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Esoteric Wizardry


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Hi /fringe/. First of all, I have never browsed this board before and I really don't know anything about /fringe/ topics. I know about this board because I have seen some imagery on /pol/ regarding /fringe/ topics that I remember about tulpa's, wizardry and such. I don't really believe in these topics but I think this board has good overlap with psychology by confirmation bias and other means, so I believe I could get good advice here.

I have a problem that needs tackling. For the past two years I believe I have been creating an alter-ego/tulpa sort of thing somewhat unconsciously. It started with me roleplaying as a (dream)guy in private (alone, interacting with myself), and that "character" slowly expanded with traits, feelings and a personality. Recently I have been roleplaying this character sometimes online with others, but still more often with myself. Whenever I am alone, in thoughts, I start thinking about and creating situations involving this character. Sometimes I really feel like I AM this character.

Today, I was walking to class deep in thoughts, again thinking about "him", when I had to go to the toilet. Without thinking, I walked into the male bathrooms and then suddenly remembered that I am not male, turned around, and went to the female bathrooms.

So unconsciously for a moment there, I really thought I was the person that I created.

What can I do about it? Should I remove this fictional person from my thoughts entirely? If so, how do I do that?


>>>/tulpa/ might be more on your alley if you don't believe in the occult.

I'd just separate it a bit from your own personality and then use it as a tool/companion. Maybe use it access subconscious memories, aid in lucid dreaming, review your own opinions with an "outside" personality or simply past the time.

If you're adamant about removing it use symbols and visualization to aid you. Picture him fading slowly and do so whenever you feel it's presence or write a sigil representing him on a paper and burn it.

In the end, unless he actually hinders your life in any way, it's not a problem.



Thank you for your reply.

I want to remove him because I am scared that in the future he will hinder my life, or that I will go insane or something. I'm not sure how dangerous this is.

I will repost this in /tulpa/ as well, thank you.

I don't know what to think of 'the occult', as I don't really understand what it is. I have seen some images made by /fringe/ users that seem to make sense. In one of them it describes how thoughts/groupthink can have an effect on reality. My take on this is that it is partly confirmation bias, but perhaps there truly is something magical about it.


>My take on this is that it is partly confirmation bias

So is most of things people here believe in

>or that I will go insane or something.

Sanity is overrated http://deoxy.org/evasion/1.htm



Regardless, I would still like to keep my grip on reality.



Your intensely formal writing style irks me



Sorry. ;_;



I forgive u




Please don't do that, the degenerate anon who made that recommendation should not be listened to,


Those images you've seen are probably from some neophyte cancer that doesn't really understand magick or the images were jokes and not to be taken seriously. You'd have to repost them for me so I know exactly what you were exposed to but please don't get lead down the wrong path by this shit.

Tulpas are extremely dangerous btw unless you're a well trained occult practitioner that knows what he's doing…

…and the very worst thing you can do is listen to anything /tulpa/ has to say on this matter. Our board /fringe/ is pretty much enemies with /tulpa/ and any /fringe/ poster spotted on /tulpa/ is automatically banned on sight. They can come over here and not get banned because our board doesn't do groupthink but they will still be insulted.


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They aren't "fictional", you live in a mental universe, and your tulpa can eventually become a tulku (a materialized tulpa) with a material existence.

If you want to kill your tulpa you have to stop thinking about and giving it energy via your emotions. Emotions = loosh = the force that vitalizes thoughtforms and gives them strength.

If I met up with you, I could greenpill you so fast, showing my powers and you would realize the first principle properly.

You really should go check out our sticky ( >>1 ) and start reading the books in our library starting with The Kybalion: http://8ch.net/fringe/faq.html

I refuse to entertain your delusions of a material reality. Psychology is underdeveloped and mundane and useless compared with the immense power of occult practitioners. If you do you want to stick to "muh psychology" then at least start reading the psychology books founded upon Idealism (opposite of Materialism) so you may receive the far more potent teachings concerning this matter. Particularly:




See also the PDFs I have uploaded here for you.

