Do you remember how you died? 05/21/15 (Thu) 13:28:12 No. 40079
Guys, I just remembered how I died. It was intense as fuck. It's a strange sensation, I feel like I've always been awake.
I've been dead for so long, but now that I remember I think I can get back to buisiness. This is only the 6th time I've ever woken up.
Does anyone else remember how they died?
05/21/15 (Thu) 13:39:44 No. 40083
I don't remember, OP. How did you die?
05/21/15 (Thu) 13:39:51 No. 40084
Maybe. On about my first ketamine trip I was listening to the Beatles and watching this regressing thing on youtube. I had the sensation that I was being fed this iron rich blood and there was horror.
It might have been a past life memory of mine or a present-life impression of something going on in the spiritual background.
05/21/15 (Thu) 13:51:52 No. 40087
I died many times technically, but the very first time, in the first world, which is the only one that matters, I pissed off some kikes. I was very naive and openly tried to stop them from doing something big.
They tied me up and dumped me in a lake, with a weight. I drowned. Its fresh every time I remember.
Just keep your third eye open. Waking up isn't something you force, it's a state of mind. One of the rules of this world is avoiding cults and religions, to keep balance. Demon worshipers on /fringe/ are utterly retarded and don't realize they are destroying themselves.
Lord Quabala✘ !MerZyl9pb. 05/21/15 (Thu) 13:54:40 No. 40088
It is impossible for a healthy decerebrated individual to experience pain, pleasure, memory, dreams, or thoughts of any kind or not.
05/21/15 (Thu) 13:56:00 No. 40090
So many fake souls running around, not enough real ones.
05/21/15 (Thu) 13:57:01 No. 40091
Don't suggest my third eye is open. Faggot. Maybe its closed. Shut up.
Lord Quabala✘ !MerZyl9pb. 05/21/15 (Thu) 13:58:23 No. 40092
You have to meet souls where they are,sometimes you have to leave them there and sometimes you have to eat them.
05/21/15 (Thu) 14:00:11 No. 40093
It depends on who you are. With 6 and close to 7 billion people in this world, we're really back up. The majority of humans are like machines, fake and useless to the plan. Most negroes are fake and without a real soul, thats why they are so easily bluepilled by kikes.
Those enough lucky enough to be real and know magic, we will be fine. But the world is backed up, it can only hold around half a billion to just under a billion people.
People need to die and the happening is coming soon. Expect it before the next blood moon.
05/21/15 (Thu) 14:02:23 No. 40095
>backed up
Just because I'm awake doesn't mean I'm a perfect speller.
Lord Quabala✘ !MerZyl9pb. 05/21/15 (Thu) 14:09:53 No. 40096
They're all human aren't they? Every human life is worth the same, and worth dying for our amusement.
I mean not watching this happen would almost as much fun as walking through a plate glass window!
05/21/15 (Thu) 14:14:11 No. 40099
I can't believe I ever thought demigure was ever worth worshipping. He is such a faggot. What is wrong with you people? He didn't create shit. The creator of this particular simulation is childish and playful.
This world is very much like the first, it's the cloest copy we have ever had to the first, but it's still different, slightly different. The rules are 95% the same. The purpose of this world (when I say world, I mean the universe we can observe, not just earth) was to find out what happened to the first.
The first world was sacrificed by kikes in order to summon their master. They succeed, but time was reversed to a point just before the end, and stopped. It's frozen now, and the snapshot of that first world on the brink of oblivion is where all other universes come from, including our.
Our memories from the first world create us here. This world is a copy of a copy of a copy, spanning over 6000 copies. What you need to know, is that you're already dead. Your soul is here, now, in a new vessel in this new copy, but your first and true body is dead.
05/21/15 (Thu) 14:15:36 No. 40100
All human biologically, but not all have souls. They have delicious juice you can steal from them for sigils and stuff, but they don't have a soul and their capacity for magic is low. They are parasites. Eat as many as you want.
Just don't attack those of us who are real.
