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Esoteric Wizardry


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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)

File: 1431368952376.png (273.79 KB, 1920x1132, 480:283, mystory.png)


this is my life.



ich kenne dich. du bist bestimmt der der auf meiner freundesliste war. wiso bist du auf /fringe/ ich dachte hier sind keine deutschen du stalker.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Persona or not. I'll never know. Anything behind hanz? I couldn't tell you.


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File: 1431389916085-1.jpg (640.95 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Germany Schöneicher straß….jpg)


go away hanz, none cares about you, your paranoia, and your bullshit.


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Don't bother, he's just an autist that thinks he's being spied upon by the gubernment/loominati or whatever he made up in his head.

His social life is blank, so he thinks the internet is real life, so he randomly falls in love and becomes obsessed over stupid attention whores.

He thinks these stupid attention whores are kept away from him by the ebil forces that spy upon him, and he thinks ever single one of us answering him is just another piece of this conspiracy against him.

He has become famous in paranormal boards due to the amount of trolling and shitposting he caused upon himself and the boards.

I remember that hanz was what gave cuckchan's /x/ the killing blow, it was already shit, but hanz shitposting completely killed it

>in short pic related is a TL:DR of hanz's case


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"everyday until you like it" -meme 101



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thanks for the track, but that music appears to be a little poor of content.


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after this i think there's no reason to continue this tread as the trend it's taking is the usual /x/ tier hanz shitposting thread

saging and hiding


He's escaping the simulation, increase the dosage.




You mean notorious? Notoriety = known widely and unfavorably.



No, let the fool keep chasing his tail.


where did the removed posts go to?

why were they deleted?



you know him very well including what he believes in, for someone who doesnt care about him..


this is /x/ now


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Hier sind mehr Deutsche als du denkst…



Don't discuss this were he can see.






Why are these fucking illuminati everywhere? They call us "seekers" and themselves "scanners". Their inniciation rite is apparently being done in alaska


Oh and they frequent this board. They are literall everywhere. I wonder why? Am i jesus or why do they hate me like this?




I think if they hated you that would be giving too much of their own power to you. They probably want our loosh. That or we're psychic deviants they want to monitor, different from the mundane masses of animal men.

Btw Hanz, they are talking about me in German now all over the place, do you think this is related to you? Can you tell me what they are saying if I link you the posts or you find them yourself?



What a role play.



We've all got a role to play in this big cosmic dance.



Yes go on, link me.


I had the impression they want to cut us from our eternal essence and root us in imperfect imitations of it.

I would really, really hate to be trapped in time!

I think we should be cautious. The more information we give, the deeper into us they can see.

Yet here we are using the internet, which is compromised.

!! to have oneself blinded to the heat-and-light within the disc of two-horizons, to subside only in fractured remnants, searching for a self that is no longer there, the self-devouring, to make that switch, dear goodness what are we ever to do?? for all sentient beings, please help!!

Someone told me once they felt as if this horrible thing became aware of their secret location and had access to their thoughts, synchronicities aligned in a nightmarish way, no longer reminding one of divine cosmic harmony they were in union with, but the betrayal of a sacred oath, it must've been an insincere oath, and so now there's only an insincere universe!?! to lose memory of how to will the right intent…

every moment is so important. the mossad is watching. stay safe. they come behind things and twist their meaning ever so subtly. (but the true essence remains forever!)

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