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Anyone else get the feeling that somewhere along the line of evolution and history something went horribly wrong with the human race? I was reading about how agriculture was the beginning of humans having flawed teeth, and it made me think of how flawed pretty much every person is today physically.

If you go out to a place where a lot of average people are around, you will quickly notice that nearly all of them are quite ugly. Probably 99% of people today have some sort of problem with their appearance that isn't just genetic, such as bad posture, crooked teeth, malformed jaw/skull, overweight or underweight body,bad skin etc. Although most people aren't considered ugly by the general public, the average person is very flawed and generally looking at them isn't pleasant just on an animal instinct level, you can tell that there is something wrong with them.

I was thinking about something that you often hear is someone saying they have more empathy for animals than people, I think this is caused by the fact that animals still have their natural beauty, whereas people are malformed and unhealthy. You don't see a lion in the African savannah with bad teeth and a weirdly shaped body, an animal like that would never survive.

This also somewhat explains the "halo effect" of attractive people generally being considered better in every way (and unattractive people being considered worse), and why society is so obsessed with celebrities and models. Most people are so malformed from modern life that they are simply unattractive to look at, and although most try to do their best to hide it, simply walking around any public place will show that attractive healthy people are extremely rare in today's society, and the average person is deformed in some way by living an unnatural lifestyle.


The crux of the problem is that normally organisms and animals on earth and optimally in tune with their environment. They have teeth for ripping, pigment for camouflaging, fins and scales to cut through the water, long necks to reach high leaves and such. And they all live in a giant harmonious ecosystem that has literally shaped every fiber of their being and the beings around them.

But that is clearly not true of man at this point. We got to this point via the same mechanisms but then one day something happened (your "thing that went horribly wrong") and human brains developed their consciousness or their illusion of a self (whatever it is). This consciousness allows us to advance faster than nature will allow.

Now we live today in worlds that are completely separated from the natural environment that shaped us. People are born, live and die in concrete jungles without ever actually being properly among nature as other animals are. We have a man-made society constructed on top of the soil and we all live within it's rules and machinations.

You're a human being but you cannot walk out your door and walk 2 miles in your bare skin. You'll be locked in a concrete room with a steel tin to shit in. You're a human being, another animal on the planet, but you cannot walk across the earth as you please because you don't have the right 'documentation' to cross the man-made lines in the sand that we have drawn.

And on top of these definitively unnatural structures that our bodies in no way evolved to cope with, we are creating new advancements every day and removing ourselves further from the origins of our biology. It's not that we should all become hippies and embrace the earth. Humans will always feel removed from nature so long as we are humans but our biology simply cannot keep up with the changing reality of 'society' and the world humanity creates when they themselves are bound by the rules of nature.

How many people really stopped to take stock of the repercussions when the internet exploded? For all of human history prior to around the last few hundred years humans existed in isolated pockets, tribes, chiefdoms etc. Then one day we were all connected: everyone everywhere connected online. Access to 7 billion minds and the experiences of those people. But there was no time for the human body to stop and take a breather in light of this new situation. Instead we all just had to grin and bear it. One more genie out of the bottle and our brains are forced to live under the strain of this new system.

We seem to forget (or would like to forget) that we're still fleshy, mushy, mortal bodies. Sure as humans we're the most adaptive species on the earth but there's still a limit. I don't think you can just neglect your biology and expect everything to work out. A lot of our problems (as humans I mean, not just wizards) come from the dichotomy that consciousness elevates us above animals in a powerful way but we are still just animals.

It's not unlike that episode of Futurama where they gave that monkey a hat that made it super-intelligent.


Yeah, I've heard about this. Your face can become deformed by mouthbreathing, and modern diets have changed the shape of our jaws.

Testosterone levels are on decline, as well. This one I stress a lot about. It's destroying entire generations of men and is probably the cause of much of the malaise suffered by people like us.

I was watching war footage of Germans during WW2 and noticed that many of the soldiers had strong jaws. During the few times I've gone outside, I noticed that this isn't the case now. Men these days have less defined jaws, while a few lucky ones still retain the trait.

