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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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[Rules] [FAQ] [Fringe Guide] [Freedomboard] [/asatru/] [/edgy/] [/4chon/]
Read the rules before posting. Go to freedomboard if 8ch.net goes down.

File: 1431390155885.png (92.79 KB, 362x393, 362:393, smiley eating chocolate1.png)


A message from stal to smiley: "i'm deleting freedomboard on Saturday. archive what you need before then"


Good, that place was dead anyway


File: 1431394101397.jpg (287.34 KB, 1000x1916, 250:479, Saint ☻.jpg)

Freedomboard is god tier


Please no. At least leave /ask/ alone, it's my homepage, and I use it every day.



>god tier

Because it doesn't exist :^)?


>>>/ask/ is available for claim on 8ch you nigger, just move it there or get a backup of the imageboard and host it on your own server. You should be able to pay for it with all the money you get for staring at oranges the entire day.


File: 1431396794447-0.png (926 B, 16x16, 1:1, rosecross.png)

File: 1431396794447-1.png (187 B, 16x16, 1:1, warlock.png)


Hey Smiley, could you add these flags for fellow rosicrucians and warlocks?



They are uploaded now.


I have fuck all money that I can spare for such extravagances and I don't stare at oranges I specifically sort through stuff and do heavy lifting of produce off and onto trucks. Other people do the standing around waiting for customers shit.


Thanks. Also nice trips.




I just finished archiving page 15-40 /fringe/ + a few other pages.




A hell of a lot of the board has been archived now.





I dont suppose anyone would be willing to "organize" the archives by topic or what not?

Not sure how many would be willing to go tho through hundreds of pages that could be anything.


You guys know how enities that are attached try to leave "tokens" in yoou so they can stay attached in some way. That same mechanism is why you are trying to archive that bullshit. Archivation is a mechanism of th demiurge. If you were really about God and enlightenment you wouldn't try to unduely save items of the past but you would do away with it, allowing new energy to take its place. You guys aren't winning.



It's not about attachment, the site has a lot of information that I often refer neophytes to and it'd be a shame to let it all be lost as I can't be arsed to rewrite all that info.



This is where a wiki would come in handy. The only issue is that a curated wiki upends the free-for-all democratic nature of imageboard posting, where shitposters and wizards are on the same level playing field.

Maybe we should make a fringe knowledge PDF based on "best of" posts.



Why not make a /ask/ thread here and make it a sticky? You could still use it as a homepage plus you don't need host no thing.



Those are just words covering the truth that the truth I said is truth.



>I have fuck all money

I thought you were doubling your money every time with your stocks :^)



That money is untouchable, I can not just take my money and waste it, I need to save it up for buying land one day.



Hosting for low traffic websites like that is dirty cheap though. Ask him for a copy of the database (or simply take one if you have access) and even a cyberhobo like you could spare it.

Or just ask some other autist from your board to host it for you. It's not that hard you kike.




File: 1431810809717.jpg (186.37 KB, 824x1024, 103:128, 1396832366936.jpg)

My beloved Freedomboard, requiescat in pace.

I'll always treasure the times I had and the knowledge I've gained.

For those who couldn't save it all in time:


Though it's a bit older (last October) it is a complete snapshot from then and it has most of the important stuff (which is older, pre-8chan posts any how)



>For those who couldn't save it all in time:



that made me start balling

holy fuck

lol I don't know whats wrong with me.


File: 1431811961771.jpg (31.01 KB, 380x590, 38:59, 1396832356812.jpg)


It's the loss of knowledge my brother, it is always painful.

However all we can do is take solace in what we do have, what we have achieved, and carry onward.




>It's the loss of knowledge

It's not that.


File: 1431812191477.jpg (126.77 KB, 602x900, 301:450, 1396832342119.jpg)


Then what do you suppose it is for you?


File: 1431812571132.jpg (2.03 MB, 1817x2747, 1817:2747, IMG_8625.jpg)


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You can not prevent it, why lament it? The only winning move is to embrace it.



You assume my emotions are one dimensional. That I am sad. It is complicated and multifaceted.


And nothing of value was lost


File: 1431813851880.jpg (74.54 KB, 500x628, 125:157, 1393139088274.jpg)


No, but I do assume that you have a level of involuntary invoked lower vibratory energy as a result of trying to resist the change, which has resulted in this 'sadness' you speak of.

I suggest instead of being so attached, to just flow with the changes, taking them in stride, and not letting yourself become clouded. And if necessary transmuting the emotions to a better form.



I am not resistant to change at all. I have memories attached. In the background the site being in my life. Please do not foolishly try to fill in blanks in your mind to things you know nothing about. kthnx bye


If you fuckers could let me go through the motions by myself. That would be great. Now back the fuck off. I didn't ask for a counselor.


There is so much more to all of this than you assume. Honest.



By virtue/nature of posting in a forum such as this you will invariably get other's input. If you want to be left alone perhaps you should become a hermit.



It would be great if I could express myself with out you climbing down my throat. Trying to psycho analyze me you arm chair physiologist. God you are fucking annoying.



It's time to stop posting.



Seeing as everyone is shoving words in my mouth. It's only fitting that you would tell me what I should do. top kek


I'll just leave this right here…


>Becoming mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations is also useful in transmuting internal negative emotional energy. By observing negative emotions as they arise and objectively noticing the physiological sensations they evoke, one keeps from entering into a runaway feedback loop between thoughts and emotions that would otherwise explode into over-reactivity and generate a skewed sense of perception and judgment. In other words, this practice can break your confluence with external provocations.

>If the negative emotion is triggered by some button-pushing event, lucid awareness of the emotion itself (rather than where it points, or the person/event that triggered it) is a way of defusing the negative energy without suppressing it. On the other hand, if negativity is more a constant pressure without any specific trigger, then self-awareness helps you stand upright against the pull of this emotional gravity.

>In the midst of such storms, through lucidity you will find that you are the eye of that hurricane, an impersonal observer who stands above and beyond. That is the pivot point that disarms and transmutes the energy.

>So, lucidity is the key to keeping one’s composure. Only when you have gotten the upper hand over an escalating emotion are you in a position to make an informed choice as to whether to go with it or reign it in; without awareness, that choice is never made and one simply reacts like an animal.


Growing pains… Sometimes I wish /fringe/ was still our secret clubhouse


My one true love, freedomboard best imageboard, or more accurately my least-hated place online. Will there ever be another like it? I hope so. Bring back freedomboard! 8chan a shit in comparison.






>crying over a website

Holy shit is /fringe/ really that much of a wuss?



>>>/edgy/ used to be a board on freedomboard rib ;___;

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