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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1431469672795.png (85.35 KB, 2000x1600, 5:4, 2000px-Ra_Symbol_(Stargate….png)


Hi /fringe/.

I used to be a frequent user on /x/, but left a while ago due to the immense amount of trolls which I am sure you are familiar with.

However, I was wondering if /fringe/ is familiar with The Law Of One (Ra Material channeling - http://www.lawofone.info/) ?



Questions go in the question thread, m80. Montalk like's the Ra Material as far as I can tell, judging from his site.



Sorry buddy. Let's make it a Ra Material general thread then. I've read just about half of it, and I am greatly intrigued.


>I used to be a frequent user on /x/



Read some books nigger, stop taking all of your occult knowledge out of imageboards and poorly made websites.



Wow, you clearly haven't taken even a 10 minute look into Ra Materials.

OP, I've read a fair bit of it, I really find it interesting. I the references to humans as Mind Body Spirit complexes


File: 1431480968595.png (46.93 KB, 318x317, 318:317, 1427565933078-1.png)


Op I can confirm to you that no one seems interested in your tread you should post some greentext or some other shit but no more links whit a brief flavor text.



>I used to be a frequent user on /x/, but left a while ago due to the immense amount of trolls which I am sure you are familiar with.

Go back to 4chan faggot. We don't need your kind here.

Post your creepy pastas somewhere else.

Say hi to SJWs for me when you get back to your cuckhole.



control freak


I have read some of it and plan to finish studying it in-depth this year. The Ra Material is pretty dense but it has some valuable bits of knowledge here and there, and I can't but admire Ra's like for ye olde speech. Really sympathetic entity/complex he is!

Cassiopaeans are cool too, they go more deeply into human history plus they explain STS Matrix more profoundly than Ra did.


The Ra material is pretty broad in it's topics. What did you wanna talk about?


Ive read all of it except for the tarot part which I found mind bogglingly boring. I like it, and it makes more sense than most stuff I've heard, but due to being pretty much a mundane who wants into neophyte I cant say much about its veracity

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