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hi all, i know absolutly nothing about magick but i'm extremly willing to learn, please someone can show me where i can start my journey? i should have done already but i don't have idea from where to start, there are too much choices and i'd like to learn the basic before to venture on my own, there is someone who can help me? i crate this thread also for anyone who is in a similar situation like me and whant to start (i'd like to share experience and achievement if we will start), be nice and have patience with us ignorants please, we want to learn.

P.S.: sorry for the bad grammar


>I should have

There is not should. Only did and did not.

In the same vein i will reveal this wisdom, from uncertainty, which is an inferior state of mind, springs the line of reasoning "This is the fruit of all the things that exist (i.e. this is what happened) BUT these things which, in truth, the things on their arising depend do not exist in this world, COULD have happened." Completely foolish is such a reasoning. It is clear to the wise that would has happened could not have not happened as all things arise dependent on the preceding things and no thing arises when its dependent things are not present.

Listen, hear, and understand.



Let go of your uncertainty by observing and contemplating what has happened, and staying still until the understanding of "why this has happened" and "why no other thing happened" are your understanding.


I hope to have understood what you have said, it's useless to complain about what has happened, it's better understand why this and not other thing, because it's like an action-reaction, dependent eachother, got it right?

Anyway thank you.


Why do you retarded newfigs always ignore the sticky and the FAQ?






"Truthfully I say, I am an hueg fgt, spewing words, words, words; but little of actual value."



Exactly. Well understood.






Disregard this faggotry and just read the FAQ and then the sticky. Start reading The Kybalion OP.



>where i can start my journey?

Here. Always at all times be aware of yourself. Not once for a split second forget yourself.

You'll know you have achieved your goal when you're able to answer the following question without a shadow of a doubt.

How long was Jesus Christ's beard?



Shill you.



>the kybalion

>not a bunch of disinfo written by a western retard

Ignore that guy. In fact, ignore all occidental "magick". Start looking into Taoism, Buddhism and Neidan, they are all good places to start.



Shut up gook until you can meet me in the astral you ain't shit.


check mein dubs, they affirm the power of the occident!



Books, authors? You can't just throw Taoism at someone.



lol why would you need the books?

I'm not the same anon but since you seem to make it something important here are a few oriental texts.


Tao te ching - Lao tse

Zhuangzi - Zhuang Zhou

Oku No Hosomichi - Matsuo Basho

Shobogenzo - Dogen


As for a more modern reading of the same principles I would recommend Alan Watts and D. T. Suzuki. The first for his incredibly good humor, and the latter for his wide knowledge on the subject not just from a historical-name-dropping point of view but for his actual seeing into the nature of this oriental systems.



>Alan Watts and D. T. Suzuki

Mundane as fuck.



Define mundane.



Lacking higher knowledge and the ability to use it. Especially the later in this case.



Then there's definitely nothing mundane about those two from what I've seen of them.



They are entry-level Good Feels pop-philosophers that get quoted by soccer moms.

There's nothing they have to say that's worthy paying any attention to.

Fuck, you should have got on beyond them years ago, along with Wicca and other entry-level garbage.



I would definitely agree that they're entry-level for the most part, but then again is this not what op was asking for?

As for the apparent "feel good" you sometimes get from them, it is not in any way outside the range of the experience they're talking about, which is pretty much the attainment of Satori.

As for Satori itself it is the background of all that is done that is worth doing. There is no point in magick if it exists anywhere outside of it. So again basic shit, but necessary basic shit.

About soccer moms however… lel, anyone can quote anything and pretend they understand it.



Entry-level not in the sense of suitable material for beginners that seriously want to study the occult. I mean it in the sense of it's the first shit everyone finds and that is widely promulgated to the masses, it's the mass man garbage that's more noise than signal, and it wastes peoples time who are serious about occult development.

>As for the apparent "feel good" you sometimes get from them, it is not in any way outside the range of the experience they're talking about, which is pretty much the attainment of Satori.

I don't get this feeling at all. It's just people with neg programming get triggered by their shit into feeling good as it reaffirms their programming.


Understanding is incomplete when you aren't able to use your understanding. Intellectually understanding something versus the full realization of a power is very different. You can theorize all you want about maya but if you can't bend reality like it really is malleable to your mind then you haven't come to embody the truth you only grasp intellectually.

aka siddhis or gtfo



I'll have to disagree with you on your view about their level then. I understand they mostly talk about it just for the sake of talking, but this walking is circles seems to be what people who have not yet found the beginning of the path need, it is of course up to them if they'll decide to walk it.

>I don't get this feeling at all.

I used to so I understand why people quote them. When you first listen to things such as "The Mind precedes all things" it makes you feel that somehow all your bullshit is justified. Despite the "mundane" interpretations of it the claim itself is not at all wrong.

>Understanding is incomplete when you aren't able to use your understanding. Intellectually understanding something versus the full realization of a power is very different. You can theorize all you want about maya but if you can't bend reality like it really is malleable to your mind then you haven't come to embody the truth you only grasp intellectually.

