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>be me

>ask two other guys working with me how much they were paid

>they get paid $100.00 each

>they don't get up as early as me, they come a couple hours later then me to begin working, and they don't do the shitty tasks they mostly just stand around

>they don't actually talk or shout about the produce to sell it, so my theory that I wasn't getting paid because I don't talk I personally think is bunk now

>I work about 24 hours (2 days) a week for this guy and get paid $50.00 each day I work for him, each day I work about 12-14 hours

>I take home some produce with me but it's pretty much all shit and I just throw it on my compost heap, I always only take what he would be throwing out, and it's really bad stuff that you have to cut away the bad parts to salvage any of it

>if I was getting paid minimum wage I would be getting $11.00 an hour. That would be $132.00 dollars. Also, most places pay above minimum wage and if I work in some grocery store for example I can expect to make $12.00 an hour easy and they would pay more the longer I work for them. If I was paid $12.00 dollars (which is also the minimum for Canadian government workers) that would be $144.00 for 12 hours

>the guy I work for is an absolute dick, he's constantly mad all the time at everyone, literally every single day I work there for him several customers get butthurt and declare they won't come back or just leave bags of produce and walk away because they change their mind and don't want to buy from him

>he yells at other vendors, tosses some of his own stuff around in a rage, and rants about wanting to kill everyone and hoping others die and so on

>I think he might be fedora as today he went on a rant towards a Mennonite man saying all religions are the same bullshit and insulting him for his faith until that man walked away

>some farmer guy today called him a filthy jew (he's actually a Calabrese Italian) because of the way he is about money

>if I find a fucking dime or something on the ground he takes it from me

>once in the past I sold some produce that was my own before and he made me give him the money, completely jewing me

>I feel like shit the whole day being around him, I am just thinking suicidal thoughts and wishing I didn't have to be there

>I feel cheated because he pays those other guys more than me and they don't really do anything much different from me

I straight up asked him today if he could pay me $100.00 dollars for being there the whole day and he completely refused to do so. I hate being there and don't want to be there and feel humiliated being there.

I don't want to put up with this shit any longer. He's really disrespectful towards me and he's exploiting me. He doesn't have a valid excuse to not pay me more money. I don't know why the fuck I ended up in this situation and why he thinks he can do this to me. I want to ask 4chon's permission to just fucking quit in order to retain some dignity for myself and then ask my mom for permission as well and then if I get permission from both I just want to leave. I might put up with like 1 more month of his bullshit at most but after that I want to make the following demand:


1. Have me come early in the morning as usual to help unload the truck and then after that I can go do what I want for the rest of the market day and just read my books or help the bread man until near the very end of the market day then I'll help him load up the truck again and take away some of his produce he was just going to throw out and he can pay me $50.00.


2. He can go fuck himself and I just don't help him at all and probably avoid coming to the Farmers Market for awhile while he rages for the next few weeks because he has to work all by himself on Thursdays with no help because he won't be able to find anyone for Thursday as teenagers and university students can only work Saturday and he has two teens that help him on Saturday (for $100.00 each and both of them do not wake up early as me, they come like maybe 4-6 hours later than me).


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I can't read my books right now nearly as much as I would like and do many other things I really should be doing concerning my occult practise. Sure, I'm making a little money right now, but in the long run if I don't fix up my mind and body completely through the practise of magick the little pocket change he gives me won't mean fuck all as I'm just going to commit suicide. I HAVE to overcome this autistic damaged mess of a body my conscious is trapped in, I must transcend, and he's wasting my fucking time for only $50.00 stalling my ascension.

When I started working for him it was under these terms: I would unload the truck and then I could go and later come back and load it back up and I would get paid $50.00. That was totally fine by me. Yet somehow he has roped me into working the whole fucking day for him now and he won't pay me more? Fuck this shit.

