I'm young, drunk, and conflicted, /fringe/.
I'm drunk because I'm unhappy and want a form of escape where I can actually feel and get shit off my chest to others, where I'm then immediately guilted, shamed, and laughed at for my personal beliefs.
I want to run away from my mother and go on a personal journey as a vagabond to learn about myself as well as others. It's been said over and over by my family that this idea is irrational and that I should just conform, get a job, get experience, find a job where I'm happy (which I don't necessarily disagree to, but still feel conflicted about)
I just want to live on a bare minimum, learn about myself and feel happiness and bliss while accumulating knowledge from the sticky's books and teach others.
I feel that being "content" is a trait adopted by the lucky, or by the lazy and hopeless. I don't feel I will ever be able to become content. I want to accumulate as much knowledge and wisdom as possible, which is why I so desperately want to go on this personal journey to learn about myself, as well as others in our current society.
I'm unhappy. I want to know more. I want to explore, and even I know there will be no guarantee for change.
I would never consider suicide, life is too precious. I just don't want to waste it all on trivial things a countless number of people have done before me.
Should I go through with this, /fringe/? I'm not asking for hand holding, but more so different opinions and suggestions. Also, I didn't proofread that much; forgib me if my typing is shit.