At what age did you start your path as a wizard class?
>Optional: How old are you now?
Picture unrelated.
I accidentally into the whole incarnation.
at 14, im 15 now but im already much more developed than people who have been practicing their whole lives lol
I started my path when I was 16, almost 17.
I will be turning 18 in a few months.
As you may comprehend, I have studied the Arcane Arts and the Esoteric for a very short amount of time. I do not rush into things, I prefer a more natural and stable evolution - making sure not to cut any corners as that will certainly end in disaster.
Most people on /fringe/ are rather young, I'd say 20 years old on average.
19 is when I started really learning about things. Though I had some metaphysical, literally otherworldly experiences in young childhood and have been manipulating energy for as long as I can remember. I only just intuited but the smallest amount of knowledge that way, after I started for real, I quickly surpassed nearly 2 decades of experience in a summer.
I have been wizardly for about 15 years now.
But I'd like to say this;
Your brains are still properly functioning at a young age.
Most wizards are young. This is because age calcifies the pineal gland. You will experience diminished abilities as you age unless you counter this.
Youwill hear stories from old people about how they could 'do' stuff when they were younger, but lost it as they got older.
> 15 years
What can you do?
I actually started one weak ago and I am 18. I am sad that I didn't find this gem earlier. I was interested two years ago, but then forgot about it. And now one friend gave link to this board and I started reading books. So far It's good.
/fringe/ confirmed for gullible teenager board
age =/= gullibleness
Besides, it is good information to put things into perspective.
Damn this boards younger than i thought. I'm 18 now and really started to stumble down the rabbit hole when i came across a half/x/ thread on the Goetia almost two years ago now. Looking back on it now all things /fringe/ have really given an extra plane of meaning to life.
18 when I woke up, 27 now.
I've read that 'awakening', that is, becoming more aware and interested in esoteric subjects, has sped up; in the near past it took decades for individuals to reach the same point that some of us reach in a matter of months or years, meaning more people "catch up" with the rest more and more younger.
I was born "aware" but I had my "awakening" when I was nearing the age of 18.
>tfw only started the occult at 20 and now 22
All these young people in their teens are so lucky. Also if I ever have any children of my own they will be the luckiest humans of the next generation.
If I would knew about this board, I would be started when I was 16. And you are right. I am really happy to found this gem on the internet.
>Also if I ever have any children of my own they will be the luckiest humans of the next generation.
With your genes? I doubt so.
Imagine being raised greenpilled and your first book you read as a child being The Kybalion. By the time you're like 7 years old you already know more than most 20 year old occultists today. When you're like 13 you've got massively developed psychic powers. When you reach adulthood you're one of the most powerful wizards around, raised from birth on a perfect diet and exercise regime and having a strong memory and visualization ability and everything.
Most of my problems aren't genetic but due to abuse.
21 is when I started.
Most people of previous generations aren't familiar with imageboards. There probably are other occultists out there both our age and older who don't even know of this community.
13, didn't get fully turned on until 18
20. Although I did start creating a thoughtform/tulpa around 17-18, but I don't really count that, as I was unaware of the occult.
>start looking the subject up when 14
>atheist phase kicks in, dismiss it all as loldontreal
>start to look shit up again at 17
>only now at 22 doing serious reading
Thanks for stealing 5 years of my life ms. Depression.
When I was about 15 I found Joy of Satan and applied some practices but the system was 2edgy4me so I stopped for a while and got back on the path two years later.
Felt good going through 90% of Atkinson's and IIH exercises with incredible ease thanks to working on my will at a young age.
18 now and feeling breddy good, developing my astral senses as much as I can.
Smiley wasn't lying when he said getting to the astral was the easy part.
If and when you get past your issues, what are your thoughts on creating a magical family clan with a certain grand goal in mind that cannot be achieved within our own lifetime?
22. 23 now.
There've been a lot of Chaotes, Wiccans, Asatruar, etc. around me my entire life, with one of the latter being a parent. It never seemed like anything unusual until recently.
I read a lot of occult literature as a kid but never did anything with it.
started my journey at about 16. Been tethered by this mortal coil for 44 years. And no, i didn't expect to live this long
Holy shit how many books have you read? I've read about 50-100 books in the last 2 years I imagine you've read an absolute shitload especially as you started before so many distractions came into being. Have you made serious progress? Why are you still trapped in your body after 28 years of occult development? Have you achieved perfect health, immense wealth, refined astral senses, intense power of will, a strong memory, a big network of astral contacts, etc. since then?
>If and when you get past your issues, what are your thoughts on creating a magical family clan with a certain grand goal in mind that cannot be achieved within our own lifetime?
That's pretty much what I am doing.
>tfw all these young whipper snappers getting a jump start in their teens
Im gonna say this as a word of warning to all you kids messing around with the occult, you may think you know something but you dont. Your mind needs to be focused on higher things when opening yourself up etherically. An attitude of atheism and teen angst will make you prey to malevolent entities which you may pretend do not even exist, until its too late.
