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Esoteric Wizardry


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 No.38380[Last 50 Posts]

Seeing as freedomboard is about o die and most of the critical stuff on /illuminati/ is already removed…

Username: illuminated

Password: shininglight

Discuss the content of the /illuminati/ board in this thread. https://freedomboard.kirara.ca/illuminati/


After all these years! lmfao


Holy shit.




i was one of the first /illuminati/ posters





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>whole thread discussing a bait post i made


Expected more.

I remember a guy claiming he had proof of telekinesis on here, must've been deleted.




Remember when smileyberg assigned a mod and told him to use his magick powers to find out the password for his account?

The mod never logged in and smiley thought he was just a really laid back janitor.


[11:38:48 PM] Fringe Wizard: It appears overwhelming shyness, schizophrenia, and a bit of homosexual tendencies are what's troubling her.

[11:39:01 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Or maybe she just doesn't like you dude.

[11:39:17 PM] Fringe Wizard: Why does she look this stuff up then, stupid nigger-flip hybrid?

[11:39:29 PM] Fringe Wizard: also, why is she very obviously interested in stuff I am into?

[11:39:36 PM] Fringe Wizard: Her channel is plastered in greenpill stuff.

[11:39:36 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Maybe because these are underlying issues innate to her as a person and have no relation to you.

[11:39:52 PM] Prince Gibra-el: And also it is possible to have an interest in a thing or subject without association with the person who introduced the idea to you.

[11:40:09 PM] Prince Gibra-el: It is not necessary that these things revolve around you, that reeks of personal conceit and heavy denial.

[11:40:29 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Plus you're acting very defensive in referring to me exclusively with insulting titles, which leads me to believe I am probably right.

[11:40:49 PM] Prince Gibra-el: You are massively loosh pained because you are mentally ill and the one person to whom you felt connected and for whom you felt affection has rejected you as a consequence of your illness.

[11:41:24 PM] Prince Gibra-el: And you're too pig headed to seek help for an issue that has ruined your life so now you're chronically shitposting and attaching yourself more strongly to racism as a means of lashing out against a world you resent due to your own failings as an individual.

[11:41:34 PM] Prince Gibra-el: You're a petulant child and frankly I'm embarrassed for you.

[11:44:49 PM] Fringe Wizard: ?

[11:44:59 PM] Fringe Wizard: >tfw you're all butthurt she still loves me and nothing is actually wrong

[11:45:08 PM] Fringe Wizard: >tfw know what magick rituals to do now to fix this situation

[11:45:13 PM] Prince Gibra-el: >Nothing is actually wrong

>Doesn't speak to you

[11:45:15 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Seems healthy

[11:45:42 PM] Fringe Wizard: Well, there is something wrong, but I'm going to fix it now for her with my magick.

[11:46:40 PM] Nathaniel Greene: This is like at the end of Shutter Island where Leonardo DiCaprio's character realizes the truth, but being unable to cope with it decides to retreat back into fantasy

[11:46:47 PM] Nathaniel Greene: because living with the delusion is easier than the truth

[11:51:00 PM] Nathaniel Greene: Fringe

[11:51:06 PM] Nathaniel Greene: We're the closest things to friends you have

[11:51:16 PM] Nathaniel Greene: and the only reason any of us talk to you is because we like laughing at you and trolling you

[11:51:22 PM] Nathaniel Greene: Think about that and how fucked up your situation is

[11:51:23 PM] Nathaniel Greene: Just stop

That's depressing as fuck. I would almost feel bad for smileyberg if he wasn't the one digging his own hole there.



I hate that you guys post chat logs. For everyone to see. No privacy.



[11:51:06 PM] Nathaniel Greene: We're the closest things to friends you have

>constantly mind fucks and manipulates smiley




[11:51:16 PM] Nathaniel Greene: and the only reason any of us talk to you is because we like laughing at you and trolling you





My jimmiez are fucking rustled and I am mad! Talk about toxic people!


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>[11:51:16 PM] Nathaniel Greene: and the only reason any of us talk to you is because we like laughing at you and trolling you


no i am not ready







Waste no pity on him, all the times someone offered to help him, give solid advice and even to look up institutions/hospitals near his area he flat out ignored it.

But here are more amusing logs:

[11:02:45 PM] Fringe Wizard: Should I start that countdown timer for the suicide thing and just message Jenny every day until the counter runs out?