I am really sad, really awkward, really ugly, and have trouble talking loud and when I talk my physical voice sounds like this autist bullshit that doesn't even sound like my mental voice which is actually a different voice from what you hear when I talk out loud. Yet I am not doing anything different from those other guys, I'd say that one of them is average looking, and other guy is an ugly uni-brow sandnigger mess; and they don't talk anymore than I do. I have no problem selling stuff and I've done a lot of that today and there was even one day in the past before when I worked really hard all day because it was just me and bossman there and his wife wasn't around and nobody else was so I did a lot of intense hard work selling stuff and moving the boxes and flattening them and doing everything else all at once one day and I did that fine. I am perfectly capable. I might not be able to fucking sing and dance and put on a 5 star performance or whatever but holy fuck it's just selling a bunch of fucking vegetables (that are all old btw, he sometimes has a few fruits and vegetables that are extra expensive and they are super fresh, but he mostly always just buys boxes of produce where you have to go through the boxes and take out all the bad stuff and then sell what's reasonably good still)… also some customers today said I was doing a fine job and defended me when bossman was yelling at me for nonsensical reasons. He yells at everyone all the time in a mix of Italian and English and he's old and I think he has brain problems, I've been reluctant to come to such conclusions, but after months of working with him now and observing he clearly has some degree of Alzheimer's and just really poor cognition in general besides his absurd anger problems. He's completely illiterate btw, I asked him today if he reads books or can read at all, and he apparently can not read anything and all the signs he draws for the produce are spelled wrong. For example he spells grapes as "greps" and he spelt extra as "estra" today. A lot of times people don't know what he is selling because he can't spell the names of various things he's selling correctly.

This guy is a real dick. I don't think most people will blame me if I just leave at this point or a few weeks to a month from now. Someone might get me another job just out of sympathy for me after this shit or I can just go back to full-time occult study which really is a better use of my time at this moment in my life for the reasons I gave earlier in this thread.


Why don't you try to get work from another vendor there?



They don't want me and I'm sick of the Farmers Market anyways. I used to work there as a janitor before when I was 18 and they only gave me 3 fucking hours a week, forever, and then one winter just laid me off. I fucking cried and cut myself after that shit and tried to hang myself.

Why the fuck they would never give me more hours and I am not "qualified" it seems to pick up trash is beyond me. Like usual I worked hard and got a lot of shit done all the time but there's something else wrong, something that doesn't have to do with doing the work, I don't know what exactly. Maybe it's just a curse on me that I need to remove. I seriously should evoke some entities and ask them about it one day.


Put in two weeks notice and quit?

>I am really

naw, you just need a hug.


Smiley, why the fuck are you studying magick if you don't use it? Manipulate his mind. Control him and make him pay you $200. And I better not hear shit from you that it is 'immoral' and shit.

Alternatively, leave. Just quit the job and use magick to attract a new job that pays well. You can do fucking magick, just use it.



Some people are just assholes :)

Smiley doesn't deserve to get treated this way. You can't change a douche bag, all you can do is walk away. It's probably a lesson from the universe about self love and self respect. You can't control other people. You can however control how you react to situations thrown at you. Maybe this is his time to walk away. Other opportunities are available and will present themselves. The will of another is not yours to bend. They go on there own accord.



I'd rather use magick to evoke some spirits that will guide me through getting a new job and help me each step of the way by influencing people around me in ways beneficial to me.

I practise basic shit to keep my abilities intact but I am not going to do any major shit until I finish my studies.


You can control other people but it's really hard and not worth the effort generally. It's best to be like water and take the path of least resistance in getting what you want rather than going through a shitload of effort to do things a hard way.



>you can

On a larger scale the elites do it to the masses?



>On a larger scale the elites do it to the masses?

…of course; and they've become exceedingly efficient at it with the use of television.



>can bend reality with his mind

>can't hold on a job 2 days a week

The will of the wizard is truly impressive.

And now, tired from working even a couple days, he gets ready to give up. Because that's what strong-minded people do when things get hard, they quit.

Please, tell more how miserable and hard your NEET life is, I'm sure we can all understand how hard it is to spend the day shitposting on the internet and leeching off your parents.



I can hold a job no problem, I'm not getting fired, I'm thinking of leaving because I'm basically being cucked right now.

The other guys are working about 8 hours. I'm working about 24 hours. They make in 8 hours or 1/3rd the time of me what I make in 3 times what they worked.

I'm not physically tired out even though I've been non-stop working in my garden moving buckets of soil and logs and digging trenches and so on and not sleeping.