So you've just described one of the conditions for Satori, there is no Satori without that. And they often emphasize that point. There's obviously a difference between mere intellectualism and understanding. That is why I recommend them for beginners, the more accessible language might be of help to actually produce an understanding, and not just search for the history and language of eastern disciplines as if the point was knowledge of the words and terms used by such disciplines.

Having said all that I would like to give you an illustrative example of why I think our opinions differ. I have been for some time now a musician. Most musicians start by listening to bad music. Even when they do reach a certain level of mastery in music and are no longer interested in the music they used to listen to, they often keep a feeling of gratitude for the music that have set them up to walk their path.



>You can't just throw Taoism at someone.

Of course I can. The search for knowledge is part of the journey.


File: 1432221544047.jpg (234.1 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, hideokojima.jpg)


That's the worst you can do to a seeker.

You don't know how awful it is to be given a keyword and dig through tons of disinfo. I've seen my fair share of charlatans, new age hippies, soccer moms and roleplayers alike until I finally found quality places like /fringe/.


File: 1432223829644.gif (5.88 KB, 437x152, 23:8, brujos11.gif)


Why so dismissive towards western esoterica? I find the best bits of it (like Anthroposophy and Fourth Way) to be well-suited for balanced personal and intellectual growth, something that eastern traditions seem to shun in favor of this impersonal passivity which, while not wholly bad, is too, regressive and not favorable for personal growth. And I find western understanding more, shall I say, coherent and understandable than eastern theories which seem to suffer from unnecessary obsfuscation (which can be found in majority popular works of western tradition, to admit) and superstition or "metaphysical half-truths not based on reality". . .

. . . though to admit I find some of the Taoist concepts charming and mixable with Hermeticism; possibly because they share a similar universal understanding of things. Still, I do not personally enjoy deciphering Buddhist or Taoist or Yogic proverbs and teachings because how "vague" they are.

But whatever suits the temper of each apprentice. I just personally find western esoterica to be more practical, balanced and empowering than eastern one which is more passive and universal than western one, (though western esoterica seems to lack this universality which I see as a positive quality if understood correctly). . .

And I do not understand your criticism on the Kybalion. I agree it has some disinfo in it but the Seven Hermetic Principles are quite applicable and testable, thus not disinformation because they can be verified by everyone dedicated enough for the task.



>quality places like /fringe/.

Keep looking



Well, I did find other places as well.

/fringe/ is the only place where I found useful Western Magick.

I can't take any community seriously that doesn't believe in absolute power.



Shill make a suggestion or fuck off you're just some assmad egalitarian trying to drive people away from /fringe/ so the Magickal Fourth Reich can not rise up to power over this realm.



[shilling intensifies]


OP here, i'll be serious i didn't expect all those tips and i'm glad i was wrong, you are good guys.

I'm sorry for not have read the sticky and the FAQ, i have read them now and i have understood this thread was pretty much useless to create, it was already written how to start.

Also i think it's better not discard neither western or eastern ways, i'll need to study both of them for understand better the whole system.

I'll start from the sticky's books and when i'll have completed them (satori included), i'll ask if i'm lost again.

any objection or better idea?



it's good, get to reading and practicing.



hey OP.

Wanna chat? I am starting my journey too.

Here is my Tox ID:


if you don't have tox go to tox.im and get qtox.


We can understand better if we manage to share our fruits, it sound like a good idea for me.

I'll start at 4th of june because i need to free myself from the uni before, so i'll add you after, there are other new guys like us there?



The faster the better if you can.

I have exams too. I chosen Tox because of privacy.


To be honest, i'm a newbie to magic too, but i think the Kybalion has all of secrets kept inside it. You just have to take each law and try to learn how it works inside-out, then you can maybe start "hacking" your way through the universe.





What the fuck is wrong with discussing things on the site itself why are there always people trying to arrange discussions in random chats and IRCs that always end up just being shitposting anyways?

Nothing stopping you people from talking about magick on here.



The problem is not this board. But learning together will speed up process.



instant messaging is faster and easier to use for such tasks, especially if it allows the anons to see when the other comes online.



If you care for that I posted my Tox ID above.

I chosen Tox because it has privacy and it's easier than skype or other Messenger.


Mind altering drugs and intuition are all you need. In less than a year with no effort Ive been open to open my 3rd eye, learn channeling effortlessly, create my own trance meditation, communicate telepathically with my cat, control wind, affect my friend's energy from a distance, tear down the previous energy structure around my house and build a new one, Ive raised my kundalini from my 2nd to heart chakra, sensed and spoken to the energy of plants, manipulated the weather, banished a malevolent being from my friends apartment, etc etc etc. I could go on but it just keeps going. All Ive done is listen to my intuition. Been into this since 4 years ago but never had real progress till I gave up on structure. No book or teacher can teach you more than you can teach yourself



Pure degeneracy. I've obtained far better results from books. You just didn't have the right books.


here mine:




Kek, honestly I just assumed he was trolling.

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