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Everybodys detox journals go here.


>Suppliments taken (+links and directions if home-made)

>number of days detox is for

>what detox is expexted to clear

Log formats

[Date] (time +am/pm)

–Recorded symptoms, feeligs, changes in mana, changes in psycic abilities/spitiual abilities, power, thoughts or total health.

-remember to record every symptom, as you feel it, uncensored and what you feel




>Health force scram parasite cleanse


>pacific coast wasabi powder (for added stregnth and cleaning power)





MAY 11 12:45 PM

10 Scram and 3 Wasabi Pills taken 12:53 Pm may 11


Already feeling major improvements. My senses feel sharper and I feel the familiar tingling in my stomach of something beginning to burn off, like the crust from the mold or bacteria. My ears tingle with "dirt" (parasite eggs irritant), and I will scrub it out with a cloth and toss it away.

I already feel my hormones beginning to be released and feel more productive. This is not a fucking placebo.

I Already have my concentration and steadiness flowing back to me and my body. I can feel a interesting sensation of my brains temples ( Where the parasite was) Being burnt off and some sort of washing feeling coming over my skull like the "crust" (something left behind by the parasites) is being pulled up and burnt off heavily. I chose to take the full 13 pills first day for two reasons 1) I have already done a pre-cleanse and that wasn't nearly as effective as it could be, due to the scram formula lacking wasabi extract, which seems to be the hard hitter ingredient. 2) I had major craving for sugary foods, cookies, brownies, cake slices, that I almost never eat as I bodybuild and take great care to avoid them. The parasite somehow can chose to "hack" our hormones and make us crave the worst foods for us, but the best foods for their reproduction. Yesterday I was feeling fine, I had a major craving for these foods and broke down quickly, devouring far too much cake and brownies that turn into fat in my body. Suddenly today, I feel the all-too-familiar feeling of the horrible crust, dizziness, lack of direction, brain-fog, slowed thinking and food cravings so damn typical of parasitic infection. Even now It feels like a major struggle between me and the parasite is happening that it can somehow know its under attack and is trying to save itself desperately.

It is now a war of purification, between the pure and the tainted, for dominance and survival.


AHAHAHHAHA im already feeling like my old self again! I can feel something in my heart and in my veins of my right arm purging some kind of slime and it feels horrible- but the end result will be very good.


Feeling far, far better, my whole back feels stronger, my lwgs and feet feel the fatty feeling being pulled from them now.

I must not scratch my ears, eyes, nose, butt or any open sore on my body and not ever allow those eggs to come to my mouth again.


Feeling the auric power return to my own hands is exhilarating- like an old friend whom I desperately needed to see again.



1/28 Pm

Very weird, I just took the pills and my allergies have eroded away almost instantly. Just an hour ago I felt horrible from the same disking field, now I feel fantastic and my nasal passage is so clear. Hail Nipponu, the Japanese sure know their medical herbs. Wasabi is a life saver. I need to find a way to get wasabi peas imported for the real wasabi they contain- and organic of course. Eating them regularly would do wonders.


feeling the crust in my head shift and die down. fucking cellular jews.

The parasite just had me get the feeling to deficate, now I feel much clearer. And it also gave me the feeling to touch my nose strangely. I will be taking a quick full shower after this and washing my hands very throughly with the purell.

Its making me want to touch my nose so much, I have to get rid of it.

My head is clearing up, the fecees smell horrible. Kind of like that filthy Mexican restaurant interestingly. Ewwwww. FUCKING filthy spic subhumans. I had one- ONE item of food and I can smell it exiting me weeks later.

A parasite is a supremely selfish organism- It contributes nothing to the ecosystem, yet, it demand so much from those who contribute so much more than it does. A symbiote however, exchanges a mutual relationship for the benefit of two organisms. Like the Great White Shark who has minos or small shark-like fish eat from his hide pulling parasites off of him. I wish I had something to get them off right now.

I wonder if jews are always acutely aware that others see them as parasires. Their psychology very much resembles a tapeworm.

2:17 PM

Just took a massive 20+ minute shower and had huge success in cleaning my whole body. My new checklist is as follows-

Scrub whole body.

wash Eyes

Wash ears, repeatedly, both sides

wash fingernails, repeatedly, especially after scratching any body part

wash anus, repeatedly with hot water jet.

wash whole body down and then use soap and wash off.