[11:02:47 PM] Nathaniel Greene: inb4 dead

[11:03:05 PM] Gabe (Euromutt) ♂ ☻: i'm cringing irl

[11:03:13 PM] Gabe (Euromutt) ♂ ☻: good lord dude

[11:03:16 PM] Nathaniel Greene: Will you actually commit suicide after the timer runs out?

[11:03:27 PM] Fringe Wizard: Probably not Nathaniel, I'd need more nuts and seeds for that.

[11:03:32 PM] Nathaniel Greene: …..

[11:03:38 PM] Fringe Wizard: I don't have the strength to kill myself as of right now.

[11:04:30 PM] Prince Gibra-el: …..

[11:04:33 PM] Fringe Wizard: I hate me too.

[11:05:46 PM] Nathaniel Greene: You're just an attention whore. A pussy

[11:05:55 PM] Nathaniel Greene: I'd respect you if you actually went out like a man

[11:06:00 PM] Nathaniel Greene: but you cry and whine like a little bitch

[11:06:27 PM] Fringe Wizard: Imagine being me for a day and feeling your face fucking burning, your eyes all strained, throat dry, skin all greasy, posture all fucked up, greasy hair clinging to you that only gets worse when you wash it, mental fog constantly seeping in, feeling lethargic as fuck, seeing that disgusting autistic fucking face in the mirror, wanting to carve yourself up with a knife. Repeat every single fucking day for years while your parents don't give a shit and you beg them for food and help and to go to the doctor and so on and nothing ever fucking happens.

[11:06:47 PM] Gabe (Euromutt) ♂ ☻: Go

[11:06:49 PM] Gabe (Euromutt) ♂ ☻: Admit

[11:06:51 PM] Gabe (Euromutt) ♂ ☻: Yourself

[11:06:52 PM] Gabe (Euromutt) ♂ ☻: To

[11:06:53 PM] Gabe (Euromutt) ♂ ☻: A

[11:06:55 PM] Gabe (Euromutt) ♂ ☻: Hospital

[11:06:57 PM] Gabe (Euromutt) ♂ ☻: why won't you do this

[11:07:02 PM] Fringe Wizard: They won't take me.

[11:07:14 PM] Gabe (Euromutt) ♂ ☻: Yes they will

[11:07:16 PM] Gabe (Euromutt) ♂ ☻: They take anybody

[11:07:19 PM] Gabe (Euromutt) ♂ ☻: Literally, call 911

[11:07:21 PM] Gabe (Euromutt) ♂ ☻: and tell them

[11:07:25 PM] Gabe (Euromutt) ♂ ☻: you're having a psychotic break

[11:07:37 PM] Prince Gibra-el: [11:06:30 PM] Fringe Wizard: Imagine being me for a day and feeling your face fucking burning, your eyes all strained, throat dry, skin all greasy, posture all fucked up, greasy hair clinging to you that only gets worse when you wash it, mental fog constantly seeping in, feeling lethargic as fuck, seeing that disgusting autistic fucking face in the mirror, wanting to carve yourself up with a knife. Repeat every single fucking day for years while your parents don't give a shit and you beg them for food and help and to go to the doctor and so on and nothing ever fucking happens.

<<< Yeah I feel the same way except for having greasy hair and starving.

[11:07:42 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Get over it faggot.

[11:07:56 PM] Fringe Wizard: Would any of you ever want to actually visit me in person and get me help, bring me to some place to be rehabilitated?

[11:08:08 PM] Prince Gibra-el: >Subtly begging for friends

[11:08:09 PM] Prince Gibra-el: No.



You people are disgusting.


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He needs to get all of you fuckers out of his life!


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Some one in a state of pure vulnerability gets called pathetic? nice




Post got deleted. Spoopy.


Username	IP address	Time	Board	Action
system hidden 23 minutes /fringe/ User deleted his own post #38453
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system hidden 17 hours /fringe/ User deleted his own post #38283
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system hidden 1 day /fringe/ User deleted his own post #38155



Should the option to remove your own post be removed?


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I don't see the problem.


Is making regular posts on imageboards and then deleting them afterwards a new meme?



Most of your posts I fail to read before they get deleted.




t. doctor in memes



Some times you fuck up a post (spelling mistake/send it to the wrong poster). I see no reason for this option to be removed.





Mundane -> Redpilled -> Greenpilled -> OMG THE DEMIURGE IS SO EVIL I MUST DEVELOP MAGICKALLYYY TO ASCEND 3D -> Disillusion and realization that you're here until you die and that you have to master THIS REALITY -> Ubermensch red pill


damn, turns out I was really close to getting in

my psychomanced username was correct and password contained light but pathof instead is shining.