If you really want to learn something, move out and go where your intuition guides you. If your heart is right there will be a beautiful explosion of synchronicities teaching you things that a thousand books could not.
>not reading 1 thousand books first anyways
I bet it could be done in 10 years.
File: 1432026564055.gif (672.63 KB, 500x281, 500:281, How i imagine it would be ….gif)
>get hard into psychedelics when i was 16
>30+ trips total, good trip sitter
>stumble into the occult by accident
>read it becasuewhythefucknot.tiff
>mfw it makes sense
>imagine being raised by smileyberg
Jesus christ how horrifying. Please don't ever do that to a kid.
If he somehow manages to get past the fucked up jaw, the greasy hair, the acne and poor skin, the curly hair and predisposition for mental illness that comes from your DNA and still not be a fucked up human, your parenting will surely do the job.
If most of your problems come from having slightly bad parents, imagine the child that has been raised by someone as broken as you.
Found out about Aleister Crowley when I was 15, read a few books, but my little brain couldn't comprehend them.
Regained interest in the occult at 18 and started my life-long journey into the esoteric arts, I'm 38 now.
> ave you achieved perfect health, immense wealth, refined astral senses, intense power of will, a strong memory, a big network of astral contacts, etc. since then?
Sure, and he still posts on 8chan.
Jesus Christ, how fucking delusional are you?
>If most of your problems come from having slightly bad parents, imagine the child that has been raised by someone as broken as you.
Don't tell him what to do.
15 and turning 16 soon
been interested in /fringe/ tier topic for most of my life
have been seriously studying and practicing for a little over 1 year
Well every child has two parents (or well perhaps 3 or more in this case 'cause polygamy). My wives can surely fill in whatever I myself am too lacking to provide.
>Sure, and he still posts on 8chan.
There's a guy with 4.1 million dollars who posts on /fringe/. Why do you think rich people can't post on here?
….I don't know what I am, but I do know this.
My first memory was waking up in the backseat of a car.
In front were the people who I now know as my parents.
When I woke up, I was supposedly about age five.
However, I did not recognize my parents.
I didn't recognize the car.
I didn't recognize my own home.
I only understood basic english phrases.
I remembered nothing else at all, not a single thing.
Not a single person, not a single place, not foods, not smells, or feelings, or even what pain was. I had no concepts of anything except basic english phrases, and as time passed, I simply realized I suddenly knew things, things I had never been taught, or spoken to about. Simple things like toys or other common objects would pop with great in depth information the first time I held or played with them.
Perhaps it is difficult to understand or explain, but I do not fully believe I am who or what I am have been told I am.
Ever since that first day I have never been able to shake the feeling that I am missing something. That something is horribly, awfully, god awfully wrong right now, and that it's staring me in the face, but I have no idea what.
Sometimes I lay awake at night, wondering what I really am.
But yeah, enough edginess. I figure that if wizardry of any kind is real, there are other forms of magic, and I would at least suspect that I would therefore possess some capacity to it, and that perhaps my circumstances were related to this phenomenon.
Born with the gift but got initiated at 20 by forces I still dont understand.
2 entities walked into my bedroom one night levitated me in the air and drilled the top of my head.
Since then I understand things intuitivly and seem to be progressing into some sort of spiritual evolution step by step.
Makes me wonder if babies become possesed at a certain age and become a vessel for ? to experience the third dimention.
I remember "waking up" crying as a baby because I was hungry as a baby.
Read "Primordial Gnosis: The Forbidden Religion"
The agents of Lucifer initiated you.
Be grateful.
Not that guy but age has a lot to do with gullibility. You'll understand as you get older.
One of my first memories: I open my eyes from darkness, I see an imaginary landscape and I can see in 360 degrees and inside my own perspective. Then I can only see in 180 degrees and I'm looking at the same imaginary, light blue landscape, it looks like water color. I'm falling from airborne. There is a spiritual wooshing. I close my eyes. I open them and I'm standing in a field in texas and I'm kind of dizzy. I hear the thought "So this is what the kids [here] feel like."
I used to be obsessed with "training" myself when I was younger than 7. I looked at everything in terms of how it furthered or posed and obstacle to my "training, training, training."
Not any guy here but so far age has taught me the exact opposite. Live 50 years as a fool and you remain a fool. Even a 14 year old with an ounce of intelligence is better than that. Well, maybe not, but certainly less despicable.
Around 17 when I started tripping balls, which gave me intense precognitive dreams, although I had such dreams beforehand. I wouldn't recommend tripping, but it can help you just start your development, although psychedelics are the most dangerous drug in all honesty. The drugs did decalcify my pineal gland, which was a really strange experience having it opened so fast. I had no idea what I was doing until months later when I read about it. I would not recommend drugs, although I have met shamans and stuff who still smoke meth occasionally.
>Well every child has two parents
And as long as neither of those parents is you, they'll have a chance of growing up like functional human beings.
