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Unreported World: Benin - Voodoo Children





Yeah, no. The average negro has about the same potential for the occult arts as they have for building societies: none



Actually, no.

Having darker skin means your pineal gland produces far more melatonin/melanin - which makes your magic potential much higher.

Read Mantak Chia's darkness book for an explaination for the science and powers that melatonin gives you.

Resist the consensus /pol/ tier hate and try to see the truth past it.



Explain why niggers are such degenerates then?



Melanin and melatonin are two completely different chemicals though. The pineal gland does not produce melanin.



*tipping intensifies*



They are far more related than you'd think.

Pineal gland secretes melatonin which activates the pituitary gland to release MSH (melanocyte stimulating hormone) it is in the melanocytes that melanin is produced

UV light inhibits melatonin production greatly, and what does melanin in the skin (ie. dark skin) do? Melanin is a very effective absorber of light; the pigment is able to dissipate over 99.9% of absorbed UV radiation.

Furthermore, the pineal calcification rates with Africans is 5-15%; Asians ­15-25%; Europeans ­60-80%.

Do not take my word for it, or your own. Do your own research and find out the truth.


File: 1431407255881.gif (316.36 KB, 450x700, 9:14, 1397483418662.gif)


Pic related in this case?



>Do not take my word for it, or your own. Do your own research and find out the truth.

Some citations please?

Also, just because niggers have functional pineal glands, doesn't mean they are automatically going to be good at magick. The pineal gland is only used for a form of physical telepathy but is not necessary for the higher forms of telepathy that come with psychomantic abilities; that said I doubt that someone who does not have a functional pineal gland will advance that far but who knows.

Europeans are clearly magikcally superior, even if your stats there are true, the ones that do magick are exceptionally skilled at it whereas nignogs tend to get possessed and used by lower spirits.



You still want me to do your research for you?

I will give you links, you can do the rest.

The spiritual/magic side of melatonin here. Get the pdf.

> http://www.universal-tao.com/dark_room/

Science does not fully acknowledge the existence of 'magic' - possibly the quantum interconnectiveness of all things, and the minds connection to these strings. But it has mapped out physically all the things I have mentioned. Dig here.


I have shown you the rabbit hole. I will not post any more.



It's a lot to do with animistic spirit possession. Vodou isn't too bad, a lot of Lwa are very interesting in personality, very vibrant. It's worth looking into if just to study.



>literally nothing about melanin there nor anything supporting the specific claims you made


White people are cavemen stop with this superiority nonsense you guys are cavemen fuckers if you were really superior your population wouldn't be dying and you wouldn't have so much caveman DNA in you



Yeah well niggers are the inferior subhumans that live in mudhuts because they weren't strong enough to capture and hold the caves. They also live in a climate where food literally grows year-round all the time so lazy, impulsive, violent niggers always have something to eat and don't have to plan ahead in order not to starve to death during the winter.


>>41299 idgaf bout negropeans either my ppl Cherokee American native WE WERENT THE ONES THE ONES THAT DILUTED THE GODSEED BY FUCKING CAVEMEN and you wonder why your race is dying your gonna be just like us a minority.


>>41299 and you bring your fucking evil Jews with you because you guys seem to be too dumb to not realize your slaves and infect the world with yur MASTERS. You wanna know why influenza originated from western Europe because you guys are dirty parasites.




kek, most of the white race at this point needs to be exterminated, but a small percent of it is redpilled + greenpilled and needs to be preserved and serve as the rootstock for the second rise of the white race thereafter.

All the bluepills are good for nothing but being slaves.



kekels yer skekels

jesters aren't pesters

oy vey


File: 1432710526569.jpg (27.55 KB, 620x350, 62:35, stupidPeople.jpg)


umm bc they're niggers, duh?

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