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File: 1431825361231.jpg (41.23 KB, 640x640, 1:1, jenny-death-cover.jpg)





viral marketing?



I break mirrors with my state in the united face


>jenny's death becomes a meme

>people start posting it all over

>all that loosh is directed towards that idea

>jenny actually dies from the curse created by this thread

Thanks OP



God damn if that happens it's going to be a real fucking pain to resurrect her from the dead.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


File: 1431980465094.png (989.79 KB, 700x525, 4:3, soon.png)

Good night jenny, you died as you lived: as a sperg



You are calling Jenny a sperg?


I am alive.


vadlsdfl sdlfsdl sfdfsd fsd


saba dsp dfsppfds pfsdp


but who was phone?


sig sig sig




spam spam spam


spam spam spam


exploit confirmed




mein heart


>tfw only works part time



Is your reading comprehension really that impaired? How do you even manage to get through most occult books?



On what basis do you consider Jenny to be a sperg?



Does she knows that she's your wife?



She's the one who suggested it to me first and spent months trying to make me reciprocate any affection towards her.



You have your answer.



Answer to what?


"Young Hitler did not have a girlfriend. But he did have an obsessive interest in a young blond named Stephanie. He would stare at her as she walked by and sometimes followed her. He wrote her many love poems. But he never delivered the poems or worked up the nerve to introduce himself, preferring to keep her in his fantasies. He told his friend Kubizek he was able to communicate with her by intuition and that she was even aware of his thoughts and had great admiration for him."

Hitler, was just like Smiley.



Adolf fucked Eva Braun. You're welcome for this history lesson.



Smileyberg lacks the charisma, will and vision though. Hitler was able to sway crowds in his favor and turn an entire nation into passionate followers of his cause. Meanwhile Kenneth can't even convince one guy to pay him below minimum wage in order to stare at oranges all day.

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