We've been at this evolutionary game for millions of years. We should look better than this. Many holders of unique bloodlines have died cold and alone so that we could enjoy the advantages of their successful rivals. The only justification for their suffering is that the human race thrives off better blood, but I'm still not seeing the pay off here.

Natural selection is still going on, supposedly. Someone on here posted an article that there are more single men than women. It looks like some people are actually meant to die alone after all. Maybe it's not entirely our fault. This is the lot we were given.


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look at this guy

pretending to be a wise man


Nothing went wrong

Yall just losers blaming society for your own shortcomings





>why society is so obsessed with celebrities and models.

Celebrities and models do not constitute examples of healthy and beautiful individuals.

>you please because you don't have the right 'documentation' to cross the man-made lines in the sand that we have drawn.

butthurt degenerate that doesn't respect borders even though the animal world has examples of territoriality and natural "racism" that keeps species and subspecies intact.

>Instead we all just had to grin and bear it.

Most people are depressed sacks of shit today that depression is the normal state of being and they are not grinning and bearing things well.

I agree strongly that practically every single human now is ugly and defective in some way and only like 1% of the population is at all healthy. Our only salvation at this point is to become adept magicians and reshape our bodies. The blind selective forces of nature are failing us so the reasoned cultivation of a superior physiology must be undertaken.


This isn't complicated: it's just eugenics and dysgenics. Animals are beautiful because the ugly runts die without reproducing; only the most fit propagate their line. The animals you see in nature are the ones in their prime: the best specimens, and even their lifespans are short and brutal. Humans, being mostly sentimental rather than logical, have decided that even ugly retards deserve to have loving families and lots of children and grandchildren, and we've killed off all our natural predators that might have culled our ranks, so we have shit-tier humans making billions of shit-tier babies.

Evolution doesn't connote improvement, contrary to popular belief. An organism can evolve to be uglier, weaker, have shittier teeth and vision and a smaller brain, if that organism's environment allows for weaker organisms to reproduce.


Imbecile, go play with your x-box.


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>Most people are depressed sacks of shit today that depression is the normal state of being and they are not grinning and bearing things well.

>every single human now is ugly and defective in some way



I work at a market, a healthy happy human being is a very rare sight, I might see just ONE every few weeks. Everyone else is sick, obese, etc. and last time I was there I even saw cripples being pushed around in wheelchairs and another guy that was walking but had like an IV thing stuck into his arm and so on.

Another thing you can do is look at pictures of classes of school children from about 70-100 years ago and compare with today. It used to be that in every class there might be at best one or two people that are unhealthy and many classes were 100% healthy and beautiful. Now they are often 100% sickly, ugly, and at best might have just a few people that are fit and shown no signs of problems. Also many classes went from being all white to majority non-white.

I don't know why you're posting an image about projecting, just take a look at the fucking statistics, and take a walk outside in places crowds gather. You're delusional if you haven't noticed that the majority of humanity is fucked up today.


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Fasting and a mucusless vegan diet can heal anybody and reverse degeneration. It is that simple actually, but most people miss the forest for the trees. We just need to follow the rules of nature.



Not really that simple. I think it's a matter of doing the aibi.pdf thing, maintaining the feeling of wellness by an act of the will, while also trying to have a reasonable diet and exercise and so on that makes it take less of an effort of the will to maintain the feeling of wellness.

…but ultimately I'm going to have to do hardcore evocation and enter into some sort of partnership with a spirit to fix everything properly and completely.








Sadly, I am one from majority of "UGLY". : (. I born with breathing problem.


I just started to do something like meditating and trying to breath properly. If that's true, that we can reshape our bodies, I will be really happy.



enjoy pus and mucus accumulating in your body then.



>I was watching war footage of Germans during WW2 and noticed that many of the soldiers had strong jaws. During the few times I've gone outside, I noticed that this isn't the case now. Men these days have less defined jaws, while a few lucky ones still retain the trait.