Why do you think I'd be so incredibly damaging that every other influence in its life wouldn't matter?
because a child without a strong father grows up to be a nigger
and you are a schizophrenic loser, not an alpha male
What are these people doing on /fringe/?
I started when I was 22 So I could fight the Jews and their masters.
Fuck you demon worshipping cucks. You look like pic related.
shitposting while doing real magick
prepare yourself because tonight you'll have some bad experience, i promise
How is your magic more real than Smiley's?
That is a question.
Smiley doesn't do magick.
He reads.
That's a feminine way to spend one's time, innit?
Why so internet mad?
Nigga I know how to deflect it
Because I'm not a cuck, you're a cuck.
Wasting your energy on little old me?
thanks for the energy
I'll soon get it back.
I'll have you know I'm a novice and I've casted two successful sigils.
Got involved in one of those shitty websites, "Pick your element, I wana be a Water bender! Is there a spell for becoming a mermaid?" At around 15. I actually managed to do a few decent jobs at scrying/healing even if I was a delusional twerp
16 until 19 fell into the atheist trap, and now from late 19 to late 20 I've been reading…but not really practicing much.
I feel like I'm in a developmental rut with all the answers right there, I just can't reach them. Hopefully, it will pass when I find the strength to. Till then, well, there's always image boards with sick maymays.
I mostly read but I also do magick and have no problem performing advanced magickal operations if there is a compelling reason to do it or someone wants to do it with me.
Every single year I am like 10x more based than the previous year.
so long as just the thought be it present, one can be witnessed doing magick even in taking a breath.
There's a magickal way to eat, to breath, to walk, to sleep, to be awake, to observe your surroundings, to smell, to create, to cultivate, and to do pretty much everything else.
The initiate ends up doing magick all the time in everything he does.
…but lets not make this seem like it's an excuse to be mundane.
It is really hard to do all of those things the magickal way. It takes a lot of will, concentration, mentation, etc.
me and you will work on a project one day
with his words, he made you come back, post and reply with a form of arrogant emotional display, showing us many of your characteristics without need to even meet you - furthermore the thought has paradoxically created in it's own realm a form of haunting as it has returned to re-affirm itself to you in your mind.
Started somewhere around 16? Im 20 now. I consider myself more of a psychonaut than a spiritualist at this point. Intuition comes so naturally to me I was controlling wind and ommunicating with my cat early on. Recently I've become interested in manipulating my physical body through neurochemical shortcuts so I can better receive and sense energies(as if it wasn't easy enough).
At this point, from seeing no energy and then experimenting with different drugs, I see jetstreams of energy in the sky Auras on plants seep off dark wispy smoke. I can now feel energy at a level I could not have reached this fast through practice alone. It's also drastically increased my intelligence and abstract thinking. Though I know a lot of you "wizards" presume taking drugs to gain enlightenment is bad, I have found there to be more profound truths attainable is such a short time for myself than any meditation I have done. I taught myself my own trance meditation before I knew what it was. At this point I can barely meditate for more than 15 minutes without being overloaded, and I can usually handle large reserves of energy.
I used to suck, but I always caught on fast. Before the drugs I was a complete scrublord. After, somehow it put me on the fast track to evolution.
what books, drugs and practices do you recommend?
That message infested your mind, you realize that, right?
The message is bullshit.
Similar thing happened to me when I was younger, I have also heard a lot of people talk about it and read it has something to do with the developing brain at being around 4 or 5. Technically your conciousness does not begin until then, you could just have a really good memory of when your conciousness began. Most people have it blurred between images of a little kid, and then an identity in school around 6.
Whatever works best with you. I dont reccomend anything because I operate on my own person level. I cant tell you what will work because its about personal experience. Look into yourself, how you think, how you act. Everything you do represents everything about yourself. Understand yourself first, or youll forever be stuck in someone else's practices.
I have a few memories from before I was 5. I moved to the next town when I turned 5 too. I remember my old house, I remember the backyard. I remember my dog and play structure. I remember the hot as fuck girl next door(teenager) that I was crushing on hard. I wasnt even 5 yet and I felt attraction. I was never really "conscious" till 10th grade. I had personality but operated on autopilot. It wasnt until I went through depression, bipolar, and schizo did I truly become conscious. I dont ever remember being "conscious". Just there. I cant even begin to try and feel attached to that version of me because it was not me. I think some people just need to establish a jumping off point for their life to feel comfortable. The farther back you go the more interesting shit you find. I just wanted to interact and socialize with people but that translated as "play with me!". At this point in my life, I realize thats exactly what I want to do, my base passion. This comes directly from the ego. Your physical body is a representation of that, and you donr fully develop your conscious awareness till later. I probably had it in bits and pieces but couldnt fully use that awareness till it was nore developed. Its let me separate the ego from the awareness. Your conscious memories from childhood are probably just the ego. Unless youre some super sensitive 5th dimensional spaghetti messiah, it was most likely just ego