05/21/15 (Thu) 14:19:27 No. 40101
Put it this way, there's almost 7 billion people now. There was only between half a billion and a billion people on the first world.
Now that we're in a copy, only that half a billion amount of souls can be here. So the majority of humans are fake.
Then we count off how many people have actually discovered magic. We're few now. Then take off the Jews. Fuck evil kikes.
We may only have about 100,000 people who know real magic on the planet.
Even fewer remember how they died.
Lord Quabala✘ !MerZyl9pb. 05/21/15 (Thu) 14:37:07 No. 40106
The Goddess had a cup of tea with the Demiurge once.
She said he was rather lame and didn't even have any unfunny memes! Imagine that …. now stop imagining it.
I'm serious,some green dots will appear on your body if you don't.
The majority of humans are as real as the unreal reality can get. I must agree though,most of them operate rather drone like.But so do bacteria.So in conclusion Humans are bacteria.
Just less goo-like.
I don't wanna insult humanity as a whole but I kinda do,I mean I've had more action in a rocking chair!
05/21/15 (Thu) 14:50:18 No. 40114
I'll admit the times I were awake were few and short lived, and I don't have all the answers, but for certain I know this much.
Most of humanity is fake. They talk, act, respond, and behave like real people. Do not be fooled.
The reason my time was short lived was because the first thing I ever did when I woke up was try to kill as many Jews as I can. I won't make that mistake again. I've wasted so much potential time.
>green dots on your body
Good thing I know how to body jump.
05/21/15 (Thu) 14:56:51 No. 40115
Why are you talking like a mad hatter btw?
That's edgy man. Stop that. You're role playing.
05/21/15 (Thu) 15:01:56 No. 40118
>Good thing I know how to body jump.
Teach, please.
Lord Quabala✘ !MerZyl9pb. 05/21/15 (Thu) 15:11:51 No. 40121
Most seem pretty real,although it could be that the forces that try to impose their Order already replaced most humans with their projections.
Also there is no unwasted time to waste. Time flows in a circle.Every unchanging change you cause already helps fight back the control over you.
Shut up I don't wanna buy your used plutonium cores!
05/21/15 (Thu) 15:19:46 No. 40124
First learn the lucid dream.
Then learn to astral plane.
Then talk to me again
05/21/15 (Thu) 15:22:27 No. 40125
Oh Lord of Madness, care to tell me how you died if you remember?
05/21/15 (Thu) 15:36:15 No. 40129
I already do it, now teach me.
Lord Quabala✘ !MerZyl9pb. 05/21/15 (Thu) 15:38:49 No. 40134
It was a dark and stormy night on the 20th July of 1289 I was hit by a train driven by french king Philip IV.
This started my hatred of french aristocrats that lasts to this day.
But it's not like death and life are permanent truths.One could say lively death or un-life would fit the description better.
05/21/15 (Thu) 15:38:59 No. 40136
Then you should know already.
You lied to me.
05/21/15 (Thu) 15:40:21 No. 40137
it is easy to get to the astral
transmigration of the soul is quite hard
05/21/15 (Thu) 15:45:27 No. 40140
I've been different people in the astral, not for long.
05/21/15 (Thu) 15:51:45 No. 40142
Its hard for me to go into cause it has a very real resonance with me on an emotional level. Ive had several very vivid experiences from other lives. However this one time after trying an online hypnosis thinking 'this never works' I went into a sleep/trance and when the voice said "you will now remember the moment of your death." I started choking, feeling like I was suffocating on smoke. I called out in prayer for the Lord to save me and send me to heaven in an Irish accent, a womans voice. I am a man in this life. I felt that I was a yound women in my early twenties and someone had locked me in a barn and had was burning it to the ground. Even thinking about it now makes me feel sad. Its the emotional resonace of these things that seem to come from nowhere, from no frame of reference in this life, that confirm the reality of this phenomemon to me, personally in my experiential view.
05/21/15 (Thu) 15:57:44 No. 40145
Well you were reincarnated then. That wasn't your real death.
