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Esoteric Wizardry


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I'm young, drunk, and conflicted, /fringe/.

I'm drunk because I'm unhappy and want a form of escape where I can actually feel and get shit off my chest to others, where I'm then immediately guilted, shamed, and laughed at for my personal beliefs.

I want to run away from my mother and go on a personal journey as a vagabond to learn about myself as well as others. It's been said over and over by my family that this idea is irrational and that I should just conform, get a job, get experience, find a job where I'm happy (which I don't necessarily disagree to, but still feel conflicted about)

I just want to live on a bare minimum, learn about myself and feel happiness and bliss while accumulating knowledge from the sticky's books and teach others.

I feel that being "content" is a trait adopted by the lucky, or by the lazy and hopeless. I don't feel I will ever be able to become content. I want to accumulate as much knowledge and wisdom as possible, which is why I so desperately want to go on this personal journey to learn about myself, as well as others in our current society.

I'm unhappy. I want to know more. I want to explore, and even I know there will be no guarantee for change.

I would never consider suicide, life is too precious. I just don't want to waste it all on trivial things a countless number of people have done before me.

Should I go through with this, /fringe/? I'm not asking for hand holding, but more so different opinions and suggestions. Also, I didn't proofread that much; forgib me if my typing is shit.


If you don't want to commit suicide and feel in such a way, you need to let go and become a crazy motherfucker


Just save up 50k and buy some rural land and then spend the rest of your life doing wizard-stuff every single day and night except for when you have to plant the crops and harvest them.


Same here anon.

Maybe you want to team up?

West Coast Amerifag though. I could hitchhike to a meetup place.

I also have read up on lots of survival skills, from dumpster diving to making shelters in freezing temps.



Save up even more btw and you won't even have to plant cashcrops and can just grow food only for yourself and say fuck it to everything else and live off of your investments.



I've been legit semi-homeless a long time and I've gone through dumpsters and everything and you really, really, don't want to do this. It's not a viable way to survive.



I've read up on people selling what they find and earning a good amount of cash.

Just simply setup camp near a uni and go through their stuff at the end of the semester.



I am but a neophyte. Though I am still naive in a lot of things and would like to know more.


This is my major goal. I would absolutely love to eventually become one with nature, live in exclusion, and learn. Again, I'm still pretty fucking young and don't want to waste any time away at a dead-end job where I'll only feel worse, especially in these times.


Sure, also a westcoastfag. You're not after my benis balls, are you?



>Just simply setup camp near a uni and go through their stuff at the end of the semester.

Guess where I am? Right around a fucking university. No; I do not make any cash because of it.

Also they lock almost all the dumpsters everywhere.

Just pan-handle and also hold a sign asking for work to do and you'll get money and eventually someone will give you work to do for even more money.

…or go do seasonal work on farms and shit where you only have to work for like 1 month and then they don't need you and you get a couple thousand you can live on comfortably for the rest of the year.

Whatever you do don't become a year-round full-time wageslave.



No. I don't.

But seeing that you are also a neophyte, we could work together.


I'll keep that in mind.

I have also read that you could become a 'protector' of land for mining corps and such. Same thing with logger cabins. I'm looking into hippie type groups that are into this. Easy to hop in with them and get a place of my own.



Yeah, I'd like to maybe meet up with you. I'm busy selling some material pleasures to buy some gear. Where do you live?



Not gonna say on /fringe/.

Email me instead: sneakybeaky@airmail.cc



I also have a gear bag with basic survival shit. Ready to leave at any time.



Going to email you right now masterdolt@cock.li


>tfw have a bag but need a bigger and better one to put more survival shit in

>tfw could provide land for you guys all to live in trailer on but you niggers wouldn't pay me any rent so I'd run out of money to pay the taxes for my place

…or would you guys be actually interested in paying a little, extremely cheap, rent to live on my land in a trailer so I can pay muh taxes year after year? You'd have clean air, electricity, internet, and non-corrupted food as well living near my homestead and helping out with the gardening and you'd be living in a community that is entirely 100% greenpilled.



B-but how would we make money if we're all busy learning? By books, ourselves, or others?



Well if I save up more and get 100 acres instead of the 25 acres I've been originally aiming for maybe I'll have so much fucking land that I can make tens of thousands of dollars every year and employ all of you working on the land.

Realistically though I'll probably end up with 25 acres of land and the bulk of the land I'll be planting cash crops with a tractor and then harvesting by tractor with about an acre or so set aside just for growing food for my kitchen and preserves.

