angelic invocation i've studying for some time ago and i have some theories and your opinions would be nice
an angel can manifest through a medium and alter another physical body (mostly is about healing)
during the manifestation, time is altered,the time perception in a small area is enlarged or shrink
the angel can't fully manifested in this plane his sole presence will destroy any physical bodies in a certain area
you can make agreements with them as long as you request GOOD things(NOT PACTS)
you can't ask for very extraordinary things
There's Always a Price, but not is your soul…I thing is something related of "what you will do" like "good actions" saving lives REAL charity
you can ask for a alteration of your body a deep one (immunity for something?) but not a power like flying
your request must be the less mundane possible you can't ask for money or something related
need more info…