2:33 Feeling fantastic. going to eat some steak and eggs.

The shower's egg white on the forehead trick works wonders as a shampoo and as a collegen healing for my scalp thats been damaged by the soap jew.


I had an interesting experience of having the familiar itch with my fingers placed from my nose to my mouth

3:06 Feeling a very very strange senation in the top right of my head. In sure its linked to the chlorine in the shower. This cunt is not only lying but having garbage water.


Feeling very slow and stupid. I dont understand if its the chlorine in the water from Fairels poisoning, or if its the parasite incident with my finger itching.

I will continue to work to get my brain back. Fuck I feel the spic food in my stomach moving out, ugh.

6:42 pm

betwewn dealing with my parents and finally getting nice pure water. I feel somewhat better but do notice a simi familiar contracting feeling in my skull at the moment and have difficulties concentrating. Tomorrows detox will also help me in eliminating this.


Today i made better health choices today than yesterday. I arrived in-line the focus and actions of yesterday.


>wash anus, repeatedly with hot water jet.

Just come out of the closet, I'll detox ur butt for you.


Flush out the cellular jews!


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yay can this be my new personal diary?


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Fasting and a mucusless vegan diet changes everything. This is what most people here truly need to progress. Trust me…


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Only a cleansed body can harness chi to the fullest!


what the fuck are you talking about?


How should I flush out the fluoride? How can I avoid the fluoride as much as possible?

What's a good diet?

Should I quit fapping?

Do you guys have jobs?



I can't gain weight and I'm perpetually underweight, fasting is not an option for me.



>What's a good diet?

A well balanced diet.

>Should I quit fapping?

Yes. Upgrade to succubus.

>Do you guys have jobs?

I do but I'm quitting as soon as I have enough money to buy some rural property and have no problem paying the taxes to live there the rest of my life.






>How should I flush out the fluoride? How can I avoid the fluoride as much as possible?

Not sure about the first question, as I'm not sure how fluoride behaves once in the body. I'm going to have to look that up.

There's a lot of info on fluoride here too: http://fluoridealert.org/

Stuff like RO water filters, drinking tested spring/well water, consuming less processed foods are all way to avoid fluoride for example.

Honestly, I'm pretty pissed now that I look back on my upbringing. A constant use of toothpaste, the weird fluoride tooth treatment at the dentist (you know, the thing with the tray with the foam that you bite on.), constant consuming of sugar and other terrible additives, and other habits I abided by without question, which has now undoubtedly played a part in my body's current ailments. It's more depressing when I realize almost every kid that grows up in burgerland will most likely be indoctrined into the same traps I was, and they may never become greenpilled in time to stop the damage they are mindlessly inflicting on their bodies.

>What's a good diet?

Check out the fit wizard thread. There's some conflicting info, but in general avoid GM foods and other unnatural, over-processed stuff.

>Should I quit fapping?

Yeah. I've found it easiest to only masturbate once a week. When you gain complete control of your sexual urges, bump it up to once every two weeks. While I'm not sure if completely quitting is the heathiest option for the body, mind, and spirit, having the will to control and redirect impulses is a very useful skill.

>Do you guys have jobs?

Yep, a fairly low-paying, unfulfilling one at that. I'm hoping to one day figure out what I need to do in order to maximize my time for spiritual growth/wizardry.

Working 40 hours a week and not even being able to support yourself is not the right path.



1. Having sex with an actual woman.

2. Using your own body energy manipulation to cause an orgasmic experience far beyond what mundane tugging at your weewee can do.

3. Telekinetic fapping.

4. Sex with a succubus, a far superior experience in terms of sexual pleasure than anything else, no point ever visiting a whore or having promiscuous relations or anything when you have succubi; then sex with an actual human may as well be for reproduction.

I'll be honest with you. The sexual drive is an extreme desire that you really want to fulfil – I personally developed a LOT of my magickal ability simply by swearing that I would never physically touch my dick in order to have sex.

Just that intense desire alone if you build it up enough without releasing it + imagination will cause you to fall into a deep trance in which you can easily evoke a succubus or do many other things.

