>be me
>ask two other guys working with me how much they were paid
>they get paid $100.00 each
>they don't get up as early as me, they come a couple hours later then me to begin working, and they don't do the shitty tasks they mostly just stand around
>they don't actually talk or shout about the produce to sell it, so my theory that I wasn't getting paid because I don't talk I personally think is bunk now
>I work about 24 hours (2 days) a week for this guy and get paid $50.00 each day I work for him, each day I work about 12-14 hours
>I take home some produce with me but it's pretty much all shit and I just throw it on my compost heap, I always only take what he would be throwing out, and it's really bad stuff that you have to cut away the bad parts to salvage any of it
>if I was getting paid minimum wage I would be getting $11.00 an hour. That would be $132.00 dollars. Also, most places pay above minimum wage and if I work in some grocery store for example I can expect to make $12.00 an hour easy and they would pay more the longer I work for them. If I was paid $12.00 dollars (which is also the minimum for Canadian government workers) that would be $144.00 for 12 hours
>the guy I work for is an absolute dick, he's constantly mad all the time at everyone, literally every single day I work there for him several customers get butthurt and declare they won't come back or just leave bags of produce and walk away because they change their mind and don't want to buy from him
>he yells at other vendors, tosses some of his own stuff around in a rage, and rants about wanting to kill everyone and hoping others die and so on
>I think he might be fedora as today he went on a rant towards a Mennonite man saying all religions are the same bullshit and insulting him for his faith until that man walked away
>some farmer guy today called him a filthy jew (he's actually a Calabrese Italian) because of the way he is about money
>if I find a fucking dime or something on the ground he takes it from me
>once in the past I sold some produce that was my own before and he made me give him the money, completely jewing me
>I feel like shit the whole day being around him, I am just thinking suicidal thoughts and wishing I didn't have to be there
>I feel cheated because he pays those other guys more than me and they don't really do anything much different from me
I straight up asked him today if he could pay me $100.00 dollars for being there the whole day and he completely refused to do so. I hate being there and don't want to be there and feel humiliated being there.
I don't want to put up with this shit any longer. He's really disrespectful towards me and he's exploiting me. He doesn't have a valid excuse to not pay me more money. I don't know why the fuck I ended up in this situation and why he thinks he can do this to me. I want to ask 4chon's permission to just fucking quit in order to retain some dignity for myself and then ask my mom for permission as well and then if I get permission from both I just want to leave. I might put up with like 1 more month of his bullshit at most but after that I want to make the following demand:
1. Have me come early in the morning as usual to help unload the truck and then after that I can go do what I want for the rest of the market day and just read my books or help the bread man until near the very end of the market day then I'll help him load up the truck again and take away some of his produce he was just going to throw out and he can pay me $50.00.
2. He can go fuck himself and I just don't help him at all and probably avoid coming to the Farmers Market for awhile while he rages for the next few weeks because he has to work all by himself on Thursdays with no help because he won't be able to find anyone for Thursday as teenagers and university students can only work Saturday and he has two teens that help him on Saturday (for $100.00 each and both of them do not wake up early as me, they come like maybe 4-6 hours later than me).