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Esoteric Wizardry


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RIP freedomboard.kirara.ca.
The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)


Ground Zero was here. We corrupted their egregore, evoking another to consume it. The corruption spread and many fought unknowing as animated by its pestilence.

Now look: 8ch.net/aristoi/catalog.html

Their leaders are in ruins. Their movement is a joke. Their mocking turn cannibalized itself. They have been driven out from the places where they were gaining traction. Their contradictions are exposed. Their strategic techniques are weak and transparent.

We couldn't have done it without your beautiful incel launching pad to attack /pol/ from, /fringe/. Something of value was achieved via this board.

We are victorious. We will stamp on their corpse until there is nothing left but dust. If you see them, use your virginal wiles to drive their laughability home until nothing is left but the memory of their spergish failure.


Never attempt to murder a movement that is already committing suicide.

They were significantly insignificant.





Yes skeletons can be pretty scary. But you know what would be even more scary?

Waking up without one.



For a bunch of know-it-alls I sometimes really hate how certain you are.

You purple mice shouldn't talk about the unreal reality till you spoke to her.

And yes indeed ,we do not have any bananas.



You're welcome here as a fool. Up your babble though. It's too much noise and too little signal for a worthwhile jester.



How disgracefully graceful you are.

The muse of discord feels all you little polyp.


Is this the group with that kike who called himself moldbug? His shitty name alone made me ignore everything about him and his group.



Yes. They were gaining traction on the alt/outer right when we decided they needed dealing with.

Looking at things in terms of Spenglerian cycles and neo-Feudal forces reveals what significance they could have had if not dealt with. They were crossing the barrier into memetic presencing in the general consciousness of politically minded people, so it was time.



So amusing!

Trying to control the uncontrollable as always.

Your little squabbles with those dirt-blooded aristocrats is truly my favorite pastime.


>We Killed NRx

I just evoked the egregore, it's still there.


thanks to mpcdot.com



Wonderful hosts, yes.


Everything is there in the astral, numbskull. Point is it isn't here. What is, is corruption.

Anyway, unfortunately /fringe/ is nowadays full of mundanes who've never achieved anything operationally speaking. Back when we launched this op were the golden days of sorcerous weavings in the world.


Ok. Now destroy zionism.



Hey I've achieved a variety of magickal operations but then again I'm an Illuminate like you and most of /fringe/ is not.



>Everything is there in the astral, numbskull. Point is it isn't here. What is, is corruption.

I can still sense it.



Nice dubs!





File: 1432525143792.gif (1.99 MB, 138x120, 23:20, FgoRjVV.gif)


>"O9A is fascinating" - Nick Land



That would be much too difficult. We need to deal with targets that are on our level.



I can not read that thumbnail.



try harder


Sigh. Remember when this board was about magick and stuff, and not about this gay infighting shit?



Silly mundane, this board was never about magick



>Silly mundane, this board was never about magick

Bullshit. This board was always about and continues to be about magick.




Aristoi flipping the fuck out about fringe and CCRU and demons.


Don't be mundane!



And why do we want to destroy a European nationalist movement again?

Apart from all of you guys calling them cucks, they seem red pilled.



People who embrace the Jew, who hold to universalist Catholicism, who are hyper-nominalistic, are not European nationalists. They are high-IQ nationalists; LARP nationalists.



You idiot, we're supposed to ally and support each nationalist organization'/group, achieve our main goals and kick the undesirables out of Europe and have a resurgence in fervent nationalism


All that your way does is weaken the overall nationalist movement. The rise of the right is crucial if we are to save Europe and the Anglosphere from immigration genocide and islamic dominance.

Only after the key goal is obtained do we split up on differences in ideology and the like.


Why do I get the feeling this was a ruse to trick us all into attacking our allies?

>inb4 it was some newaged faggots or SJWs behind this


Some of the excuses to attack NRx, are pretty lame, but whatever gets it up for you.

Did you consider you might be merely purifying NRx with all these assaults? They may be forced to develop a proper methodical strategy to preserve themselves etc.

Or was that your plan all along?


NRx shills are at it again!




>gay infighting shit

I think it's IOT insubordinates.



Sounds like divide and conquer to me.


File: 1435181667582.png (46.59 KB, 620x523, 620:523, you must all die.png)


NRx mentioned on O9A blog


>The O9A, esoterically understood, is not only a continuation of classical paganism and Hellenic mysticism/hermeticism, but also – via its logos and the mythos of Vindex – seeks a new Imperium.

>Thus, it has, exoterically, much in common with NRx, and thus – of course – with the raison d’etre of fascism and National Socialism, as well as being, esoterically, an arcane cultural game that is part of – and a positive contribution to – what has been termed Western culture, rooted as that culture is in Greece and Rome.




>Xenosystems is inclined towards arcane cultural games.


If you look at what the CIA did to stop the black power movement through COINTELPRO, they worked to turn the different groups against each other so they focused on fighting one another and became powerless. You guys are just doing the same thing to yourselves.

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