>You're telling me tulpa's are extremely dangerous. Could you tell me in what way? Could he hurt me? How?
Tulpas need vital energy to live, they can drain you and you can become really weak and sick, if you don't teach them to derive energy from other sources or you don't form a proper and healthy relationship with them where you both benefit energetically. They can also possess you and kill you; they can do stuff like electrocute you and leave huge welts on you and throw objects at you and so on. The more extreme stuff they are capable of in their more advanced stages. A tulpa is a VERY USEFUL and worthy thing to create but it should be done carefully after years of meditation and preparation.
>Either way, that makes me want to remove him entirely from my mind (or my mental universe, if that is what you prefer to call it) rather then exercising magic (if you will) upon him.
It's not YOUR universe and he's not in your YOUR MIND. YOU are in the mind of God. The whole universe is the mind of god. You as one instance of consciousness in this universe are like a cell to God.
What do you mean "rather then exercising magic"? Banishing entities is a part of magickal practise. Any actions you do through the mind are magickal.
I could remove him myself if I met you but I don't really want to do that. I also strongly encourage you not to fear your tulpa. Yes you need to be aware of the dangers but fear, like all emotions, is something thoughtforms (including tulpas which are sentient thoughtforms) feed on. If you feed fear emotions to your tulpa, it will start engaging in behaviours to provoke more fear out of you. If you feed emotions of love then it will try to do things for you to get more love from you. etc. Understand? So train your tulpa to do good things for you and make you happy and make you feel love for it and make sure it doesn't turn out bad or manipulative. You can feed your tulpa loosh energy and have it heal you for example then feed it more loosh in the form of appreciation.
>I don't believe the person I created is my 'true self', as this was never my purpose for him.
I never said he was your true self. Your tulpa is DEFINITELY NOT your True Self. Go re-read what I wrote. Your true self is not anything which can be stripped away from you. Your body, your mind, your thoughts, your memories, your personality; all of these are transient and not your true self. If you want to understand what your true self is then read these books:
1. The Kybalion
2. The Arcane Teachings
3. The Arcane Formulas
The third book here in particular is the one that will teach you about your True Self. What your True Self boils down to is two things:
1. Basic Awareness
2. Will
You are no matter what always aware of something, even if it's void, and you have a will which allows you to direct your awareness.
You have an astral body and so on but even it is made out of a subtle matter and can be destroyed. If you are completely destroyed then your Will shall act to bring about your reincarnation in line with whatever bit of Desire for new life is left within you.
If you want to understand the reincarnation process there's some books in the library about that too…
Please do not misunderstand me as this is important shit I'm talking about, it's essential to understanding and doing magick.
If you still want to remove your tulpa then Zivorad's books in the library will help you do that as they deal with entity processing and give many methods for entity processing.