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Esoteric Wizardry


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> age 5, 5th birthday. Wake up after dreaming about a cartoon dogs face on the earth with alien space ships circling it and a vision of my living room. This is my earliest memory and my very first dream I can recall. I remember it to this day because I remember thinking for a long time how strange it was how I sort of just "started" from that moment like I was an ai booting up or something.

> sometime around 2nd grade I made a new friend, he had an older brother who taught me about this imaginary place called "ghost world" where we all like have super powers like dragonball z characters (this is in 2002 mind you). We l made up our own characters and basically played dnd in our heads every night pretending we were fighting bad guys together every night until they moved away 2 years later. Their dad was in the military but his job could never be disclosed. They moved to Arizona and I ended up seeing them a few years later. I'm hope to see them again some day, they were the best friends I ever had.

> played ghost world every night or when I'd listen to music until I was in the 6th grade. Every time I'd go there I'd be continuing my own little story. My 4th grade teacher once told my mom I had a problem where I'd just randomly zone out to the point where it was noticeable, this was when I'd go into ghost world.

> in the third grade I joined the "gifted program" where I went to a special class with other smart people and talked about dope shit.

> in middle school I think I saw a ufo. It was a solid blue streak that went across the sky. It was too fast and small and blue to be a plane but was too strong to be a meteor. In hindsight it probably could've been a meteorite.

> cont…


Here's the interesting stuff.

> in elementary school I lived in a haunted house

> my mom and my uncle saw the ghost once

> they've seen another ghost before too, hitchhiker off of some road in MD that led drivers who picked her up until they got lost.

> she was a woman, supposedly the old owner of the house or whatever.

> got crushed by a car trying to save her kids as who were inside a car or something.

> the driveway was a really steep hill.

> I suspect she was some kind of protector or something.

> my father was and is an asshole.

> he did tons of drugs and alcohol

> tons of bad juju stirring up the house.

> creepy poems about chaos would be written on the fridge with the letter magnets (may have been my father, we may never know…)

> one night I'm lying in bed. Feel soft lips touch my cheek. I Lee up and there's literally no one there.

> I didn't know my house was haunted until a few years later but I always remembered that night.

> crows always all around that house.

> were all watching fast and furious in the basement one night.

> we credits roll

> water starts to run in the shower upstairs

> we all freak out and hide in the garage thinking someone broke into our home.

> we call our mom leave out the garage door and start walking up the street and wait for our mom to get home

> when we get back the only thing that changed was shampoo bottles misplaced

> lying in bed staring at the ceiling one other night

> start to see like ancient runes written on stone circles that spiral upwards like a giant stone dart board.

> freak out and tell my mom.

> had tons of nightmares in that house.

> didn't have any when we moved out.

> after I graduated high school I had psychosis.

> I've been put in 2 different mental hospitals.

> I delivered pizza to that old haunted house I used to live at.

> the current owners said they haven't noticed any ghosts but they've found my dad's alcohol stash.

> the psychosis was pretty rough, may have been caused by acid or depression.

> this last part is kind of insignificant because my ex gf is a lying slut, but she once told me she tried to inflict a bad luck curse on me followed by a love spell that would bind me to her. Couldn't go through with the spell because she couldn't pick herself and draw blood.

> her neighbors are Wiccan so I believe this one 50/50.

I'd love to talk with anyone about this. I don't think I can tell my therapist though…. or family really.


>sometime around 2nd grade I made a new friend, he had an older brother who taught me about this imaginary place called "ghost world" where we all like have super powers like dragonball z characters (this is in 2002 mind you). We l made up our own characters and basically played dnd in our heads every night pretending we were fighting bad guys together every night

It's amazing how many on fringe have the same mentality and beliefs of a 7yo


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The really amazing thing is how little creativity people have

>Wake up after dreaming about a cartoon dogs face on the earth with alien space ships

>ghost world

>super powers like dragonball z



>haunted house





>love spell


It's amazing how conditionated we are since birth by culture and we believe the same fairy tales that our anscestors no matter how many years pass, without ever getting closer to the truth or getting any grasp of knowledge. Not even our internal world, our dreams, our theories or beliefs are safe, even from the smallest age. It's absolutely impossible to possess even an ounce of individuality in this world. Everything is a copy of a copy of a copy. Or whatever ironic cultural reference you want to insert here



I'm trying to change. I've stopped believing in fairy tales and I've started worrying about more important things like how to socialise


it's kind of a good thing that everything interesting that's happened to me just sounds like generic superstitious nonsense. I'll never go crazy again.



>You met a 7 year old who can into astral

>Probably thought you could too

>"Hey guys, this is proof you all have the same mentality as a 7 year old"



The thing that doesn't real about the "childish/7yo" slur is that it implies that aging and old age is GOOD. Aging and old age is not fun. One who has a balance childishness is superior in every way to one who is unbalance and/or lacks childishness.


I originally posted this in bane but I don't how long it will take for someone to respond or if at all. Plus I want to know what the wizards think.

recently started bane posting and since then things have been getting weird. A lot more accidents have been happening in my area.



Today when I was taking the bus home their was another accident. I don't know what happened I just saw a firetruck there and the bus had to go a different route than usual.

Just the other day I was trying to take a nap and when I was in that weird state of about to fall asleep but still conscious I heard something trying to talk to me. I couldn't make out it what it was trying to say cause it sounded like it was wearing a mask and I got spooked and broke the trance. I wish I was making this stuff up but it seems like things are only going to get weirder.



>“When you are depending entirely on a human being, the engineer in this case, then there is an opening for a human error and a tragedy like this one. If you have no system to regulate the speed, then that’s the core failure.”

Interesting how a tragedy is a good platform to springboard financing for automation out of fear for human error.



>I've started worrying about more important things like how to socialise

Don't rush. A life with problems isn't that bad if you go to the other side of the spectrum. Also, be sure to change because you want it, not because the old you was weird for others.


Yup. Having a bit of autism will feel better for most people than being absolutely anhedonic



>Having a bit of autism will feel better

This is what autists actually believe

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