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File: 1432235352210.png (231.69 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Scootaloo_scared_2_S3E06.png)


>hide sigils in "good" pony porn

>people fap to it

>sigils are mass charged

Why aren't we doing this? Get a good drawfag on board and get some use out of these fucking bronies.

I suggest "Kike Suicide"

>K Scd


File: 1432235455564.jpg (11.99 KB, 501x504, 167:168, kike.jpg)

>every time a brony clops, a kike kills himself




Drawfag here.

I already did this with some ebola-chan pics to help spread it.

I also tried to make a collective thoughtform that would act has a sex doll for Anons. However this project didn't spread big enough.

I'm interested on making another attempt to amass energy through horny teenagers. I'm hearing ideas.



I'm not sure enough people on fringe hate kikes to get involved. But, what would be hilarious is to make a sigil for Niggers to kill themselves.

Honestly the possibilities are endless here. People should think of ideas.


Or we could be nice guys and make healthy sigils so that whoever faps to them go to the gym.


sigils are inherently personal.

whatever you feel through this ritual is only through your own spiritual power.

focus on that power rather than the the feeing of ritual.


File: 1432243566252.jpg (32.69 KB, 640x370, 64:37, 1431813521698.jpg)


Brilliant idea good sir. We should do a recon mission to /mlp/ and save all the "good" pictures those autistpervs fap to. Then we inject magic into them and release them back to halfchan's /mlp/ on a new thread entirely made and posted in by us.

We need some low profile sigils though. I'm thinking we should add them into key focus points of the pictures(that they stare at while fapping), in a SLIGHTLY different color that wouldn't be noticeable unless they actually looked for them.



Anudda idea: Upload porn videos to porn sites with sigils spliced into them. Preferably edited into the actual frame, not a random black frame with a huge sigil on it, because people will notice that shit.

We can upload popular porn from other porn websites that we edited



Can we have an example of your work with Ebola chan?


File: 1432244410244.jpg (208.47 KB, 921x1248, 307:416, 1409731960325.jpg)



Spotted the sigil on the bottom left, right above her knee.

Also good art. Can you draw horse vagina? Cause we need horse vagina.


File: 1432244962331.jpg (76.89 KB, 666x499, 666:499, thats-not-how-any-of-this-….jpg)


That won't work.



If that's what you believe than you make it true.



Of course I can draw horse vaginas, it is part of my essential training as an artist.

Now, I have been wondering, it it possible to make 3D sigils? like with wire or threads? because I have some ideas to hide it better.



>Things I never thought about

not sure… But I don't see why not. It's all about energy and intent anyway.



>3d on 2d image

the viewers wouldent see the whole sigil. I don't think so.




>the merchants dont inject sigils of cocks and shit into disney movies

>it doesnt work

Kek this generation raised on disney has grown to be the most degenerate generation in the entire existence of humanity.



It will not not work because sigils don't work. It won't work because sigils work not like.



How do you know?

With the sigil in the image, it will appear in their subconscious mind and be charged. You do not have to actively focus on it.



You don't understand. Nobody fucking understands.

Sigils do and don't work. All they are is a focus. You can cast anything with enough energy and will, but a sigil helps the mind direct the energy. It's like a magnifying glass under sunlight.

There's no reason you shouldn't use sigils because they increase the likelyhood of your desired result. You can cast without them but it's likely to fuck up.



>How do you know?

That is a question.

>With the sigil in the image, it will appear in their subconscious mind and be charged.

How then does that energy disperse?



You misunderstand >>40297.


File: 1432347232915.png (123.5 KB, 966x1024, 483:512, Let me tell you why that's….png)


Ponyfag here, allow me to lend you some assistance.


Hit Filter in the top right, use the "Everything" filter at the top.

Enter "upvotes galore" and/or "wall of faves" in the search bar, just seperate them with commas.

All the images that show up will be ones that have a 200+ score or a ton of people hitting "favourite" on it.

If you upload your edited version of the porn to that site and can convince the mods there that it's different enough to keep, they'll merge the previous image into your new one, along with any bookmarks / watchlists that people had set up for the previous image.

You can narrow down your search by simply adding more tags, it's quite extensive at this point so just see what works.

Tell uncle /pol/ i said hi.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


For some people using sigils just makes them doubt more and undermines their work.

…and I've been saying what you're saying for a long time.

There's a reason this girl goes into trance making her sigil.

A sigil is just a way to focus your intent.




I think I will take it from here

As you can see Ponyfag gave us way to spread sigils, but what are you going to throw in your sigil?usual stuff?no, you are utilizing the power of 1000 horny teenage, your goal must be "magical".




you can probably figure out the reset


I'm interested to see if the fire will rise this thread. This would be an exciting happening.


Do people really fap to pony pictures?



I am an ex-clopper and I can assure you there is mass production of pony porn everyday, there are some theory about it but I think that because they are more of archetypal nature(having very board personality) cause people to attract to some of them.

I clopped to it,got hooked,stopped,did magick,stopped porn/fapping,tempted now, but my will isn't going to be bent my pony porn again





Ebolite here.

make sure you adjust the transparency right not too obvious not invisible.

also make your sigil on sexual organs thats where most the attention goes.


File: 1433296337931.png (50.24 KB, 478x404, 239:202, somewhore.png)

I found this shit, seems like this whore is using a sigil as a logo. It is present throughout the entire video.

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