The first world where you died, that's your only real death. To learn your true death, ask not your conscious self, but your inner self. Ask what could have killed you.
Theres a difference between astral planing and going on a psychedelic trip.
If you're not trolling/role playing a wizard, it's all about enough juice and willpower. It's easy to find a vessel, so many fake souls, it's easy to kick what they call a "conscious" out. Find them by leaving your body like normal and attaching to them.
Just don't fail. It's hard to find your body again. And some other wizard might take it while you're not there.
05/21/15 (Thu) 16:07:00 No. 40147
I tried to cut the silver cord but it didn't work.
I tried to possess people's bodies but it didn't work.
I think you're roleplaying.
Lord Quabala✘ !MerZyl9pb. 05/21/15 (Thu) 16:15:26 No. 40150
But does one really know which one of the unexisting worlds is unreal and which on is only unreal on the surface?
By accepting my ever changing unchanging state of being I have amassed an enormously little amount of Power.
If you accept the gift of the muse you become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion against those who seek control.
05/21/15 (Thu) 16:17:33 No. 40152
>Just don't fail. It's hard to find your body again. And some other wizard might take it while you're not there.
What if don't want back?
05/21/15 (Thu) 16:24:16 No. 40155
We're all already dead. This is just a simulation based of the true world.
05/21/15 (Thu) 16:27:50 No. 40158
stop quoting camus you schizo wizard nigger
05/21/15 (Thu) 16:28:46 No. 40159
Killing yourself is easier then.
05/21/15 (Thu) 16:30:52 No. 40160
>I suck at magic so op must be a faggit.
Willpower. You need willpower.
either you're an rp faggot, a regard, or you've ascended to a higher existence than me.
To my perception, and most others,, the first world was the only real world.
05/21/15 (Thu) 16:31:23 No. 40161
Lord Quabala✘ !MerZyl9pb. 05/21/15 (Thu) 16:45:20 No. 40162
Your unknowing sticks needles into the flesh of my absurdity.
The unreal has very bad manners most of the time, but this is one thing you can count on: nothing you can't handle until precisely the point that you can handle it. Until the bugs stop jumping and you realize there was never anything to be scared of, after all. This is how change works, all is change: it feels like dying because it is.
05/21/15 (Thu) 16:50:50 No. 40165
Are you a wizard or a really old deity who's witnessed the rise and fall of countless worlds?
05/21/15 (Thu) 16:55:56 No. 40166
he's a roleplayer
he can't do shit
Lord Quabala✘ !MerZyl9pb. 05/21/15 (Thu) 17:35:50 No. 40174
When you stare at something too long, and you look away, and you see those weird churning splotchy pigments. When you do that, you're seeing the real colors of the worlds created by thoughts far older than you could possible imagine. Your little brains filter that head-burning chaos into something more pleasant.
What If I told you that every changing thought you have actually creates new life somewhere else? Every thought humanity had wander around in different worlds.Every changing,every morphing into new forms.The more people believe in this certain thought the stronger it becomes.
These places are unreal but real at the same time.
Any normal human being would surely go insane if it could see reality for even a split second.Those that do usually end up dead or in asylums.
The forces that seek control and order are trying to eliminate these worlds at all costs but for that they'll have to enslave every being with an independent thought.
The muse of discord will grant you freedom to visit these worlds of imagination,memes and chaos but you'll also be hunted by those that seek control.
Yes I was a wizard once but once I found the goddess she took what you refer to as "humanity" as the price for my freedom.
05/21/15 (Thu) 17:55:29 No. 40175
To someone young like me, there is no objective truth. No right or wrong. Morality is subjective.
To someone who has been aware for time immemorium, objective truths exist. There is a definitive right or wrong. It's so incredibly simple and complex at the same time.
Instead of searching for the truth, you took the lazy man's route and became mad. There is order in all chaos. Choosing ignorance over understanding is weakness, no matter how cryptic you choose to make yourself sound.
You're just a lazy cook with some magical talent.
05/21/15 (Thu) 18:08:55 No. 40176
… But of course, I'm still young, and this is only my current perception. Things change.