One more thing: stop entertaining ideas that you are your creation in order to avoid merging with it. Your true Self is a spirit which has Will and Awareness and through these two eternal and indestructible principles it comes into resonance with consciousness matrices; right now it's in resonance with your body and personality and the experiences constituting your present incarnation but by changing what you are aware of what you will through you can come to experience through other focal points of consciousness in this mental universe. If you have read through step 5 of Initiation Into Hermetics you'll know at that point of our training Hermetic magicians go through a practise in which they temporarily become conscious of being other people and experience through them.

Another thing for you to know anon is that if you create what is generally called a "Godform" aka a perfected version of yourself with all the virtues and none of the vices and you meditate upon it a long time and wilfully let it possess you, this is one technique to achieve a high degree of illumination and power, and to completely rewrite your personality for the better. I highly recommend this practise as a means to become super intelligent, powerful, beautiful, psychically potent, etc.


Why in the fuck would you even suggest that shitty board unless you didn't believe in the occult and wanted the OP to be harmed by incorrect impotent thinking?


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I almost never save images, sorry, I don't have it.


You're telling me tulpa's are extremely dangerous. Could you tell me in what way? Could he hurt me? How?

Either way, that makes me want to remove him entirely from my mind (or my mental universe, if that is what you prefer to call it) rather then exercising magic (if you will) upon him.

I don't believe the person I created is my 'true self', as this was never my purpose for him.

Thanks a lot for your reply.



>You're telling me tulpa's are extremely dangerous. Could you tell me in what way? Could he hurt me? How?

Tulpas need vital energy to live, they can drain you and you can become really weak and sick, if you don't teach them to derive energy from other sources or you don't form a proper and healthy relationship with them where you both benefit energetically. They can also possess you and kill you; they can do stuff like electrocute you and leave huge welts on you and throw objects at you and so on. The more extreme stuff they are capable of in their more advanced stages. A tulpa is a VERY USEFUL and worthy thing to create but it should be done carefully after years of meditation and preparation.

>Either way, that makes me want to remove him entirely from my mind (or my mental universe, if that is what you prefer to call it) rather then exercising magic (if you will) upon him.

It's not YOUR universe and he's not in your YOUR MIND. YOU are in the mind of God. The whole universe is the mind of god. You as one instance of consciousness in this universe are like a cell to God.

What do you mean "rather then exercising magic"? Banishing entities is a part of magickal practise. Any actions you do through the mind are magickal.

I could remove him myself if I met you but I don't really want to do that. I also strongly encourage you not to fear your tulpa. Yes you need to be aware of the dangers but fear, like all emotions, is something thoughtforms (including tulpas which are sentient thoughtforms) feed on. If you feed fear emotions to your tulpa, it will start engaging in behaviours to provoke more fear out of you. If you feed emotions of love then it will try to do things for you to get more love from you. etc. Understand? So train your tulpa to do good things for you and make you happy and make you feel love for it and make sure it doesn't turn out bad or manipulative. You can feed your tulpa loosh energy and have it heal you for example then feed it more loosh in the form of appreciation.

>I don't believe the person I created is my 'true self', as this was never my purpose for him.

I never said he was your true self. Your tulpa is DEFINITELY NOT your True Self. Go re-read what I wrote. Your true self is not anything which can be stripped away from you. Your body, your mind, your thoughts, your memories, your personality; all of these are transient and not your true self. If you want to understand what your true self is then read these books:

1. The Kybalion

2. The Arcane Teachings

3. The Arcane Formulas

The third book here in particular is the one that will teach you about your True Self. What your True Self boils down to is two things:

1. Basic Awareness

2. Will

You are no matter what always aware of something, even if it's void, and you have a will which allows you to direct your awareness.

You have an astral body and so on but even it is made out of a subtle matter and can be destroyed. If you are completely destroyed then your Will shall act to bring about your reincarnation in line with whatever bit of Desire for new life is left within you.

