I've been reading a book about NLP called 'Unlimited Power' by Anthony Robbins and in the book there's a chapter about Energy. Talking of course about nutrition, but there were some things about nutrition he brought up that I haven't heard before, or at least vaguely heard about.
First thing he said was that taking time to breathe in deeply, hold in, and then exhale slowly, will give us more energy cause we're causing the lymph and white blood cells to move further and quicker in our bloodstream, and in turn practicing this and doing it regularly helps develop our breathing capacity giving us more potential for better health. I haven't taken the time to research his research but I have been doing it regularly for about 2 weeks and can say that the results are significant for me.
Second thing he said was that eating water-rich foods (foods high in water content; fruits, veggies, ect.) will help keep our bodies hydrated giving us more overall energy. A friend told me recently about a guy who rarely drank water, but he always ate water-rich foods so he didn't really need to drink water to stay hydrated. It makes sense to me though seeing as our bodies are about 80% water. It's okay to eat bad foods once in a while, as long as you respect your body and moderate what you eat so that you're able to afford it.
Third thing is about proper food combining. Apparently Dr. Ivan Pavlov was one of the head researchers for this study, that there are some foods that do and don't digest well in the stomach and intestine. "Starchy foods require an alkaline digestive medium, which is initially supplied in the mouth by the enzyme ptyalin. Protein foods require an acid medium for digestion–hydrochloric acid and pepsin. It is a law of chemistry that two contrary mediums (acid and alkali) cannot work at the same time. If you eat a protein with a starch, digestion is impaired or completely arrested. Undigested food becomes soil for bacteria, which ferment and decompose it, giving rise to digestive disorders and gas."
Fourth is about controlled consumption. It has been studied in animals that the less you eat, the longer you live. As long as we maintain our consumption and fill our bodies with water-rich foods we won't feel as hungry all the time and we'll be saving more energy cause our bodies will be digesting food properly.
Fifth thing is about proper fruit consumption. "It takes the least amount of energy to digest fruit and it gives your body the most in return. The only food your brain can work on is glucose. Fruit is primarily fructose (which can be easily converted into glucose), and it's most often 90-95 percent water. You must always eat fruit on an empty stomach. Why? The reason is that fruit is not primarily digested in the stomach. It digests in the small intestine. Fruit is designed to go right through the stomach in a few minutes and into the intestines, where it releases its sugars. But if there is meat or potatoes or starch in the stomach, the fruit gets trapped there and begins to ferment. You don't want to drink juice right out of a can or glass container. Why not? Much of the time the juice has been heated in the sealing process, and its structure has become acidic. You can ingest juice as you would the fruit itself, on an empty stomach. And juice is digested so fast that you can eat a meal fifteen or twenty minutes later."
Sixth thing is about protein. "Excess protein provides the body with excess nitrogen, which causes fatigue. Too much protein has been linked with continuously with osteoporosis, the softening and weakening of bones. Every animal has milk with the right balance of elements for that animal. Dr. William Ellis, a great authority on dairy products and how they affect the human bloodstream, states that if you want allergies, drink milk. If you want a clogged system, drink milk. The reason, he states, is that few adults can properly metabolize the protein in cow's milk. As for drinking milk for calcium, Ellis states that after doing blood tests on over 25,000 people, he found that those who drink three, four, or five glasses of milk a day had the lowest level of blood calcium."
"So, if you start breathing effectively in a way that stimulates your lymph system and you begin to combine your food correctly and eat 70 percent water-content foods, your body is going to have more energy to use your eliminative organs to rid itself of excess waste products formerly stored in the tissues and bloodstream."
The quotes are from the book I mentioned. Really useful information for me, so I hope some of you guys can take something out of this and benefit from it. Also, I'm curious to know if anyone on /fringe/ is interested in NLP, or if anyone has any thoughts on it.