>Anyone else get the feeling that somewhere along the line of evolution and history something went horribly wrong with the human race? I was reading about how agriculture was the beginning of humans having flawed teeth, and it made me think of how flawed pretty much every person is today physically.
>If you go out to a place where a lot of average people are around, you will quickly notice that nearly all of them are quite ugly. Probably 99% of people today have some sort of problem with their appearance that isn't just genetic, such as bad posture, crooked teeth, malformed jaw/skull, overweight or underweight body,bad skin etc. Although most people aren't considered ugly by the general public, the average person is very flawed and generally looking at them isn't pleasant just on an animal instinct level, you can tell that there is something wrong with them.
>I was thinking about something that you often hear is someone saying they have more empathy for animals than people, I think this is caused by the fact that animals still have their natural beauty
No. It is because those humans are degenerates and will be reborn as, as most, animals when they are reborn after death.
In fact, animals are degenerating not even a little bit less than the people of society at-large.
>You don't see a lion in the African savannah with bad teeth and a weirdly shaped body, an animal like that would never survive.
I see everything. Speak from yourself. You can't speak for anyone else.
>This also somewhat explains the "halo effect" of attractive people generally being considered better in every way (and unattractive people being considered worse)
No it doesn't. It has the appearance of explaining it but it doesn't real.
The reason for the halo effect is twofold: 1. Lust: A feeling of motivation to connect with others based entirely on external factors. Blah blah blah or 2. True inner beauty which does, in fact, suffuse the aura and leaven the physical aspect of that person.
>and why society is so obsessed with celebrities and models.
Wrong. I tell you it is wrong because I know what you have said to be wrong. I am not telling you what is RIGHT because I don't want to. I don't want to because REASONS.
>The crux of the problem is that normally organisms and animals on earth and optimally in tune with their environment.
That is NOT the crux. The crux of the problem is that organisms and animals on earth are largely out-of-tune with their environment. Think and know the difference from what you said and how I have corrected you.
>And they all live in a giant harmonious ecosystem that has literally shaped every fiber of their being and the beings around them.
I have heard an animal get torn apart by a predator over the course of hours. That is not harmonious. You are not in a place where you can speak with authority and also speak truth. Drop this subject and seek someone who can tell you that which you cannot discern with your own senses.