Would you work 12 hours for someone that pays you only half of the minimum wage?

Could you hold your head high if that was being done to you would you feel cucked?



Oh and about leeching off of my parents I've told them many times that I wish they aborted me, I seriously and honestly wish I was not born, and I promise you and know with a certain joy in my heart that if they push things too far I will brutally murder them all and post their corpses on here. My nation doesn't have the death penalty and I think the max I'd get would be like 25 years. That's perfectly acceptable to me.


This isn't about holding a job and btw I've been working at this job now for a couple months straight now.

It's about being treated improperly and unfairly.

…and it's more shameful to continue to let this happen to me then it is to put up with your shaming for wanting to quit.

My reasons for quitting is definitely not "it's too hard". When I quit I assure you I'll find lots of other physical and mental labour that is more intense and prolonged to do. I have shitloads of endurance.

I'm being exploited and treated like a subhuman.


My time is not worthless, I need it, and working a shitty job like this is just resigning myself to mediocrity and death.


You special snowflake faggot are you just trying to get loosh from me? I'll just send you a thoughtformed ball of loosh if you want.



>Would you work 12 hours for someone that pays you only half of the minimum wage?

>Could you hold your head high if that was being done to you would you feel cucked?

Can you get a better job? If no, shut up and take it. It's only 2 days a week, that's easy as fuck. It's your fault you have no training, degree or useful skills at that age.

>I promise you and know with a certain joy in my heart that if they push things too far I will brutally murder them all and post their corpses on here.

They pay for your food, housing and clothes, quit being an edgelord. Saying you're going to kill your parents because your mother took your computer away the other day is as childish as it gets.

>I'm being exploited and treated like a subhuman.

You're one. You can't provide for yourself and you're an adult, do you understand how pathetic that is?



The other workers could be related to him or his sons.




>Can you get a better job? If no, shut up and take it. It's only 2 days a week, that's easy as fuck. It's your fault you have no training, degree or useful skills at that age.

The other guys are fucking teenagers who haven't finished highschool yet and has no skills and shit and they're getting paid more.

>They pay for your food, housing and clothes, quit being an edgelord. Saying you're going to kill your parents because your mother took your computer away the other day is as childish as it gets.

I didn't say shit about my computer I was thinking more along the lines of them kicking me out of the house or something and I don't give a shit if they pay for my food (they don't actually, I'm getting all the food from the market right now), clothing, and whatever else they are the ones that made the decision to create me and then abuse and neglect me my whole life so I became the ruined mess I am today. I hate them more than anyone else for this. I will fucking kill them and when I'm done that I will kill everyone else I come across. I don't give a shit what you say.

>You're one. You can't provide for yourself and you're an adult, do you understand how pathetic that is?

I fucking hate you.



They are not, I know this for a fact. The other workers are also two different ethnicities from him.


Snowflake is looshing you.



10/10 post would kek again

as usual your posts are so very entertaining



Your sage indicates some kind of butthurt.


oh fuck you smiley

use magick


Wage slave or NEET Wizard what should I be?

Personally the ideal for me would be well paid temporary work assignments where I just do something for a day or a few days or a few weeks or a season, gets boatloads of money for my labour, then spend the rest of the year reading and practising magick.



In what manner and to accomplish what?



send thoughtforms to your mafioso boss

sigil your way into getting paid more

use the power of mentative waves to influence people

the possibilities are endless, but you're not a wizard right now, you're a reader




Well dude this is why I post as an initiate and not an adept. I just do everything enough to know I have the ability, to know it works, and basic maintenance meditations and shit but I'm holding back on really going at it hardcore and becoming a true adept because I want to finish my books.

I think the better path regardless isn't to try to influence him but to evoke an entity, talk to it, work out some kind of deal where we're going to manipulate synchronicity, and it's going to land me a job with someone else that'll pay more. This guy's a cheap bastard and probabilities do matter in magick, the more improbable something is the more effort required to cause the manifestation. There's many ways to riches other than through him.



Neet is life.


You are so easy.