You just have to promise to yourself never to masturbate ever again. NEVER. NOT EVEN ONCE. NO MORE!!

That loosh you'll have can be directed towards the fulfilment of the sexual desire then in new and extraordinary ways… and with more advanced ability and experimentation you'll also figure out how to transmute that desire into other desires, using that basic sexual urge at the original fuel, but directing it towards higher, more abstract, more refined desires.

I can't relate well to people on /fringe/ that are still masturbating. I don't care if you're doing it once a week or once a month or whatever it is; stop doing it and use magick to fulfil your sexual desire. You'll get good really fast. Kind of like the man who desires tasteful food but is absolutely denied it so in growing desperation and with no access to the food he wants he begins to use his imagination and discovers new abilities in this way.

I don't really post in the renouncing lust thread. I haven't renounced lust at all. I have transformed it. You should do the same. No more masturbating, fulfil your desires without using your hand, use magickal methods instead.


If day after day passes without your masturbating and the sexual desire keeps building up, go ahead and fan the flames of desire, let it grow even more – yet don't cave in to the mundane way. Let it build and build until you succeed at last doing it the magickal way.


Poorfag here.

is there any alternative to the supplements mentioned itt?

I could buy cloves here but cant find wormwood or blackwalnuts.

I was also thinking that garlic and syrian rue oil might work and I already have those.

Also my liver is prolly not in such a good shape now ,I did alot of drugs back in the days.




consider caloric super foods,like açai if your under your healthy weight that should help,strength training helps too.


any 1 can elaborate on number 2 and 4?


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there is a very effective secret indian technique for deep detoxification: every morning after getting up early (4 - 7 am) you have to hang your scrotum in ice cold, grounded saltwater, preferably distilled water saturated with himalayan crystal salt. 10 - 15 minutes each day are enough. results will show already after 3-5 days.



Isn't this a technique for sterilization?



>4. Sex with a succubus

You're just masturbating and using your imagination.



No I am not, I don't masturbate, masturbation would involve touching your dick and I don't do it at all.



OP here, I havent posted my full log as the cellular jew has been shitting up my neveous system and mana for a week or two.

you can easily find organic cloves, black walnut, wasabi (most important ingrident- but, it can be substituted powder), and the enzymes I take with it.

over all I sold videogames and old textbooks to make enough money for this. its been a long god damned road and if you eat pork, shelfish, wild game, sushi, or uncooked meat of any kind- youll have lots of parasites.


iktf regarding fluoride. I always had an intuition that it was bad for me but was never allowed to skip it since I wasnt an adult. Now whenever I go i always skip that part.



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>meat parasites

is there any instance where meat is good? Paleo-diet was good no? So far Im eating some meat with nuts and fruits/vegetables/etc but I find it hard without meat when Im working manual labor




I've been reading a book about NLP called 'Unlimited Power' by Anthony Robbins and in the book there's a chapter about Energy. Talking of course about nutrition, but there were some things about nutrition he brought up that I haven't heard before, or at least vaguely heard about.

First thing he said was that taking time to breathe in deeply, hold in, and then exhale slowly, will give us more energy cause we're causing the lymph and white blood cells to move further and quicker in our bloodstream, and in turn practicing this and doing it regularly helps develop our breathing capacity giving us more potential for better health. I haven't taken the time to research his research but I have been doing it regularly for about 2 weeks and can say that the results are significant for me.

Second thing he said was that eating water-rich foods (foods high in water content; fruits, veggies, ect.) will help keep our bodies hydrated giving us more overall energy. A friend told me recently about a guy who rarely drank water, but he always ate water-rich foods so he didn't really need to drink water to stay hydrated. It makes sense to me though seeing as our bodies are about 80% water. It's okay to eat bad foods once in a while, as long as you respect your body and moderate what you eat so that you're able to afford it.