In regards to the edgy slaughter of degenerates which was one of the agendas, wouldn't they just reincarnate within the next generation since they're attached to the material far more than wizards?

You say the critical stuff has been removed so I don't know how much progress you've made with planning a purge but it seems like you'd make a paradise that'd be plunged back into degeneracy after this generation of wizards dies off.

Any confirmation that stopping the natural learning process for undeveloped souls would accelerate development for more advanced people would be greatly appreciated.


Huh, just as lame and boring as regular /fringe/. Which is about what you'd expect when a bunch of 22yo wannabe wizards create a sekrit board to pretend that they're illumined masters.


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>not torturing human waste for you amusement

Do you even LHP?


When I first heard about the /illuminati/ board on freedomboard I thought that it was secret because the knowledge in there could actually hurt any person that simply read it and tried to apply it.

Then I learned about Smiley from this board. Then I learned that Smiley uses Freedomboard as his personal blog to talk about his girlfriend issues. Then I learn that Smiley is the owner of the board and this board.

Then he gives out the password to the secret board after removing most likely private contact information of people there. Then I access the leftovers of what is left after the cleanup. I am not surprised.

How come a board with a secret password and some imaginary rank up structure would have any information in there that would be so secret and life changing that it had to be inside a locked board, when it turns out that it's the same low quality shit as anywhere else on all boards combined?

I know it's hard to live in this world when we are sensitive to all the energies that we can't see, but was the Illuminati board just a way to feel even more special about yourself? I think you are a good board leader Smiley and you allow for good conversations to take place, but please become the better version of yourself. I believe in you, you should believe in yourself and so should we all. Ask the Universe for guidance, wait for the answer. God's word comes randomly and unexpected.


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Wizard (Anthroposophist) flag, please?


There was no contact info there, not even before this revelation. There was pretty much nothing there as all threads were removed before I got there.


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what was CHAOSVOID



All you're seeing is the shit that is still there and wasn't immediately deleted after it no longer needed to exist. It's really fucking easy to keep shit that needs to be secret very secret.



*tips fedora*

What in this thread makes you think any disillusionment sets in and that people don't ascend?



Illuminati was not a place to contain secret knowledge it was a place to conduct magickal operations without our targets knowing about what was going on and to discuss how we'd use magick to save the white race without the egalitarians that infest regular /fringe/ getting in the way.

There is no knowledge that needs to be kept secret. You can throw pearls before swine and the swine simply can not understand the value of those pearls of make use of them. So no knowledge needs to be kept secret.

What does need to be kept secret is the people we influenced and drove mad and who sometimes died or were otherwise fucked with in big ways.



Also it was a place where we posted actual demonstrations of magick, unlisted youtube videos where we show ourselves doing rituals and so on.

This sort of shit can't get out in the public because people merely having a visualization of you can start to influence and fuck with your magickal operations.



>There was pretty much nothing there as all threads were removed before I got there.

ProTip: nothing was even deleted just now before revealing the /illuminati/ board. Everything that no longer had to be kept up was always immediately deleted right when it wasn't needed anymore. Threads would only exist for as long as they had to then purged by their OPs.


I got "chosen" on that board, the password was shown to me on fringe

I posted saying I'm a neophyte on illuminati and then they changed the password and told me to use magic to learn the password.




I'm pretty sure that was me



Aw, I'd visit Smiley, that sounds kinda fun



Surely you are quoting the wrong post?


[redacted] warned me about you btw.



No because at the end you ask if they would ever visit you in real life and he says no, but seriously visiting you sounds like fun but I'm poor as shit as of this moment


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Same here.

Although I would mostly do it for seeing some real magick.

>TFW only a neophyte and can't do shit

Since I am an amerifag, I would need a passport and the other shit. I MIGHT be able to sneak over. As soon as I reach the border in a remote area, I could army crawl my way through. From what I know, they have pressure sensors and possibly aircraft watching the border. (I doubt the aircraft, the fuel consumption would be astronomical.)



> doing all this to meet an initiate




I just want to see some high level magick. Smiley wrote in the /fringe/ archive that he was lucky to see some high level magick. Maybe he could point me towards that.


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Not unless you are in.

The tree house is open atm but you still have to be a member. This is just an open house with cleared out class rooms and a viewing of the place.



No, that was me.


>[redacted] warned me about you btw.