Finish your sentence please.



you're weak



They could have meant anything mundane! Like…

you're easy toooo please


you're easy moves in martial arts are cool!


you're easy going


>that persons post was weak and there mum is easy m8


Why not work with elemental earth and Ghob to obtain wealth,

or use inner guide to remove the inner image of your boss from your inner world to change him/her with better boss.

Or use goetic demons to make a two way deal.They restore your dignity and you work something for them.


Why dont you learn how to program, code, or web design and make money online? You could easily make MUCH more money by cultivating some 21st century skills.



Loosh farmer


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>mfw smileberg is having to work for less than I get from the government for being a uni student.

top reality manipulation

at the very least you could do some low level contracts to design some websites or something instead of doing work that a 60IQ subhuman could do.

Unless you're saving money for something give him that ultimatum now.

Polite sage because this is a shitty blogpost thread whose place is on /ask/.


You're easily baited, calm down and work on some emotional alchemy to not let Snowflakes get your loosh.


This place isn't your personal blog. Oh, who am I kidding.


I suggest you leave him and find a better job.

You're already pissed off about him, you realize he is paying less to you, so why do you bother complaining and not just leaving?

Leave, ANY other job from what you described of Canada will pay you more and you'd have less stress.



because magick isn't real



hurrr durrr DON'T SAY MEAN THINGS!!!

he's a whiner

he's 20something and has no skills

he is weak willed and hates this world because of that

Hurr durr my body is deformed, diseases, my hair is always dirty, blablabla.

He could cut his hair, lift weights, get some monetizable skills and totally change his life while practicing and studying the occult (something that takes a lifetime, not a couple of years) but he doesn't.

His parents will soon die, he will be poor and ugly for the rest of life and then he will die, accomplishing nothing with his life.



>being this wrong



you seem lost, here you go




>Put in two weeks notice and quit?

No, don't put in two weeks notice at some fucking exploitative job at a farmer's market.

Two weeks notice is for jobs that you want to list as references on your resume. If you're doing manual labor for some asshole who treats you like shit, just walk off the job. Fuck him; you don't need to keep that bridge intact.


>work for less than I get from the government for being a uni student.

>top reality manipulation

Hahaha. I got paid for college too, but that was because I had high test scores, not because of magic.

What are you studying? Because you're going to have to join Smiley in the real world sooner or later, and your jaw is going to drop when the reality of the labor market hits you.



my family is fairly well off so I got myself more fortnightly payments than I was meant to using magic.

Electrical & Electronic engi, while I'm well aware of the shitawful job market one of the conditions of getting my degree is working in the industry as an intern for a certain amount of time and many interns get hired full time once they graduate and show a good work ethic.


Smiley why are you opposed to exercise? Instead of waiting to ascend, start fixing your body (like right now) with conventional methods.

Start with Muscle Control (basically flexing), Bodyweight, and consciously holding your body in better posture. Go do a couple sprints once a week.

Your voice is timid. Do you breathe with your diaphragm? Go pirate "Nancy Daniels Voicing It". It's dry but it will give you a deep voice if you do a couple exercises every day.

Have you ever tried yelling at the top of your lungs? If you can't find a private place to do this, yell into a pillow. It will release tension.

You seem like a good shit smiley


Get him to fire you.



Don't even bother, brother of the Iron Pill.

He will soon find out that the Iron Pill is the true Red Pill.



>Smiley why are you opposed to exercise?

I am not.

>Start with Muscle Control (basically flexing), Bodyweight, and consciously holding your body in better posture. Go do a couple sprints once a week.

I do all of this except the sprinting all of the fucking time. Also this particular month of May I'm not going to be doing any artificial exercise because day after day I've been working non-stop in my garden.

>Your voice is timid. Do you breathe with your diaphragm? Go pirate "Nancy Daniels Voicing It". It's dry but it will give you a deep voice if you do a couple exercises every day.

Would that be a permanent change?

>Have you ever tried yelling at the top of your lungs? If you can't find a private place to do this, yell into a pillow. It will release tension.

I can't raise my voice above a certain volume without falling into a strong trance.

Update: he is paying me $75.00 a day now and still jewing me, I guess I will stick to this for at least one month more, but this really sucks dick and I really just wanted to leave.



yeah, I didn't really care. It was rhetorical, brah


Jesus, dude. You realize that you got yourself into this position?