Who knows, I'll see, it depends on how cheap I can get land for.

You can make money doing temporary work in the area I'll be living in. There are farmers that will pay hundreds of dollars for you to hunt and kill coyotes and if you do that then you get to collect a bounty, you get meat to eat for quite awhile, and you can use and sell other parts of the animal. There are forestry jobs you can do temporarily. There might be a few stores around you can do retail type work in but they probably aren't suitable for wizards.

The key is to work hard for like a month or two and have the rest of the year off to learn and practise and to live an ascetic lifestyle.


>Farmers and ranchers earned a median annual income of nearly $61,000 in 2010, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The top 10 percent of earners in the field made about $107,000 a year, while the bottom 10 percent made less than $30,000. Farmers’ income fluctuates as prices of their crops change with weather conditions, oil prices and currency-exchange rates, among other factors. However, government subsidies boost income and cut risks. Farmers of small operations may have off-farm income sources, such as rental properties, interest on bank accounts, stock dividends or second jobs in non-farm industries.

Ah fuck. Well, chances are, I won't be able to actually employ anyone.


Yeah looking it up the guys who actually employ people have like 4,000 fucking acres of land or more.

Nobody with 25 or 100 acres would ever actually employ anyone.

You guys would have to find some work to do to save up so you can pay rent for your trailers but it wouldn't be much and the more of you guys that are hanging around in trailers and paying rent the less I'd have to charge each of you individually.


Btw the government doesn't let you operate a trailer park year round in my nation but fuck them.


Where is this located?



interesting post OP

im giving fringe a UIP so /sp/ can be destroyed


we'll make diamonds from their ashes


Man farming is really fucking unprofitable. Also all the articles claim farming is really hard work… but the farmers I know are all obese lazy fucks who have all the time in the world to do what they want and unfortunately waste almost all of it sitting in front of a television. The Mennonite farmers are an exception but they intentionally choose to farm without tractors and so on.

I just want to make a few thousand each year with a little work so that I can pay those fucking taxes and pay for whatever few little other things I may need and invest the rest.



It could potentially work with wizards who give a shit about their health and fitness.


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Have you considered construction work? That sounds like its up your alley, honest physical labor and enough money to make ends meet.

Farming is mostly automated now besides harvesting, which is seasonal and migratory labor. And if youre not Hispanic you wont get the job.



Are you suggesting I run some kind of WWOOF thing for wizards?

'cause I don't see myself as needing any actual labour at all if I'm just going to plant hay or other cash crops by tractor and harvest it by tractor. That can all be done by one man alone and without requiring much time.

…and as for growing my own fruits and vegetables and herbs and having a few chickens and goats I'd have that for my own personal health and so on not for selling.


>Farming is mostly automated now besides harvesting, which is seasonal and migratory labor. And if youre not Hispanic you wont get the job.

No shit. I'm not talking about getting a job working on a farm I'm talking about getting a bunch of Fringe Wizards to live on my farm without me going into debt.


Also the harvesting of the crops is automated too, unless I decide I'm going to plant my whole farm with nothing but fruit trees or melons or something. Corn and wheat and soybeans and so on are harvested by machines.



If you want an isolated lifestyle just live in Alaska and don't work. Fish for food and live off the land. Simple and peaceful as fuck.



>Fish for food and live off the land. Simple and peaceful as fuck.

That's no fucking different in terms of time expended then living on a homestead anywhere else. Fishing and "living off of the land" takes a lot of time away from wizard studies.

I want a perma-NEET monk lifestyle where everything is ascetic as fuck and arranged so I have the maximum amount of time and no more time than necessary is wasted on cooking, cleaning, getting supplies, etc.



So get to the point where spending time working to be self sufficient is a wizard activity.

There's only so much to be gained from reading.


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Sounds like you should rape someone so you can go to prison.



Do you have a problem with me? Prison isn't going to let me conduct my magickal practises and I have no desire to rape anyone or even to have sex at all. In Prison I wouldn't be able to eat food food, have clean air, clean water, be free from troublesome mundanes, etc.


>hurrr durrrr all you do is read

I spend more time actually doing magick than reading about it and while reading is important you have no idea how much time it takes to do all the meditations and work on complex thoughtforms and other projects.

…and I am self-sufficient nigger (to a very high degree), I have everything I need, only problem is the government is going to make me pay taxes on my property every year and I need money for that.

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