Lord Quabala✘ !MerZyl9pb. 05/21/15 (Thu) 18:20:59 No. 40178
What you fail to understand is that not only can you never defeat Chaos, but you can not hide or flee or shield yourself from the triumph of Chaos. You are finite and chaos is unbound. Every fool who dares to open his eyes will see that.Those who seek order and their self declared sense of morality strive merely to hold back our might, and it consumes them. Thus you can see Chaos is inevitable. We lurk not only beyond their grasp and within their minds; we lurk within their souls, on the tip of their tongues, in their dreams. We are them, but freed from the shackles that bind them.We are them, but so much more! And this is the ultimate Truth. You can seek your own "truths" but you won't find them no matter how hard you try.There is only this one truth and it'll drive you mad,or should I say more sane? Who decides these things anyway.
05/21/15 (Thu) 18:31:17 No. 40179
If you're so powerful then why aren't we defeated yet? In all chaos there is calculation. I don't need to understand chaos to know that much.
But it would be fun to muse. It's an attractive notion.
05/21/15 (Thu) 18:40:00 No. 40181
God Danmit dude you're really poking at my curiosity here. It sucks because I always looked for the goodness in evil.
It started with Hitler. In other worlds it was other people too, but much like Hitler they were historically misunderstood. All I want to do is understand. Is there a name for your goddess, or is it the same who made this world? How do I see chaos? How do I became the insane fuck at the asylum?
If I never see it I will always wonder about it.
05/21/15 (Thu) 18:49:34 No. 40182
Lord Quabala✘ !MerZyl9pb. 05/21/15 (Thu) 19:12:13 No. 40187
You won't make any sense of the absurdity with calculations. Thats how our enemies try to defeat us.Logic,clinging to their "sanity "and their little sense of "morality"
And defeat you? haha No It would be terribly boring without you. Your silly little antics and strife just provide energy to us.
Goodness and evil are irrelevant concepts made up by those very people that try to close your mind.
You will understand if you don't understand. The muse of discord will open your mind so you understand nothing and everything. Truly hail Discordia,she'll grant you the eyes to see everything and nothing at the same time!.
And the best way to contact her is by causing Discord,Chaos and Strife,maybe you'll hear her voice or not.Who knows?
Just mess up their stiff homogenized world.Go against their "rules" you'll soon notice that the forces that seek control will try to enslave you or try to remove you entirely.
Oh, my, how the world still dearly loves a cage.
05/21/15 (Thu) 19:17:31 No. 40190
05/21/15 (Thu) 19:24:52 No. 40191
I'll continue to do whatever is fun for me, mad hatter. Isn't that all that really matters? Having fun? Existing?
If I find it more fun to accept the muse, I'll stand with you. If I find it more fun to be the gallant hero who destroys you, I will.
What's fun right now is learning, and figuring out how to astral plane with a place with catgirls.
Lord Quabala✘ !MerZyl9pb. 05/21/15 (Thu) 19:30:17 No. 40194
Now you got it.
Catgirls already exist on a unreal world.
We have them with and without dicks.
05/21/15 (Thu) 19:36:58 No. 40195
yo nigger i've had an encounter with eris. Way back I had therapy and got my life together. I was super happy, like sunny disposition happy. It's the cloisest i've ever been to "enlightened". Then one day I wake up and i'm hearing peoples thoughts and picking up subliminal messages in the words of anyone I interact with. I even see it on the television.
It soon devolved to everyone I interacted with being this same character, who I now know to be eris. I remember the night before they sent me to the nuthouse I started convulsing on my bed and the person on my TV just started shouting YOU ARE JESUS over and over again until I snapped out of it. Loads of other weird shit happened during that period also but that one was particularly mind bending.
Admittedly before getting detained it was an exceptionally entertaining experience, but I still don't get why she came and fucked up my brain after I got my life sorted out. Do you have any idea why? Or is it as simple as because she felt like it?
05/21/15 (Thu) 19:37:49 No. 40197
You can be chaotic without being weak minded, you know.