You didn't stand your ground, and you slowly allowed him to push you until he got you working for under $5/hour.

For real man, at this point it might be hard to get him to take you seriously.

But it's at least worth a shot. Show him that you have some balls and that you're not going to take his shit any longer.

Invoke anger, look him dead in the eye and tell him you're going to work the original deal, or nothing.

Or alternatively show up Thursday morning when he really needs you and tell him you're getting $100 bucks that day or you're walking out immediately.

Jesus, dude, I don't know how you even got yourself in this position to begin with.



The original deal was come unload his truck (which might take 1-2 hours) then leave and come back at the end of the day (and load it back up) and get paid $50.00

That was fine then. Somehow he roped me into being there the whole day though for $50.00 and he didn't adjust my pay.



Continuing rant…

You need to realize that you are working for a master jew.

He smelled your weakness and tested your waters.

He could sense that you lack the balls &/ self-respect &/ ability to stand up for yourself.

When dealing with people such as your boss you need to be as solid as they are ruthless.



Do you reckon I should wait a month before confronting him again about this shitty pay or even look into a better job?

For sure if he finds someone on Thursday I'm just going to tell him then I want full wage or will be leaving btw.



I think either way you should be looking for another job.

At this point, you shouldn't even wait another week to confront him.

Time is too valuable (especially for a wizard such as yourself) to be working for scraps for a dick like this guy.

I would say come up with a plan to demonstrate your true power, and in the very LEAST get back the original deal that you had initially established.

Thursday would probably be best, as it is the time when he is most vulnerable.


Holy shit we're only 4 IPs away from being a top board.



Keep working for him, but find a damn grocer or anywhere else and start applying. Yes, this will cut into your reading/practices, hard, but you're just replacing one personal betterment with another. Get up to date on how the job market works, follow the instructions, and apply. Keep doing so until you get a better job.



>tfw just don't want to work at all, it's not really worth it


Have you thought of working for a mortician? What I've read;

>decent pay

>heavy carriage (corpses), might see some gore

>slow business at times, might be able to go on laptop or read books while waiting

>might not need education to apply for

>might need a driver's license, though you might be able to work with some employee who has a car, helping him to pick up the bodies

>maximum /edgy/ job

I don't know if there's a funeral parlor in your place, would be surprised if there wasn't.


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>I want to ask 4chon's permission to just fucking quit in order to retain some dignity for myself

fuck's sake, Smiley, you don't need the permission of internet's strangers to do stuff



I would need a week to explain why your idea is such a bad idea for the path most of us here are walking forward on.



Please explain.


Smiley why don't you just go live in a buddhist monastery. You get all the food you want you have time to practice and in exchange you need to do some simple work around the monastery. It would solve all of your problems and give you a lifetime to fix all your issues. They do have english monaseries in Tibet. But if you want to learn from real tibetian yogis most of them also know english and could teach you. Don't hate people who are your enemies you need to love them. If someone cursed you if you have compassion it would make his life miserable not yours. I think the only problem would be getting money for a plane ticket.



Smiley, why don't you just go ape shit and the fuck the hell out of him?




>he is paying me $75.00 a day now

That's pretty decent for a farmers market. Just start looking for better jobs on the side and switch when you've found a better replacement. Hell, chat up some of the farmers, they usually have lots of easy part time jobs for people.


So the original deal was you would load and unload the truck, yes? So why do you feel obligated to do all this work when you could get more money at an easier job? Just go back to the original arrangement, do his truck, go home and study/practice magick, go back to help him, and get your 50. If he complains just tell him that that was what you agreed to in the first place. You might have actually screwed yourself over by asking for more money, because now you have to do more work but it's still not fair. Try to go back to the original 50 for unloading/loading, or find someone who'll pay you at least minimum wage.



>fuck the hell out of him

I'm not willing to defile myself by committing acts of sodomy with another man.


>having to do work for the monastery and adhere to their dogmas which would limit my practise


He wasn't willing to let me go back to the original arrangement.

I'm thinking of asking him to just find someone to replace me and telling him "find someone you'll be happy to pay $100.00 to that can replace me I don't want you to be without a worker but you're not happy with me and I don't want to burden you".

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