If you want to understand the reincarnation process there's some books in the library about that too…

Please do not misunderstand me as this is important shit I'm talking about, it's essential to understanding and doing magick.

If you still want to remove your tulpa then Zivorad's books in the library will help you do that as they deal with entity processing and give many methods for entity processing.



That's a lot of sperging just because I linked a more appropriate board anon.


I don't think this person is interested in reading the entire fringe library, I think they just want a bit of advice on how to deal with thought-forms and the pitfalls involved. There's no record of a tulpa killing it's host like you mentioned, you're just pulling that stuff out of your arse.



>That's a lot of sperging just because I linked a more appropriate board anon.

Fuck off back to >>>/tulpa/ and don't come back here you materialist mundane.


>I don't think this person is interested in reading the entire fringe library, I think they just want a bit of advice on how to deal with thought-forms and the pitfalls involved.

There are no short-cuts in the occult, you can't just give easy advice, there's a lot you have to learn or whatever you do is not going to fucking work.

Zivorad's books and also Robert Bruce's Psychic Self-Defence Guide should have her covered for entity processing and the other books will give her the necessary background knowledge needed to do fuck all in the occult.

>There's no record of a tulpa killing it's host like you mentioned, you're just pulling that stuff out of your arse.

You're fucking retarded if you think it hasn't happened before and that many a person in an insane asylum hasn't died from tulpa-related activities.

I wish I could find one of you /tulpa/ spergs in person, find where your house is, and curse you with a really powerful poltergeist then watch as all your mundane useless knowledge and materialist assumptions fail you completely in dealing with the entity and all of /tulpa/ can not help you or doesn't even believe you.


Tulpa is not a "more appropriate board" it's a place full of disinformation, autism, "it's all psychological magick doesn't real" shills, etc. that don't know what they are doing and got into tulpamancy because of fucking My Little Pony.


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It's okay, OP, that's perfectly normal. I will often believe that I am the bone of my sword, that steel is my body and fire is my blood and that I have no regrets since this is the only path and my whole life was Unlimited Blade Works



Look at these mundane fucks.


Nobody on /fringe/ btw has ever advertised to /tulpa/ like they claim and nobody on /fringe/ even wants the /tulpa/ cancer to come here.


Listen up OP that's an incubus not a tulpa.

You just need to begin ignoring it and depriving it of energy and this will create a war of attrition in which it will ultimately run out of energy and die out.

…or ask it to come to me and make sure it leaves and comes visit me and I will deal with it personally.

Also don't listen to that faggot on /tulpa/ suggesting "(That is to say, a personality/alter-ego/tulpa sort of thing living in your head.)" as shaping a thoughtform so it "lives in your head" is a great way to become possessed by it. If you tell your incubus that it lives in your head, it's going to fucking possess you. Do not suggest to it or even think about it that it "lives in your head" which is not true but can become true if you make it that way and you don't want to make it that way.


ahahahah reading over the front page of /tulpa/ there are mundane idiots on there that have been tulpaforcing for multiple years now without success and still they cling to their outdated materialist metaphysics.

I can create a whole new tulpa in one hour.

Mundanes; not even once.



Lol, no you can't, retard.








>all this anal pain just because someone mentioned another board

Seek a butt doctor, you need it

>I wish I could find one of you /tulpa/ spergs in person, find where your house is, and curse you with a really powerful poltergeist then watch

Oh noes, he gonna use his spoopy magicks on me! :^)



thanks for the loosh



Protip: Don't get your opinions on the occult from Fringe. These people are fucking retarded and a joke to the rest of the occult community.



ProTip: you're a fucking mundane and haven't accomplished shit nor read even a tenth the number of books I have had. I bet you struggle with basic shit like visualization.



>Lol, no you can't, retard.

Yes I fucking can I have been practising non-stop for years now as a NEET and I am infinitely superior to you.