I think with this, it's because so many people are "fat". Even a lot of people that lift weights for example are usually overweight and have a bloated look to them.

Jawline is all about body fat percentage. Being slim. The fact that they were Nordic didn't hurt either.


This is true.

Non whites, and fat fucks everywhere.


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>but you cannot walk across the earth as you please because you don't have the right 'documentation' to cross the man-made lines in the sand that we have drawn.

Boarders and territories are natural you dumb ass hippy. Lions, dogs, tigers, wolves and many other animals draw boundaries with their piss. Monkeys and humans form tribes and claim territory.

Those who do not belong to said group and trespass would be attacked or killed in nature.

In fact we are heading in the exact opposite direction in society with the international jew forcing this unnatural multi-cult bullshit on all European nations and are using their political/financial/military powers to prevent man from doing his natural duty and defend his territory from other tribes, and even more so, other races.

If anything we are undergoing a forced de-evolution with race mixing. That is why people look so wrong and unnatural, because they are mutts with no clear race. You can't simply mix random genomes that have evolved segregated for hundreds of thousands of years and expect the product to come out right.

From what I read mixed race mutts have the highest chance of having health problems.



>negative changes = evolution

I don't think you understand the most basic principals of evolution, son.


>Anyone else get the feeling that somewhere along the line of evolution and history something went horribly wrong with the human race? I was reading about how agriculture was the beginning of humans having flawed teeth, and it made me think of how flawed pretty much every person is today physically.

>If you go out to a place where a lot of average people are around, you will quickly notice that nearly all of them are quite ugly. Probably 99% of people today have some sort of problem with their appearance that isn't just genetic, such as bad posture, crooked teeth, malformed jaw/skull, overweight or underweight body,bad skin etc. Although most people aren't considered ugly by the general public, the average person is very flawed and generally looking at them isn't pleasant just on an animal instinct level, you can tell that there is something wrong with them.


>I was thinking about something that you often hear is someone saying they have more empathy for animals than people, I think this is caused by the fact that animals still have their natural beauty

No. It is because those humans are degenerates and will be reborn as, as most, animals when they are reborn after death.

In fact, animals are degenerating not even a little bit less than the people of society at-large.

>You don't see a lion in the African savannah with bad teeth and a weirdly shaped body, an animal like that would never survive.

I see everything. Speak from yourself. You can't speak for anyone else.

>This also somewhat explains the "halo effect" of attractive people generally being considered better in every way (and unattractive people being considered worse)

No it doesn't. It has the appearance of explaining it but it doesn't real.

The reason for the halo effect is twofold: 1. Lust: A feeling of motivation to connect with others based entirely on external factors. Blah blah blah or 2. True inner beauty which does, in fact, suffuse the aura and leaven the physical aspect of that person.

>and why society is so obsessed with celebrities and models.

Wrong. I tell you it is wrong because I know what you have said to be wrong. I am not telling you what is RIGHT because I don't want to. I don't want to because REASONS.

>The crux of the problem is that normally organisms and animals on earth and optimally in tune with their environment.

That is NOT the crux. The crux of the problem is that organisms and animals on earth are largely out-of-tune with their environment. Think and know the difference from what you said and how I have corrected you.

>And they all live in a giant harmonious ecosystem that has literally shaped every fiber of their being and the beings around them.

I have heard an animal get torn apart by a predator over the course of hours. That is not harmonious. You are not in a place where you can speak with authority and also speak truth. Drop this subject and seek someone who can tell you that which you cannot discern with your own senses.



No the jaw problems is entirely due to breathing issues thanks to so much pollution and bad parenting today and lack of knowledge about pranayama.



Oh and depression but that's related to the breathing problems.



You are suggesting that because something occurs from within a biological entity (natural) is has some inherent virtue. You have implied it.

You've implied something stupid and you are worthy of criticism for believing it.


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Sometimes I wish Prometheus Rising was required reading here. But it won't change anything.

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