What did they tell you?



What do you mean by "warned you"?

I'm still a neophyte.



Might have been both of us, because that experience is very real to me.


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>What did they tell you?

He told me a lot of things about your various attempts at fucking around with me.


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That room is incredibly beautiful.





woah that's hecka embarassing

that's not me at all!


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>that's not me at all!

It does not surprise me. Sick PARASITES are currently in Smiley's life that need to be purged. I do not doubt what you are saying.


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This is also called "character assassination" if you are wondering.


After all these years…

freedom boards

is gone now?

this is weird.

I don't know how I feel…

>lol I am crying


RIP freedomboard


This is character assassination.


Not true.



I have no idea what is going on lol.


>why are shitty people everywhere?



>He told me a lot of things about your various attempts at fucking around with me.

I don't know how you deal with it. People messing around with you. If your source is to be trusted. Go with the source? Better to be safe than sorry ultimately.


pssshhh nothing personal kid

>nothing of value put in your hands

Get your deal with it glasses on?





If you guys want to handle this privately. Feel free to do so.



Who is "he"?

I would like to contact this individual.



Never mind. I don't see this going any where.


So I take it fringechan is 404?



freedomboard is kill




Do you know who it was that told me these things?

ProTip: he was freedomboard's #1 shitposter.



It's Master Memer and Nigerian Prince.



funny since i haven't been on skype in quite a while


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Yo will you be making a new /ask/? I always loved making threads and viewing those done by others on there


Also fuck that admin for not even warning the users about shutting the server down, who the fuck does that



Yes I will be. Should I try to claim the /ask/ board or request the cripple make a special board with ☻ as the name or just make an /ask-smiley/ board?



claim the /ask/ board


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Yeah, claim it!



Where's the claims page / how do I do this?



This one is dead too by the looks of it

Fucking hell this is a whole new imageboardocaust we're talking about here



I don't know, have you asked the wheelchair man yet tho


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you should watch

Dark City [1998] by Alex Proyas




Can recommend this, it was pretty solid a film and pretty greenpilled.



also redpilled




Already found it and asked about it before either of you responded.

>tfw it's fucking 1:04 AM right now and my body is majorily fucked up, muscles hurt so much, and I can't fucking sleep at all and have so much fucking work to do

>tfw eyes are extremely strained and everything hurts and I get absolutely no fucking mercy from my shitty dysfunctional body

Someone please send some thoughtform or something to force me to sleep at night, I can't fucking sleep at night. I can only sleep it seems in the morning of the day and then I'm really fucking tired every single fucking day no matter how many nights I've tried to force myself to sleep or how many days I have been open I just can't sleep at night.



I've already seen it before years ago.



I feel you bro the struggle is real. We'll all get there someday. Just so much suffering in between now and then.


I keep checking freedomboard.kirara.ca/ask/ out of habit over & over for new posts just to be met with the fact the whole board is gone now and I still have the bookmark for the board too.



mix 2 bags of lemon-balm with 2 bags of chamomille and hit some good kush, ma nigga.



Have you done some sort of magic prior to attempting to sleep?

If so no wonder you can't sleep.



I always do magick before sleep.



>and hit some good kush, ma nigga.

shitskin detected



i laughed, thanks for being retarded.


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…that message isn't recent.


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Cripple is taking forever to give me /ask/



it's just taking so long


it's an FBI agent

is all



Just use the email, global volunteers are supposed to process claims instead of mootwheels now anyway



>Nothing about hearing the lamentations of their women

Fool/10, does not know what is best in life; would not accept advice from.


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Goddamn i'm glad i manually saved that bigass asatru thread which i made on deceased fringe last year

It's full of good redpilled and greenpilled information on the norse faith



>implying smileyberg even has a woman to lament for him

We should get him a girl so she can lament him when he eventually meets his end.



I dare you to delete it.



Ignore >>39885 he's a kike trying to mentally influence you and his post is tainted with some dark energy.




We can also get you a boy if that's what you're into.




He could be bisexual if he chose to be. If he discerned the value in it.



I'm just waiting for one of the girls on /fringe/ that love me to show up in here. I don't know how you haven't noticed that I am very much loved by multiple women.



Maybe I should get him one of each, just in case.



There's plenty of males on here as well attracted to me and I reject them all and they still remain obsessed about me.




That wasn't what I was implying at all, bud'. I was just stealing a prime opportunity to chiding make a movie reference.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pretty lame.



I love you smileberg




Are you a female or male?

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