05/21/15 (Thu) 19:40:54 No. 40198
I got to admit I am a huge fucking faggot in this vessel. Was. I don't even want to bother fixing the body, I'll just find a new one.
He did teach me I like catgirls though. I'm going to find one and have her for domestic ownership.
And I got to admit, out of all the world's I've experienced, this one has very good entertainment, enough to distract you forever.
05/21/15 (Thu) 19:46:18 No. 40201
Doesn't anything explode with enough heat? That's not very chaotic, that's just a fact…
Lord Quabala✘ !MerZyl9pb. 05/21/15 (Thu) 19:55:07 No. 40207
Maybe you did something to attract her attention.
She just likes to amuse herself that way.Especially after you think "you got your life sorted out"
I for one haven't met another intelligent species yet,not even on an unreal world.
Only products of Human imagination. Maybe the goddess limited my access to the unreal worlds so I won't find any ayyliens that weren't a product of human imagination.
And why yes human entertainment is the best there is,but then again it's the only sort of entertainment I know.
No things explode with enough cold.
05/21/15 (Thu) 19:59:40 No. 40209
Lord Quabble Quack you are so terribly entertaining and I don't know if in want the conversation to end. I'm going to make good use of my time here so I can learn dank magic.
Without going around killing kikes off the bat and getting myself killed.
What's your opinion on kikes?
Lord Quabala✘ !MerZyl9pb. 05/21/15 (Thu) 20:09:22 No. 40210
Human squabbles have become irrelevant to me.
As long as you bash each others head in over whatever and provide enough strife energy it's all good.
If you ever try to achieve harmony the goddess will most certainly intervene anyway.
Lord Quabala✘ !MerZyl9pb. 05/21/15 (Thu) 20:11:24 No. 40211
Although the things over what you bash each others heads in are quiet amusing.
And it's always fun to come up with new things you fight each other over.
05/21/15 (Thu) 20:12:36 No. 40212
>not knowing the Jews destroyed the first world to summon their master
Do you realize how influential they are?
Lord Quabala✘ !MerZyl9pb. 05/21/15 (Thu) 20:20:03 No. 40214
They haven't destroyed anything.
Most sons of Abraham try to force their order and control on Humanity though.
Then again abrahamic religions were invented by us anyway.
The Jesus and Mohammad you humans worship so much were actually discordians.
05/21/15 (Thu) 20:21:23 No. 40215
I'm afraid I must leave after your next response Ser Quacky Snack. But by the laws of attraction I hope we do cross paths again.
Lord Quabala✘ !MerZyl9pb. 05/21/15 (Thu) 20:24:42 No. 40217
Most certainly we will,maybe,or not.
I charged up my strife energy anyway so I can go explore new unreal worlds now.
05/21/15 (Thu) 20:25:59 No. 40218
I'm not entirely convinced that they aren't responsible for the fall of the first world, but I no longer have time to talk. Thank you.
05/21/15 (Thu) 20:26:25 No. 40219
I got normal energy. Ur welcome.
05/21/15 (Thu) 22:21:47 No. 40262
What is this first world you speak of? New roleplay?
05/21/15 (Thu) 22:47:55 No. 40266
Read the thread, already explained it.
>first world exists
>Jews are jewing
>cause the end of the universe/world to bring back the Jew's master
>time is reversed to just before the end
>snapshot of first world is taken to make new ones
>we are all dead, living within a copy of a copy spanning over 6000 copys.
>Trying to bring the first world back and save it.
>It's possible to remember how you died in the first world / and everything else from other copied world
>apparently different world copies are made by different deities, the one of this one is childish
Did I get it right?
05/21/15 (Thu) 22:51:00 No. 40267
Even Lord Quabala✘ has been calling other places in the astral plane "unreal worlds" for a while now. But he doesn't think the first world is any less real than the one we are in now. Or maybe he does.
05/21/15 (Thu) 22:54:10 No. 40269
Where can I read about this?
