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File: 1431460994268.jpg (514.43 KB, 1171x854, 1171:854, 11111111111111111111111111….jpg)


angelic invocation i've studying for some time ago and i have some theories and your opinions would be nice

an angel can manifest through a medium and alter another physical body (mostly is about healing)

during the manifestation, time is altered,the time perception in a small area is enlarged or shrink

the angel can't fully manifested in this plane his sole presence will destroy any physical bodies in a certain area

you can make agreements with them as long as you request GOOD things(NOT PACTS)

you can't ask for very extraordinary things

There's Always a Price, but not is your soul…I thing is something related of "what you will do" like "good actions" saving lives REAL charity

you can ask for a alteration of your body a deep one (immunity for something?) but not a power like flying

your request must be the less mundane possible you can't ask for money or something related

need more info…


It's false that you can't ask for money when there are specific angels for that.




The presence of an angel can be overwhelming almost suddenly you can be in the struggle for stay conscious but if you are strong enough you can made a agreement, like "give me the capability of speak all languages and in return i travel the world helping people"



What happens if you don't go through with your side?

Will they kill you?


File: 1431467872508.png (135.31 KB, 1488x2332, 372:583, JRKLE.png)

Is this BS?

How to apply this to other angels?


why a medium? need a catalyzer, and I can't see any spectral things i have the sensibility of a rock, the medium will be harmed? no, only demonic entities harm



Doing that alone is risky, if you don't have any real experience or real sensibility you can be fooled by a demon or lower entity

A medium is neccesary



Are you sure? What do you mean by a 'medium'?



Mediumship is the practice of certain people—known as mediums—to purportedly mediate communication between spirits of the dead and living human beings



After summoning him, and fulfilling the deal, turned out I accidentally saved an orphanage.

2/10 for unintended consequences, would not summon again.



What is wrong with saving an orphanage?



>implying orphans don't deserve to die because they are the offspring of shit-tier people



This is brilliant.

I should make disinfographics with my sigils in them and get dumb neophytes to charge them with positive energy for me as well. Just imagine all the free loosh the creator of that got from /x/'s gullible posters.


the angels occasionally materialize in a realistic body, but only in cases implying a great necessity (ej: suiciders, suffering people ,save a life of a dangerous situation etc) if you suddenly ask for a manifestation from the thin air, you will get nothing

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