I can astral project, evoke, do a variety of meditations for hours on end, have progressed through most of Initiation Into Hermetics, heal, curse, remote view, etc. and I am a very accomplished wizard.

What have you done faggot? I bet you can't even hold your mind in silence for 5 minutes, have no clairaudience or any other astral senses, can't move energy through your body and have others feel it, can't heat yourself up in the winter via tumo meditation, etc.

I've done all of that and more. It takes a long time just to talk about everything I've achieved.

Whatever you do and have read I outclass you in every way.


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Butt doctor? That's what all of /tulpa/ needs. They literally ban any mention of /fringe/ on the board and ban any /fringe/ posters they see over there that's how fucking butthurt they are. If one comes here, they just get mocked, but not banned. Go back to your shitty >>>/tulpa/ board to circlejerk with the other faggots who think magick is weak and limited and just psychological tricks.



That nigga is probably a butthurt Wiccan/Ponyfucker/Thelemite/Scientologist/New-Ager or some other trash that gets by via feels-safe groupthink to make up for the lack of actual notable progress they've made in occult matters because they're too busy circlejerking over false doctrines.

The mass men can only envy stellar men like the ones that have long inhabited /fringe/ and overlooked its growth.




Damn, you're ego sure is showing through all that butthurt. :^)



Not even close. :) I'm just an occultist that's not incredibly autistic like the rest of this board. Your ego is way out of wack.

You Fringers sure get butthurt easily lol.



The ego is a good thing and I cultivate and nurture it. You'd be a huge idiot to betray your ego.

What sort of "occultist" are you? I bet you're just a trolling fucktard who when I question you I'll find out you haven't even read any books and don't know anything about any paradigm. It wouldn't be the first time too.

Back to >>>/tulpa/ you don't belong here you materialist swine.


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OP think twice about trusting /tulpa/ or else enjoy your life-long problems and early death.


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kek it's maximum ban length too and the only reason they gave it is because someone disagreed with their dogma.

This will never happen to you on /fringe/ and is why this board is and always will be the superior choice for truth to prevail.


Nobody should ever trust a board who bans others for questioning their dogmas. Come on over on /fringe/ and mock me but any man of intelligence will know that you're circlejerkers that can't tolerate dissent and should not be trusted even though I know you will assume a superior attitude over me and think you did good stroking your banhammer. To this day none of you faggots from /tulpa/ have been banned from /fringe/ and nobody else has been banned any longer than 10 minutes and only for matters not concerning disagreeing with a viewpoint. Your shitty board deserves to die but apparently there's enough morons around to keep it going who spend years or months tulpaforcing with no results while real /fringe/ magicians accomplish more in a day than you guys do in a month.





Holy shit, what happened to /tulpa/? I remember when it used to be based-as-fuck and greenpilled people. Are they genuinely afraid of wizards now? /tulpa/ is what alerted me to the fact that /fringe/ has moved here from freedomboard, a shame they've gotten this fedora.


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>I banned him because he made me upset

There really is no hope, is there?




Yes, /tulpa/ is now fedora as fuck and believes they are creating le hallucinations.

Fucking lol at this screencap, [reddit intensifies]



>literally banning because "he was an asshole" and your feelings got hurt

[he does it for free]


Obviously you came from fucking reddit seeing as you know all about "how it goes down there" you fucking cnacer.

>Note how there is very little animosity across all those threads, because most of these people are not assholes, unlike you.

Note that you're a community of butthurt faggots that ban because feelings got hurt.


It does not you fucking faggot, you can't see his IP, because this is 8ch.net.


>Didn't know that, never actually been arsed to create a board

He's lying to you. Also this faggot in the past has deleted, edited, locked, then deleted the whole threads of any /fringe/ posters that have come over here in a ridiculously censorious powertrip to stop getting assblasted so hard by superior Fringe Wizards.


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>we ban because our feelings were hurt, you were an asshole :(((((


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ayy lmao they actually fucking wordfilter Fringe

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