05/21/15 (Thu) 22:58:35 No. 40270
Pretty sure this is a cats cradle kind of topic
They have archives here that you can read but it's all I know about. It will ehnace your understanding of the astral plane / other realities, but won't make you any more magical. But then again knowledge is power.
05/21/15 (Thu) 23:07:14 No. 40275
SAGE! 05/21/15 (Thu) 23:12:55 No. 40277
Oh wow is this the hundreth fringe clone now?
05/21/15 (Thu) 23:13:30 No. 40278
It's a subtopic, I wouldent get so assmad.
05/21/15 (Thu) 23:16:51 No. 40281
Btw, the "being immortal = you go mad with boredom" thing is just a myth. If it were true, People like OP would be mad the second they remember how they died.
05/21/15 (Thu) 23:34:49 No. 40287
Not necessarily. It depends on if said immortal is living in a sustainable way or not. Someone who is self-destructive due to suffering but is somehow kept from dying would go mad with suffering. Someone who is self-sustaining due to equanimity would be completely fine doing as they do For. Ever.
06/08/15 (Mon) 04:17:11 No. 43132
>enormously little
/\thats cute
how should my anima be resurrected to honor sophia?
06/08/15 (Mon) 23:50:59 No. 43256
>The creator of this particular simulation is childish and playful.
Creator confirmed for mah niggah. 10/10 will worship.
06/11/15 (Thu) 00:02:19 No. 43534
>all these plebs talking about "real" and "unreal" worlds.
What's real and unreal is a state of mind. Nothing is more or less real than any other thing, and that includes things that exist externally to the fourth dimension.
06/11/15 (Thu) 00:19:04 No. 43536
I didn't die, I chose to have a experience here.
06/11/15 (Thu) 03:37:17 No. 43546
>childish and playful
06/22/15 (Mon) 15:24:39 No. 44628
heavy stuff.. how are you now?
to answer OP's question: yes. I'll explain why. In some cultures it is believed that birthmarks are marks of where your body was murdered in a previous life. Sometime ago I saw this video of a man being shot in the head. At the same time a boy was born very close to the man that was shot to death. The boy had a birthmark on his head that resembled the bullet wound that man received.
I have a 3cm diameter birthmark under my left armpit, on the left side of my chest. That in itself isn't that spectacular. However, on the right side of my chest, about 20 centimeters lower than the birth mark on my left chest, there also is a birthmark! I This one is slightly smaller and more fractured. checked it in the mirror, and the angle resembled to me the entry and exit point of a bullet.
I have deduced three options.
A) Somebody put a gun under my armpit up close assassin style and ended my previous life. Why was I assassinated? Because I did something good or did something bad?
B) I was hit by a bullet in the war while I was waving at my friend, Hanz.
C) I was making pirouettes while working in my garden in Russia. I tripped over Ivan the dog and fell, like a dying swan with my arms thrown up high, on a pointy stick that I placed there.
C tickles my fancy.
06/22/15 (Mon) 15:39:14 No. 44629
Sometimes, when I think about it intently, a twitch and a small implosion happens. Like my whole body and part of my being is wrapped around that point.
No clear vivid memories, though. Just a vague nudge from the twilight.
06/22/15 (Mon) 16:16:35 No. 44632
When I was a kid I had a vision of dying in a plane crash when I was walking through the forest by my house.
Another time I had one of sitting around a campfire at night with friends in what appeared to be ancient Britain, solemnly, waiting to fight a battle in the morning that we were going to be destroyed in.
06/22/15 (Mon) 18:54:33 No. 44646
When I was a kid I had a dream in which I was in some building and tried to get out, I remember the feeling of urgency, like I had to warn someone about something bad.
I was running down the staircase when I heard footsteps chasing me, I rushed to the exit, but I was too slow.
Several guys with guns caught up to me just when I was leaving the building and shot me dead.
The last memory is my body slowly falling, leaning against the exit door.
I just hope that whoever it was I wanted to warn managed to survive without me.
The dream itself was very vivid and didn't really match other dreams I had at that time.