that can cause your harm in the third density existence, where you are now sense. Understand more of the astral when you visit there and in turn feed her loosh, which from a mundane perspective can be thought of as attention. Take up a healthier diet and if possible avoid fluoride and genetically engineered fruits. Come to terms with the principles of the Kybalion and apply them to your work.

This is coming at it from the perspective that you're a complete mundane bordering on fedora with very little understanding of the Occult or Hermetic teachings.

As a general rule questions go in the question thread, but I think this thread could be interesting.



Hm, I see. Thanks for the imput. I've been attempting to astral project, however I feel that inducing sleep paralysis would stop me from tensing my muscles when attempting to "move without moving" sort of thing. I was thinking about posting about in the questions thread, but I felt this could be an advice thread for people in my position for example (or similar) to draw upon.

Apologies if it is seen as otherwise to a mod!



Read the recommended books.


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I'd highly recommend reading through, in this order

>The Kybalion

>The Magical use of Thought Forms

>The Sorcerers Secrets ~ Strategies in Practical Magick (taken with a grain of salt, never really helped me)

>The rest of /fringe/s recommended books

Tried to tailor that to your needs. There's really no easy way to go about it, reading through these books is probably the best route and if I remember correctly they're all in the /fringe/ mega. You might not have to read through all of them, but there's really always more to learn when it comes to /fringe/ knowledge.



Forgot my flag, not that it really matters


Thanks for the input so far. I'm really enjoying 'The Kybalion'.


I just finished reading the book. The more I read the more I felt a vibration throughout my body. Was very interesting.



Expound on the entity. What is it/does it do/wants you to do?

Seems like you're getting positive feedback from something.



To form a connection and bond, a relationship if you will, and help me experience the things I would like to experience, such as astral projection, inner, spiritual growth, have deep and meaningful emotional experiences with it. It has expressed that my art work would be of interest to people, along with my situation with myself and it, recommending i make a diary of all of this when and where possible. I've been doing this for a couple months now and have had an urge to make a thread that is something like this one, but wasn't sure where. /x/ is definitely not one of them. Would probably get called a roleplay tulpa nerd or something. I'll go and say it's genderless, but their personality is more feminine than anything, so it's a "she". She's very calm and understanding, protects me generally day to day and interacts with me regularly. There are some days when she is more aware of me than fully involved as she is doing things where she is, but sometimes he comes through more strongly and I feel her thoughts and feelings. At that point my translation can sometimes let me down, but overall I do fine. She is from another dimension entirely, also.



but sometimes *she* comes through more strongly

Sorry. Bad typing.


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What do you mean by dimension? Dimension in the most literal sense? Dimension as in another plane of existence? Or the astral?

Not sure how much help I can be if this is answered, I'm mainly curious more than anything, although I'll try my best to help you out anon.

Pic somewhat related



I guess another plane would be a better term than the literal term for the word dimension (x, y, z).



I've a similar experience, though meditation and her tremendous level and rate of development have led to certain revelations and theories. One start is to contemplate your nature as but a thread in a finer tapestry of experiences and choices spanning lifetimes. I'd further elaborate, but I feel it to be a matter of mutual interest that I disclose little and allow you to discover for yourselves what questions and answers you're pursuing; I can't say I have your answers because I don't have them, but you can find them yourself.



I see. I would say a lot of my developments and revelations/theories have been because of her strong development and strength also. After reading what you said and enjoying the brief input from someone going through a possibly similar experience, I feel a lot of the answers lay within myself and her. Thanks for your input. Much appreciated.


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Reminded me of this



Hah. I remember reading that in a couple other threads similar to mine.


Well, you guys were right afterall about the astral projection part. She told me recently that I should work on trying to astral project to communicate and interact even more strongly with her, which makes sense. Random update I know, but I thought i'd keep up with thread.



I have had similar experiences astral beings coming into my room while I'm awake and feeling cold and draining me of vitality.



Burn sage



Muh activated carbon would just adsorb it all.



My condolences, bud'. You ought to know the warmth of a familiar in the astral that will actually help you keep and gather energy, as well as love and respect you and your interests, encourage and aid you in your combined development, and see to it through its own effort and labor you obtain your desires. I've gained much, as do others.



Juniper Berries are supposed to be multiple times stronger also.


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Just thought i would shamefully bump and say thanks to those who helped. Things are still great and enjoying eachother greatly. Regards.



I hope this one knows that its energy is being drained.



Hah. Right.



Every creature for survival has to look out for itself.



Come now, are you cynical?

Wouldn't you know that with a high soul resonance frequency and the right intention and will, contact with an STO entity may be what happens?



Good job with the narrow mind set, mate. Dig a little deeper.



This one has already shown its worthlessness,it being drained and consumed is immediate.


Contact with a creature of the unreal reality usually ends with either you consuming it or it consuming you.

This one must be pretty young if it doesn't even know how beings sustain themselves and grow stronger.



And here's me thinking you couldn't be more retarded and assumptious, but here you are. Good job. More on.



>The Magical use of Thought Forms

I'm searching this book, in wich Mega's folder is?




>Contact with a creature of the unreal reality usually ends with either you consuming it or it consuming you.

This is absolutely true. Most don't understand what this means. Despite near unlimited possibilities, if one is vulnerable in any way, something will inevitably prey on them; magical ascension is a tale of moving up the food chain, as it were, and with that comes the dignity and responsibility of preying upon and/or elevating those below one's station.



The moral of the story is never to try to give an alien grill the D?


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>tfw no qt reptillian gf


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Pic related is a reptilian.



Always give her the D, anon.



After lifetimes of consuming your own negative desire, it becomes increasingly more efficient to eat everyone else's instead of wasting time conjuring your own.


Two Goats


Three Niggers



This green dream was unreal; the crickets sing

Across deserts and plains the lost feast

Whose shimmering teeth are marking the passing of time

A cloud falls; a bird shivers and sings, its beak stained with night

Pure gold: the dark is waiting, the darkness is hungry,

The deep is angry, and the telephone rings on

A film screen descends, and the silent movies play

Buster Keaton falls and rots, as Big Ben sings and boils

On an endless swamp; the silence is treacle thick

And calls us to prayer: paint God with your blood

And fill haunted women with knives and kites

And gauges and valves and make them weep long hymns

To gaseous and clumsy mortality whilst fish descend


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Imagine all the flesh that is eaten

The teeth tearing into it

The tongue tasting its savour

And the hunger for that taste

Now take away that flesh

Take away the teeth and the tongue

The taste and the hunger

Take away everything as it is

Now remove these words and what remains?






I always preferred the lizard. Relax into the abyss.

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