Third thing is about proper food combining. Apparently Dr. Ivan Pavlov was one of the head researchers for this study, that there are some foods that do and don't digest well in the stomach and intestine. "Starchy foods require an alkaline digestive medium, which is initially supplied in the mouth by the enzyme ptyalin. Protein foods require an acid medium for digestion–hydrochloric acid and pepsin. It is a law of chemistry that two contrary mediums (acid and alkali) cannot work at the same time. If you eat a protein with a starch, digestion is impaired or completely arrested. Undigested food becomes soil for bacteria, which ferment and decompose it, giving rise to digestive disorders and gas."

Fourth is about controlled consumption. It has been studied in animals that the less you eat, the longer you live. As long as we maintain our consumption and fill our bodies with water-rich foods we won't feel as hungry all the time and we'll be saving more energy cause our bodies will be digesting food properly.

Fifth thing is about proper fruit consumption. "It takes the least amount of energy to digest fruit and it gives your body the most in return. The only food your brain can work on is glucose. Fruit is primarily fructose (which can be easily converted into glucose), and it's most often 90-95 percent water. You must always eat fruit on an empty stomach. Why? The reason is that fruit is not primarily digested in the stomach. It digests in the small intestine. Fruit is designed to go right through the stomach in a few minutes and into the intestines, where it releases its sugars. But if there is meat or potatoes or starch in the stomach, the fruit gets trapped there and begins to ferment. You don't want to drink juice right out of a can or glass container. Why not? Much of the time the juice has been heated in the sealing process, and its structure has become acidic. You can ingest juice as you would the fruit itself, on an empty stomach. And juice is digested so fast that you can eat a meal fifteen or twenty minutes later."

Sixth thing is about protein. "Excess protein provides the body with excess nitrogen, which causes fatigue. Too much protein has been linked with continuously with osteoporosis, the softening and weakening of bones. Every animal has milk with the right balance of elements for that animal. Dr. William Ellis, a great authority on dairy products and how they affect the human bloodstream, states that if you want allergies, drink milk. If you want a clogged system, drink milk. The reason, he states, is that few adults can properly metabolize the protein in cow's milk. As for drinking milk for calcium, Ellis states that after doing blood tests on over 25,000 people, he found that those who drink three, four, or five glasses of milk a day had the lowest level of blood calcium."

"So, if you start breathing effectively in a way that stimulates your lymph system and you begin to combine your food correctly and eat 70 percent water-content foods, your body is going to have more energy to use your eliminative organs to rid itself of excess waste products formerly stored in the tissues and bloodstream."

The quotes are from the book I mentioned. Really useful information for me, so I hope some of you guys can take something out of this and benefit from it. Also, I'm curious to know if anyone on /fringe/ is interested in NLP, or if anyone has any thoughts on it.



That mundane faggot hasn't yet comprehended the first Hermetic principle to despise the imagination like that.



Thanks for the info anon. I'll try to practice some of this stuff. The third, fifth, and sixth points you posted are things I've never heard of either.

As for NLP, I just skimmed wikipedia and I'm still not entirely sure what it is/how it's praticed.



From what I understand, NLP has to do with the structuring of our internal experience, and how this shapes our behavior. It's essentially a combination of neurology, language, and body behavior. It has to do with the relationship between the way we neurologically process information and its affects on our behavior and feelings. They use a term called 'modalities' and what that refers to are the senses such as visuals, audio, feelings. The other term they use is 'submodalities' and what this describes are the different sort of "effects" or adjustments to the image(s) or audio or feelings, such as brightness, clarity, fuzziness, tonality, vibration, duration, location, tempo, degree, size distance, intensity, and so on. The modalities also have their internal and external counter-part. You have your internal voice and your external voice. You can imagine the voice of others, and you can observe yourself in first person or third, a disassociated view. Our internal representations and physiology determine our behavior. So if you're looking to change your behavior or get motivated to quit or begin something, check out NLP. Also some people think that NLP is something perverse or wrong because they think it's just manipulation. Really though these people are using techniques from NLP whether they're aware of it or not, reacting to stimuli and picturing or hearing or smelling things that affect their emotions without them being aware of the process. It's not manipulation to decide on what attitude you want to take in a situation. If anything, people can often manipulate themselves into being depressed because of their internal representations on a situation or something else. NLP is, at least to my knowledge, the only technology today that gives one the tools and understanding on how to alter their internal experience.

"The ancestor to every action is a thought" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hope that helps you understand it a little more.

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